Three friends with no love life or game joke around.
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Podcast by Roch Matthews
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Priatelia, kamaráti, kolegovia a zaujímaví ľudia z bezprostredného okolia Yaela a sveta mladých ľudí. Talkshow Friendzone vysiela Dobré rádio v premiére každý pracovný piatok po sedemnástej hodine, v repríze v nedeľu po 11.00 hod. a dostupná je aj ako podcast na všetkých obľúbených platformách.
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A podcast about two idiots who decided to watch MTV's Friendzone and then talk about it
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Podcast by The RideShare Podcast
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Personal Twitters: @DillonNels @michaelshaw440 Personal IG: @dillonnels @mshaw27 2-3 FriendZone Accounts Twitter: @2_3FriendZone IG: @2_3friendzone
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Karin Haydu: Rola matky je tou najkrajšou, akú som dostala
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15:39Panelák, Ordinácia v ružovej záhrade, mnohé divadelné aj filmové diela. Karin Haydu patrí medzi obľúbené a talentované slovenské herečky, no vyznačuje sa aj niekoľkými superschopnosťami. Doštudovať vysokú školu ako čerstvá matka, to nedokáže každá žena. Najmä v tom prípade, ak sa venuje materstvu, herectvu a štúdiu naraz. Spríjemni si leto ďalším r…
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Producent Manny Mijares: Svet je plný hviezdičiek, ktoré rýchlo zhasnú. Skutočné hviezdy rastú roky
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12:09Jeho meno je vo svete šoubiznisu veľmi dobre známe. Spolupracoval s mnohými hviezdami pop music a v súčasnosti jednu budúcu hviezdu formuje priamo na Slovensku. Producent Manny Mijares v lete pricestoval z USA na Slovensko, aby nám prezradil tie najzaujímavejšie tajomstvá z kuchyne speváckych ikon. Našu krajinu si nevybral náhodne, medzi jeho zvere…
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Nela Pocisková: Občas sa na pľaci pýtam, prečo som tu a nie v nahrávacom štúdiu
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16:02Talentovaná, úspešná a skromná. Mama dvoch nádherných detí, partnerka, skvelá herečka aj speváčka. V rámci svojej doterajšej kariéry stihla dosiahnuť mnohé veľké úspechy. Slovensko reprezentovala na Eurovízii, vyhrala tanečnú súťaž Let´s Dance, hviezdi v televíznych seriáloch a najnovšie sa opäť vrátila k milovanej hudbe. Ako sama vraví, hip hop je…
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Tomáš Striž: Nadprirodzené javy sa dejú okolo mňa neustále. Vrcholom bolo hrajúce rádio vytiahnuté z elektriky
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11:57Kým sa jeho rovesníci venovali zábave a randeniu, Tomáš začal pracovať v rodinnom biznise. Je štvrtou generáciou v pohrebnej službe. Odprevádzanie zosnulých na druhý svet sa stalo neoddeliteľnou súčasťou jeho života a zároveň našiel spôsob, ako stratu milovanej osoby pozostalým uľahčiť. Vyrába jedinečné šperky, ktoré im budú blízkeho navždy pripomí…
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Aneta Slotová z Ruže: Čakala som od šou viac romantiky, menej intríg
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13:27Reality show TV Markíza, v ktorej sa krásne ženy uchádzajú o priazeň lepšie situovaného podnikateľa, sa na Slovensku stala fenoménom. Čísla sledovanosti lámali rekordy a televízia ohlásila už ďalšiu sériu. Ako svoje účinkovanie v šou vníma po vypadnutí Aneta? Prečo nebola spokojná s rande na plantáži a ako by volala Radka, ak by medzi nimi preskoči…
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Charlotte Racová: Pilotovať lietadlo som vedela skôr, než šoférovať auto
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16:01Av Dobré rádio
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Lu: Myslel som si, že po vypadnutí z Love Islandu ma budú všetci nenávidieť
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15:00Patril medzi najkontroverznejšie postavy reality show Love Island. Už počas nej sa však zároveň javil ako skromný chalan, ktorého vášňou je hudba. Vie, že sláva je dočasná, a tak sa po návrate do reality zamestnal v kreatívnom štúdiu.Av Dobré rádio
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Jozef Buhaj: Pozrel som sa na fotku Dua Lipy a hneď som vedel, že chcem fotiť koncerty
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16:23Pôvodne chcel byť hercom, no absolvoval štúdium žurnalistiky a už roky sa spolupodieľa na bezchybnom vysielaní Telerána. V poslednom období však v sebe náhodou objavil vášeň pre koncertnú fotografiu a jeho kariéra má raketový štart. Už dnes spolupracuje s viacerými zvučnými menami slovenskej hudby aj instagramovej scény. Spoznajte ďalšieho zaujímav…
