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Join me in the adventure of a lifetime, the supernatural life. The Kingdom of God is filled with people who have all the tools and the resources they need to do the job God has called them for. The problem with many of them is that they don't know how to turn the switch and stir their hearts to see the manifestation of the Kingdom in their lives. Tune in to our daily podcast as I explore the wonderful opportunities we have two express God and His glory in this age. The Word of God is quick a ...
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SORROW FOR JOY: BEST TRADE EVER I don't remember much of what I learned in the fifth grade, but I do remember Mr. Haley, soccer, baseball cards, and marbles. Mr. Haley was a slight man with a balding head and a strange personality. Soccer was conducted on the playfield after lunch every day. Baseball cards were carried in my hip pocket to be used f…
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THE VOICE OF GOD WITHIN YOU. In my journeys with the body of Christ, I have discovered that fear of deception overwhelms a significant portion of them. They believe that the power of deception is far greater than the power of revelatory truth. Because of this fear, the development of the kingdom of God has been dwarfed, and the maturity that God in…
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The man in the middle. Let me open up our time together by asking you a couple of questions. Question number one why did Jesus come to earth? Question number two what was the result of Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross? Question number three what did that sacrifice do for us, and what are we to do with that? I have found out that I often learn m…
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You will go where you're looking. This year I celebrate over six decades of active ministry. And in those years of walking with the Lord, I have worked in various positions of service. You might say I have worked myself up from the mail room to the chief executive. In the church world, we would say I cleaned toilets and swept the floor, and also se…
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Living from the past, not in the past. In the mid-1970s, we were on an amazing pastoral team in Southern California. It was one of the most riveting times of our life as we entered into the emerging charismatic movement. The church we were invited to be a part of was the epicenter in its region, and all nine of us pastors were up to our eyeballs, d…
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Gateway number 23-come in with me. I have been talking to you for some time now about the Bible being a gateway book, and when we open that book, we can go into the mysteries of God. Also, there are unique spots throughout the book that seems to be a more excellent Gateway than others. When you meditate upon them, heaven opens up before your spirit…
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The Hot Gospel. It's so hot that it will melt the hardest heart. Today I found myself caught up in a whirlwind of information and began to feel the air leaking out of my soul. Everything I was hearing was terrible news and declaring that the world we know is going to collapse and fall apart. It wasn't long before I got a hold of myself, and like Sa…
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Jesus plus me equals three. That's a strange statement to open up the discussion of Christ in me, the hope of glory. The union of the godhead with the human race is a mystery that is still unfolding for the Christian church. We teach it to the limit of our knowledge, yet knowing something is being revealed today that is causing some to catch their …
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My most urgent appeal to you in the Lord is this you have nothing in common with the folly of the empty-minded masses; the days of conducting your lives and affairs in a meaningless way are over. ( mirror Bible Eph 4:17) The plea that the apostle Paul made to those in Ephesus is the same one I made to you today. What has happened to you and me at t…
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Good intentions versus God's will. To be like Jesus certainly must be the highest goal for any serious Christian. And I suppose there are various lists of important things it would include. Some would say the most important thing would be to heal the sick others may consider feeding the hungry or helping the poor. However, I would suggest that you …
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Owe, no one anything but love because love is the fulfillment of the old testament law. When we look at this verse in Romans 13:8, we see two subjects, both of them essential to our ongoing life in Christ. The first subject is a major one that affects our life in 100 different ways. That's the subject of living debt-free. Paul said to owe no man an…
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How we enter the secret place. According to psalms 91, the secret place is where the most high God himself abides. The Psalmist David is talking about abiding there. In other words, this is not a short visit just to look around, or even a test run to see where it is. This statement indicates a dwelling place that produces protection forever. If the…
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The death cult-nothing between. Those of you who have followed my videos for a while understand how I hear from God on each broadcast. A word or a sentence is dropped into my spirit, and I step into it by faith and receive the revelation that comes out of that word. I received this phrase," the death cult," after coming out of a dream I had last ni…
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Breaking the sound barrier- living in the impossible. On October 14, 1947, Chuck Jaeger broke the sound barrier at 45,000 feet over the Mojave desert. 767 miles an hour is what sound travels at an impossible speed to obtain, so they thought. Just 20 years later, on October 3, 1967, a rocket ship skimmed the atmosphere's edge at 4520 miles an hour. …
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Don't be asleep during this current transfiguration. If you are, you will miss the greatest revelation of Jesus Christ that this earth has ever seen. We are again involved in a spiritual shift in the earth, a worldwide move of the Holy Spirit upon mankind. More people are coming alive to Jesus and to the work that he did for them on the cross then …
