Relentlessly chasing new experiences, places and knowledge. All while growing a family, a business, a relationship and myself. Sharing my learnings along the way in the form of short form content every weekday! Let's go! Support this podcast:
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#54 Diving Deeper on Developing Goals Based on Core Motivations
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2:24Happy Hump Day, everyone! I hope you guys are having an amazing week to this point. Today I was looking at what to talk about around #roadto40 stuff, and I realized that the video last week didn’t dive much into the types of goals to create, so I wanted to get complete with that topic and dive a bit deeper. I showed you the document for managing yo…
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#53 Successfully Manage Remote Work or Work From Home
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5:01Happy Monday everyone!! Is everyone ready to go out and crush this week and enjoyed their weekend. I had an amazing weekend had some of our amazing friends in for the weekend...Cards Win, Blues are moving on to the next round. Great weekend!! Today’s topic is a fun one and sure to conjure strong feelings on either side of the we are …
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#52 Begin With Gratitude, Act With Gratitude, End With Gratitude
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3:08Happy Friday Everyone! I hope everyone has had an amazing week. Today we are going to dive deep into gratitude. This concept is so simple, but it’s insanely powerful. The practice of showing gratitude brings nearly endless benefits from better sleep to stronger immune system to expressing more compassion and kindness, to name just a few benefits. W…
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#51 How to Turn Your Core Motivations into Goals
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3:36What is up everyone!? Happy Wednesday! I hope you are all having a fantastic week to this point! Today we start to get into the fun stuff, actually creating goals and then the milestones along the way based on our core motivations. If you haven’t gotten to your core motivations, do not worry about it at all. They will come, continue to push on them…
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#50 How to Delegate to Your People Effectively
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3:47Welcome to Monday everyone! I hope you had a great weekend. Today’s topic was based on a post I read on LinkedIn on Friday. It talked about owning something that no one is owning is the fastest way to accelerate your career growth in a startup. This is an interesting topic, in a startup, anything someone else isn’t owning can accelerate your career…
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#49 Lead Your People by Knowing Your People
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4:15Today's topic is getting to know your people and leading them in the way that works for them. How do you get to know your people? Where are they going? What brought them to this point in their career? What do they want to do with their life? And ultimately, how can you utilize all that information to help them grow. Getting to know your people is t…
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Happy Monday everyone! I hope you had a great weekend! Today’s topic covers a quote by Napoleon Bonaparte, “a leader is a dealer in hope”. It’s easy for leaders to get caught up in the numbers, but at the end of the day, leaders, especially those that get closer to the top of the organizational chart need to be the emotional leader. No matter what …
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#47 If You Can't Handle the Stress, You Can't Handle the Success
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4:46Friday!!!!! Hope you have had an incredible week! Chill weekend for me ahead, getting some work done and getting the office put back together. Excited to finally have proper lighting and be able to be in the space. Today I wanted to talk about stress and success. I have had the privilege to work along side or know people that have started some pret…
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What is up everyone!? Hope everyone is enjoying their hump day! Today we are going to chat about how I got to the goals I set out for my road to 40 plan. The goals are easy, the issue is finding out what is the most important to you, what is your core wants and desires. Is it money, impact, happiness, contentment, power or a million other things wi…
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#45 Why You Should Fire Your Best Employees | Leadership Vibes
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2:09Happy Monday! What is up everyone, what is going on? Today I am flipping the script on you...Last week we covered why your best employee we are talking about why you should make them leave. This is a touchy subject because it’s dealing in very a subjective topic. You are talking about the impact your best employee has on the rest of …
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What is up everybody!? What is going on! Happy Monday! This week is a huge week for me and I cannot describe how pumped I am to get to it! More to come later in the week on that, but today we are talking about motivations. What. Do. You. Want? Honestly, I used to think what I wanted was a lot of money. Money would allow me to take trips, pay my bil…
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#43 Introducing "The Road to 40" Series | The Road to 40
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5:17Today is the day. A plan I have been working on for the last 2 months, comes to fruition. I heard a podcast by Tom Bilyeu and his wife talking about balancing work/ambition with family/love. That started me on the path of evaluating where I am, where I am going, what I can do better and what I still need to learn. When things are going well, it’s e…
