Sermon broadcasts from Lighthouse Church, Durban, South Africa
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This channel has a compilation of sermons and series recorded at the Jesus Dome
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Podcast by Every Nation Durban
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Home of recordings at and from Northway Church, Durban, South Africa
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Le Monde d’URBANIA nous plonge dans des récits intimistes et émouvants de gens ordinaires qui acceptent de témoigner de leur parcours extraordinaires. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Welcome to Durbania! Movies shall be reviewed here, yes! But also so much more. I have a passion to be entertaining, encouraging, and to use entertainment not just as a way of escape, but to also get something from it that can encourage and brighten life. That's why I started this podcast. My brother-in-laws and I are all movie buffs! We would go see a movie, and drive home digging so deep into it, finding and discussing underlying messages, and nerding out so much, that it was a blast! So I ...
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When Jesus said "if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed", he wasn't overstating our freedom! We have been set free: -from the grip of sin -from the grip of the devil -from condemnation -to approach God with confidence -to leave our past behind and live a glorious new life. WE ARE FREE INDEED!! John 8:31-36, Romans 6:18, Colossians 1:13, …
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We are not under the law of the Old Covenant, but have a relationship with Jesus under the New Covenant. Instead of offering animal sacrifices, we are to offer ourselves to God, as a living sacrifice. Gratitude and thanksgiving please Jesus - and bring peace into our lives. Know that God is working in all things for our good! Let's consistently tes…
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Jesus invites us to join the most privileged people on earth - the people who are on God's mission with him. But before we say "yes", we need to: -make it an informed decision: to follow Jesus knowing that it will be difficult at times. -surrender our selfish agendas and follow Jesus as our Lord (master). -renounce all other masters, knowing that w…
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God has good plans for his people. But he works his plans his way - with light and with order. God's light enables us to see his order and to bring things into that order. God can bring order at many levels: personal, church, community & nation. We can all embrace his order personally & contribute to the order of the other levels. When we embrace G…
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Like many heroes of the Bible, we may also experience some dark, difficult days. In those times, we should not be afraid to pour out our hearts to God in lament, knowing that: - He is GOD - His ways are BETTER - He is GOOD - He SEES us - He UNDERSTANDS us - NOTHING is impossible for him - He WORKS GOOD in all things - He will lift you up in his per…
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The Bible and history teach us that seemingly insignificant people can have a great impact. We need to realise this so that we step forward in faith; if we think we are insignificant, we won't. God knows every one of us and has a plan for us. He prepares us and develops us so that we can do what he has planned. This journey can be hard, but it is w…
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Difficult circumstances can undermine our faith and cause doubt. But, irrespective what we may go through, the name of Jesus has power over: - sickness and disease - sin - demonic Influence - even death! As we get to know Jesus - and live in obedience to him - we will experience more of the power of his name to heal, forgive, deliver and give etern…
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God gives us dreams and visions and puts godly desires into our hearts. We need to walk towards those goals, step by step. God's path for us to walk into our destiny is often not the obvious one or the easiest one! He uses difficulties and detours to prepare us and equip us for what is to come. A clear vision, shared with people we trust, helps us …
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We were created by God, on purpose, with purpose! He has put us in the right place at the right time for his perfect purposes! While he may have some specific purposes for you, he definitely has some general purposes that apply to us all. Two of these purposes are: -be salt and light where God has put us -make disciples. We are salt and light to ou…
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In terms of the sheer scale of the universe, we are SO tiny! We may conclude that we are insignificant. Yet the Bible teaches us that: - We are God's work of art, made to reflect his image! - We were made on purpose and with purpose! We should therefore - seek to discover our purposes - seek to fulfil our purposes - reveal the love and glory of God…
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If we want this new year to be different - for the better - then we will need to make some changes.This is why we make resolutions. These four resolutions based on Jesus' words will definitely bring changes for the better: God helping me, I will: -love God with all that I am -love the people around me -love other disciples like Jesus does -help oth…
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Our conscience is a great gift from God, keeping us on good terms with God and with people. Yet it can be corrupted; then we lose our sense of right and wrong, our "moral compass". Fortunately, it can be cleansed and restored by the work of the blood of Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures. We should therefore pay attention to the state of our…
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The message of Christmas is GOOD NEWS of GREAT JOY for ALL PEOPLE! The good news is that the promised Saviour and King has come to deliver us from the dominion of darkness! Great joy is what Jesus brings - forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God, adoption as God's children and an eternal home with him! And this is for ALL people - whoever you …
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The birth of Jesus was not just a miracle pregnancy - it was God coming to us as a man! Instead of sending another prophet or angelic messenger, the Creator made himself like one he created, leaving his glory behind and coming as one who we could relate to. This "incarnation" gives us a model for ministry to others: - We don't wait for them to come…