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Faces places heartaches and Joy. You're in the room; it looks familiar, then you remember. A face pops up before yours, and suddenly you Flashback to another place and time. Can you feel the heartache again? So sad, you say, but what does that have to do with me? I'm over that. OK, here's the question I have for you today. Did you really take care …
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The wheel of time. Among the elements in this universe that we live in that makes it possible for life is the element of time. Time is such a massive part of our life that we often pay no attention to it because it's always around. I suppose the other dominant factor in life is money. When we were younger, we had all the time we needed and not enou…
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Did God have a memory loss? Whoops, did I say that out loud? Well, that's what I was thinking because when it comes to his nature, the very core is love. So what about it? Did God have memory loss, or is it that he decided not to remember your sins against you anymore. Of course, we know that's it He decided because He is love itself. If you have t…
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Why God tears down before he builds up. Have you ever wondered why it gets worse before it gets better? Or how about that age-old statement, "it's darkest before dawn." Well, there could be something to that, and maybe a God principle is involved in those statements. I think about it for a minute regarding the examples of the children of Israel in …
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I wonder what it was like the day after the resurrection of Jesus? Seeing that the resurrection of Jesus is the most important and influential event ever in human history, I'm expecting to see something explosive. Why don't we look and see the effects of the resurrection or the day after it happened? According to scripture, the first thing I see is…
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And they lived happily ever after. As you may know, Hollywood's early founders and creators were from a Jewish background. One of the stories of their founding that I heard was quite intriguing. Because the Jewish people have suffered such persecution through the centuries, a group of them decided to build a place they could produce stories with ha…
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The hallelujah side. What is that? When I was a young kid in our Pentecostal church, we sang a song called "the hallelujah side." I just supposed that everybody knew what the hallelujah side was because of the enthusiasm that they sang the song with. And I had my own ideas about what it was, and I knew it must be a happy place because everybody was…
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The blank slate. God said in the Scriptures that he would write his laws in our hearts. So how does that translate to our daily lifestyle of following Christ? What does it mean to have the laws of God written in your heart? In reality, we do not act out of our minds by reason or thinking; we operate out of our hearts. That sounds so odd and unusual…
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You cannot be lost unless you belong. That's such a simple statement yet so profound. Unfortunately, the world around us has completely missed the fact that they belong to someone his name is Jehovah. Jesus gives us three examples of things that were lost and then found in Luke 15. First of all, we have the lost coin. Notice the woman in whose hous…
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Unconditional love. Oh, brother, that sure sounds religious and high-minded. I know God is love, and I know we are supposed to love one another, but after all, life is tough, and you've got to be careful who you let close to you. Whoops, did I say that out loud? Well, I know I thought it often enough as I'm learning about the father's heart. Love. …
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Are you a mystic? Well, isn't that an odd question to ask this early in the day? The picture that comes to most people's mind when you say Mystic frightens most of the traditional church. Matter of fact opens, till a couple of decades ago, the word wasn't honored except by some fringe movement in the body of Christ. So if you're an old-timer like m…
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How to live on the way to eternity. If that's the first time you've heard a statement like that, then I need to do some explaining. Come to think of it; if you've been raised in the church and I've heard a statement like that, I need to do some explaining. Sadly, most of us as believers park at the first revelation we have on God's kingdom. When we…
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Heaven is not a retirement club. It's pretty amazing all the variations and ideas people have about heaven and the afterlife. If you're a non-church person, your idea of heaven has been shaped by Hollywood and the movies they have produced in the last several decades. Hollywood has trained you that angels are named Charlie, and they ring a bell whe…
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The dream album and roadmap. There seems to be renewing interest in dreams and visions in the church. I believe it's healthy for the body of Christ to understand the purpose of both dreams and visions. So let's talk just a little about those biblical occasions that are referred to as night visions, or you might call them dreams. An essential tool f…
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I'm pressing on the upward way, new heights I am gaining every day. That's an old song of the church referring to the Christian who is progressing in their developing relationship with their Father. However, when we use the word "pressing," many would equate that to energy, busywork struggle to go forward. In reality, to press into God simply means…
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You are God's address, the place where he abides. When Jesus told his disciples that he was going away to make a place for them where he was, they would also be, that place he made for us was not "a mansion over the hilltop in our home in the sky in the sweet by and by." Jesus went into the Father's presence with his blood and presented the Father …
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The mind that our creator gave us is beyond our comprehension of its power and its ability to control life in our future. That wonderful scripture in Philippians four, the eighth verse, gives us a list of things to think about. Is this a form of mind control, or is it the principles of life God has given us so that we might live in peace and health…
