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If your child has big emotions that affect your daily life, you are not alone. Since my son was born he has experienced intense anxiety and emotional outbursts that have been challenging. This led me to become a sleep, stress, and resilience coach helping me understand and learn how to regulate my son's nervous system so he was not living in a stressed fight or flight state all of the time. The school environment heightened his anxiety as they focused on managing his outbursts rather than un ...

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Emotions Mentor podcast

Rebecca Hintze, mental health professional

Success in life is determined by how well we regulate and manage our emotions. Join me and other mental health experts as we talk about how you can manage your emotions, improve your mental health, and become more successful in your life!

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“Émotions”, c’est un podcast dans lequel trouver des rĂ©ponses lorsque l’on s’interroge sur les Ă©motions qui nous traversent, pour ne plus se sentir seul.e. Avec ce podcast, dĂ©couvrez pourquoi vous ressentez ce que vous ressentez et explorez l'origine de vos Ă©motions. Chaque lundi, un ou une journaliste creuse une Ă©motion grĂące Ă  des histoires vraies et nos expert(e)s vous guident Ă  travers votre jungle intĂ©rieure. Pour mieux vous comprendre : l’hypersensibilitĂ©, l’estime de soi, l’intelligen ...

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Website: 🌐 www.andiclark.com Support Circle Membership: https://andiclark.thrivecart.com/support-circle/ Have you ever watched your child and wondered why they see the world so differently? Maybe they ask deep questions, feel emotions intensely, or struggle to fit into the traditional mold. Or perhaps you’ve felt misunderstood yourself. In this epi

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La perspective de parler météo avec votre voisin dans le bus ou des travaux dans le quartier avec votre boulangÚre vous semble insurmontable ? Mais alors pourquoi votre conversation avec ce passant à propos de votre chien vous a-t-elle rempli d'une satisfaction pleine d'espoir ? Le "small talk" a mauvaise réputation, mais ces interactions anodines 

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Send us a text Dom L'Amour speaks with Friend of the show J Boogie AKA Jon Butts AKA @jonbuttsishere! Can Kendrick Lamar's lyrical genius outshine Drake's chart-topping dominance? Join us on the Black Man Talking Emotions podcast as we navigate this intricate rivalry with our insightful guest, Jon Butts. We'll revisit the explosive moment Kendrick'

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Website: 🌐 www.andiclark.com Support Circle Membership: https://andiclark.thrivecart.com/support-circle/ Parenting doesn’t come with a manual, and even the best-prepared parents find themselves learning, adapting, and sometimes messing up along the way. In this episode, I sit down with Reesa Morala, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, to talk

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Send us a text Dom L'Amour speaks with Friend of the show aka best friend of the show Chris Bate AKA @chriselb_88. What if the key to understanding global politics lies in our own living rooms, wrapped in family traditions and heartfelt conversations? Join us on the Black Man Talking Emotions podcast as we navigate through the intricate world of po

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Website: 🌐 www.andiclark.com Support Circle Membership: https://andiclark.thrivecart.com/support-circle/ In this episode of Kids With Big Emotions, Andi dives into the delicate balance of knowing when to push your child and when to pull back. Parenting neurodiverse kids or those with big emotions can feel overwhelming, especially when societal pres

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Est-ce qu’on est tous·tes parano ? AprĂšs une soirĂ©e chez des amis d’amis, vous rentrez avec un sentiment glaçant dans le corps : celui d'avoir fait une mauvaise impression. Vous rejouez le film des conversations que vous avez eues en vous accusant d'avoir pris trop de place ou au contraire d'avoir Ă©tĂ© d'un ennui profond. Et si vous faisiez l’hypoth

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Website: 🌐 www.andiclark.com Support Circle Membership: https://andiclark.thrivecart.com/support-circle/ Parenting is a journey full of highs and lows, and no one escapes without moments of doubt, missteps, and learning. In this episode, Andi Clark delves into the realities of parenting and why perfectionism isn’t the goal. Instead, it’s about reco

