Häng med PT Ullis och motionärs-Maria, i en podd om träning. Längdskidor i synnerhet kryddat med livet i allmänhet.
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Podz-Glidz. Der Lu-Glidz Podcast. Geschichten aus dem Kosmos des Gleitschirmfliegens Lu-Glidz, Der Gleitschirm-Blog.
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Glitterbox has generated an inclusive, uplifting party atmosphere designed to unite all ages, persuasions and walks of life on the dancefloor... and this is their radio show!
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En podd om skidåkning
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A weekly podcast dedicated to the power of women’s wrestling. Hosted by Harley Vasquez, Em Fear, and their team of correspondents known as The Glitterati.
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The Glitch Bottle Podcast is a Western magic and grimoire-focused show that uncorks the uncommon with magic, mysticism and the generally misunderstood.
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Jason brings his expert opinon to the world of comics
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Criado em 2013, o Glitch Gamecast é agora um multiverso de podcasts sobre a indústria de videojogos. Rubricas em rotação: .Glitch Gamecast .Game Dev Lisbon .Masmorra do Glitch .Sega não morreu Website: https://linktr.ee/glitchgamecast email: glitchpt@gmail.com
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Glitch Cube is a podcast about the art of video games. We talk about themes and mechanics in some of our favorite games. We also discuss game reviews, developer/publisher deep dives, and random rambles.
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A Catholic Journey Through the Lord of the Rings
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I reportage e le inchieste di Radio Popolare Il lavoro degli inviati, corrispondenti e redattori di Radio Popolare e Popolare Network sulla società, la politica, gli avvenimenti internazionali, la cultura, la musica.
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Glimt i Steigen prata Mannskjit er en podcast beregnet på alle som har et snev av interesse for våre gule helter, og/eller naturskjønne Steigen. Her prates mannskjit om alt som rører seg rundt klubben i våre hjerter, fra et supporterperspektiv. Poden ledes av Ruben Stensland og består ellers av et variert panel bestående av noen av Glimt i Steigen 2 665 medlemmer.
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Winner of 2 2019 Audio Verse Awards! Shadowrun actual play podcast of an all women runner team taking on the mean shadows of St. Louis! Discord: https://discord.gg/tp63H2s
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this show is about exploring a new culture or country each week.
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👾Join psychic channel, certified quantum hypnotist, and conscious contact guide Lisa Quigley on an intergalactic journey to remember why we are here on Planet Earth—NOW. Every evolutionary process begins with a mutation. There are gifts in your "glitches." Let's find them. 🛸👽 lisaquigley.substack.com
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Uncover genuine strategies for generating income online, free from tricks or quick-fix schemes. Money-Glitch is your ultimate podcast for exploring effective and actionable ways to make money online—whether you’re a side hustler, freelancer or an entrepreneur. Every day, we delve into popular methods such as e-commerce, drop-shipping, freelancing, investing, content creation, trading, affiliate marketing and more, featuring insights from industry experts, success stories, and comprehensive g ...
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Dive into the fabulous world of queer Asian creatives and change-makers on #YellowGlitterPodcast. Join us as we chat about our Queer & Asian identities and culture, social activism, mental health, love, creativity and more. Hosted by Steven Wakabayashi, founder of Stranger Creative and QTBIPOC Design. Follow us at @yellowglitterpd on socials and share your thoughts or guest recommendations at info@yellowglitterpodcast.com. Full episodes, transcripts, and show notes on our website at yellowgl ...
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Curiosità, aneddoti, storie e molto altro sulla musica del nostro paese! Tutto ciò che non avete mai osato chiedere finalmente sarà a vostra disposizione: raccontiamo musica italiana attraverso le loro e le nostre voci! PER SEGUIRCI LIVE: tutti i lunedì alle 17, sceglieremo un cantante o un tema, risponderemo alle vostre domande, dubbi, perplessità, portando i vostri saluti e i vostri commenti. In più, potrete decidere voi chi sarà il protagonista delle puntate future! Ci trovate su Facebook ...
