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There is no growth in comfort and no comfort in growth. Business today typically values and promotes leaders for their subject expertise. Leaders who have command of the details and execute based on knowledge and experience are highly respected. However, to grow as a leader you have to get out of your comfort zone – that means learning to lead without just being the expert. Learn to gain the trust and respect of a team that might know more than you do. Get comfortable with ambiguity and with ...
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Comfort Zone

Dr Emilio Gerboni

Benvenuto in Comfort Zone, il podcast dedicato ad aiutarti a evolvere nella vita, sia personalmente che professionalmente, senza forzarti. Che tu voglia imparare a ridurre la pressione nella tua vita, sentirti a tuo agio con chiunque in qualsiasi situazione, o costruire uno stile di vita che si allinei perfettamente a chi sei, questo è il podcast per te. Comfort Zone è realizzato da Quietmood - la tua strategia di cambiamento comoda come un cuscino. È l'idea del Dr. Emilio Gerboni, Psicologo ...
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Comfort Zone Podcasts

Comfort Zone Creative

Exploring creativity via the internet. Founded by Podcasts, Music Compilations & Live Mixes Podcasts hosted by Randy - 3D CAST Leo - Tough Questions Jack - Jackapedia, History Nugs, Dead Ends Quinn - The Quinnsider Cole - CastQuestCast Comfort Zone - Stay Inside
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Interviews with entertaining and inspiring people who have stepped out of their comfort zones to pursue dreams and accomplish great things. Provide inspiration to listneners to pursue their dreams by stepping out of their comfort zones.
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This podcast, created by Gabi Garrett, serves as a daily download on professional development, personal growth, laughter and entrepreneurship. If you want to expand your mind, color outside the lines and chase your dreams - this is the podcast for you. Learn more: / Reach out:
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Get Out of Your Comfort Zone Podcast

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone Podcast

Welcome to The Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone Podcast. This podcast is an informal dialogue between Andy Molinsky and respected thought leaders around the theme of Andy’s new book, Reach: A New Strategy to Help You Step Outside Your Comfort Zone, Rise to the Challenge and Build Confidence.
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“Great Things Never Come From Comfort Zones” – The journey to business success is often dotted with detours and what appear to be show-stopping obstacles. Join us each month as we interview Arizona leaders in business and the community to hear what they had to overcome on the way to victory. If you want inspiration to get out of your own comfort zone, this series of business memoirs is for you.
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F-Word the Comfort Zone

