Comic Strip AP is a roleplaying game actual play podcast. The games involve two participants. They are recorded and released in sessions that last approximately fifteen minutes. This unique format is meant to be an analogue to old serialized comics, such as Prince Valiant or those found at the back of Dragon Magazine.
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Dungeon World: Alford Soultaker 12 (Part Two)
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17:22Oli and Rob are playing Dungeon World!Characters Alford Soultaker, a monster hunter Alderman, governor of Frostbreach Inquisitor O’Brien, the Red Hand Helda Gamethief, a trapper TimecodesRecap (00:21) Doppelganger (00:50) Egg on Your Face (04:51) Dark Power (09:03) Monolo- (11:41) The Last Say (14:45) Links Our website Our Patr…
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Dungeon World: Alford Soultaker 12 (Part One)
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19:29It’s the two-part finale of the Alford Soultaker story!Characters Alford Soultaker, a monster hunter An assassin A barbarian A wizard A king Helda Gamethief, a trapper Ricard, a guard Alderman, governor of Frostbreach TimecodesRecap (00:30) The War Is Far Behind Us (00:55) Dreams (01:46) Adventurer, Conqueror, King (05:05) Alford (8:49) Apprehended…
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Jay and Rich are playing Coriolis! Characters Samir Kanaan, gunner for the Narzalus Taba, an ex-Legionnaire Jahl, a Legionnaire with beef Yarra, Jahl’s boss Timecodes Recap (00:20) Taking Stock (00:49) Mr. Jahl and Yarra (03:57) A Deal and a Story (07:30) Unlocked and Loaded (10:00) Guileless (13:47) Links Intro/Outro Music: Twist & Science by Dams…
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Oli and Rob are playing Dungeon World!Characters Alford Soultaker, a monster hunter Helda Gamethief, a trapper TimecodesRecap (00:31) The War Is Part of Me Now (00:52) Stalking (01:44) Owlbear (05:21) Streaking (08:33) Mortal Wound (11:56)
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Characters Alan Turner, the awake Bragon, a messenger Timecodes Recap (00:14) Sailing (01:25) Bridge Over Troubled Water (05:16) Bragon (07:18) Candlelight (11:53) Links Intro song is Kevin MacLeod Dirt Rhodes licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Heavy metal song - Vala…
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Murderous Ghosts: Institution 06 (Finale)
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8:44David and Michael are playing Murderous Ghosts! Characters Victor Black, an urban spelunker Timecodes Recap (00:23) A Child (01:00) Trapped (05:30)
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David and Michael are playing Murderous Ghosts! Characters Victor Black, an urban spelunker Timecodes Recap (00:16) Only Way Out (01:07) Second Floor (05:01) Daylight and Dollies (09:15) Links Our website Our Patreon Follow us on Twitter @GauntletRPG
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David and Michael are playing Murderous Ghosts! Characters Victor Black, an urban spelunker Timecodes Recap (00:21) Doggie Treats (01:26) Keeping It Together (04:44) My Favorite Direction (07:32)
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David and Michael are playing Murderous Ghosts! Characters Victor Black, an urban spelunker Timecodes Recap (00:19) All Too Real (00:43) It Speaks (04:38) Adoption (05:58) Links Our website Our Patreon Follow us on Twitter @GauntletRPG…
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David and Michael are playing Murderous Ghosts! Characters Victor Black, an urban spelunker Timecodes Recap (00:24) Brush with Death (01:38) Hallway (04:12) Wheelchair (08:25) Links Our website Our Patreon Follow us on Twitter @GauntletRPG…
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David and Michael are playing Murderous Ghosts! Characters Victor Black, an urban spelunker Timecodes Intro (00:26) Sewering (01:14) Incinerator (04:52) Ash Piles (07:10) Childhood (09:03) Links Our website Our Patreon Follow us on Twitter @GauntletRPG…
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Oli and Rob are playing Dungeon World!Characters Alford Soultaker, a monster hunter Helda Gamethief, a trapper TimecodesRecap (00:28) The War Bites at My Heels (00:44) Wyrmblight (01:38) Punishment for Regicide (05:09) Escape (09:22) Links Our website Our Patreon Follow us on Twitter @GauntletRPG https://pa…