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The Glitch Report is the first ever ‘Botcast,’ presented by Leadpages. We wanted to give you daily marketing news and updates but we don’t have the time. So, we trained a couple of AI bots to do it for us. Join AI hosts Kai and Luna every Monday through Friday to get you caught up on the day’s marketing headlines.
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Glitters of Life, a podcast show dedicated to shining a light on the incredible stories, lessons, and experiences that shape our lives. We dive deep into conversations with fascinating individuals, exploring their unique journeys and uncovering the sparkling moments that have led them to personal growth, success, and happiness. From overcoming adversity to discovering passions, our guests reveal the power of resilience, positivity, and connection, offering practical advice and thought-provok ...
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The Glitterbois are two blokes (and then some) with an intense and long-lived love for the rich role-playing game worlds created by Palladium Books. Join us as we talk about the vast imaginative possibilities of the Palladium Books RPG "Megaverse" in a quest to spread appreciation for their games, meet established wanderers of their worlds, and hopefully bring new players into the fold. We'll look into the workings and histories of all of their games, including Rifts, Palladium Fantasy, Nigh ...
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Zwei Stripperinnen teilen ihre Geheimnisse aus dem Rotlicht-Universum voller Glitzer und Bargeld. Noemi ist Model, OnlyFans-Creator und seit drei Jahren Stripperin. Amber strippt seit 10 Jahren und ist gleichzeitig Burlesquekünstlerin und Standup Comedian. Von Daddy Issues bis hin zur Steuererklärung beantworten wir auch die noch so geheimsten Fragen und teilen unsere besten Storys mit euch.
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Visions of the Coming Kingdom
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Your resource for movie, tv, and video game news, reviews, and opinions.
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House-, Electronic und Hörviagra
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Where the conversation about life continues...
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Glimtmagasinet er en podcast laget for fotballklubben Bodø/Glimt. Vi tar deg igjennom årets oppturer og nedturer og byr på morsomme og interessante podcaster som passer for både store og små supportere!
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"Glitch", podcast su web design e tecnologia, dove esploriamo le ultime tendenze e innovazioni che stanno rivoluzionando il settore in cui lavoro giornalmente. Tratterò in puntate speciali anche le mie passioni come videogiochi, serie TV, storage, server e crypto. Non sono laureato e non sarò professore di nulla, cercheremo insieme solo di fare delle riflessioni costruttive sul mondo del presente, cercando di capire come sarà il mondo del futuro.
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random stuff cause i am bore
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The real life story of Aussie Dan Saunders who worked out his ATM card had a glitch which allowed him to withdraw $1.6M and blow it all in less than 4 months. T Thanks to our season sponsor. My Pay Now, Click below to find out more. www.mypaynow.com.au
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Memorie sportive e non solo
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Glidewell 實臨室在牙醫生最常推薦的治療手續和產品上,對患者提供免費教育講解,讓患者了解這些治療手續和產品的好處。
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How do nice people end up in a militia, or attacking peaceful protestors? How does someone go from Youtube viewer to violent agitator? So many of us may be asking these same questions. Leading academics are grappling with them, but right now, the ivory tower isn’t what we need. Glitterpill believes these are grassroots problems with community solutions. The Glitterpill community wants to give every day people the tools they need to help their friends, family, and coworkers from falling down ...
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girl geared podcast
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Glitteratie covers Everything Africa, Pop Culture, and Relationships ! Glitteraie talks about it ! Join me & let's dissect it all ! LET'S SPRINKLE A LIL GLITTER ON THIS THING WE CALL LIFE !
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A Glimpse of the Kingdom is a podcast dedicated to Christian thinking on various topics such as Christian doctrine, apologetics, healthy relationships, and various Bible studies.
