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Warrior Moms: Surviving Child Loss

Michele Davis & Amy Durham

A club no one wants to be in because the initiation is too big of a sacrifice: the loss of a child. Unthinkable. Unimaginable. Warrior Moms is local group in north Atlanta filled with strong, courageous, funny, and fiercely loving women who are surviving and thriving amidst horrific grief. This podcast features Amy Durham and Michele Davis, two of the Warrior Moms, who will guide listeners through their grief journey. Every fourth or fifth episode will showcase another Warrior Mom, the traum ...
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Life After Child Loss is a personal and deep podcast with focus on, not only my journey, but the journey of other parents all over the world who have lost children of various causes and reasons. It's the grief many don't understand and other's aren't willing to talk about. An in depth, uncensored talk about parent's trying to live a life after they lose their child. Walk with me as I take you on my journey of twists, turns, highs and lows of fighting from merely existing to living, but also ...
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Welcome to the Worst Club Ever - the club of people who have lost a child. We're really glad you found us, and we're so sorry you're here. Losing a child is a horrific experience unlike any other; if you're looking for understanding, resources and community, you've come to the right place. Join bereaved mom and licensed psychotherapist Allie Kramer as she sets out to rebuild her life after the loss of her 4-year-old son to brain cancer. She'll be talking to experts in grief, trauma, medicine ...
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While We're Waiting® - Hope After Child Loss

While We're Waiting® - Hope After Child Loss

This is a podcast FOR bereaved parents BY bereaved parents. Join your host, Jill Sullivan, as she talks with parents who have lost children of all ages to all types of circumstances. This is a podcast of stories ... stories of devastating loss and grief and heartbreak and struggle ... and stories of hope and healing and faith, and yes, even joy. Underlying every conversation will be the hope we have in Jesus Christ, which makes it possible to not just survive the loss of a child, but to live ...
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An outreach of The Empty Chair Endeavor designed to support and equip survivors of child loss in rediscovering life, hope, and joy after unspeakable tragedy. Additionally, our mission involves educating the public about the life altering impact the death of a child has upon survivors, both parents and siblings, and equipping them to better support and minister to them. Join us as guests share their stories of heartbreaking loss and how God has shown up on their journeys to restore hope, mean ...
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Does the thought of having to live in a world without your child cripple you? Do you lay awake at night with the ”what if’s” and the ”why’s” constantly playing in your mind, wondering if you’ll ever feel peace again? Does everything seem hard, even the little things? Do you just want someone to understand how you feel? I see you friend. In this podcast you will find the hope you’re looking for, the healing you’re longing for, and the key to living again after losing your child, all through t ...
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show series
In Part 2 of Theo’s story, Allie and Mike describe hearing the news of their son’s terminal cancer diagnosis, and chronicle the first four months that followed. They share their journey through radiation, treatment planning, and trying to bring Theo the most magical experiences possible amidst the chaos of cancer. ECLIPSE is part 2 of a 3 part seri…
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During our clinic appointment sixteen years ago today, we had the opportunity to chat with Hannah's oncologist while she received her requisite platelet infusion. She was scheduled for an MRI on Monday, which would tell us a lot about what the future might hold. Her doctor was very honest with us, explaining that he believed the results would indic…
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After waiting the long arrival of their precious daughter Willow, June 8, 2017 was supposed to be a day of joyful celebration for Leslie and Andrew Burman. When their sweet baby was born still that day, their hopes were crushed and their hearts shattered. It wasn't supposed to be that way! How do young parents begin to process something so painful …
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Experiencing multiple losses in quick succession, Jeff opens up about the emotional complexity and heart-rending journey of losing both his stepson Alec and his father. We explore with Jeff and Amy the nuances of compounded grief, especially when it's tied to figures of guidance and friendship. Amy and Jeff discuss the tough balance of supporting t…
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After hearing the news that we may just have six to eight weeks left with Hannah, Brad and I sat down together and made some decisions. One was that he would take a leave of absence from his job as her high school principal. Part of this was just practicality ... as Hannah was able to do less and less for herself, he would be needed to help with he…
