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Welcome to Life On Purpose with Erica Layne, a podcast to help overwhelmed women find focus and peace. I’m Erica, founder of The Life On Purpose Movement, bestselling author, and a mom of three. I know what it’s like to get so busy meeting everyone else’s needs that you forget to meet your own. Through this podcast, I want to give you full permission to slow down, let go, invest in yourself, and believe that you are enough just as you are.
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show series
What makes you the way you are? Is it working for you? Today, Sonia Jhas and I dive into the values and beliefs that have shaped us and how taking a good look at them can help us create aligned futures. Announcement: This is our last episode of season 4! I’ll be back in the fall with a new season. Thank you so much for listening and sharing! Resour…
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Do you think of yourself as unorganized, indecisive, too loud, or too large? Any of these might be an emotional trigger for you. In this episode, I’ll help you identify your triggers so you can be free. Resources: * The blog post for this episode: * Discover your biggest stressor (and how to let go!)…
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STUFF won't fill your emotional holes, and until you see what you're really trying to solve for, you'll keep bringing more things into your home. Join me for this great conversation with decluttering expert and author, Tracy McCubbin! * Read or share the blog post for this episode! * Get Tracy’s new …
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Are YOU falling into this decluttering trap? Secret truth: Vilifying your clutter is making it so much harder for you to let go. Tune in to find out how to shift this! Resources: * The blog post for this episode: * Grab my free decluttering guide: * Hop on the Let Go wai…
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Motherhood is intense for introverts, who need plenty of alone time to feel like their best selves. It can be so easy to get stuck on what we think of as our weaknesses, but introverted moms also have some incredible strengths! How much airtime are you giving to what makes you uniquely STRONG as a mom? 7 superpowers of introverted moms. Resources: …
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Welcome to Episode 45! How are we already a full month into 2023? You probably don’t think of yourself as a victim (and I’m glad!), but I’d place a heavy bet that there are areas of your life where you feel disempowered. A bit helpless, hopeless, stuck, or stalled. This episode will help you see those areas AND empower you to shift them. Let’s jump…
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Every now and then, when someone hears that I wrote a book on minimalism, they’ll say, “Ugh, I want to declutter, but it’s so exhausting! I usually give up before I get very far.” I get that. Decluttering means making a thousand tiny decisions, taking a thousand steps around your house, and hauling dozens of bags and boxes to your car. The process—…
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So my oldest kid is old enough to follow me on Instagram now, which is mostly WEIRD and also kind of unexpectedly fun. But the other day he looked up from Instagram with this glint in his eye and said, “There goes Mom again, talking about mindfulness and stuff while she’s over here yelling, ‘I’m CODE RED! CODE RED! Everybody get out of my space!’ I…
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What do your emotional trigger points have to do with your kids? They might seem unrelated, but as you’ll learn in this episode, they are deeply entwined. Why healing your triggers will profoundly help you connect with your kids: an interview with Crystal Haitsma Resources: * The blog post for this episode: https://ericalayne.c…
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Boundaries protect us from offering more of ourselves than we’re willing to give. But how do we actually implement them? How do we get our people to uphold them? Tune in for 25 active, compassionate example boundaries—to help YOU create your own. Resources: * The blog post for this episode: * Free download …
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Declutter your home, buy less stuff, and find the space to live the life you really want. ❤️ How many of these 30 household items could YOU live without? The blog post for this episode: Free decluttering list, 100 Things to Get Rid Of: Connect with me on …
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I often talk about being an introvert, and I often talk about loving minimalism. Today, we’re bringing them together—diving into why introversion and minimalism are a match made in heaven. If you’re an introvert (or if you happen to love any introverts), don’t miss this one! Resources: Today’s featured message originally appeared on the Becoming Mi…
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When something happens that’s out of our control, it’s so easy to feel powerless. When something happens that’s out of our control, it’s so easy to feel like the victim of it. Powerless, because there’s nothing we can do to change it. But when we remember the KEY that I share in this episode, we put power back in our hands. We have something we can…
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Are you a fixer? Do you manage, fix, smooth, and (TBH) manipulate things—so that they usually work out? There's comfort in being a fixer, but there's also a COST. Join me today to learn why it might just be time to let go of all that fixing. xo! -Erica Resources: * Find the blog post for this episode here: * Conn…
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It’s a BIG claim, but I really believe that “thought work” is the most important work you’ll learn to do in your life. Learn what it is and how to do it in this episode! **This is the last episode of Season 3! Be sure to hit follow in your podcast app so you’ll know when I launch Season 4 - sometime in 2022! Additional segments: * What Matters Most…
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Does gift-shopping ever lead to you buying things for YOURSELF instead of others? (Oops!) Or just buying too much in general? The pull of sales and consumerism is strong this time of year, but I’ve got four crucial tips to help you stick to your list and keep yourself from overbuying. Less is more! Additional Segments: Self-care spotlight: Maybe yo…
