Eventi asimmetrici. Ortopedia e benessere orientati alla pratica e ai risultati.
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Join your resident card-slinger, Susannah, in twice monthly (ish) rambling sessions and the occasional interview all about witchy stuff, tarot, the occult, practical magic, deck reviews... you get the idea.
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Dolore sciatico: cause, rimedi e quando preoccuparsi!
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2:44Hai mal di schiena o dolore alla gamba? Potrebbe essere sciatalgia! 🔥 In questo episodio, il Dr. Vito Lavanga, chirurgo ortopedico specializzato nella colonna vertebrale, ti spiega: ✔️ Le cause del dolore sciatico e perché si manifesta. ✔️ I rimedi più efficaci per alleviare il dolore senza farmaci. ✔️ Quando preoccuparsi e cosa fare per prevenirlo…
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Schiena a Pezzi? Ecco i 5 Rimedi dell'Ortopedico per Stare Meglio!
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4:53🎙️ 5 Consigli dell'Ortopedico per Liberarti dal Mal di Schiena! Il mal di schiena ti blocca e non sai più cosa fare? In questo episodio, il dottor Vito Lavanga ti svela 5 consigli pratici e scientificamente provati per ridurre il dolore e tornare a muoverti liberamente. 📌 Scoprirai: ✅ Quali errori stai facendo senza saperlo ✅ I migliori esercizi pe…
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Quanto tempo ci vuole per ritornare al massimo post intervento? Scoprilo in due minuti. Chirurgia vertebrale, mini-invasiva, ernia e scoliosi dell'adulto
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E' l'ora della chirurgia? Tutto quello che devi sapere
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4:19👉 https://allmylinks.com/lavanga-vitoTi stai chiedendo se è il momento di operarti per un problema alla schiena? Questo video è una guida essenziale per comprendere quando la chirurgia diventa la scelta migliore e come affrontarla nel modo più consapevole possibile. Non ignorare i segnali che il tuo corpo ti sta mandando: agire al momento giusto pu…
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4:24Hai mai pensato che un semplice trauma potesse nascondere una frattura vertebrale? Non aspettare di trovarti di fronte a complicazioni evitabili! In questa guida completa scoprirai tutto: dai sintomi iniziali ai trattamenti più efficaci per una guarigione rapida. 💡 Ogni minuto conta per una diagnosi tempestiva! Ignorare questi segnali potrebbe pegg…
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In questo episodio, il Dott. Lavanga ti accompagna passo dopo passo nel mondo della chirurgia vertebrale, con particolare attenzione a interventi legati alla scoliosi, artrodesi cervicale e problematiche della colonna vertebrale. Se ti stai preparando per un intervento alla colonna o sei interessato a comprendere meglio come funziona la chirurgia v…
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Ep2. Mal di schiena addio! Tecnica Endoscopica
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2:57in questo secondo episodio tratteremo esercizi e tecniche innovative di intervento come l'endoscopia che ci permette di trattare le ernie e non solo e di andare a casa in giornata.
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Ep.1 Liberati dal mal di schiena con e senza chirurgia!
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1:27Benvenuto al primo episodio della nostra serie dedicata alla salute della schiena. In questi primi tre minuti ti offriamo una panoramica generale su cosa puoi fare per affrontare i dolori alla schiena e iniziare a guarire. Che tu soffra di mal di schiena lombare, cervicale o dorsale, sappi che esistono soluzioni per aiutarti a tornare a vivere senz…
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L’ortopedico sotto l’ombrellone, quando la telemedicina può fare al caso tuo
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4:06È molto spesso abbiamo bisogno di avere il dottore nei posti più disparati, al giorno d’oggi con un semplice cellulare possiamo rimanere in contatto. Ecco qua il podcast che può fare al caso tuo.
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The last episode, definitely for now, probably forever. Don't be a stranger. You can still reach me at antifragiletarot@gmail.com with any questions or just to say hi.
