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1-min snippets of stories, stupidity and occasional wisdom. Join Dave Quak as we muse about faith, life, and mental wellbeing. Weather he's buying a sheep, raging at traffic, or hiding under a blanket for weeks at a time, Dave is not afraid to delve into the messiness of a life is Jesus while walking with mental illness. For the long form podcast discussions, check out sunburntsouls.com
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The 60-Second Power Affirmations Podcast is designed to help you focus, affirm your visions, and harness the power within your creative maniac mind! Join us every day for a new 60-second power affirmation followed by a blast of oracle motivation from the Universe (+ a quick breathing meditation). Long live the magic you make! For more musings, visit RageCreate.com
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Dive deep into the practical applications of artificial intelligence with AI in 60 Seconds: The 10-min Podcast version. Our expert host, Elizabeth, an AI-generated team member at AI4SP, and our CEO, Luis Salazar (yeah, an old-fashioned human) unpack and discuss exclusive insights derived from AI4SP's popular newsletter, delivering a comprehensive exploration of AI trends based on over 250 million data points from 25 countries. In each 10-minute episode, we break down the real-world impact of ...
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If we can hope and if we can love, we can change the world, starting with our own. '60 Seconds of Hope' your daily oasis of positivity and inspiration! Join Horace McMillon each day for a minute reflection designed to equip, empower, and inspire you to be your best self and to help all of us make the world a better place. Kickstart each morning with a dose of hope to uplift your spirits and set a positive tone for the day ahead. Tune in and embrace the power of positivity!
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Welcome to 'Save Your Marriage in 60 Seconds,' a podcast uniquely designed for the busy, high-achieving businessman who wants to transform his marital relationship. Each episode, concise and impactful, delivers potent advice in just 60 seconds, fitting seamlessly into your hectic schedule. Our focus is on practical, actionable insights that can be quickly understood and implemented, making a substantial difference in your marriage. Hosted by Doug Holt, a renowned coach with 30 years of exper ...
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60 Seconds to Comply

Simon Haynes, Connor Coulson

Part Man, Part Machine, All Pod. A minute by minute style review of the seminal 80s classic action movie Robocop. We dissect and talk about the various topics and themes through the movie, as well as many tangents about Star Trek and Deus Ex, and as a special bonus we compare the minute to it's 2014 remake and why it's terrible.
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60 Seconds to Impact

60 Seconds to Impact

Inside of this podcast we’re going to bring you 60 second audios to better your life! Actually, to create your super life. What is the super life you may ask? It is to absolutely dominate in all areas of your life and to truly live a life that at the end of it you can be happy with! Ask yourself this, are you living a life you would relive?
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This meditation is designed to be quick and easy. When you use it as a daily meditation you will enjoy many benefits (see below). You can choose to meditate on the suggested word of the day or just relax and listen to your breath. Are you busy? Do you sometimes feel like you have too much to do and too many people who depend on you? This 1-minute meditation is perfect for the beginner who is wondering how to meditate as well as the expert who is looking for a quick meditation technique. The ...