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When we arrived at Children's Hospital sixteen years ago today, the waiting room was packed and every bed in the infusion room was full. It was obvious we had a long wait in front of us. Hannah was completely exhausted just from the ride to Little Rock that morning, and could barely sit up in her wheelchair. The brightness of the waiting room assau…
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From my email 16 years ago ... Every day, we hear from at least one person (usually several people) about how much Hannah's story has touched, or even changed, their life. It is such an incredible blessing to us to hear that, and I want to take a minute to explain why. The night before Hannah's brain surgery last February, she shared a story with u…
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Joining me today are Shawn and Sandy Smith, who I had the opportunity to meet when they attended our first While We’re Waiting Weekend in Michigan a couple years ago. Their faith has been tested in ways most of us can hardly imagine—first, when Sandy was diagnosed with breast cancer, and then, just days later, when their six-year-old son Andrew was…
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During this hospital stay, it hit me full force how weary Hannah was becoming. She had been so strong for so long, and her body (and mind) were finally wearing down. It was clear that she was in the process of dying, and as much as I didn't want her to go, I also didn't want to push her beyond her limits. I really just wanted to take her home and l…
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It may sound strange to say that even though Hannah had been battling brain cancer for nearly a year, she really hadn't been "sick" very much. Yes, she dealt with ongoing headaches, nausea, low platelets, and fatigue, but for the most part, she had been able to cope with these things and still live her life. Her only hospitalizations, other than he…
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We were now using a wheelchair exclusively for our trips to Children's Hospital, and had become pretty well resigned to its use away from home. But as time went on, Hannah was becoming less and less able to walk independently, even in our home. She began to depend upon one of us to support her as she walked from the living room to her bedroom, and …
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In the very first episode of Worst Club Ever, host Allie Kramer and her husband Mike begin to tell the story of the life and death of their four-year-old son, Theo. In Part 1, Allie and Mike share what their lives were like with Theo from his birth, up until his devastating brain cancer diagnosis at age three. SUNRISE is part 1 of a 3 part series. …
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One of the most painful parts of Hannah's cancer journey was witnessing the decline of her cognitive skills. She was a girl who had always taken great pride in being a straight-A student, consistently at the top of her class, always completing her work before it was due ... and suddenly she was having difficulty putting sentences together. She was …
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Last Wednesday, I introduced you to Kurt and Denette Schaer, parents of Logan, a remarkable young man with a knack for making others feel “seen” and a deep desire to point people to Jesus. In May of 2022, just a few days after his high school graduation, Logan and a passenger died after he drove his car into a pond. In today’s conversation, we delv…
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Melanie Hall shares her profound journey of grief after losing her son, Bennett, and how she navigated motherhood amidst the trauma, deep heartache, and being a mother to two children under two. She discusses the challenges of grief, the importance of community support, and the transformative power of writing as a healing tool. • Introduction to Me…
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As the days went by, it became more and more apparent that the chemotherapy Hannah was receiving was having very little, if any, effect. Her oncologist had been searching for a clinical trial or experimental treatment that we could try, but her consistently low platelet levels made her ineligible for any trials. There was nothing to do medically bu…
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The long-awaited new season of American Idol was now underway, and as always, our family life began to revolve around watching the bi-weekly and sometimes tri-weekly episodes. This particular season included a young singer from Conway, Arkansas, named Kris Allen. Hannah spotted him in the first episode ... after all, he was from Arkansas, he was ta…
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Kurt and Denette Schaer are the parents of three sons, including Logan, a young man with a knack for making others feel “seen” and a deep desire to point people to Jesus. In May of 2022, just a few days after his high school graduation, Logan and a passenger died after he drove his car into a pond, leaving the Schaers with a multitude of unanswered…
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On this episode, my friend, Dr. Allan MacDonald and I talk about his journey with grief that began on December 31, 2018 when his 26 year old son Josh died after a valiantly fought, odds-defying battle with a congenital medical condition. Allan shares how Josh not only survived the initial heartbreaking medical prognosis, but went on to embrace life…
