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La finanza amichevole

Alessandro Fatichi

La finanza amichevole, il podcast che semplifica il concetto ostico della finanza per renderlo alla portata di tutti. Curato e realizzato da Alessandro Fatichi. 💫 Questo podcast fa parte dell'universo di Vois. Per scoprire di più, segui su Instagram o visita il sito — Per Collaborazioni o Sponsorship:
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Over these 20 sessions, Rabbi Shmuly will guide us through the depths of the blessings of the Shemoneh Esrei (the Amidah) traditional Jewish "standing" prayer. Valley Beit Midrash (VBM) is dedicated to social justice as driven by Torah ethics. VBM's mission is to improve lives through Jewish learning, direct action, and leadership development. Listen to VBM's other podcasts: • Jewish Ideas to Change the World • Pearls of Jewish Wisdom on Living with Kindness Stay Connected: • Website: https: ...
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A show about the law and the nine Supreme Court justices who interpret it for the rest of America. Want more Amicus? Join Slate Plus to unlock weekly bonus episodes with exclusive legal analysis. Plus, you’ll access ad-free listening across all your favorite Slate podcasts. You can subscribe directly from the Amicus show page on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Or, visit to get access wherever you listen.
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As a Visa Consultant based in Chandigarh, Amit Kakkar has gained extensive experience in providing Visa services to clients. With his vast knowledge of the Visa application process and his understanding of the complex legal requirements, Amit has helped countless individuals and families secure their visas.
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¿Que tanto puedes aprender de la historia de una amiga en menos de 1 hora? Cuando nos reunimos entre amigas, hablamos de muchas cosas, pero pocas veces nos damos la oportunidad de conocer a profundidad sus historias. Por medio de estas historias que nos constituyen, nos podemos conocer, conectar, y aprender juntas. Conzcamos el poder de las historias cuando las escuchamos sin juicios, por que si tu vida fuera un libro, vale la pena leerlo. Soy Karina Abril, y mientras nos unan las historias, ...
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Amigos Retro Gaming is a conversational, congenial series of podcasts about the computers and consoles of your youth. Includes Amigos: Everything Amiga, ARG Presents, Sprite Castle, and Pixel Gaiden! Amigos: Everything Amiga - ARG Presents - Sprite Castle - Pixel Gaiden -
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Amit Kakkar Easy Visa

Amit Kakkar Easy Visa

He is a Visa Consultant, Education Consultant, and Immigration currently living in India. My interests range from Visa Consultants to design. I am also interested in entrepreneurship, innovation, and education. You can click the button above to visit my company website. If you’d like to get in touch, feel free to say hello through any of the social links below.
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Minden Ami Külföld

Minden Ami Külföld

Utaznál, külföldre vágysz? Kérj segítséget profi tanácsadóinktól, nyelvtanárainktól. Szörfözz a oldalon! A csapból még nem a Minden ami külföld folyik, de törekszünk rá, hogy minél több emberhez eljussanak az információk, tapasztalatok!
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The Other 3 Amigos Podcast

The Other 3 Amigos

The Other 3 Amigos Podcast is a weekly podcast all about Cork City FC. Hosted by Dan Casey with his other 3 Amigos Wayne Mullins, Declan Carey & Declan McCormack they chat about everything to do with the club. With special guests joining them, it'll be heavily opinionated & plenty of fun
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Tuckered Out with Ami Thakkar

Ami Thakkar Raval: Podcaster and Writer

A podcast interviewing trailblazers, experts, leaders and prominent voices around the world with a special spotlight on the South Asian community. We discuss the messiness of childhood, have honest conversations about personal and professional journeys, talk about projects that currently fulfill our souls, and discuss all those things that make us tuckered out. Because let's face it, being Tuckered Out is universal.
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La cara oculta de la Economía. Los datos y el análisis que no encontrarás en ningún otro podcast. Un enfoque diferente, didáctico y entretenido de una materia que cada vez interesa a más oyentes. Explicaciones sencillas pero rigurosas de todo tipo de cuestiones económicas: desde la macro que ocupa los titulares de los periódicos a los temas de consumo o ahorro personal. Con Nuria Richart, Domingo Soriano y Beatriz García.
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Amigos: Everything Amiga