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Years ago, when I was a team pastor in a great church in Southern California. I was the lead pastor for the evangelism team that went out to visit and witness those who came to visit our church. One day my secretary came to me and said Pastor, look at this address; we can't get there from here. Well, after I explained to her that those dear people …
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Is there a father in the house? A statement was made that caught my eye this past week. It was from a prominent man that I have confidence that he knows his business and the society we live in. He said the central problem in the United States and possibly other Western nations is the absence of fathers in the home. When the presence and influence o…
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Our worth is defined by His gift. Imagine with me for a moment that we are much more valuable to God than we have ever considered. Our understanding of the subject of pride needs to be re-interpreted to us. We know pride comes before destruction and a hottie spirit before a fall. We've had that preached to us enough or maybe too much to where we ha…
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Our father in heaven- the pattern. Jesus told the people he was speaking to that he did nothing but what he saw the father do. That's a very interesting statement; it is also life-giving because it is a law of life and is active in our life whether we know it or not. On the natural side of things, you end up doing what you see your father do. You c…
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No more memory of sin. What! Can that even be possible? I thought I was just an old sinner saved by grace. Well, yes, that's true. I was a sinner, and God's grace has cleansed me and made me into a son of God. So why do so many pulpits keep trying to drag me back into the memory and guilt of my past life? Why am I conscience of sin if the scripture…
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A fence around the people's house. When I heard that spoken into my spirit, I was instantly taken to two pictures. The first picture I saw was of our capital in Washington DC, surrounded by barbed wire and Constantine wire. This is the people's house to be accessed by ordinary folk like you and me. This is where we can come to for help in the time …
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"I once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind, but now I see." As I read those words, I can hear the song and remember the teachings of my early youth; the God I love so much is in the recovery business. Because Jesus became God's face and voice on earth, we know exactly how our heavenly father feels about us and what his purpose is for mankind. J…
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The Heavenly Highway Patrol. I had a dream last night, and in it were several mid-60s Chryslers. Painted on their doors in black-and-white, it said Highway Patrol. The 60 Chrysler was a beautiful machine. Mean looking with the biggest engine on the road. That's why the highway patrol had adopted them to perform their duties. In the dream, these pat…
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Stay- the incredible power of faithfulness. Can you imagine a world without the law of faithfulness to control our environment? We may interpret that as the law of nature or a scientific fact that the sun comes up every morning, and we don't give a second thought about gravity not being faithful to its original design. If gravity decided to be diff…
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Dream a dream with me because the possibilities of tomorrow are beyond your imagination, or are they? The lesson learned from the story of the tower of babel is that the people involved in whatever they could imagine could do. That's why God came down and confused their language because their imagination was evil. Built into our DNA in our human ma…
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Things happen when you pray. Unfortunately, too many people in the body of Christ have negative feelings toward the whole subject of prayer. Oh, there are many reasons why they would feel that way besides just the fact that the enemy is discouraging them. "I know I need to pray, Pastor, but I'm so busy, and I have all these kids that I need to take…
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The real giant is fear. In his 1933 inauguration speech, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt made that famous "quotation, there is nothing to fear but fear itself." The Bible and God certainly agree with that sentiment that the greatest giant we have in our life is fear itself. The scriptures tell us that fear has torment attached to it. No one in …
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You can only hunger for something that exists. Some years ago, while on a ministry trip through Poland, we spent a week at a camp meeting in the woods. We ate soup crackers and sliced meat three times a day that entire week. By the end of that week, we were hungry for a McDonald's hamburger. We could taste it, and I think we even dreamed about it. …
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Where does faith come from? Well, it comes from reading the Bible, doesn't it? After all, the scriptures tell us that faith cometh by hearing the word of God. Isn't that the Bible? So do you agree then that the Bible is most often referred to as the word of God? But is that what scripture is referring to when it says that we would receive faith by …
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The power of give-and-take. Give it away, and it will come back to you with babies. So do you want some friends, do you? Well, according to proverbs 18:24, you need to sow friendship, and friends will come to you when you do. Sound weird? Yeah, well, that's because God's kingdom works altogether different from man's ideas and man's ways. For instan…
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It's the right time to boost a little more and do some bragging about the kingdom of God and Jesus our Savior. Faults humility is a crippling deception that comes in the guise of purity and religious piety. Because of this insidious theology that has been pumped into our history as a church, we often come across as bakers and slaves instead of sons…
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YOU ARE THERE. If you're old enough, you'll remember a television program by that name. It was in the early days of television when they were learning how to capture unusual places and events. Each week they would take you into the depths of a coal mine or the heights of a mountain climb. The audience would sit spellbound with all their emotions an…
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