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La realtà aumentata può essere utilizzata per tantissime cose. Uno di questi scopi è miglioramento della precisione dei tagli delle protesi di ginocchio. In compagnia del professor Marius scopriamo gli elementi caratteristici di questo sistema
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Your resident cardslinger, Susannah, discovers a whole new way to read cards that revolutionizes her practice.Av Antifragile Tarot
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Happy 2022 friends! In this episode, your resident cardslinger talks about what Mercury in retrograde means (if you're under a rock/new to this stuff and don't know) and what you can do to avoid the pitfalls usually associated with it.Av Antifragile Tarot
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Interview with Nefertiti Rising Apothecary - Mental Health and Spirituality
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51:02Nefertiti Rising Apothecary was gracious enough to do an interview with your resident cardslinger! We chat about mental health, spirituality, emotional vampires, artistic creation and more. This was recorded a few months ago so some of the timing mentions are a little outdated now (forgive baby noises in the background). Follow Nefertiti Rising her…
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On Spiritual Gifts (Whether You've Got Em or Not)
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25:48Your resident cardslinger is back with some thoughts on the concept of inner spiritual gifts: how to nurture them if you do, and how to navigate magical growth even if this is not part of your paradigm. There's room for all of us under this big ol umbrella.Av Antifragile Tarot
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Welcome! In this episode, your resident cardslinger Susannah discusses randomly chosen tarot cards as opposed to intentionally picked ones for meditation, ritual, and learning.Av Antifragile Tarot
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Medical Advice Using Your Gut and A Pack of Cards
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18:21What I have learned about healthcare as a nurse has shocked me so much that I have decided it is time to take the control back, using my intuition and the power of tarot cards to guide me and you through all of your pressing health needs. Please tune in for some revelations and a new direction I've been working on.…
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Lo smart working: soluzione o killer silenzioso?
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14:16Il ruolo della posizione seduta inficia in maniera importante la nostra salute. Alzarsi ogni ora è un consiglio semplice ed efficace per migliorare la salute dal punto di vista osteo muscolare, cardiovascolare e mentale
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Nightmare Before Christmas Deck Review
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31:27You asked for deck reviews, you get deck reviews! Today's review is of the new Nightmare Before Christmas deck! It's an officially-licensed deck and in this episode I dig into it as a fan and as a tarot reader.Av Antifragile Tarot
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Happy 2021! In this episode, your resident cardslinger pushes back against "good vibes only" and gets a little passionate about why we shouldn't separate our politics from our practice.Av Antifragile Tarot
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Hello there! How do you handle reading for friends and loved ones, whether you're a professional reader or an amateur? Listen in for your resident cardslinger Susannah's thoughts on this, as well as some life updates.Av Antifragile Tarot
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Each suit in tarot tells its own story, but there is an overlay that provides a common structure in each one. In this episode, your resident cardslinger gets back to some basics to discuss the stories of each card and how it is expressed in each suit, with differences and similarities.Av Antifragile Tarot
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When Things Are Unclear, What to Believe?
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34:36When tarot tells you one thing but astrology tells you another, or your knowledge of the situation doesn't match the signs you're getting, what do you go with? What's telling you the truth? Well, it's complicated. Listen in for more on that.Av Antifragile Tarot
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Are we back? I think we're back. Your resident cardslinger, Susannah, discusses who your ancestors are (spoiler alert: not always your relatives), how to honor them, and some tangents about Jewish honoring of the dead and cultural appropriation. Thoughts? Hit me up!Av Antifragile Tarot
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Have you ever considered the ethics of doing magical work or getting a reading on someone else? I certainly have! Here's some thoughts on it.Av Antifragile Tarot
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Welcome back to the Antifragile Tarot podcast! Your resident cardslinger Susannah discusses a current buzzword in the witchy web: spiritual bypassing. What is it, why should you avoid doing it, and what can you do instead? Listen in for more info!Av Antifragile Tarot
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Holy cow, 60 episodes? In this episode, your resident cardslinger, Susannah, runs down some housekeeping about the state of her current affairs before diving into how you can best protect yourself when practicing magick and some ideas about how to ground and protect your space. Stay safe, wash your hands, keep your distance, take care of yourself.…
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As your resident cardslinger takes on ever increasing responsibilities, it's time to hand over the reins to someone who can handle it. As such, Antifragile Tarot is becoming ProDurable Tarot. Listen in for what that means for you.Av Antifragile Tarot
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I wish this podcast was more about tarot and less about the pandemic but here we are. Please don't hesitate to email me at if you have questions and need some help navigating what's fake news and what's real in this time. I can't give you medical advice but I can try to help you out regardless with common sense and a nursing background. Be safe.…
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Talkin' Music and Jewish Spirituality with Itai Gal
