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Radical Broccoli

Radical Broccoli

Sisters Anette Anette and Susanne talk about everything Radical Broccoli related - life as entrepreneurs, eco-friendly living, wellness, plant-based food, and self-empowerment. Website: Instagram: For advertising:
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NGI - Med blikket mot bakken

Norges Geotekniske Institutt

Ved Norges Geotekniske Institutt – NGI har vi bokstavelig talt blikket rettet mot bakken – både på land og til havs. Geoteknisk og geofaglig spisskompetanse er viktig for det grønne skiftet og for at vi kan tilpasse oss et klima i rask endring. Hvis du vil lytte til noen av de klokeste hodene i bransjen, lytt til "Med blikket mot bakken". Er du fagperson og vil gå enda mer i dybden? Da anbefaler vi vår engelskspråklige podcast "NGI Technical".
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show series
In today’s episode Susanne shares with you her favorite ways of supporting her cyclical living, and the female body during the different stages of the cycle. It’s cycle wellness month in the RB membership, and we are diving all in to how we can feel our best during our cycles, and to exploring how we can support ourselves. In the episode, we talk a…
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Today we are so lucky to have Fertility Awareness coach Siri Kalla join us on the podcast, to share about her deep wisdom and experience in the field of fertility and hormonal health. In the episode, we learn about Siri's life path to finding her passions, we talk about the patriarchy, and why we often experience imbalance in our cycles in today's …
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Welcome to another episode, my friends. Today we're diving even deeper into the topic of worthiness, and I am sharing some recent experiences with you. What happens when we hold ourselves back? What happens when we procrastinate? I recently invested in myself, and it was such an interesting rollercoaster of emotions. It brought up so many limiting …
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Hi friends, today we are diving into something very important that has been surfacing lately. It's difficult to talk about, but we need to go there. What happens when we make a mistake, and let ourselves feel like a mistake? What happens when we fail, but tell ourselves that it makes us a failure? We also talk about rest-month in the RB membership,…
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Today I am sharing my favorite spiritual practices that I do regularly, in order to regulate my energy and connect with the universe. We're gonna explore these fun practices together, and I would love to hear from you which ones you do too. Love, Susi Links: Radical Broccoli website and membership Radical Broccoli Retrea…
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7. mai samles samfunnsledere, forskere, gründere og andre som arbeider med klimatilpasning til den nasjonale konferansen om klimatilpasning – I hardt vær. Hva kan du forvente? Erlend Moster Knudsen (NGI), Hege Hisdal (NVE) og Geir Holmgren (Gjensidige) gir deg en forsmak på viktige temaer på konferansen og samtaler om blant annet: Hvilke løsninger …
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Today I am back with another solo episode on a topic close to my heart, namely sensitivity and being deeply affected by things going on in our environment. I share how it has felt being sensitive growing up, how it at some point tipped over to be experienced as anxiety, and then learning about it and transforming it to a power and a tool. I share m…
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In today’s episode, Susanne shares her experience during the intense astrological period in April so far. More specifically she does a deep dive into her fear of being seen, on how this triggers keeps showing up in her life, and how she deals with it. We talk about shame and guilt, and these intense emotions that often tell us that we should «hide»…
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Jordskjelvet vest for Sumatra i 2004 førte til en tsunami som forårsaket enorme ødeleggelser i kystsamfunn rundt Det indiske hav. Her hjemme har vi hatt skred som har forårsaket dødelige flodbølger i blant annet Loen og i Tafjord. Men visste du at vi i forhistorisk tid hadde et undersjøisk skred på størrelse med Skottland i areal, som skapte en kys…
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Welcome back to a solo episode with Susanne. We are tuning in today with a little life update, and diving into a topic that has been on my mind lately - perfectionism. What is perfectionism really, and how is it holding us back? What are the symptoms of a perfectionist mind, and how is it actually a lack mindset rather than abundance? Susanne share…
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Vi hører og leser om utfordrende grunnforhold i bygge- og anleggsprosjekter, noe som ofte fordyrer og forsinker prosjektene. Å jobbe mer digitalt kan være én løsning. I tett samarbeid med bransjen har NGI utviklet Field Manager, som er ett eksempel på en ny digital løsning. Her samles alle data fra grunnundersøkelser i én felles skyløsning. Hvordan…
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Norge ligger langt bak i det digitale skiftet i byggebransjen. Det største hinderet er mangel på kompetanse og data. Gevinstene ved å digitalisere byggebransjen er store i form av kostnadsreduksjon, lavere klimagassutslipp, raskere prosjektgjennomføring og økning i eksport av produkter og tjenester. NGI satser på digital innovasjon og utvikling gje…
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Wait a minute, what!? Yes, we can make bigger changes than we think we are capable of. Today's episode will give you a new way of viewing any challenging situations that you find yourself in. If you have any relational problems or drama going on right now, this episode is for you. In the episode, we discuss why we attract these situations, what hap…
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Forurensning og økende avfallsberg fra bygg, anlegg og industri er en stadig økende miljøutfordring i vår tid. Men hvordan oppfører avfall seg, som et kassert kjøleskap eller en gammel stekeovn, på en avfallsfylling? Hvordan vil kontakten med jord, sol, tørke og flom endre det vi kaster? Avfallet skal ligge lenge, så hva skjer med plast og annet av…