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show series
Send us a text How Do We Meet Our Needs? “The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” - Matthew 4:3 Just before Jesus began his public ministry, he was led into the wilderness where he was forced to face three types of temptations that are common to humanity. Surrendering to any of these would h…
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Click here to Shop Affirmation Decks, Oracle Decks, and more! Use Promo code: RCPODCAST20 for 20% off your first order! Today's Power Affirmation: My emotional fear is an illusion. Today's Oracle of Motivation: You are a hunk of magical meat strapped to a skeleton made of stardust. You are raging through space on a giant rock at approximately 67,00…
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What do you do if your wife cheats? Do you stay? Do you leave? And if you stay, how do you ever trust her again? If you’re choosing to move forward in the marriage, the key is rebuilding trust—and that starts with real forgiveness. Not just saying it, but actually doing the work to clear the air, set boundaries, and create a relationship where trus…
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We explore the emergence of the shadow AI economy, where employees leverage unapproved AI tools to boost productivity and efficiency, often without executive awareness. The disconnect between employee usage and executive understanding poses significant questions about innovation versus risk for organizations. • The invisible trend of shadow AI resh…
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Send us a text There’s Still Time for Love to Save Us “Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity.” - Joel 2:13 The prophet Joel warned the people of his day of the pending calamity they would suffer if they conti…
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Click here to Shop Affirmation Decks, Oracle Decks, and more! Use Promo code: RCPODCAST20 for 20% off your first order! Today's Power Affirmation: I am always focused on what lights me up. Today's Oracle of Motivation: Sometimes when you fly, you get super high in the moment, and you're distracted by the sheer magnificence of the space that surroun…
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Send us a text “Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them.” - from Matthew 6:1 If we are practicing our religion and spirituality in order to look good or to win the respect of others, then we are doing it for the wrong reasons. Alternatively, Jesus shows us a spirituality where our prayer simply becomes ou…
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Click here to Shop Affirmation Decks, Oracle Decks, and more! Use Promo code: RCPODCAST20 for 20% off your first order! Today's Power Affirmation: I am fucking made for this! Today's Oracle of Motivation: You were made specifically for these times, otherwise, you wouldn't be here. Your mission is to help interpret the messages Earth sends us so we …
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Send us a text Let’s Give Up Injustice for Lent “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter— when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not …
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Send us a text “So we are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us…” from 2 Corinthians 5:20 Many Christians around the world participate in a season called Lent. The season lasts 40 days and concludes with the execution, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Lent begins with an earnest self examination. If it is true that God…
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Click here to Shop Affirmation Decks, Oracle Decks, and more! Use Promo code: RCPODCAST20 for 20% off your first order! Today's Power Affirmation: I get super high. I never stop peaking. Today's Oracle of Motivation: When your weakness is exposed and you feel like a helpless donkey strapped to an operating table, remember that you aren't the first …
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Send us a text “You are not called to convince anyone. You are simply called to be an open channel for the Spirit of God to flow through.” - Corrie ten Boom Excerpted from “366 Days of Love: A Devotional “, Day 62 #60secondsofhope #366daysoflove #dailydevotion #dailydevotional #love #growth #positivity #inspiration #faith #inspirationalquotes #dail…
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Send us a text “No, Lord,” Peter declared. “I have never eaten anything that our Jewish laws have declared impure and unclean.” But the voice spoke again: “Do not call something unclean if God has made it clean.” - Acts 10:14-15 Peter and many of the earliest Christians didn’t believe Gentiles could really be Christians unless they were willing to …
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Click here to Shop Affirmation Decks, Oracle Decks, and more! Use Promo code: RCPODCAST20 for 20% off your first order! Today's Power Affirmation: I honor my creative process no matter what forces interlude. I finish what I start. Today's Oracle of Motivation: Do you always finish what you are working toward? Do you launch your creations? It's easy…
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Send us a text Grow Deeper Roots “The farther the outward journey takes you, the deeper the inward journey must be.” - Henri Nouwen Excerpted from “366 Days of Love: A Devotional “, Day 61 #60secondsofhope #366daysoflove #dailydevotion #dailydevotional #love #growth #positivity #inspiration #faith #justice #inspirationalquotes #dailyinspiration #lo…
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Send us a text Give to Everyone: Stop Practicing Selective Compassion “Give to everyone who ask of you, and if anyone takes away what is yours, do not ask for it back again” - Luke 6:30 This verse comes from the middle of some of Jesus’s most challenging teachings. Jesus is challenging us to think, act, and react differently. The sequence ends with…