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Tim and Noah are playing Dogs in the Vineyard! Characters Brother Terrence Witt, a dog Brother Vergil, a sheriff Sister Clementine, a dog Franklin Witt, a bandit Timecodes Recap (00:11) New Eden (01:04) Sheriff Vergil (04:40) Showdown (10:30)
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Oli and Rob are playing Dungeon World!Characters Alford Soultaker, a monster hunter Helda Gamethief, a trapper TimecodesRecap (00:28) The War Has Reached Frostbreach (00:54) Skirmishes (01:45) Spout Lore (05:17) Gert Big Guards (06:14) Helda and Wyrmblight (10:08) Links Our website Our Patreon Follow us on …
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Jay and Rich are playing Coriolis! Characters Samir Kanaan, gunner for the Narzalus Salindria, the colonel’s daughter Taba, a familiar Legionnaire Timecodes Recap (00:19) Threatening Madness (01:07) Regaining Control (04:57) Private Conversation (07:23) Welcome Party (10:34) Links Intro/Outro Music: Twist & Science by Damscray - http://freemusicarc…
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Oli and Rob are playing Dungeon World!Characters Alford Soultaker, a monster hunter Alderman, governor of Frostbreach Inquisitor O’Brien, the Red Hand Venombearer McKee, a cook TimecodesRecap (00:28) War Has Found Me (00:46) Compulsory Memory (01:44) Regicide (03:05) Wrestling with the Authority (06:13) Rebellion (08:52) Links Our website www.gaunt…
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Jay and Rich are playing Coriolis! Characters Samir Kanaan, an ex-Legionnaire, gunner for the Narzalus Taba, a familiar Legionnaire Timecodes Recap (00:19) The Camel’s Broken Flashback (00:39) Recon (04:12) Suppression (08:55) Oppression (12:55) Links Intro/Outro Music: Twist & Science by Damscray -…
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Judd and Rich are playing The Burning Wheel! Characters Locien Wester, a war wizard Mordenkainen, archmage Jallarzi Sallavarian, member of the Circle of Eight Bigby, a reformed wizard Vecna, archlich Timecodes Recap (00:28) Bigby (01:14) Cutting the Gordian Knot (04:48) Vecna (07:53) Strangled Beliefs (11:34) Links The Warbird by Tri Tachyon - http…
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Kate and Rich are playing Urban Shadows! Characters Yorimitsu, a stranger in a strange land Abishek, a hunter Cassie, a werewolf Chang, an alpha male Timecodes Introduction to Yorimitsu the Fae (00:40) A Strange Land (01:56) Abishek the Hunter (03:34) Initiation (06:18) Hit the Streets (10:19) Confrontation (13:17) Links Our website www.gauntlet-rp…
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Oli and Rob are playing Dungeon World!Characters Alford Soultaker, a monster hunter Gargor, a competent locksmith Framar, an angry soldier TimecodesRecap (00:26) The War Is Over (00:45) Treasure Chest (01:47) Wyrmblight (04:24) Body Swap (06:26) An Axe? (09:33) Alford Again (11:23) Links Our website Our Patreon…
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Jay and Rich are playing Coriolis! Characters Samir Kanaan, an ex-Legionnaire, gunner for the Narzalus Taba, a familiar Legionnaire Dr. Armita Wana, archaeologist and captain Timecodes Recap (00:22) Reunion at Raz-Tanzeem (00:59) Massif Attack (04:00) Just Like Old Times (07:57) Old Bird’s Nest (10:39) Settling Up (13:50) Restraint (15:16) Links In…
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Oli and Rob are playing Dungeon World!Characters Alford Soultaker, a monster hunter Alderman, governor of Frostbreach Inquisitor O’Brien, the Red Hand Framar, an angry soldier Gargor, a vengeful soldier Timecodes Recap (00:18) The War Is Closer Than We Realize (00:29) Honored Hovels (01:28) Back in the War (03:46) Recompense (05:53) Pieces of Silve…
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Jay and Rich are playing Coriolis! Characters Samir Kanaan, ex-Legionnaire, gunner for the Narzalus Nima Dol-Soufi, pilot of the Narzalus Dr. Armita Wana, archaeologist and captain Taba, a familiar Legionnaire Timecodes Samir and the Legion (00:24) R&R on Algol (03:04) Run for It (07:02) Deep Trouble (11:00) Links Intro/Outro Music: Twist & Science…
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Judd and Rich are playing The Burning Wheel! Characters Locien Wester, a war wizard Mordenkainen, archmage Timecodes Recap (00:31) Flinessed Chess (01:01) Duel of Wits (04:22) Out of Order (09:05) Compromise (11:47) Links The Warbird by Tri Tachyon - Imminence by Kai Engel - h…