Amigos Retro Gaming

Do you have memories of all-night gaming sessions, falling asleep at the keyboard? Do you remember the thrill of calling into a local or (if you could intercept the phone bill before your parents saw it) long-distance BBS to chat or "acquire" some new software? Are you still part of the Amiga scene, and keep buying new hardware upgrades as soon as they come out, regardless of cost? Amigos: Everything Amiga is the show for you! Each week, Boat and Aaron run down the latest Amiga community and ...
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In this season of Amidst the Ordinary, we talk about community and connection. This innately human urge to be a part of something – to feel seen, heard, and valued by those around us. With stories from small towns in Georgia to the heart of the UAE and countless places in between. We’re here to tell stories, real stories, from real people. We’ll reflect on these stories together, discuss how they inspired us, and discover practical ways to apply them to our lives. Whether you move to a new c ...
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A BitcoinBázis hetente jelentkező műsora a Bitcoin Kebab, ahol Lőrincz Barbara házigazda, bitcoin és crypto OG a kriptovaluták fejlesztéséről, befektetési lehetőségeiről, adatvédelmi aspektusáról és elfogadottságáról beszélget magyar és nemzetközi vendégeivel. Lájtosan kritikus műsor. Barbiról többet itt tudhatsz meg:
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TUDN, Uforia Podcasts

Amigos, el podcast de Enrique Burak, Toño de Valdés y Pepe Segarra. Nos comparten sus experiencias en NFL, coberturas de Super Bowl, MLB, Serie Munial, NBA y muchas anécdotas.
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Amigui Date Cuenta