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Click here to Shop Affirmation Decks, Oracle Decks, and more! Use Promo code: RCPODCAST20 for 20% off your first order! Today's Power Affirmation: I practice and become what I love and appreciate, and I am unique in my offerings. Today's Oracle of Motivation: You are a copy of a copy with magic on top. You are the product of a thousand generations,…
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Send us a text Liberation Prayer* Fill us with the joy they tried to steal. Fill us with the hope they tried to kill. Informed by the history they tried to hide, may our feet You always guide. May our love always defeat our hate. And in doing what’s right may we never hesitate. Give us the patience and determination to persevere, regardless of vict…
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Click here to Shop Affirmation Decks, Oracle Decks, and more! Use Promo code: RCPODCAST20 for 20% off your first order Today's Power Affirmation: I keep my attention and intentions in alignment and nothing can stop me from world domination. Today's Oracle of Motivation: If you intend on creating the life you love, but you only focus your attention …
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Click here to Shop Affirmation Decks, Oracle Decks, and more! Use Promo code: RCPODCAST20 for 20% off your first order! Today's Power Affirmation: The best experiences of my past shall be the worst of my future! Today's Oracle of Motivation: You are heating up. You are flaming hot. You are 360 slam-dunking on all resistance gremlins that stand in y…
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Send us a text What Kind of Progress Do We Want? “American progress is described by problem, paradox, and irony… We must continue to ask what counts as American progress.” - Nichole Renee Phillips There are some people who just want their seat at the table and a fair chance to play. There are others who want to flip the table over and demand we pla…
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Send us a text ‘If they can make penicillin out of mouldy bread, they can sure make something out of you.’ – Muhammad Ali Some of us listening to this or reading this right now are not in a good place. We’ve made mistakes and poor choices. We’ve sometimes acted in bad faith with a lack of discipline, integrity, and courage. Perhaps some of the good…
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Click here to Shop Affirmation Decks, Oracle Decks, and more! Use Promo code: RCPODCAST20 for 20% off your first order! Today's Power Affirmation: I do not worry about petty bullshit. I show up. I hunt. I eat. Today's Oracle of Motivation: Your distant ancestors didn't dick around worrying about how good they looked to the rest of the world. They w…
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What’s the best piece of marriage advice I’ve ever been given? After coaching men for over a decade, I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t in relationships. But if I had to pick just one game-changing piece of wisdom, it’s this: Don’t sweat the small stuff… and it’s all small stuff. In this episode, I share why this simple mindset shift can stop po…
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Send us a text “I requested of my Lord and Master to give me a work, I did not care how mean it was, only to try and see how good I would do it.” - George Liele What if we were to pursue excellence every day? Whatever our gifts, whatever our calling, whatever our opportunities, imagine doing everything we can to make the most of them. How would our…
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Click here to Shop Affirmation Decks, Oracle Decks, and more! Use Promo code: RCPODCAST20 for 20% off your first order! Today's Power Affirmation: As my lighthouse shimmers for others, it lights my own way, too. Today's Oracle of Motivation: Of comets and stardust and moonlight symphonies, your glow is a lighthouse for all the ships lost at sea. By…
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Send us a text “Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.” - Oprah Winfrey The writer of Proverbs said that as a person thinks in their heart, so they are. (Proverbs 23:7). Even if a selfish, greedy person were to put on a lavish banquet, the meal would not…
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Click here to Shop Affirmation Decks, Oracle Decks, and more! Use Promo code: RCPODCAST20 for 20% off your first order! Today's Power Affirmation: With my attitude of gratitude I light up the moon. Today's Oracle of Motivation: If you gaze at the stars, it may seem like darkness owns most of the sky. However, light exists everywhere, even in the sp…
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Send us a text Lift People Up “People have enough people pushing them down, pointing out their faults…” -Joel Osteen Excerpted from “366 Days of Love: A Devotional “, Day 55 #60secondsofhope #366daysoflove #dailydevotion #dailydevotional #love #growth #positivity #inspiration #faith #justice #inspirationalquotes #dailyinspiration #lovequotes #posit…
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Ever been embarrassed by your wife in front of friends or family? Maybe she takes a jab at you at a barbecue or a school event, and you’re left wondering how to handle it without making things worse. In this episode, I share a powerful response from our master coach, Mark Hainsworth, that flips the script in a way that’s calm, confident, and calls …
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Send us a text Now Is The Time "Now is the accepted time, not tomorrow, not some more convenient season. It is today that our best work can be done” - W.E.B. Du Bois We are not called to be passive bystanders. Rather, Jesus called us to take up our cross and follow him. (Matthew 16:24). We are called to be active participants in building a better w…