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Website: 🌐 www.andiclark.com Support Circle Membership: https://andiclark.thrivecart.com/support-circle/ Intake Form for Executive Function Series: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hZqpIgPgFXB_V8_1NGsiClJ6O2GAHb5jXdJNzSxg-yY/edit?usp=sharing Show notes Does your child struggle with changes in routine, perfectionism, or adapting to new perspectiv

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Pourquoi suit-on sur les rĂ©seaux sociaux des gens que l’on n’aime pas ? Pourquoi est-ce qu'on y consacre du temps, de l’attention et de l’énergie ? Que cherche-t-on en alimentant nos petites dĂ©testations ? Dans cet Ă©pisode, Marie Misset fait entendre les routines mises en place par Éric et Caroline, qui ressentent des Ă©motions contradictoires en ob

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Website: 🌐 www.andiclark.com Support Circle Membership: https://andiclark.com/work-with-me/ Intake Form for Executive Function Series: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hZqpIgPgFXB_V8_1NGsiClJ6O2GAHb5jXdJNzSxg-yY/edit?usp=sharing Show Notes Does your child hesitate to begin tasks, even when they know what to do? In this episode, we explore why ge

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Website: 🌐 www.andiclark.com Support Circle Membership: https://andiclark.com/work-with-me/ Intake Form: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hZqpIgPgFXB_V8_1NGsiClJ6O2GAHb5jXdJNzSxg-yY/edit?usp=sharing In this episode of the Kids with Big Emotions podcast, Andi Clark dives into the mystery behind homework meltdowns—those emotional outbursts that le

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La nouvelle annĂ©e commence, et on veut changer sa vie pour la rendre meilleure. Est-ce qu’il vaut mieux opter pour les bonnes vieilles rĂ©solutions, ou changer carrĂ©ment de direction ? Prendre une dĂ©cision rapidement et nettement, un peu comme un pansement qu’il faut retirer d’un coup sans laisser trop de place Ă  la peur ? Est-ce qu’il vaut mieux pe

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Website: 🌐 www.andiclark.com Support Circle Membership: https://andiclark.com/work-with-me/ Intake Form: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hZqpIgPgFXB_V8_1NGsiClJ6O2GAHb5jXdJNzSxg-yY/edit?usp=sharing In this episode of the Kids with Big Emotions podcast, Andi Clark reflects on the unique challenges and triumphs of parenting while managing the exp

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In this episode of the Kids with Big Emotions podcast, we dive into the world of impulsivity and explore strategies to help kids pause, reflect, and make thoughtful decisions. If your child often acts without thinking, struggles to stop themselves, or faces social and emotional challenges due to impulsivity, this episode is for you. Learn why impul

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Website: 🌐 www.andiclark.com Support Circle Membership: https://andiclark.com/work-with-me/ Intake Form: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hZqpIgPgFXB_V8_1NGsiClJ6O2GAHb5jXdJNzSxg-yY/edit?usp=sharing In this episode of the Kids with Big Emotions podcast, we dive into Nonverbal Working Memory—a critical but often overlooked executive functioning s

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En thĂ©orie, les fĂȘtes de fin d’annĂ©e devraient nous rendre heureux·ses. Mais en rĂ©alitĂ©, la magie n'opĂšre pas toujours, et c’est encore pire quand la famille n'est pas un endroit oĂč l’on se sent en sĂ©curitĂ©. Laura et Bruno, qui tĂ©moignent dans cet Ă©pisode et qui ne parlent plus Ă  une partie de leurs familles respectives, n’aiment pas cette pĂ©riode 

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Website: 🌐 www.andiclark.com Support Circle Membership: https://andiclark.com/work-with-me/ Intake Form: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hZqpIgPgFXB_V8_1NGsiClJ6O2GAHb5jXdJNzSxg-yY/edit?usp=sharing Does your child struggle to follow directions, remember what they were going to say, or keep track of what they’ve learned in class? These challenge

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Website: 🌐 www.andiclark.com Support Circle Membership: https://andiclark.com/work-with-me/ Email: support@andiclark.com The holiday season is here, bringing joy, excitement, and connection—but for neurodiverse kids and their families, it can also mean sensory overload, disrupted routines, and heightened emotions. In this episode, Andi dives into p