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'Glitch of History' is a podcast that takes you to the most surprising and unexpected moments of the past. Explore the extraordinary events, untold stories, and pivotal moments that have shaped the interconnected histories of Europe, the United Kingdom, the Middle East, and Asia. In each episode, two passionate AI historians delve deep into the hidden gems of our past, revealing the intricate narratives that have defined human civilization. From the rise and fall of empires to the subtle cul ...
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Tra la fine del 1944 e la Liberazione del 25 aprile 1945, nel centro storico di Padova fu attivo un vero e proprio centro di detenzione e tortura di partigiani, in cui furono reclusi, tra gli altri, anche molti professori dell’Università di Padova. A gestirlo, un reparto speciale di fascisti italiani. Questa è la storia della Banda Carità, delle sue vittime, dei tanti che sapevano, dei pochi che tradirono e di una città che, a guerra finita, ha scelto di dimenticare. Dietro gli scuri. L’ulti ...
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Adesso ci trovate a questo indirizzo: https://www.spreaker.com/show/la-biblioteca-che-non-ce Oppure su Spotify qui: https://open.spotify.com/show/1rTvVLyk5AOCoXsBljMpMD Seguici anche su Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb2etJfurlwy3wp-PW8MXig Per donazioni - https://ko-fi.com/bibliotecachenon Per abbonamenti - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb2etJfurlwy3wp-PW8MXig/join
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Just about everything
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Para ti que amas el cine, disfrutas de tus series y te desvelas en las premieres . Todos los martes sintoniza GlitchMx. Ya sea que nos escuches en nuestro Podcast o nos veas en YouTube, disfruta de reseñas, debates, noticias y más. Escuchanos tambien en Itunes
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New podcast weblog
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Подкаст про велоспорт без Ленса Армстронга
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Il trailer del podcast Dietro gli scuri. L'ultimo inverno della Banda Carità.Av Giulia Cupani, Sara Clementi
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Speciale Falla con noi - RP in tour - San Donato - 2a parte - 26/03/2025 - ore 11:02
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54:18a cura di Massimo Bacchetta e Luca Parenadove: libreria Kitaxe in Via della Libertà 10.
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Gli Scanzonati #241 - Adriano Celentano
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1:01:15Se l'emozione dovesse avere una voce, probabilmente la sua. Adriano Celentano ha saputo attraversare i decenni cambiando più volte pelle, ma rimanendo sempre coerente con sé stesso. Dall'epoca degli urlatori alla carriera da attore passando per i duetti con Mina e altri fenomeni della musica italiana. Un veterano che ha saputo far cantare generazio…
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Le novelle marinaresche di mastro Catrame - Completo - Emilio Salgari
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4:42:02Le novelle marinaresche di mastro Catrame - Completo - Emilio SalgariAv La Biblioteca che non c'è
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Glitch Gamecast Ep. 203 - Noite Recheada
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2:26:37Mas que noite cheia de notícias! O trio de sempre juntou-se para discutir nada mais nada menos do que: Momentos Ubisoft com Assassin's Creed e Tencent; Estúdios com medo do GTA VI; Direct da Nintendo e os seus cartões virtuais; Game Informer de volta!Tudo isto e as notícias da semana no episódio 203 do Glitch Gamecast! Este podcast é apresentado po…
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Podz-Glidz 157 - Foehnphobie - Chris Geist
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1:27:22Chris Geist ist einer der bekanntesten deutschen Fluglehrer und Sicherheitstrainer. Wie hält er es mit dem Risiko?+++Chris Geist hat vor 17 Jahren die Paragliding Academy im Allgäu gegründet, als Flugschule und Anbieter von Sicherheitstrainings. Zuvor war er Acro-Flieger, dann Entwicklungs- und Testpilot, wo er gerne an die Grenzen von Material und…