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Click here to Shop Affirmation Decks, Oracle Decks, and more! Use Promo code: RCPODCAST20 for 20% off your first order! Today's Power Affirmation: I continuously push myself to learn and develop in areas of life that bring me happiness, freedom, and purpose. Today's Oracle of Motivation: The definition of success is "the accomplishment of an aim or…
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Send us a text Love the Immigrant “The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you: you shall love the alien as yourself…” Lev. 19:34 Excerpted from “366 Days of Love: A Devotional “, Day 54 #60secondsofhope #366daysoflove #dailydevotion #dailydevotional #love #growth #positivity #inspiration #faith #justice #inspirationalqu…
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Send us a text “Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.” - Booker T. Washington We do not start life with the same resources. Nor is everyone presented with the same opportunities along the way. We do not all have access to the same networks. Social capital isn’t …
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Click here to Shop Affirmation Decks, Oracle Decks, and more! Use Promo code: RCPODCAST20 for 20% off your first order! Today's Power Affirmation: I blast gifts into the universe to heal my desires and wants. Today's Oracle of Motivation: Whatever it is that you want, you must start giving it away. If you want to learn something and change your lif…
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Send us a text … if they learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally… - Nelson Mandela Excerpted from “366 Days of Love: A Devotional “, Day 53 #60secondsofhope #366daysoflove #dailydevotion #dailydevotional #love #growth #positivity #inspiration #faith #justice #inspirationalquotes #dailyinspiration #lovequotes #positi…
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Send us a text "In every human Breast, God has implanted a Principle, which we call Love of Freedom; it is impatient of Oppression, and pants for Deliverance” - Phillis Wheatley Too frequently the world around us expects us to act as if everything is ok when it’s not ok… to suffer in silence… to make ourselves comfortable in dysfunction. Even when …
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Click here to Shop Affirmation Decks, Oracle Decks, and more! Use Promo code: RCPODCAST20 for 20% off your first order! Today's Power Affirmation: I am grateful for my body and senses which allow me to experience the world. Today's Oracle of Motivation: You are an enchanting child of nature with extraordinary capabilities. You have a magical brain,…
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Send us a text Rooted and Grounded in Love (I pray) that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are rooted and grounded in love - Eph 3:17 Excerpted from “366 Days of Love: A Devotional “, Day 52 #60secondsofhope #366daysoflove #dailydevotion #dailydevotional #love #growth #positivity #inspiration #faith #justice #inspirationalquotes…
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Ever feel like you and your wife are having the same argument over and over? The key to breaking that cycle isn’t about proving you’re right—it’s about making sure she feels seen, heard, and understood first. That’s where the Hidden Motives Technique comes in. In this episode, I break down a simple formula that helps you handle disagreements in a w…
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Send us a text “Struggle is a never ending process. Freedom is never really won, you earn it and win it in every generation.” - Correta Scott King Some of us are dismayed because we are fighting battles that we thought we’d already won, battles that we thought we’d never have to fight again. History is not a straight line. Progress is not inevitabl…
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Click here to Shop Affirmation Decks, Oracle Decks, and more! Use Promo code: RCPODCAST20 for 20% off your first order! Today's Power Affirmation: Nothing can stop me from victory. Today's Oracle of Motivation: Around 180 million semen warriors start the mighty race for reproduction when Cupid shoots his love arrow. They swarm through crowded villa…
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Send us a text God Supplies the Love “When God tells us to love our enemies, He gives along with the commands, the love itself.” Corrie Ten Boom Excerpted from “366 Days of Love: A Devotional “, Day 51 #60secondsofhope #366daysoflove #dailydevotion #dailydevotional #love #growth #positivity #inspiration #faith #justice #inspirationalquotes #dailyin…
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Send us a text Dissent from Indifference "We must dissent from the indifference. We must dissent from the apathy. We must dissent from the fear, the hatred and the mistrust “ - Thurgood Marshall Just as it was in Marshall’s time, the particular historical moment we find ourselves in demands us to constructively engage with the world around us. Noth…
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Click here to Shop Affirmation Decks, Oracle Decks, and more! Use Promo code: RCPODCAST20 for 20% off your first order! Today's Power Affirmation: I am an animal of the Earth and I deserve to be free. Today's Oracle of Motivation: Why, as humans, do we lock ourselves in cubicle cages and rage our energy on nonsense that in no way contributes to our…
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Send us a text Faith is Love in Action “True evangelical faith cannot lie dormant, it clothes the naked, it feeds the hungry, it comforts the sorrowful…” Menno Simmons Excerpted from “366 Days of Love: A Devotional “, Day 50 #60secondsofhope #366daysoflove #dailydevotion #dailydevotional #love #growth #positivity #inspiration #faith #justice #inspi…
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