Rebecca Frost and Gavin Sheehan binge watch, read or maybe even participate in things that are popular, were popular or maybe just something you tell them to check out. Then they discuss and decide if it is worth your time or something you can skip. It's like the cliff notes on media and junk. Listen, laugh and send us your suggestions on what you think Rebecca and Gavin should CRASH next.
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Rebecca has an opinion! Rebecca is not a huge fan, Gavin is a fan. Listen as they talk about why you should or shouldn't pick up the comic and give it a read.
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Rebecca and Gavin crash modern Doctor Who. It's a timey whimey episode with stuff that goes DING! No matter if you're a novice, a master or have never watched a single series of Doctor Who, enjoy listening to us talk about why you should watch or why you shouldn't watch and what to watch.
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We go back in time and revisit the "Back to The Future" trilogy. We discuss Rebecca's poor deprived childhood, DeLorean time machines, Hoverboards and wild west shennanigans. Never watched and "Back To the Future"? (first of all... shame on you.) No worries we cover the movies then give you our opinion on if we think it is worth your time to watch.…
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This episode we discuss Breaking Bad. The good and the bad. You haven't watched Breaking Bad? Where have you been? Well be warned it is spoiler heavy if you haven't watched the show. Have you watched ? Want a recap? Want to hear our opinions about it? Listen up.. Meth Damon is a creep.
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