F-Word the Comfort Zone

F-Word the Comfort Zone. I have always been curious about people and society in general. The reasons we do what we do, the positive or negative consequences our selfish or not so selfish actions have. And I want to talk about them. From fighting for equality and the different ways to apply respect for one another, to how to control the expression of our feelings. This podcast is a compilation of conversations with friends and strangers about the world we live in. It is about building our own ...
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What is coaching to me: possibility, courage, love, abundance, transformation, openness. I invite you to explore new possibilities for yourself and your world. Are there things that are getting in the way? Is there a shift in your life you’d like to happen? I’d like to consider these shifts “blindspots” that you might not even know exist. Working with me, we will explore and discover what’s important to you and where you see possibility for yourself, calling you to action your wildest dreams ...
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THE MISOGI METHOD PODCAST is designed especially with you in mind... helping you discover inspirational and motivational information and conversations with amazing leaders who have redefined possible in their personal and work lives. Tune in and let your host, Jody B Miller and her guests entertain, motivate and inspire you to live a life of meaning, happiness, and success by moving far outside your comfort zone.
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Are you someone who is committed to your self improvement journey? This is a podcast that will take you beyond your comfort zone, where true transformation happens. We have raw and authentic conversations with exceptional humans of all walks (top performers, leading experts, celebrities, and everyday people) to discover what it means to be fully human and learn what it takes to become the highest expression of ourselves. Listen in with us as we get naked together :). -Mitra & Ben
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show series
In questo episodio, ti invito a esplorare il tema della solitudine e la retorica del "dover stare bene da soli", analizzando come questa narrativa influenzi il tuo modo di vivere le relazioni. Partendo dalla provocatoria riflessione di Pierfrancesco Favino, analizzeremo insieme il vero significato dell'essere soli e dell'interdipendenza nelle relaz…
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If you want to improve your leadership, start by looking inside. Successful leadership is not about power or grand decisions; it’s driven by the set of personal principles that guide the leader’s actions and inspire others. As coaches, we have known for decades that to up your leadership game, you need to first look at your principles and values. L…
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Are you currently putting energy towards a project or endeavor that feels like a constant uphill battle? In this episode with master musician Nacho Arimany, we unfold a universal challenge—finding balance between the need for control and the power of surrender. If you've ever felt stuck, overwhelmed, or unsure of how to balance your emotions and re…
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In questo episodio, ti guiderò alla scoperta della vera natura del tuo senso di intrappolamento quotidiano. Analizzeremo insieme la differenza fondamentale tra il desiderio di "scendere dalla ruota" e la necessità di "uscire dalla gabbia mentale", offrendoti una nuova prospettiva su come le percezioni possano influenzare il tuo benessere. Ti invito…
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If you are seeking a way to calm your mind and stop all the ruminating thoughts so that you can focus, solve problems more efficiently and have that sense of satisfaction that comes with being in a state of, then this episode is for you. What is flow? What are the ingredients for achieving it? How can we create more of it? How does flow help us imp…
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Do you struggle with expressing your authentic self? Are you currently unhappy in your marriage ? In this light-hearted episode, Dimple Thakrar, a best selling author and relationship coach, shares her transformative journey of embracing vulnerability to heal childhood wounds and strengthen her marriage. Dimple’s candid reflections on body image, c…
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In questo episodio, affronto un tema molto attuale e cruciale: l'insoddisfazione. Ti sei mai sentito insoddisfatto al lavoro, nelle relazioni o nella vita in generale? Non sei solo! Insieme, cercheremo di capire le radici di questo fenomeno e daremo spunti per riflettere su come la nostra società influenzi il nostro senso di benessere. Scopriremo c…
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No doubt you want to make a positive impact on the world and no doubt you have issues or causes you would like to see solved. How can you use your money to create change without having huge amounts to give away? Listen in for surprisingly accessible ways for most anyone to invest in a cause or a company they care about.…
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Are you currently going through a difficult time in your life and wondering what is the meaning of all of it? In this episode, Dr. Kim Jobst, an Oxford trained physician, shares his journey of radical self-expression, stepping away from his medical license to pursue a more authentic path aligned with his true purpose. He dives deep into the power o…
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In questo episodio del podcast Comfort Zone, ti invito a fare pace con il tuo inconscio e a scoprire una nuova visione positiva di esso. Unisciti a me, il dott. Emilio Gerboni, mentre esploriamo come l'inconscio possa essere un serbatoio di risorse e potenzialità. Registrati subito gratuitamente per accedere ai contenuti extra nella Quietmood Acade…
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What do spies learn in their trade that leaders can apply every day? Turns out that spies are not as the movies portray them and they have incredibly skills in connecting with people – even with people they don’t necessarily like. Intrigued? Listen in for fascinating stories and impactful insights.Av Wanda Wallace
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Are you someone who has a tendency to control and are looking for new perspectives on how to let go ? Or, are you someone who has attempted to forgive someone significant in your life but finds old resentments keep bubbling up? In this episode, Ben and Mitra dive deep into what it really means to let go. They explore how letting go often involves f…
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In questo episodio di Comfort Zone, ti porto a riflettere su come la forza lavoro americana stia ridefinendo il concetto di successo professionale, ispirandomi a un articolo di Forbes. Parleremo dell'importanza di integrare la vita personale con le nostre ambizioni, promuovendo un'idea di successo più equilibrata e autentica. Scopriremo insieme com…