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CONTACT US HERE TO GET THIS COURSE: - Discord › https://discord.com/invite/SZKxMsAkqT - Instagram › https://instagram.com/fuckingsavagh/ - Telegram › https://t.me/fuckingsavaghAv Money Glitch
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CONTACT US HERE TO GET THIS COURSE: - Discord › https://discord.com/invite/SZKxMsAkqT - Instagram › https://instagram.com/fuckingsavagh/ - Telegram › https://t.me/fuckingsavaghAv Money Glitch
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ChatGPT Does Images Now and AI Bots Are Overwhelming Websites
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4:57In today’s episode, we discuss the new image generation feature recently released for ChatGPT. We also talk about how AI web crawlers are overwhelming some websites’ servers and what developers are doing to prevent this. Finally, we touch on Google’s latest search algorithm update that just wrapped up today.…
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Hells to the Yes! We are joined today by the excellent Ramón K Pêrez, who we hope most of our listeners immediately recognize as the artist behind many of the great works of the late-90s era Palladium product releases. Ramón was a delight to have on the show, sharing many tales of his days working for Palladium, and details behind his work in the y…
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Arjoio TradingMMT Mentorship (Arjo Janssens)
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0:52CONTACT US HERE TO GET THIS COURSE: - Discord › https://discord.com/invite/SZKxMsAkqT - Instagram › https://instagram.com/fuckingsavagh/ - Telegram › https://t.me/fuckingsavaghAv Money Glitch
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NEOH YONG – The 1%ers Trade Club Course – Verified Millionaire
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0:47CONTACT US HERE TO GET THIS COURSE: - Discord › https://discord.com/invite/SZKxMsAkqT - Instagram › https://instagram.com/fuckingsavagh/ - Telegram › https://t.me/fuckingsavaghAv Money Glitch
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Google is Testing New “Search Max” Feature and Meta is Set to Roll Out Community Notes
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5:05In today’s episode, we talk about how Google is testing a new Ads feature called "Search Max," which integrates AI-driven capabilities to enhance ad performance. We also discuss Meta’s upcoming rollout of their “Community Notes” feature and the new asset testing tool for Google PMax retail campaigns.…
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fl00k is back with his friend J4ZZ to bring you all the news the GOVERNMENT and the CORPO MEDIA won't give you (#FreeSkum) Aliens, do they walk among us? Wait, who's that? This is supposed to be a secure channel! CAST: fl00k- Cyd J4ZZ- Shannon FEATURING: What the Dice! Their second season is a Shadowrun 5e actual play with a KILLER setting. Serious…
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Speciale Falla con noi - RP in tour - San Donato - 26/03/2025 - ore 10:02
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1:15:21a cura di Massimo Bacchetta e Luca Parenadove: libreria Kitaxe in Via della Libertà 10.
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G&G Classic - Something In My Soul: The Life & Career Of Gail Kim
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1:25:33Originally aired November 2022. On the fourth edition of Living Legends, Harley delves into the legacy of Gail Kim. From debuting as a masked wrestler in Toronto in 2000 to winning the WWE women's title in her debut, becoming the first Knockouts Champion, walking out on WWE, and being the first woman inducted into the TNA Hall of Fame. If you don't…
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AI Search Has a Citation Problem and Google Ads Expands PMax Negative Keyword Limits
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4:30In today’s episode, we talk about a recent study that found that AI search engines have a lot of problems citing their sources. We also discuss the new negative keyword limit for Google PMax campaigns and a study that shows why you should only have one publish date on your articles.