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Divine providence is the governance of God by which He, with wisdom and love, cares for and directs all things in the universe. The story of Esther is a great example of this. God in his providence: - places his agents in suitable situations for doing His work - tests his people - restrains his enemies. Esther 2:17, 3:2-6, 4:1-17, 6:1-2, 7:3-6, Pro…
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Jesus demonstrated some ways of thinking that are vastly different from the way that many around us think - and the way that we may be thinking now: -Being faithful in waiting and in obscurity -Being a willing servant and sacrifice (not a "victim") -Being passionately zealous for the Kingdom of God -Looking past the pain of the present to the etern…
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Fear of the Lord is taught in the Old & New Testament. It is a deep respect, a reverent awe of the omnipotent Creator and Sovereign Lord of the universe. Fear of the Lord leads us to honour and obey God. It leads us out from human folly and into God's wisdom. Who (or what) we fear most will determine how we live. Psalm 33:8-16, Philippians 2:12-13,…
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The Holy Spirit continues the work of Jesus, empowering us, leading us and revealing things to us. Just as we are dependent on Jesus, we are dependent on the Holy Spirit and when we keep in step with the Spirit, we keep in step with Jesus. When we keep in step, we will bear fruit - our character and behaviour will change. The Holy Spirit plays a vi…
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Disobedience can keep us from God’s good purposes; obedience leads us into them. We need to trust God when his actions, his chosen instruments and his instructions don’t make sense to us - his ways are higher than ours! The path of obedience can be difficult, even painful - but the pains are temporary while the blessings are eternal! 2 Kings 5:1-15…
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The true Christian life is a supernaturally charged life! God himself works in us to motivate us and enable us to do the work that he has prepared for us to do. To experience this, we must learn to live in close relationship with Jesus, moving in his direction, in his time, at his pace. Daily disciplines that help us to do this are: - seeking his p…
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Accountability helps us to grow mature and fruitful. Jesus modelled accountability as Son to his Father. Accountability is built on submission - to God's authority and to godly authority. Shame and fear make us avoid accountability. A selfish heart and a "seared" conscience can make us blind to our guilt and our responsibility for it. Helpful ways …
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God has re-created us to do good things - in his eyes, we are "the right person for the job"! He works in us and through us - with HIS power! It's not about who WE are, it's about who HE is. It's not about our ability, it's about our AVAILability! It's not about people being impressed with US, it's about them being impressed with Jesus! Exodus 3:7-…
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Jesus made a way for us to live in a covenant relationship with God. This covenant is wonderfully represented in the account of King David and Mephibosheth. Here are four powerful messages of this covenant: -"Come to me" (Jesus) - in your inadequacy - and worship! -"Fear Not" - God will show you kindness for the sake of his Son. -"I Will Restore" -…
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The end goal of the Kingdom of God is a wedding in heaven! It is to see the church, the Bride of Christ, a great multitude from every nation, tribe, people and language, ready for this wedding. So we need to get ourselves ready - and to help others to get ready. Getting ready is a journey of transformation, becoming more and more like Jesus. Jesus …
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God has provided grace through Jesus to live lives that are totally dependent on him. This grace is available to all who believe. This grace does not just save us from the consequences of sin, but also from the power of sin. It stirs us to say "yes" to godliness and "no" to ungodliness. We learn to live in humble dependence on God and we discover t…
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Mankind was created in the image of God and enjoyed fellowship with God. When mankind broke this fellowship, God pursued them - through many people and many events. This pursuit culminated in God sending his Son, Jesus, to redeem mankind. And this pursuit continues as we obey Jesus' commission to make disciples of all nations. Genesis 1:26,27, Gene…
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The Bible compares the church to a body - the Body of Christ. We are all part of this one body. Some parts are very different - so we can find some people hard to relate to or understand. But our differences enable us to perform different functions - all of which are essential. Let's not just tolerate those who are different, but celebrate them - a…
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We can learn a great deal from Jesus as we read how he communicated with people. His conversation with a rich young man teaches us to: -Earn the right to ask questions. -Help people to see into their hearts. -Help people to understand the character of God. -Be indirect - help them to see for themselves. -Let idols of the heart be exposed. Luke 18:1…
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God has plans & purposes for each one of us. Discovering & living out these plans & purposes is a journey of discovery & adventure. Some are personal - there are specific things that we need to do. Others are corporate - there are things we do as part of a group. This journey can be challenging, even overwhelming - it requires discipline and there …
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The message of the cross of Jesus is absolutely essential because it - reveals the amazing love of God for mankind - reveals our desperate need for salvation - reveals the way of salvation that God has provided But it also - demands a response from us - challenges our personal pride - challenges our religious pride 1 Corinthians 1:18-25, 1 Corinthi…