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At some point during that year, I began to carry Hannah's red laptop with me on every trip to Children's Hospital. This laptop had been a surprise birthday gift for her back in October ... made even more special because all of our extended family contributed toward its purchase. Unfortunately, she had only a brief window of time that she was able t…
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Just a couple weeks prior to a family gathering, the four of us had watched the movie "Facing the Giants" together. We had seen it before, when it was in the theaters, but when we watched the DVD at home during this season of our lives, the movie seemed to take on new meaning. The overarching themes of God's sovereignty in the uncertainties of life…
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We were loved so well during Hannah's year-long cancer journey. My "summary" email from the day before prompted a virtual flood of emails filled with prayers, well wishes, encouraging words, and above all ... love. Even now, sixteen years later, I don't have the words to express how much the emails, cards, letters, gifts, phone calls, texts, etc., …
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Today's episode is a continuation of my conversation with Courtney Mount, whose daughter Millie died from neuroblastoma cancer in July of 2020. Courtney is a homeschooling mom of nine, a blogger, a freelance writer, and the author of the children's book "Millie Finds her Miracle" and the "Embracing a Miracle" devotional journal. Her latest book is …
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Do you remember playing the Telephone Game when you were a kid? It was best played with a large group of kids sitting in a circle. The first kid would think of a sentence (the longer the better) and whisper it into the ear of the kid sitting next to him, and so on. By the time it went all the way around the circle, the result was inevitably quite d…
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Hannah's appetite was good at this point, probably stimulated by the steroids, and she still enjoyed going out to eat. With her poor vision and motor skills, it was a bit of a challenge getting her in and out of restaurants ... but if she wanted to go, we took her. On this particular day, it was Macaroni Grill, and she enjoyed her favorite dish -- …
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At this point, I rarely went anywhere other than back and forth to Children's Hospital every other day. I was no longer working, I was unable to attend church, and even my trips to Walmart were rare. As Hannah's motor skills and vision began to decline, Brad began to accompany us more and more often on our trips to Little Rock to assist with transp…
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When I was a little girl, sitting in my Sunday School class in the basement of First Baptist Church of Phillips, Wisconsin, I learned all about the Israelites wandering in the wilderness for forty years, and how God gave them manna to eat. Our teacher described manna as little wafers that tasted like honey. I remember wishing I could taste manna, b…
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I’m excited to welcome another return guest to the podcast today, my friend Courtney Mount, whose daughter Millie went to Heaven in July of 2020 following a battle with neuroblastoma cancer. Courtney is a homeschooling mom of nine, a blogger, a freelance writer, and the author of the Millie Finds her Miracle collection. Her latest book is titled "S…
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For most people, the thought of losing their child is almost more than their hearts can bear, seemingly unsurvivable. Unfortunately for Kendall and Andy Reid, this became a reality in 2017 when their precious 2 day old daughter, Ruby died suddenly in the hospital. Still grieving such a tremendous loss, their lives were once again shattered by the d…
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The increasing intracranial pressure impacted Hannah's pupils, making it impossible for her to read or do anything that required close-up vision, such as text on her phone or look at social media. She was able to see the television fairly well, so when she was awake, we generally passed the time watching TV. The one time of day she always seemed to…
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The remainder of that brief hospital stay passed in a blur. The sudden roller-coaster plunge of the last couple of days had taken a toll on us. The news that the "very faint stuff" seen in the area of the original tumor on Hannah's MRI from just three weeks ago was now "regrowth of cancer cells" had left us reeling ... especially after being told t…
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We woke up that morning with a renewed hope that maybe ... just maybe ... the treatments were working. Maybe all the increased issues we'd been seeing weren't actually signs she was leaving us, but just side effects of the chemo. After all, her MRI was good! Then came the body blow. Thank you for joining me for another bonus episode of the While We…
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We were truly thankful for the time Hannah was able to enjoy with our extended family over the Christmas season, because once the holidays were over and everyone had headed home, her health unexpectedly began to decline. Double vision had been an ongoing issue since she was first diagnosed, but it suddenly worsened and she struggled to get her eyes…