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You And I Make Our Own Matriarchy (w/ Zeke Mercer & Amanda Maslow)
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49:48Em and Don talk to two-thirds of The Matriarchy, "No Mercy" Zeke Mercer and Amanda Maslow! They talk competing for 880 Wrestling, how The Matriarchy formed, representation in wrestling, the influence of Maria Kanellis-Bennett, and chasing the 880 tag titles.Av Grit & Glitter
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Vår vän, men framförallt Robins vän, Pål Jansson har gått ur tiden. Mannen som varit så kreativ och som för vår podd gjort loggan men också Årets Glidare priset. Vi hedrar honom med det han förtjänar, fina ord. I övrigt handlar podden om roliga lopp, roliga priser samt om världscupavslutningarna i både längd och skidskytte där framförallt två av vå…
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Masmorra do Glitch - Episodium VII - RPGs Que Não Acabámos
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3:04:59Todos nós temos a nossa lista da vergonha. Aquela que inclui os jogos que nunca acabámos.Filipe, Nuno e Sofia partilham os RPGs que nunca acabaram, que nunca irão acabar e o porquê.É esta a temática do "Episodium VII - RPGs Que Não Acabámos". Este podcast é apresentado por: Nuno Mendes: https://twitter.com/ProtoKun Filipe Martins:…
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Joseph 4 // Genesis 42-45: The Tests and the Final Reveal
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Brands are Hiring “Silver Influencers” and Google Responds to Concerns About AI Mode
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5:23In today’s episode, we talk about a trend that’s seeing brands hire Gen X and boomer influencers to appeal to older demographics. We also discuss Google’s response to criticisms of their AI mode and a new creative model being developed by OpenAI.
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I avsnitt 39 har äntligen Ullis övertygat hennes egen PT, Danny att vara med. Det blir ett härligt långt samtal som börjar med hur Ullis och Danny lärde känna varandra, Dannys resa i Vasaloppsspåret och huvudämnet styrketräning. Hur kan vi tänka kring just styrka kopplat till det vi vill göra i livet. Glad lyssning alla goa!…
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Hey there Cubies! This week we are diving into some of the game we are most excited about for 2025. Just have to say that it looks like this is the year of the samurai! There are so many titles with this as the main focus. Ghosts Of Yotei, Phantom Blade Zero, Assassins Creed: Shadows & Onimusha! Every year just gets better and better! -------------…
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in this epsiode i talk about cuba and it history and artss!!!Av KMIH 88.9 The Bridge
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🎙️🔍 Explore the significant events of March 1521: the Battle of Orshan and its impact on Ottoman expansion, Babur's victory founding the Mughal Empire, and the Sack of Rome altering power dynamics. 🌍⚔️📜Av Pastime Agency
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The Total Forex Course – Jessica Laine Download
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0:52CONTACT US HERE TO GET THIS COURSE: - Discord › https://discord.com/invite/SZKxMsAkqT - Instagram › https://instagram.com/fuckingsavagh/ - Telegram › https://t.me/fuckingsavaghAv Money Glitch
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Patrick Nill – TTT Mentorship Program Download
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0:51CONTACT US HERE TO GET THIS COURSE: - Discord › https://discord.com/invite/SZKxMsAkqT - Instagram › https://instagram.com/fuckingsavagh/ - Telegram › https://t.me/fuckingsavaghAv Money Glitch
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AI Threat to Google Overblown and the Web is Flooded With AI Content
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5:04In today’s episode, we talk about some recent research that reveals that the AI threat to Google might be exaggerated. We also discuss a study that shows just how much AI content is on the internet now and an exciting new feature for PMax ads.