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Biokullet har mange egenskaper som vi som samfunn kan ha nytte av. Ja, faktisk er det litt som et kinderegg: Med biokull kan vi blant annet lagre karbon, forbedre jordkvalitet og faktisk også binde opp forurensning i jorda slik at den ikke tas opp i planter og dyr og lekker ut til drikkevann. Hvordan lager vi biokull og utnytter produktet i en sirk…
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Sommeren 2023 gikk det opp for mange av oss hvordan vi mennesker må tilpasse oss konsekvensene av de menneskeskapte klimaendringene – også her hjemme. I august ble store deler av Sør-Norge rammet av ekstremværet Hans. Bare to uker senere kom det på nytt styrtregn over deler av Østlandet som gjorde at folk måtte evakuere hjemmene sine. Hvordan skal …
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In this week's episode, Susanne talks with Mindset and Manifestation Coach Camilla Tromborg. They talk about everything manifestation - what is it really, how does it work, and how can we manifest what we want. What are the most common things hindering our manifestations, and how can we overcome our own limiting beliefs? How can we learn from the c…
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Today's episode is a life update from Anette and Susanne. They talk about their new life lessons after welcoming new lives, giving birth and the transitions they have been through. Susanne shares about the moving process, and how to manage business while being a new mum. They discuss leaning into more effortless creation, and being open to learn ne…
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In this weeks episode, Susanne answers a listener question about moving. We discuss the emotional aspects of moving, how to handle doubt and fear, how to change the energy of a new place, how to let go of the old, and why moving is worth it. Linker: Radical Broccoli website Radical Broccoli shop https://radicalbroccoli.s…
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I denne episoden av podcasten handler det om hjemmefødsel. Susanne snakker med Maria Joynt, hjemmejordmor hos Min Fødsel om vannfødsel, fysiologisk fødsel, ABC-klinikken og prosessen til Maria med å bli jordmor. De diskuterer det å lære om tålmodighet i graviditeten og under fødsel. Videre prater de om fødeparty, hva som er kravene for å føde hjemm…
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This one is for all the new mamas. In this episode, Susanne shares her experiences with the post partum period after giving birth, her best advice and what she would have done differently. She talks about nourishment, wellbeing, healing, food, asking for help and much more. Disclaimer: we are not medical professionals, just sharing from our experie…
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In this week's episode, Susanne talks about how we can actually use judgment for something useful, to our own superpower. She dives deeper into the idea that everything around us is actually a mirror of what’s going on inside us. At a time with tremendous earth-shaking events happening in the world, this topic is more important and relevant than ev…
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Gang på gang ser vi at krevende og uforutsette grunnforhold i byggeprosjekter gjør at tids- og kostnadsskjemaer i byggeprosjekter sprekker. Hvordan kan vi unngå "grunnforholdfella"? Gjester: Tone Ratcliffe Smaavik, Avdelingsleder Miljøgeoteknikk på NGI og Odd Arne Fauskerud, Fagdirektør Geofag hos Multiconsult. Programleder: Øydis Castberg Podcaste…
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Today, Susanne shares the story of her planned home birth of her baby boy. We hope you enjoy the episode! Our links: Our website and membership: Our web-shop Our Instagram Our ebook See omnystudio…
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This is one of our favourite episodes yet, as it made us both so hyped and ready for fall after recoding it. In this episode we talk about how fall previously has been a time of depression and feeling low, and how we will turn it around this year. Get ready with us! See for privacy information.…
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In this episode we discuss what freedom means to us and how we have worked to break free from the things that held us back before. We would love for you to join our Freedom Festival 17-20th of August! Link to sign up to free freedom webinar Monday 7 august 6 pm: Link to sign up to the festiv…
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We share how we have experienced pregnancy and how we view the system and so much more! Our Membership(10 day free trial): Our web-shop Our Instagram Our ebook See for priv…
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In todays episode Anette shares what intuition means to her and how it truly changed her life. In this episode you will discover why intuition is so important to manifestation You will also hear about how you can start to discover your intuition and make it a lot stronger. Anette shares many stories from her own life where she trusted in her intuit…
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Join Jessica and Anette for a talk on everything Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, and learn how this ancient wisdom can help you find balance in your modern life. Ayurveda is a holistic lifestyle practice that is all about living in harmony with the rhythms of nature. Anette has some true aha-moments that changed a lot for her life and we hope…
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In this episode Anette gives an update on everything that has been happening the last couple of months. She shares how it is to run the business alone, how she had to redefine her purpose and why it's important to get into the habit of "what do I want?". Anette also answers questions from you! The questions revolve around topics such as moving abro…