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Rich and Paul are playing Don’t Rest Your Head! Characters Alan Turner, the awake Mr. Stock, a wine shop attendant A young stall attendant Timecodes Recap (00:15) On the Move (00:45) Ease on Down the Road (03:11) Mr. Stock (04:28) Hit the Streets (07:38) The Bizarre Bazaar (10:23) Nowhere Man (12:56) Links Intro song is Kevin MacLeod Dirt Rhodeshtt…
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Judd and Rich are playing The Burning Wheel! Characters Locien Wester, a war wizard Mordenkainen, archmage Jallarzi Sallavarian, member of the Circle of Eight Timecodes Recap (00:28) Mordenkainen’s Tower (02:24) Power (04:51) An Illusion (08:40) New Belief (11:16) Links The Warbird by Tri Tachyon -…
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Oli and Rob are playing Dungeon World!Characters Alford Soultaker, a monster hunterHelda Gamethief, a trapper Venombearer McKee, a cook Inquisitore Breene, the Red Hand Timecodes Recap (00:18) The War Is Far Behind Us (00:30) Bittersweet Nightmares (01:40) Frostbreach (04:51) A Man Who Knows Things (09:37) A Little Word with the Red Hand (12:17) Li…
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Judd and Rich are playing The Burning Wheel! Characters Locien Wester, a war wizard Oruda of Irongate, an evil wizard Acererak the lich Gazer of Hommlet, an archer A beggar Timecodes Recap (00:28) Two Beliefs (01:03) The Green Dragon Inn (02:43) Range and Cover (05:27) See You in the Gloam (08:54) Wizard’s Business (10:39) Links The Warbird by Tri …
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Rich and Paul are playing Don’t Rest Your Head! Characters Alan Turner, the awake Dirtball, the guitarist Digger, the drummer Timecodes Recap (00:14) Alan’s Apartment (00:47) Messages (04:41) Believe It or Not... (06:38) ...I’m Walking On Air (08:38) Links Intro song is Kevin MacLeod Dirt Rhodes…
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Tim and Noah are playing Dogs in the Vineyard! Characters Sister Clementine, a dog Van Lee, a watchman Timecodes Escalation (00:21) Slow Clap (01:20) Kangaroo Court (05:02) Threw the Book at Him (09:10) Links Our website Our Patreon Follow us on Twitter @GauntletRPG…
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Monster of the Week: The Lombardi School 15
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12:56Characters Robert Larousse, a cat burglar Timecodes Recap (00:18) Act Under Pressure (01:12) Big Magic (04:15) Banished (07:09) Epilogue (08:48) End of session (11:02) Links Our website Our Patreon Follow us on Twitter @GauntletRPG
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Tim and Noah are playing Dogs in the Vineyard! Characters Sister Clementine, a dog Van Lee, a watchman Timecodes Escalation (00:21) Slow Clap (01:20) Kangaroo Court (05:02) Threw the Book at Him (09:10) Links Our website Our Patreon Follow us on Twitter @GauntletRPG…
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Monster of the Week: The Lombardi School 14
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13:22Jason and Tom are playing Monster of the Week!Characters Robert Larousse, a thief Anastasia Markos, a colleague Timecodes Recap (00:18) Final Preparations (00:43) The Underworld (02:57) Enchantée, Doom (05:02) Facing Vassago (09:43) Links Opening theme: "The Jazz Piano" from
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Oli and Rob are playing Dungeon World!Characters Alford Soultaker, a monster hunter Jorrak Liesmith, a conmanHelda Gamethief, a trapper Timecodes Recap (00:19) The War is Over (00:45) Stealth (01:54) Blackmail (05:25) Melee (06:46) Confrontation (09:36) Links Our website Our Patreon Follow us on Twitter @Ga…
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Judd and Rich are playing The Burning Wheel! Characters Locien Wester, a war wizard Tondae the Gloamwalker, a planewalker Arkhim, a shade Timecodes Recap (00:28) Twilight (01:37) Shade Calling (04:21) Information (07:17) Links The Warbird by Tri Tachyon - Imminence by Kai Enge…
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Monster of the Week: The Lombardi School 13
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14:00Jason & Tom are playing Monster of the Week! Timecodes Recap (00:19) Equipment (01:05) Salt (02:29) Silver (09:09) Links Opening theme: "The Jazz Piano" from Our website Our Patreon Follow us on Twitter @GauntletRPG
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Rich and Paul are playing Don’t Rest Your Head! Characters Alan Turner, the awake Bragon, a messenger Eveille, a friendly stranger Timecodes Recap (00:14) Shop Talk (02:01) Needlenoses (04:01) Brahms’ Lullaby (06:09) Chain Reaction(08:07) Links Intro + Outtro song is Kevin MacLeod Dirt Rhodes…