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33:30I've finally got Itai Gal of Itai and the Ophanim on my podcast!!! They traveled to NJ so we got to hang out and chat about Jewish spirituality, music, and other things both tangible and ineffable. You can find them and their music at and on Bandcamp, Spotify, iTunes, and wherever else you stream and buy music! A link to something Itai mentions in …
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On this episode of the podcast, your resident cardslinger Susannah discusses how to deliver bad news with tarot, and some general thoughts on reading the room before you do a tarot card reading. Thanks for listening! Happy 2020!Av Antifragile Tarot
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Hello! As we approach the end of the year, I touched base on a topic I care deeply about in my work: cultural appropriation and ethics in witchcraft and practice. I am definitely speaking from a conditionally white perspective so please seek out other sources, but I'm using the platform I have. I'm sure I didn't cover everything, but I hope it will…
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Ahoy hoy! After an unintentional hiatus, your prodigal resident cardslinger Susannah has returned with a Patron-request episode chatting about doing readings online versus in person and the benefits and drawbacks of both. Feel free to chat with me about it via email at or however you can find me on the Internets!…
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In this episode, your resident cardslinger rambles about the depiction of tarot in the media, mainstream representation, and the intersection of fandom and tarot. Please consider supporting by finding me on Patreon, ordering a reading on Etsy, or following/interacting with me on social media! Thanks!…
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Hello! In the spirit of broadening my personal horizons, I have interviewed a friend who is into the use of essential oils as supplementary accessories to more widely accepted treatments. I trust Lisa to use her considerable brainpower to research and investigate the best use of essential oils, and I hope you enjoy our interview. She's also one of …
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Hello hello! In this episode, your resident cardslinger discusses oracle decks, a subset of cartomancy divination that is connected to tarot despite having nothing to do with it in terms of structure. Listen to the episode to learn more! I am also announcing my own project, the Antifragile Oracle. There will be updates, especially for my Patreon pa…
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It's my 50th episode! Time flies whether or not you're having fun. I finally get to interview Rorie Kelly of Sassafras Tarot, who is also a ladybeast musician: check her out on and on all streaming sites!Av Antifragile Tarot
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This episode is about the intersection of faith and practice, and what it means to have faith in yourself and your work.Av Antifragile Tarot
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What do you do when a spiritual path isn't working for you and it's time to say goodbye? This episode goes into that. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere! This episode also features a shoutout to Edmund, a patron who is creatingAv Antifragile Tarot
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In this episode, your resident cardslinger discusses how to manage your internal and external environment to optimize your tarot readings.Av Antifragile Tarot
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Hello! Hi! Thanks for your patience, this is a one-episode month this month. Finally, a longer episode on the tarot court, as requested by many. I highly recommend Understanding the Tarot Court by Mary K. Greer and Tom Little to further your understanding.Av Antifragile Tarot
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Tarot of the Silicon Dawn! Egypt Urnash interview!
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48:01Hello! Finally, this episode is here! I secured an interview with the lovely and amazing Margaret Trauth/Peggy/Egypt Urnash. We discuss her weird, wild deck and magick and all that good stuff. Pardon my sick voice in the intro and outro! You can reach her at or any of the other ways she lists! and you can reach me at . Thanks for listening!…
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La cervicobrachialgia: quando il dolore passa dal collo al braccio
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27:01In questa puntata chiacchieriamo insieme su alcuni dei sintomi più frequenti di questa patologia ...
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Antifragile Tarot Turns Over A New Leaf
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10:36Hello folks! Today, Susannah discusses some changes in her reading style and takes on some questions from patrons and for others who need to receive messages.Av Antifragile Tarot
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This episode is a ramble about all sorts of "harmful" magick and my own thoughts on it. It is not meant to be comprehensive or pushy, but I hope it helps you examine your own beliefs on such a divisive subject.Av Antifragile Tarot
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What I Talk About When I Talk About Woo
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33:17In this episode, your resident cardslinger discusses what she means by woo: spiritual stuff, sometimes good, sometimes extra, always difficult for her to fit in with. Thanks for listening! If you like what I do and wanna support, please follow me on IG at antifragiletarot, pick up a reading on my etsy ( or become a patron ( don't forget to email me…
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Jumpers, Reversals, and Significators, Oh My!
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34:25Hello there! This episode focuses on jumper cards, reversals, and significators. If you don't know what those are, tune in and find out! Please email me at and follow me as AntifragileTarot on Instagram (where I'll be posting a LOT MORE) with ideas, comments, and questions!Av Antifragile Tarot
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Alcuni cenni legati alla produzione di sostanze importanti nella vaso dilatazione dei mammiferi
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Il ruolo del core: il pavimento pelvico e il diaframma
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3:44Avere una buona percezione della propria muscolatura permette una migliore gestione della salute del muscolo
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Mettere a fuoco le nostre idee in merito allo stress cronico e al ruolo sulle cellule dell’osso
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