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At one of NGI's laboratories, researchers have done their best to mimic the conditions that are 384,400 kilometers away from Earth: The conditions on the Moon. By studying 10,000 particles from the Apollo expeditions, they gather valuable information for the first Moon expedition in 50 years – the Artemis. This time, the aim is to build a habitable…
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We are back with a life update episode! Today we are talking about Anette's new apartment in Portugal, moving, and taking chances. We also dive into our monthly manifestation challenge for March and catch up a bit about food. We hope you enjoy it! Links: Our website and membership (10-day free trial): Our web-shop https:…
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Innen 2100 spår klimaforskere at vi vil ha 20 prosent mer nedbør. Deler av nedbøren vil komme som styrtregn. Hvordan kan vi redusere risiko forbundet med klimaendringer, økt nedbør og flomvann der vi bygger og bor? Siden 2015 har forskere, offentlige etater og privat næringsliv jobbet sammen i Senter for forskningsdrevet innovasjon, Klima2050, for …
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Norge er ett av få land i verden som har kvikkleire. Anslagsvis 110 000 mennesker i Norge bor i områder der det finnes kvikkleire. Hvor farlig er det å bo og ferdes i områder med kvikkleire? Hvordan kan vi best sikre oss for å unngå kvikkleireskred? Hvorfor har vi så mange områder med denne leirtypen her i Norge? Og har det arbeidet som er gjort fo…
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In this episode, we talk about food, food freedom, how we have both had challenging relationships with food growing up, how we have worked on changing that, and why our diets have changed. We shared on Instagram about not eating strictly vegan anymore, and you wanted to know everything. So here it is! Links: Our website and membership (10-day free …
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In this episode, Emmie shares her journey of using and embodying her Human Design. She shares how she started experimenting with small decisions, saying no to things that didn't feel good for her, and actually didn't get immediate results. After a little while, more aligned opportunities did come along, and she knew she was on the path to discoveri…
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Ben Harris aka The Fear Guy is finally back! Today we are discovering everything around fear in reaching our fullest expression, being ourselves, and doing what we came here to do. Ben is dedicated to transforming our fears and limiting beliefs, which is what today's conversation is all about. Today we talk about: How can we know that we are holdin…
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In this episode, we will discuss why this year feels like a slow start and why we should take our time, relax, and lean in on the energies that are happening. We also discussed what it feels like to live on the edge of helplessness and uncertainty. And how would you come out of that? Listen now and learn more about combining visualization while fin…
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Etter flere store snøskredulykker mot slutten av 1960-tallet og begynnelsen av 1970-tallet bestemte norske myndigheter i 1972 at NGI skulle ha ansvar for norsk snøskredforskning. På Strynefjellet ble det opprettet en egen forskningsstasjon, Fonnbu, og skredløpet Ryggfonn. Dette er ett av verdens to fullskala forsøksfelt for snøskred. Snø er et spen…
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In the final episode of the year, we are so lucky to have Johanne Gustavsen, also known as Flostatebyjo as our dear guest. Jo is a skilled astrologer and yogi, and we love to receive inspiration from her on how to flow better through life. And that's also the purpose of this episode! We touch upon: What astrology really is How it was created How to…
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Hi listeners! Welcome back to our podcast, we are thrilled to have you here ❤️. In today's episode, we are talking about all the things, feelings, and issues that might arise during this time of year. Spirituality and self-development are so much more than just staying positive, and how we can deal with the challenging times, the waiting period, th…
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I denne ukens episode er vi så heldige å ha med oss markedssjef i Regnskogfondet, Per Christopher Prebensen. Vi prater om regnskogen fra A-Å, og er supernysgjerrige på all Per Christian sin kunnskap om den kjære regnskogen. Hva er regnskogen? Hvor ligger den? Hvorfor er den så viktig? Vi snakker om hvordan vi kan bidra til å ivareta skogen selv om …
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Today's episode is a deep dive into health and wellness during winter time and Christmas. We share everything we have learned lately about herbs, human design, stress, and how to deal with stress, anxiety, and darkness and to make winter as enjoyable as possible! Thank you so much for tuning in. Links: Our website and membership (10-day free trial)…
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In this episode we break down how we started our shop and what it actually takes to start a business. We reflect upon our fears and our worries in the beginning and how we overcame them. We share tips on how to stay inspired and healthy and why it's beneficial to build something from this place. Links: See…
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In this week's episode, we dive into living from the heart. What does it mean? Why do we want it? What is the difference between living from our heads? How do we overcome our fears to truly be vulnerable, and share our passions and our inner wisdom? We share some recent examples from our lives where we had to choose to listen to our hearts, and not…
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Norge har en ledende rolle i internasjonal forskning knyttet til fangst og lagring av CO2. Skal vi nå FNS klimamål om å begrense den globale oppvarmingen til 1,5 grader, mener både FN og det internasjonale energibyrået IEA at å lagre flere milliarder tonn CO2 hvert år må være en del av løsningen. NGIs egen ekspert på CO2-lagring, geolog og seniorfo…
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