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Slade and Michael are playing The Indie Hack! Characters Abel, Hand of the Three Ladies, an exorcist A Captive Timecodes Recap (00:13) Possession (00:31) Light of the Mother (03:05) Pinned (06:38) Exorcised (08:20) A New Task (09:59)
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Monster of the Week: The Lombardi School 12
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8:45Jason and Tom are playing Monster of the Week!Characters Robert Larousse, a thief Timecodes Recap (00:18) Reading (01:30) Vassago’s Marriage (04:00) Banishment Methods (06:13) Links Our website Our Patreon Follow us on Twitter @GauntletRPG Opening theme: "The Jazz Piano" from…
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Tim and Noah are playing Dogs in the Vineyard! Characters Sister Clementine, a dog Brother Terrence Witt, a dog Van Lee, a watchman Brother Zachary, a prideful man Timecodes Recap (00:23) Two Dogs (01:34) An Independent Woman (05:06) Spiritual Justice (07:49) Duel (10:16) Links Our website Our Patreon Follo…
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Judd and Rich are playing The Burning Wheel! Characters Locien Wester, a war wizard Kieran Jalucian, head of the Society of Magi Jallarzi Sallavarian, member of the Circle of Eight Tondae the Gloamwalker, a planewalker Timecodes Recap (00:28) The Society of Magi (01:03) Travels to the Gloam (04:49) Named Spells (06:17) Acquitted (08:11) The Gloamwa…
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Slade & Michael are playing The Indie Hack! Characters Abel, Hand of the Three Ladies A Captive Timecodes Recap (00:13) Stone Stairs (00:32) Library (02:29) A Captive (04:04) Too Late (06:07) Links Our website Our Patreon Follow us on Twitter @GauntletRPG
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Oli & Rob are playing Dungeon World!Characters Alford Soultaker, a monster hunter Helda Gamethief, a trapper Jorrak Liesmith, a conmanTimecodes Recap (00:17) The War is Over (00:43) Distraction (01:33) Pest Control (04:14) Riddles In the Dark (08:36) Links Our website Our Patreon Follow us on Twitter @Gaunt…
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Rich and Paul are playing Don’t Rest Your Head! Characters Alan Turner, the awake Bragon, a messenger Eveille, a friendly stranger Timecodes Recap (00:13) Pinheads (01:16) Immigrant Song (03:14) The Subway (06:52) Eveille (09:43) Links Our website Our Patreon Follow us on Twitter @GauntletRPG Intro + Outtro…
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Tim and Noah are playing Dogs in the Vineyard! Characters Brother Terrence Witt, a dog Brother Zachary, a wounded man Timecodes Cinematic Conflict (00:05) Recap (01:00) Prisoner (02:08) Rescue (05:45) The Church (08:26) Links Our website Our Patreon Follow us on Twitter @GauntletRPG…
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Monster of the Week: The Lombardi School 11
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17:09Jason and Tom are playing Monster of the Week!Characters Robert Larousse, a thief Anastasia Markos, a colleague Constanza DeLuca, the headmistress “Cynthia”, a student Timecodes Recap (00:18) Campus Tour (02:25) Psst! (5:53) Film Canister (09:41) Cynthia’s Discovery (12:31) Links Our website Our Patreon Fol…
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Slade & Michael are playing The Indie Hack! Characters Abel, Hand of the Three Ladies A Silent Monk of the Marsh Timecodes Recap (00:13) An Interpreter (00:59) Prophetic Dreams (04:21) A Place of Power (07:22)
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Todd and Nick are playing High Plains Samurai! Characters Lucky Lu, a farmer Rhino, an enforcer Timecodes Charge (00:20) Barnstorming (02:58) Strike Gold (05:31) Just About in Hell (08:58) Not so Lucky (12:10) Our website Our Patreon Follow us on Twitter @GauntletRPG…
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Judd & Rich are playing The Burning Wheel! Characters Locien Wester Gazer of Hommlet Sergeant Muron Timecodes Recap (00:28) Footwork (01:07) Parting Shot (03:56) Beliefs and Instincts (06:30) Sergeant Muron (08:36) Hired (10:52) Links Our website Our Patreon Follow us on Twitter @GauntletRPG The Warbird by …
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Slade & Michael are playing The Indie Hack! Characters Abel, Hand of the Three Ladies Timecodes Pleading (00:13) Healed (03:00) Scarred (04:24) Links Our website Our Patreon Follow us on Twitter @GauntletRPG
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