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Do you ever feel like how you present yourself to the world is different from who you really are ? In this episode, Chris Alvarado, a renowned improv actor and coach, authentically reveals his journey of struggling with facing his traumas and confronting that aspect of his ‘self’ that seeks external validation. With Ben and Mitra offering compassio…
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In questa quinta puntata di "Comfort Zone", vi porto a riflettere su uno dei mantra più noti della crescita personale: "Eat That Frog" di Brian Tracy. È davvero utile affrontare subito le sfide più difficili della giornata, oppure esistono approcci più efficaci e meno traumatici? Scopriremo insieme se "mangiare il rospo" sia una pratica da seguire …
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Change and uncertainty – something everyone is trying to cope with and if you lead people probably something that is easier said than done. Despite all the many books on the subject, we are still missing a key ingredient – the human at the center of change. What does that mean for you as a manager, how can you work better with middle managers, what…
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Have you ever wondered if you have hidden gifts and how you could unlock them ? In this conversation, Dr.Amy Albright shares her personal journey from anxiousness and disbelief to awakening her intuitive talents for transformative healing. She discusses the intersection of intuition and neuroscience, revealing how brain data and spiritual insight w…
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Nel quarto episodio di Comfort Zone, ti invito a esplorare quelle che io chiamo le "emozioni del controllo". Queste emozioni, spesso impiegate come strumenti di manipolazione, influenzano il nostro comportamento e limitano la nostra libertà di espressione. Attraverso riferimenti a film iconici come Truman Show e Matrix, insieme a serie celebri come…
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How often do you feel a gut instinct but aren't sure how to trust it? In this engaging conversation, we dive deep into understanding intuition with Rick Snyder, author of Decisive Intuition, showing you how to turn those invisible gut feelings into practical tools for everyday decisions. Whether you're seeking to hone your decision making capabilit…
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Are you curious about how to develop a healthier relationship with sex and self pleasure? In this conversation with Bibi Brzozka, we have an unfiltered conversation about conscious sexuality, self pleasure as a vehicle for healing, the legitimacy monogamy, sex as a highway to awakening, and sexuality as a tool to inspire creativity, among other top…
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**Episodio 3 - La Forza di Volontà non è un muscolo** Benvenuti al terzo episodio di "Comfort Zone", il podcast del dottor Emilio Gerboni che esplora il potenziale della crescita personale all'interno della tua zona di comfort. In questa puntata, ci immergiamo nel complesso mondo della forza di volontà. Hai mai sentito dire che la forza di volontà …
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So many times, men and women have whispered to me that they are afraid of speaking in public. They know they need to get over the fear, but somehow the idea still paralyses them. As a leader, speaking in public is part of the job. There is hope! You can overcome your fear with some tools and some practice. You might come to enjoy it as well. Listen…
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Are you interested in learning new perspectives on how your life’s past experiences have shaped who you are today? In this conversation, Mitra and Ben “innerview” each other. They explore the childhood experiences that shaped who they are today and their perspectives on life. They discuss the importance of inward reflection, letting go, and the jou…
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**Evviva la Comodità!** In questa puntata di Comfort Zone, il dottor Emilio Gerboni ci guida attraverso un intrigante viaggio nel mondo della comodità. Contrariamente a quanto molti credono, la comodità non è un nemico della crescita personale, ma un potente alleato. Scopriremo insieme come la comodità possa effettivamente potenziare la nostra vita…
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Remote working and hybrid teams are a reality whether you are managing individuals who prefer not to be in the office or ones that are many time zones away. What does it take to lead these teams effectively? How do hybrid teams stay connected? What is different about managing remote or hybrid teams? Listen in for insights and practices.…
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Want to go through a No Comfort Zone Challenge or have your entire organization go through a No Comfort Zone? Here is a Success Schedule to help you change who you are to become the person you want to be to have the success you are caple of achieving. No Comfort Zone Success Schedule: Living on Purpose 5:00 AM - Wake Up Cha…
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Benvenuti al primo episodio di Comfort Zone il podcast del dottor Emilio Gerboni! Hai mai pensato di sapere davvero cos'è la zona di comfort? Potresti essere sorpreso di scoprire quanto è stato frainteso questo concetto! In questa puntata iniziale, il dottor Gerboni sfata miti e pregiudizi, esplorando la vera essenza della zona di comfort e come pu…
  continue reading or Txt me at 773-220-0938 Here are the top 10 things that the most successful people do to achieve success, listed in order: Vision Clearly define long-term goals and envision success. Discipline Consistently stick to habits and routines that lead to success. Resilience Adapt and bounce back from setbacks and challenges. Fo…
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Profile, brand and reputation matter for your visibility, what roles people consider you for, what opportunities come to you, how people prep to meet you. And they matter just as much internally as externally. You might be surprised how many internal leaders check LinkedIn before they meet with you. Organizations are starting to say to top talent t…
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Benvenuto in Comfort Zone! Sei pronto a evolvere nella tua vita senza forzature e con più leggerezza? Comfort Zone è il podcast pensato per chi desidera realizzarsi, sia a livello personale che professionale, in modo naturale e senza stress. Qui impari a ridurre la pressione quotidiana, a sentirti a tuo agio in ogni situazione e a costruire uno sti…
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If you want to make better decisions or if you want to have a set of diverse perspectives around you to guide thinking, then this discussion is vital. How do we frame and then re-frame our points of view to get better results? What keeps us from re-framing? Why is this a unique human skill when so much of what human’s do can be done, eventually, by…
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