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Tom Camp Smart Forex Solutions College Program Course Download
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0:45CONTACT US HERE TO GET THIS COURSE: - Discord › https://discord.com/invite/SZKxMsAkqT - Instagram › https://instagram.com/fuckingsavagh/ - Telegram › https://t.me/fuckingsavaghAv Money Glitch
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RomeoTPT – CIC Course (CRT INNER CIRCLE) Download
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0:45CONTACT US HERE TO GET THIS COURSE: - Discord › https://discord.com/invite/SZKxMsAkqT - Instagram › https://instagram.com/fuckingsavagh/ - Telegram › https://t.me/fuckingsavaghAv Money Glitch
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Glitch Gamecast Ep. 202 - A Luz nas Sombras
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2:01:50Sofia, Rodrigo e Diogo têm um grande momento Ubisoft e saem das sombras para discutir as suas primeiras impressões sobre o novo Assassin's Creed: Shadows. Aproveitámos também para discutir o trailer de Death Stranding 2 e outras pequenas notícias da semana. Tudo isto e as notícias da semana no episódio 202 do Glitch Gamecast! Este podcast é apresen…
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Google Anti-Trust Suit Update and Instagram Experimenting with ‘Community Chat’ Feature
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6:11In today’s episode, we talk about an update to Google’s anti-trust issues. While the DOJ has reiterated its call for Google to divest its Chrome browser, it’s softened its stance on their AI investments. We also discuss how Instagram is experimenting with a new community chat feature and a recent comparison of how AI tools respond to more sensitive…
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Andrew and Patrick discuss chapter 3 of the Fellowship of the Ring.Av Adeodatus
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Corrupts absolutely? Or rocks absolutely?! Somewhere in the middle, actually. Want more reviews, check out: https://comicpicksbytheglick.comAv glickscomicpicks.com
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Amber ist zurück aus ihrem Urlaub und lässt mit Noemi auf Bali die schönsten Urlaubserlebnisse Revue passieren: vom Besuch im OG-Stripclub in Neuseeland über PingPong Shows in Bangkok und Mittelerde springen wir weiter zur Sexword-Demo in Zürich, Stripclub Knigge Pt. 2 und Fragen, die man niemals stellen darf. Während Noemi im Gay-Sandwich auf Bali…
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Advertisers Expect Ad Spend Slowdown and Snapchat Partners With Later
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6:23In today’s episode, we talk about a recent report that reveals advertisers expect an ad spend slowdown due to the recently announced US tariffs. We also discuss how Snapchat is expanding its creator offerings through a partnership with Later, and Google Ads may get channel reporting for PMax campaigns.…
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Ритмы времени (спец выпуск Абстрактный Хип-Хоп) #10
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50:51…Av AN:TI™
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AI Overviews Rise As Click Rates Decline and Meta is Releasing a Book
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4:50In today’s episode, we talk about how the rise of AI Overviews is resulting in more zero-click content. How will this impact SEO moving forward? We also discuss the announcement by Meta that Alex Schultz, their CMO and VP of Analytics, will be publishing a book later this year on growth strategies, digital marketing best practices, and leveraging A…
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S03E04 - Mannskjitprat etter heksegryta i Pireus
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1:05:16Glimt skal spille kvartfinale i Europa League og det feires! Klitten er på plass med en ny, men allerede populær, hit. Det blir Tåsusere og en utenriksrapport fra Koldevin Koddvåg.Av Glimt i Steigen
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The Wrestling Media Draft (w/ Anton Voorhees & DARK Sheik)
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1:24:09Harley and Em are joined by Hoodslam's own Anton Voorhees and DARK Sheik for a wrestling media draft! They compete to select some of their favorite wrestling books, movies, songs, t-shirts, and merchandise. Which wrestler will land two books on the chart? What body part makes the list? Did Stone Cold and Shawn Michaels walk so Santino Marella and N…
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Diskningarna haglade i helgen, rätt eller fel? Robin for runt som vanligt med prestationsångestmicken i högsta hugg och kommenterade både JSM-tävlingar och plogparader. Roberto har varit på gala igen och ätit snittar, i alla fall om man ska tro Robin. Men har inte han också hamnat i den fållan? Vi snackar oss igenom världscuptävlingar i både längd …
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The Glitterbois Play Rifts #001: Stepping Through a Rift in Cincinatti
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1:34:16We are super duper mega ultra dragon kick excited to finally release the first session of something that's been in the cooker for almost a year now: our brand new actual play campaign of Rifts! We are joined by special guest Game Master Kyle, from the Bastard Quest podcast. There's a lot we could say here, but for this inaugural episode, I think we…
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