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Have you ever felt like a failure because you can't seem to get a morning routine to stick? A good morning routine is the secret to success, right? Maybe not! Let's talk about a pocket of time many of us are hugely underutilizing—and how that bit of time might change your life for the better. Additional segments: * Off ramp: Are you a smoother (lik…
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If you want to live a simpler, slower life, the hard truth is that you’re going to have to say no when people ask things of you. For most of us, saying no almost feels physically painful: We were raised to be helpful, kind, and maybe even self-sacrificing. But you CAN gain more confidence in your no’s. Here’s how. Additional segments: *Ask the Expe…
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It’s normal to hit a slump in your decluttering journey; we ALL run out of steam sometimes. But the difference between someone whose home never really changes and someone whose home DOES is that the second person takes the following steps... Additional segments: *A quick intro to my signature course, Declutter Your Life! If you’re ready to clear ou…
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What if instead of hustling, pushing, and wearing yourself out trying to be the perfect parent, you just RESTED in your imperfection and began modeling more self-acceptance? Maybe this, in the end, would be a million times better for your kids—and for you—than high performance ever was. Additional segments: * Try-on session: A new memo for parents,…
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Are you unconsciously comparing your home to the hundreds of immaculate, styled homes you see on Pinterest? But here’s the better question: What if instead of criticizing your home for everything it’s not, you thanked it for everything it is? Additional segments: * Self-care spotlight: What’s one tiny thing you used to do as a kid—purely for fun—th…
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Affirmations have been on the self-help scene for decades, but what exactly are they, and more importantly, do they work? Additional segments: * Off ramp: A word to my fellow approval junkies! * What matters most: The time I brought my elderly neighbor her last meal in bed—and what it reminded me about our priorities in life. Resources: * Free down…
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A lesson from my therapist in how to observe the negativity around us without internalizing it! This episode is especially for the empaths and highly sensitive people, but I think most of us tend to take on more than we’re meant to carry, so tune in! This episode is the last of Season 2, so be sure to hit subscribe so you don’t miss the new episode…
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Did you know a third to a half of the population is introverted? So even if you aren’t, you definitely love someone who is. Today we’re clearing up some of the confusion surrounding introverts and extroverts—because only good things can come from understanding ourselves and each other better! Additional segments: * Self-care spotlight: A simple pra…
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If you’re enjoying THIS podcast, here are eight more shows you’ll love! In case you need to hear this today, you are the designer of your own life and the creator of your own happiness. These podcasts will help you believe this in your core—and teach you how to build the life you want. Additional segments: * Off ramp: Do you beat yourself up in hop…
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An episode to help you take a deeper look at your consumption and collection habits—and to inspire you to let go and live free. Additional segments: * Try-on session: Instead of waiting for others to celebrate YOU this Mother’s Day, try celebrating yourself! * Self-care spotlight: two book recommendations! (1) Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewel, and (…
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Every twelve episodes we’re mixing things up with a Q&A! I answer your questions about what I do when I feel panic or anxiety coming on, how to let kids help in the kitchen without getting overwhelmed, my favorite quick weeknight dinner—and more! Resources: The Authenticity Calendar is on sale for Mother's Day! Put 2 or more in your cart and get 20…
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Decluttering is one of the most tangible, accessible, and immediate ways to lighten your load. But there are a few common blocks that we ALL come up against, and today, I’m going to teach you how to break through them! Do YOU get stuck on any of these? “I might need this someday!” “I paid good money for this!” “I can’t use this special item; it mig…
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“If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.” - Mother Teresa It’s so true; it all starts at home. The only problem? I love my family best when I’m not stressed about the HOUSE. I love my family best when I have the headspace to actually see them. Today’s episode will help you simplify your home life so you can give more love to …
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Do you struggle with indecision and over-researching? It can seem harmless, but if you take a deeper look, you might notice that it’s contributing pretty heavily to your mental load. Let’s open up some time in your schedule and some space in your head by learning to curb the researching, make quicker decisions, and (most importantly) love what you …
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Is your self-worth tangled up with how much you GET DONE every day? Do you feel guilty when you rest? This message is for the doers, the hustlers, the steady, non-stop workers. How productive you are does not determine how worthy you are. Additional segments: * Off ramp: Stop letting other people’s opinions matter more than your own. Go inside inst…
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You start every week—every day—determined to stay on track with your goals. But somehow, willpower only takes you so far. Self-control seems to evaporate as the day goes on. (Same here, friend!) But habits? Habits are something you do on autopilot. They don’t take self-control because they don’t require a decision. Why habits MATTER and how to set …
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It’s uncomfortable to hold two conflicting emotions at once, and today I want to validate the fact that you’re normal for having them! Additional segments: * Decluttering tip: What if every time you finished a product, you took a beat before replacing it? Resources: * Do you have any conflicting emotions right now? Email me them at podcast@ericalay…