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Une nuit, à 4h du matin, Marie Misset se réveille avec une rage terrible dans le ventre. Dans son lit, elle ne sait pas quoi faire de ce condensé d'énergie qui ressemble aux boules de feu de Dragon Ball Z. Elle essaye de ne pas exploser pour ne réveiller personne, fait les 100 pas, crie dans son oreiller, et finit par se rendormir. Deux jours plus 

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Website: 🌐 www.andiclark.com Support Circle Membership: https://andiclark.com/work-with-me/ Intake Form: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hZqpIgPgFXB_V8_1NGsiClJ6O2GAHb5jXdJNzSxg-yY/edit?usp=sharing In This Episode We Will Dive into: How does attention—or the lack of it—affect your child’s daily life? Whether it's zoning out in class, struggling

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Injustices, le podcast de Louie Media qui dĂ©cortique les injustices structurelles de la sociĂ©tĂ©, revient avec une nouvelle saison : Qui croit encore pouvoir changer le monde ?, Ă©crite par Maud de Carpentier et rĂ©alisĂ©e par Anna Buy. Face aux dĂ©fis de l'Ă©poque - le dĂ©rĂšglement climatique ou la montĂ©e des extrĂȘmes droites, pour ne citer qu'eux - nous

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Website: 🌐 www.andiclark.com Support Circle Membership: https://andiclark.com/work-with-me/ Intake Form: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hZqpIgPgFXB_V8_1NGsiClJ6O2GAHb5jXdJNzSxg-yY/edit?usp=sharing In This Episode We Will Dive into: In this first episode of our special series on executive functioning, we’re diving into perception—the often-over

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Un des grands plaisirs de Marie Misset, c'est de lire chaque jour les nouveaux posts du forum amĂ©ricain "Est-ce que c’est moi le connard ?" oĂč des gens racontent leurs mĂ©saventures et demandent leur avis aux internautes. Elle aime lire ces tĂ©moignages, les rĂ©ponses de ces centaines d'inconnus et les dĂ©bats Ă©thiques, parfois de haute volĂ©e, qui en d

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Website: 🌐 www.andiclark.com Join Our Support Circle Membership: https://andiclark.com/work-with-me/ Book a Call: 📞 https://tidycal.com/andi1/bookacall In This Episode We Will Dive into: In this episode of Kids with Big Emotions, Andi Clark wraps up her five-part series on the most common parenting mistakes when raising neurodiverse children. Today

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Website: 🌐 www.andiclark.com Join Our Support Circle Membership: https://andiclark.com/work-with-me/ Book a Call: 📞 https://tidycal.com/andi1/bookacall In This Episode We Will Dive into: Description: In this episode of Kids With Big Emotions, Andi explores the hidden environmental stressors that might be impacting your child’s emotional well-being.

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Vouloir se mettre en danger pour s’augmenter, ĂȘtre toujours plus performant, meilleur que la veille... Cette injonction de notre Ă©poque, la journaliste Marie Misset la rejette instinctivement. Pourtant, "sortir de sa zone de confort" est un conseil qui ne cesse de rĂ©sonner dans nos oreilles et qui s'est apparemment avĂ©rĂ© bĂ©nĂ©fique pour beaucoup, do

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Website: 🌐 www.andiclark.com Join The Support Circle Membership: https://andiclark.com/work-with-me/ Book a Call: 📞 https://tidycal.com/andi1/bookacall Halloween can be a magical time of year, but for kids with big emotions, it can also be full of anxiety and sensory overload. In This Episode We Will Dive into: Common emotional responses children h

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La journaliste Marie Misset a une grande passion dans la vie, que ce soit sur un banc, dans un bar, au supermarché ou dans n'importe quel événement qui implique de parler à des gens : poser des questions un peu... intrusives. Alors elle a trouvé une excuse pour sa curiosité : le journalisme. Et cette année, elle a une occasion en or pour poser les 

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Website: 🌐 www.andiclark.com Join The Support Circle Membership: https://andiclark.com/work-with-me/ Book a Call: 📞 https://tidycal.com/andi1/bookacall In This Episode We Will Dive into: One of the most common frustrations parents face: relying on external systems like schools and specialists for their child's emotional and executive functioning su

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