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René Rendy: Deň bez hejtu sa mi už ani neráta. Ľudia vždy budú rýpať
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14:53Najúprimnejšia spoveď v slovenskom éteri! Po návrate z liečenia odhodil Yael všetky obavy, predsudky a ochotne svojim priateľom zodpovedal zvedavé otázky týkajúce sa jeho liečby a boja so závislosťou. Svoju trinástu komnatu otvoril počas rozhovoru s Reném Rendym, ktorý sa neplánovane zhostil úlohy moderátora. Pozor! Súčasťou epizódy je i jedno nádh…
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Ingrid Hupková: Drogy nepotrebujete. Jednoduchým spôsobom môžete dodať telu dopamín aj bez nich
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16:24Je to už pár dní, čo sa bulvárne médiá priživujú na odvážnom kroku Matúša Yaela Kolárovského. Obľúbený slovenský spevák, herec, model a hlas Dobrého rádia sa v polovici novembra na sociálnych sieťach zveril svojim fanúšikom s tajomstvom, ktoré ho ťažilo. V minulosti mal skúsenosť s užívaním liekov, no dnes so závislosťou úspešne bojuje a svoje osob…
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Ronie: Singel Búrka som venovala zosnulej mame. Je to moja jediná nahrávka, ktorú počula #1
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14:17Av Dobré rádio
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Just shenanigans
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Our first podcast is about our love fails /awkward moments remember to tell us your hangouts email so you can be our special guest and tell us about your failed attempts
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The friendzone is something we all can relate to. It is one of those unavoidable situations that have plagued us since the introduction of relationship. We believe we have a solution, obtained through discussion with various people with unique stories.Av The RideShare Podcast
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The friendzone is something we all can relate to. It is one of those unavoidable situations that have plagued us since the introduction of relationship. We believe we have a solution, obtained through discussion with various people with unique stories.Av The RideShare Podcast
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The friendzone is something we all can relate to. It is one of those unavoidable situations that have plagued us since the introduction of relationship. We believe we have a solution, obtained through discussion with various people with unique stories.Av The RideShare Podcast
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The friendzone is something we all can relate to. It is one of those unavoidable situations that have plagued us since the introduction of relationship. We believe we have a solution, obtained through discussion with various people with unique stories.Av The RideShare Podcast
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The friendzone is something we all can relate to. It is one of those unavoidable situations that have plagued us since the introduction of relationship. We believe we have a solution, obtained through discussion with various people with unique stories.Av The RideShare Podcast
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The friendzone is something we all can relate to. It is one of those unavoidable situations that have plagued us since the introduction of relationship. We believe we have a solution, obtained through discussion with various people with unique stories.Av The RideShare Podcast
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The friendzone is something we all can relate to. It is one of those unavoidable situations that have plagued us since the introduction of relationship. We believe we have a solution, obtained through discussion with various people with unique stories.Av The RideShare Podcast
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The friendzone is something we all can relate to. It is one of those unavoidable situations that have plagued us since the introduction of relationship. We believe we have a solution, obtained through discussion with various people with unique stories.Av The RideShare Podcast
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The friendzone is something we all can relate to. It is one of those unavoidable situations that have plagued us since the introduction of relationship. We believe we have a solution, obtained through discussion with various people with unique stories.Av The RideShare Podcast
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The friendzone is something we all can relate to. It is one of those unavoidable situations that have plagued us since the introduction of relationship. We believe we have a solution, obtained through discussion with various people with unique stories.Av The RideShare Podcast