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Imagine how your life would change if you could let go of or rewrite the most common negative scripts inside your head. Because you can! Today, I’ll teach you how with my five steps to clearing out your emotional clutter! Additional segments: * Try-on session: Are you stuck in an in-between season of life? Tune in. Resources: * Email your old negat…
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Would you like to be a more conscious consumer and maybe even create a capsule wardrobe? A wardrobe that makes you actually look forward to getting dressed every day? Today’s fun concept will HELP. Additional segments: * Ask the expert: A new segment featuring Denaye of Simple Families. Find her excellent podcast here:…
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That’s a wrap on season one! Thank you so much for listening—and for every Instagram comment, email, or iTunes review you’ve sent me! Today, a short message to close the year on! It’s not supposed to be perfect. It’s not supposed to be easy. You’re not doing it wrong. In the end, everything is going to be okay. Reminders: Be sure to hit subscribe s…
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Brené Brown says that wholeheartedness is about engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness. Here are seven simple truths to help you on your journey to becoming your most wholehearted, authentic self. Additional Segments: Try-on session: A thought to help you through this unusual, pandemic holiday season Decluttering tip: Did you know that ki…
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Does gift-shopping ever lead to you buying things for YOURSELF instead of others? (Oops!) Or just buying too much in general? The pull of sales and consumerism is strong this time of year, but I’ve got 4 crucial tips to help you stick to your list and keep yourself from overbuying. Less is more!
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Today we’re mixing things up with a Q&A episode! I answer your questions on how to destress when you can’t find a way that works, how to get kids to accept having fewer toys, how much sleep I get, how much screen time my kids use—and more! Resources: The BEST holiday gift: The Authenticity Calendar Our community on Facebook Books recs: Atomic Habit…
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When you picture a perfectionist, you may not think of yourself. But perfectionism takes many forms, and you might be falling into it more than you realize. This episode will help you recognize it—and release it. (Because... constantly striving for excellence is exhausting!) Additional segments: Try-on session: Today I encourage you to try this tho…
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If there’s one time we’ve ever needed a peaceful holiday season, 2020 might just be it! Today I’m sharing 5 actionable steps you can take—starting today—to cut your typical holiday stress by half. Let’s go into Christmas with more CALM—and less chaos—in our heads and hearts. Additional Segments: Permission To: A segment where I give you full permis…
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Most people talk about boundaries as something you set and then expect other people to honor. But this puts the power in someone else’s hands, and I believe it belongs in yours! Here’s how to set boundaries that YOU can honor. Additional Segments: Permission to: A segment where I give you full permission to be who you really are. Today, permission …
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Do you ever feel like your time isn’t your own? Like you’ve parceled it out to everyone around you and can’t seem to get any back for yourself? Today, let’s reclaim your time! No one can decide how to use it but you, and today’s minimalist strategies will help you devote your time to the things you care about most. Additional Segments: * Permission…
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If alone time feels like oxygen to you, there's nothing wrong with you. It’s HARD to care for yourself when you’re a mom (especially during a pandemic!), but your needs matter. You deserve to breathe. Additional Segments: * Try-on session: A segment where I share a new thought for you to try on for size. Today’s thought: Losing motivation doesn’t h…
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Are you getting the most out of your therapy sessions? Today’s tips will help you (1) go to your sessions knowing what you want to tackle, and (2) help you capture and build on your key takeaways. (And if you’re never done therapy before, I make a case for it!) Additional Segments: * Off ramp: A segment where I encourage you to quit comparing your …
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Before I ventured into minimalism, if you’d asked me the best way to simplify your life, I would have said it was to cut your belongings in half… or maybe to permanently practice the one-in-one-out rule. But after having done both of those things for years, I can tell you that they help, but they’re not the real answer. Tune in for the BEST, most i…
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Most days, you can handle this whole pandemic thing (or any other hard time you’re going through). But every now and then, you just. can’t. Here’s what to remember on the hard days. Additional segments: * Off ramp: A word far too many women use to describe themselves. (Plus, six positive replacements!) * Decluttering tip: The reason you often give …
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If “selfless” means having no concern for yourself, is that a concept we really want to aspire to? Is it a message we want to pass on to our kids? Today I share why this word doesn’t sit well with me and what you might want to embody instead. Additional segments: * Self-care spotlight: You don’t need a whole spa day. This is why. * Introvert’s corn…
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For so many of us, loving others comes naturally. But loving ourselves? That’s where it gets HARD. Today I share six reasons to love yourself fiercely—in hopes of convincing you that genuine self-love will change your life! Additional segments: * Off-ramp: A segment where I share something I see women doing that I’d love for you to QUIT. * What mat…
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