Amigui Datecuenta

Podcast femista. Analizamos los acontecimientos sociales desde una perspectiva de género. Síguenos por Instagram @datecuentaamigui Programa conducido por: Javiera Dávila - Comunicadora Digital (@javidavila_) Camila Silva - Cientísta Política (@camibrown94)
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show series
Hugh Forrest is the President and Chief Programming Officer of South by Southwest (SXSW), one of the world’s leading festivals celebrating music, film, technology, and innovation. A native of Austin, Texas, he has played a pivotal role in shaping the city’s creative and entrepreneurial identity. Joining SXSW in its early days, he leveraged his back…
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Ebben az epizódban a Polkadot ökoszisztéma mélyére ásunk! 🎙️ Vendégünk Vikk, a Magyar Polkadot DAO egyik vezetője, aki részletesen mesél arról, hogyan működik a Polkadot decentralizált kormányzása (OpenGov), miért egyedi a likvid demokrácia modellje, és hogyan épült fel a magyar közösség. 💡 Témák, amikről szó lesz: 🔹 Orange Pill & Pink Pill – Hogya…
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- Mit adott Attila életéhez a svéd építkezési stílus és Svédország?- Svédországban milyen lehetőség van egy vállalkozónak az építőipar területén? Ezek voltak a fő témáink és egy szuper kis beszélgetés lett! Ha érdekel az első beszélgetés Attilával itt tudod meghallgatni: A csapból még nem a “Minden…
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If you have been comparing you and your habits or goals when you’re in a hard chapter of life to you and your habits and goals when you are totally thriving and motivated then this episode is for you. This is your Monday pep talk to help you stop the comparison and beating yourself up. Learn how you can still be achieving your goals and healthy hab…
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Zapraszam Was na wywiad z jedną z legend polskiego środowiska Amigowego - Benedyktem Dziubałtowski. Niegdyś postać mocno związana z najpopularniejszym centrum amigowych rzeczy jakim było i jest PPA. Benek to postać nietuzinkowa. Omawiamy początki amigowania, ogromny dorobek w społeczności komputera Amiga oraz obecne ciężkie zmagania z chorobą, któr…
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"Porque, se perdoardes aos homens as suas ofensas, também vosso Pai Celestial vos perdoará a vós;Se, porém, não perdoardes aos homens as suas ofensas, também vosso Pai vos não perdoará as vossas ofensas." Mateus 6:14-15"E ao anjo da igreja que está em Sardes escreve: Isto diz o que tem os Sete Espíritos de Deus, e as sete estrelas: Conheço as tuas …
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On Wednesday morning the Supreme Court dealt a blow to the Trump administration's effort to withhold $2 billion promised for foreign aid work. Dahlia Lithwick and Mark Joseph Stern discuss the Court’s decision to reject the Trump administration's request to halt a lower court's order, by a five to four vote, compelling the State Department to resum…
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"Portanto, se trouxeres a tua oferta ao Altar, e aí te lembrares de que teu irmão tem alguma coisa contra ti,Deixa ali diante do altar a tua oferta, e vai reconciliar-te primeiro com teu irmão e, depois, vem e apresenta a tua oferta. CONCILIA-TE DEPRESSA COM O TEU ADVERSÁRIO, ENQUANTO ESTÁS NO CAMINHO COM ELE, para que não aconteça que o adversário…
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🚨TOTAP - EPISODE 256 is OUT NOW🚨 • It's a live watchalong that goes terribly wrong • We review Bohs and preview Rovers • Decky gets his horn out for Keats • The fence collapse and the seat debacle • A mystery guest mistakenly joins the pod • It's an extreemly positive episode • It's your weekly unofficial Cork City podcast All this and more on your…
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Welcome back to The CoCo Show, all about gaming on the POWERHOUSE Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer! This time out, join THE BRENT and Amigo Aaron as we try our hand at a truly unique CoCo game! This week it's the escape room simulator "GET ME OUTTA HERE!". Email: theretrorotation@gmailFacebook: Amigos Retro GamingTwitch: amigosretrogaming#argpresents #R…
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L'intervista con Nicolas Nati, CEO di Akka Italy, abbiamo parlato di start up e approfondito la conoscenza di questi temi. #consulenzafinanziaria #FinanzaAmichevole #educazionefinanziaria #consulentefinanziario #consulenzafinanziaria Website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Rabbi Shmuly guides us through the depths of the blessings of the Shemoneh Esrei (the Amidah) traditional Jewish "standing" prayer. Stay Connected with Valley Beit Midrash: • Website: • Donate: • Facebook: • YouTube:…
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"O temor do homem armará laços, mas o que confia no Senhor será posto em alto retiro." Provérbios 29:25"Confia no Senhor e faze o bem; habitarás na Terra, e verdadeiramente serás alimentado." Salmos 37:3"Disse-lhe Jesus: Eu Sou o Caminho, e a Verdade e a Vida; ninguém vem ao Pai, senão por mim." João 14:6"Vós tendes por pai ao diabo, e quereis sati…
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"Não extingais (apagueis) O ESPÍRITO." I Tessalonicenses 5:19"E aconteceu que, queixou-se o povo falando o que era mal aos ouvidos do Senhor; e ouvindo o Senhor a Sua ira se acendeu; e o fogo do Senhor ardeu entre eles e consumiu os que estavam na última parte do arraial.Então o povo clamou a Moisés, e Moisés orou ao Senhor, e o fogo se apagou.Pelo…
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L’investimento immobiliare è spesso considerato da molti una scelta sicura, un “bene rifugio” come l’oro, che raramente perde valore. Questa convinzione si è radicata nel tempo, alimentata da tradizioni culturali e da una storica diffidenza verso i mercati finanziari. “La vera ricchezza nel settore immobiliare non si misura solo in dollari, ma nei …
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So much in history never made it to the popular imagination -- such as the battles of 1967 in which India beat China. Probal DasGupta joins Amit Varma in episode 412 of The Seen and the Unseen to discuss his time in the Indian army -- and his fascinating discoveries as a military historian. (FOR FULL LINKED SHOW NOTES, GO TO SEENUNSEEN.IN.) Also ch…
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Imagina que hacemos un programa desgranando las virtudes y problemas de dos cacharros como el ZX Vega y el novedoso The Spectrum. Pues aquí lo tienes, con toda la sinceridad que somos capaces de procesar. Para que sepas que emular el Spectrum como sea, es lo que necesitaba el mundo. O no. Morgoth nos regala un audio al final del programa con otro a…
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"Bem-aventurado o homem que não anda segundo o conselho dos ímpios, nem se detém no caminho dos pecadores, nem se assenta na roda dos escarnecedores. Antes tem o seu prazer na Lei do Senhor, e na Sua Lei medita de dia e de noite. Pois será como a árvore plantada junto a ribeiros de águas, a qual dá o seu fruto no seu tempo; as suas folhas não cairã…
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"Porque ainda que a figueira não floresça, nem haja fruto na vide; ainda que decepcione o produto da oliveira, e os campos não produzam mantimento; ainda que as ovelhas da malhada sejam arrebatadas, e nos currais não haja gado;Todavia eu me alegrarei no Senhor; exultarei no Deus da minha salvação." Habacuque 3:17-18…
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This past week has seen firings at the Pentagon, an Executive Order targeting a private law firm, the installation of a podcaster and January 6 denialist as #2 at the FBI, and an incident in which an audience member at an Idaho townhall was wrestled to the ground and led away in zip ties by private security that answer to no lawful police entity. I…
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Juan Manuel González y Daniel Palacios (par-Impar) nos visitan para hablar de películas y mercado laboral: este año, Big y Entre Pillos Anda el Juego.Juan Manuel González y Daniel Palacios (Par-Impar) nos visitan de nuevo para hablar de películas y mercado laboral: este año, Big y Entre Pillos Anda el Juego.…
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Warhead puts you in the cockpit of a starfighter-and doesn't hold your hand!🏆 Support our wacky, weekly Amiga podcast!📌 Chapters:0:00 Ridiculous Banter4:14 Warhead Review45:44 for all your Commodore computer needs!46:15 Amiga NewsSubscribe to the podcast version of the show at https://podcasters.s…
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Warhead puts you in the cockpit of a starfighter-and doesn't hold your hand! 🏆 Support our wacky, weekly Amiga podcast! 📌 Chapters: 0:00 Ridiculous Banter 4:14 Warhead Review 45:44 for all your Commodore computer needs! 46:15 Amiga News Subscribe to the podcast version of the show at https://podc…
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