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After Christmas, my brother and sister-in-law came to spend a few days with us. This was a very special treat because they are career missionaries, and years could pass between their visits. They were able to accompany us to one of our Children’s Hospital platelet infusions, and I took one of my favorite photos of Hannah with her cousin that day. I…
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Maybe you've heard the statistics ... that upwards of 80% of marriages fail after the loss of a child. Did you know that is actually a myth? Of course, the loss of a child is disruptive to all of our relationships, not just the marriage bond, but there are strategies we can learn to lessen these impacts. Ron and Nan Deal join me to talk about their…
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We enjoyed some good visits with our extended family over Christmas break that year. Spending time with her cousins, aunts and uncles, and grandparents was one of Hannah's favorite things to do. When we traveled to northern Arkansas, my parents rented a room at a local hotel so all the cousins could have fun together in the swimming pool. The young…
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On the day after Christmas, we headed back to Children's Hospital for an uneventful platelet infusion. That evening, at his request, I handed the computer to Brad and he wrote our email for that day ... Thank you for joining me for another bonus episode of the While We're Waiting podcast in this year-long series in which I share our family’s experi…
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This is the first time since starting the podcast a little over four years ago that an episode was due to be released on Christmas Day. I considered skipping it, knowing that many people would be busy with family gatherings or church services and might not even have time to listen. But then I thought about how our family literally missed Christmas …
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When parents are suddenly stricken by unspeakable trauma, what can they do, to whom can they turn, and how do they continue living with a shattered heart? For Dave and Laura Diehl, their grief journey began on October 12, 2011 when their 29 year old daughter, Rebecca, lost a battle with life long medical challenges that began at the age of three(3)…
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Cancer doesn't take a break at Christmas time. Christmas fell on a Thursday in 2008, and Hannah needed platelet infusions on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The Hematology/Oncology Clinic at Children's was closed on Wednesday for Christmas Eve, so she actually had to be admitted to the general part of the hospital for a few hours to get her platelet…
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Grief can feel overwhelming when you’re just starting your journey, and you may be wondering where to begin. Are you feeling lost or unsure of how to take your first steps toward healing? In this episode, I’m sharing 6 essential tools and resources that can help guide you through this difficult time and provide support along the way. Stay tuned to …
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As Christmas 2008 approached, we found ourselves in a very surreal position ... Profoundly grateful for the fact that Hannah was still with us, yet fully aware that without a miraculous intervention from God (and we absolutely believed that was possible), this would be our last Christmas with her. We could already sense her gradually slipping away …
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Today's episode is a continuation of my conversation with John and Carrie Guenther, whose only child Gideon went to Heaven in the fall of 2020. Today we go deeper in our discussion, including the Guenther’s advice for newly bereaved parents, their response to the dreaded “How many children do you have” question, what they’ve discovered about God’s …
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It was chemo day at last! Almost two months after this new chemo was recommended to start, it was finally underway. We weren't given the go-ahead because Hannah's platelet issues were resolved; no, we were starting in spite of the fact that they were not resolved. As Christmas approached, we were simply grateful to be moving forward with a plan for…
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Today was the day Hannah would finally be starting her long-postponed chemotherapy treatments, and a predicted ice storm was not going to keep us away! We were anxious to find out when her new MRI would be scheduled so we could get some answers to the increased nausea and headaches she was experiencing. Our appointment at Children's Hospital was at…
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Facing the holiday season after losing a child is an unimaginable challenge. Imagine the struggle of embracing Christmas traditions when the absence of a loved one is overwhelmingly palpable. In this episode, we're joined by Rae Ann Gruver and Brandy Couey, two courageous mothers who bravely share their journey through grief during the holidays. To…
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After our appointment on Monday, we expected that Hannah would continue with school since she was still not able to start chemo. Instead, the ongoing side effects from the radiation began to unexpectedly intensify. The morning nausea and near-constant headaches were increasing, preventing her from attending school. This exacerbation caused us to qu…
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