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The friendzone is something we all can relate to. It is one of those unavoidable situations that have plagued us since the introduction of relationship. We believe we have a solution, obtained through discussion with various people with unique stories.Av The RideShare Podcast
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The friendzone is something we all can relate to. It is one of those unavoidable situations that have plagued us since the introduction of relationship. We believe we have a solution, obtained through discussion with various people with unique stories.Av The RideShare Podcast
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Angelica wants her best friend to break up with his current girlfriend so she can get in on that action. Shivani likes Parth, but Parth has no personality.Av The Friendzone Zone
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Amanda I love you and if you just give us a chance, you'll see it too. Also Nate is a tool.Av The Friendzone Zone
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In this final episode, Jason tells Ronnie about his experience with the red-head he met online who goes by the name of Jane.Credits: Roch Matthews, Miri Bluebeard, Leonard Payne.Artwork: Kenang Luthfi.Av Roch Matthews
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Jason leads a life searching for his one and only. However, he suffers as a hopeless romantic with a knack for misreading situations and pays the price for it. In this episode, Jason tells Ronnie about his experience with the brunette he met at work who goes by the name of Kirsty.Credits: Roch Matthews, Miri Bluebeard, Leonard Payne.Artwork: Kenang…
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Jason leads a life searching for his one and only. However, he suffers as a hopeless romantic with a knack for misreading situations and pays the price for it. In this episode, Jason tells Ronnie about his experience with the blonde he met at his cousin’s party who goes by the name of Grace.Credits: Roch Matthews, Miri Bluebeard, Leonard Payne.Artw…
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Jamie's mom doesn't want Jamie dating Steve the Handyman. Also let's take things slow.Av The Friendzone Zone
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Javi's playing the long game on getting back together with Michelle. Shell and Ant make jokes about mad dudes. This podcast sponsored by Love!Av The Friendzone Zone
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Two fresh boys hop on a ferry, while another one decides to get his hair cut and take a lady to a diner for a date.Av The Friendzone Zone
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Wayne Gretzky does not approve of Christie's new robot boyfriend. Peter done goofed.Av The Friendzone Zone
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I would like the chicken fingers, pleaseAv The Friendzone Zone
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Welcome to the first episode of The Friendzone Zone, a podcast where we watch episodes of MTV's Friendzone and then talk about it. On this episode, Brittanie steals hearts and Nick is there.Av The Friendzone Zone
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1:20- Game Of Thrones 10:00- Derrick Rose 15:00- NBA Draft 30:00- Music 31:00- Chance The Rapper 36:30-Goals/Closing Personal Twitters: @DillonNels @michaelshaw440 Personal IG: @dillonnels @mshaw27 2-3 FriendZone Accounts Twitter: @2_3FriendZone IG: @2_3friendzone
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.25 - Game Of Thrones 13:10 - Highschool 21:20 - Concerts 27:22 - Music Of The Week 28:09 - Closing Personal Twitters: @DillonNels @michaelshaw440 Personal IG: @dillonnels @mshaw27 2-3 FriendZone Accounts Twitter: @2_3FriendZone IG: @2_3friendzone
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1:00 - NBA Draft Big Board 8:30 - Mock Draft 19:00 - Draymond Green 22:00 - Series Closing Predictions 28:00 Closing Personal Twitters: @DillonNels @michaelshaw440 Personal IG: @dillonnels @mshaw27 2-3 FriendZone Accounts Twitter: @2_3FriendZone IG: @2_3friendzone
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1:14 NBA Combine 8:00 Syracuse/ 1 and Dones 15:10 Game of Thrones Episodes 2-3 22:15 Captain America: Civil War 26:15 The Fastbreak(Black Panther, 29:40 Steph Curry MVP, 35:38 The O.C) 41:10 Music of the week 43:46 Closing Personal Twitters: @DillonNels @michaelshaw440 Personal IG: @dillonnels @mshaw27 2-3 FriendZone Accounts Twitter: @2_3FriendZon…
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Personal Twitters: @DillonNels @michaelshaw440 Personal IG: @dillonnels @mshaw27 2-3 FriendZone Accounts Twitter: @2_3FriendZone IG: @2_3friendzone
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