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God has taught his people to pass on to the next generation what he has revealed to them. Moses needed the practical wisdom of Jethro. Samuel needed the spiritual experience of Eli. Mary needed the revelation of Elizabeth. Caleb was ready for action at 85 years old; don't disqualify the elderly! As disciples of Jesus, we must entrust what we have l…
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Our new life in Christ does not mean that we won't face struggles - but we don't have to face them alone! Key questions we must answer are: -Will I humbly ask others for help? -Will I make myself available to help others? -Will I build healthy relationships with other disciples so that I can do these things? Two are better than one - we are stronge…
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Enjoying the Grace of our Heavenly Father
Spill senere
Spill senere
15:37When we put our faith in Jesus as Lord, we become new creations and begin a new life as a child of God. Yet we are all "works in progress" - we are no longer what we were, but we are not yet all we will be! Wonderfully, our present imperfections don't stop God doing truly wonderful things in us & through us! If we compare ourselves with others, or …
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Our relationship with God is the most important relationship that we can ever have. And he wants us to know him - he is on our side as we seek him! The better we get to know him, -the more we will trust him, -the more we will want to obey him, -the more we will want to be with him, and -the more we will love him. If we sincerely seek him, he will m…
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The truth of Jesus' words "In this world you will have trouble" is evident all around us - we experience troubles of many kinds. These troubles can take their toll on our souls and we would be wise to pay attention to this. Jesus' next words were "But take heart! I have overcome the world." He is here to help! The Bible records the trials and heart…
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Av Durban Christian Centre
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Av Durban Christian Centre
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Av Durban Christian Centre
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Av Durban Christian Centre
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The church has always been "under fire" - but Jesus continues to build his church and all the powers of hell can't stop him! When we're under fire, - we shouldn't be surprised - Jesus told us there would be trouble! - we shouldn't be discouraged - Jesus has overcome the world! - we should stand strong - Jesus has all authority and is completely tru…
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The Bible teaches us that we CAN overcome evil: - by refusing to repay evil with evil - by seeking peace - by leaving justice and punishment to God - by doing good to those who do us evil - by shining light into darkness by our good deeds We overcome evil with good! Luke 6:27-28, Romans 12:17-21, Luke 22:41-44, Matthew 5:14-16…
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We can learn a lot about how to correctly handle sin from Jesus - and how not to from the religious leaders who constantly challenged him: The religious leaders: - were self-righteous, judgemental & condemning - had a biased, incomplete view of righteousness Jesus demonstrated: - understanding - compassion - forgiveness - the pursuit of true righte…
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Church unity is beautiful and powerful! Everyone inside the community benefits - and those outside the community are drawn to this demonstration of the life of Jesus. Our unity grows as our devotion to Jesus leads to greater love for one another - and we grow stronger together. It glorifies Jesus and draws people to Jesus! Romans 1:8-12, John 17:22…
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Jesus promises the Holy Spirit to those who follow him. The Holy Spirit transforms our character and lives and also imparts supernatural gifts to us. He is a gift from God that is available to anyone who believes! Jesus encouraged us to ask for this gift, so let's ask! And let's keep in step with him as he leads us! John 16:7-15, Acts 1:7-8, Acts 2…
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Just as little children learn to walk and run with practice and exercise, we mature spiritually as we practice and exercise spiritually. We start with "baby steps", but develop into maturity as we practice the new ways of the Kingdom of God. As we invest time and effort into things like prayer, Bible reading, obedience and persistence, we "build sp…
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When we first put our faith in Jesus, we began a new life - as spiritual babies. But God intends for us to grow up into mature men and women of God who live the way that Jesus lived. Because Jesus is the source of our spiritual life, we need to live in a close relationship with him. To do this, we need to - spend regular, significant time in his pr…
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God chose Noah to rescue his family and all created animals from the flood that covered the whole earth. The only way to be rescued was to get on board the ark. A pivotal moment was when the flood began, but the door was still open. This exposed them to the flood. But God closed the door and they were secure. When God gives us something to do, we n…
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Jesus is like a farmer and the world is his field. Jesus plants his people as good seed (wheat) - but the devil also plants his people as bad seed (weeds). Jesus has intentionally planted us where we are, to bear fruit where we are. We are planted, not buried! When we are "sleepy", the devil can sow his seed in our field! Matthew 13:24-30 & 36-43, …
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The battle recorded in 2 Chronicles 20 teaches some invaluable lessons for the battles we face in life: -Seek the Lord -Remember what God has done before -Realise that the Battle belongs to the Lord -Have faith and allow God’s strength to work through you -Praise and worship the Lord 2 Chronicles 20:1-24, Ephesians 6:12, Luke 18:27, Jeremiah 29:13,…
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Jesus calls us to extend grace in the form of forgiveness to those who sin against us. Jesus also calls us to extend grace in the form of redemptive confrontation: - to confront privately, to explain the offence - if this fails, to try again with one or two others - if this fails, to try again with the voice of the church. Forgiveness does not make…
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