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#42 Why Do Your Best People Leave? | Leadership Vibes
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4:05Happy Monday everyone! I hope everyone has enjoyed their holiday weekend! Today is the first video in the leadership vibes series! I am excited to have a new cadence for my content and I am happy to try and cover leadership topics every. Single. Week. Today is discussing why the best people quit your company. I believe it boils down to these 5 core…
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#41 With Rain, Nothing Grows, Learn to Embrace the Storms
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4:58I hope everyone is having a tremendous Tuesday! Going into the last day of the conference, I have to say this conference is like none I have ever attended. It has more downtime than normal and I was able to use that downtime to connect with some people in a major way. One of those conversations had me thinking deeply about where I have been, what I…
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#40 Transitioning From Individual Contributor to Leader
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4:20Happy Monday, Everyone. I hope you had a great Monday. I had a fantastic day, wandered around a conference all day, got to see @garyvee speak and ultimately got to meet him briefly. Literally not a single thing to complain about! Today I wanted to talk briefly about transitioning from an individual contributor to a leader. It’s not an easy transiti…
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#39 The Things You Want Reveal Themselves When You Are Heads Down Putting In Work
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3:45Happy Friday Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful week! Today I wanted to talk about something I am pretty excited about, not exactly about the thing, but more about how it came about and what I keep seeing in my life and the people around me. I get to see @garyvee give a keynote speech in Vegas at a conference next week. Then I get to do a Mas…
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#38 When You Don’t Fire Losing Players, Winning Players Leave
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5:31Happy Thursday everyone! I hope you are having an incredible week! Today I wanted to talk about a leadership concept that makes companies, especially large ones, weak. When you don’t fire losing player, winning players leave. This is a tough topic, but a necessary one. The stories I have heard from peers across my industry screams lack of context f…
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What is up everybody!? Hope your hump day is going well.Today's topic is a really important one. It's something that I have struggled with for a very long time...I have been able to control it more in recent years, but comparing myself to others has caused more pain and heartache than I would like to remember.You are walking a path, so is everyone …
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Cold Tuesday in St. Louis, I hope wherever you are, you are warm and cozy.Today I wanted to build off of yesterdays conversation around being enough. I want to dive deeper into the concept of dealing with your highest priority weakness and making a daily practice of it.It’s important to know your weaknesses, then to prioritize them…but like with an…
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Monday is in full effect! I hope everyone's week jumps off to a solid start!Today's topic is one I have struggled heavily with in my life. I was always trying to make myself better or more than in the eyes of everyone else. Not better than them, but better than I currently was. I was consistently chasing a "perfect version" of myself to be more att…
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#34 Do What Makes You Grateful for What You Do and Where You Are
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3:26Today's topic was triggered by a volunteer project my company participated in this morning. We all got together and volunteered at a dog rescue organization. We pulled weeds, hauled away fallen trees and moved mulch (of course we played with dogs).Pulling weeds and laying mulch for hours on end was incredibly rewarding and a challenge for me physic…
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Happy Thanksgiving 2018I hope everyone had a lovely day with friends or family or whoever/whatever you wanted to be around today. I am so blessed to have the community I have, the family I have, the kids and love I have. It's extremely humbling and heartwarming to know that I world already and everything I get to do on top of that is just icing.I l…
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#32 Go Easy on Yourself. You can do Anything, but not Everything.
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4:05Happy Wednesday everyone (a day late ;P) I hope you all had a wonderful short week!.I didn’t post a single video over the last two months and I am honestly frustrated that I didn’t. I feel like I didn’t try hard enough. Why do I feel this way? Where are these feelings coming from?I have come to the conclusion that I have inauthentic fear around my …
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#31 Limits Like Fears Are Often Just an Illusion
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3:38I spent a large part of my life believing in limits & that I was limited in life. I was limited in how quickly I could grow my career, how happy I could be or how much love I could feel. More importantly I was limited by thinking that this was the best my life could have.Almost a decade later, I finally understand what limits are. Limits are set by…
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How often are you pushing towards a goal or finish line & you hit a speed bump that derails your momentum. How do you respond?I used to cruise along at a good clip towards a goal, I would hit a speed bump, get derailed & just stop. It felt like failure was it, I messed up.It took some really significant setbacks stacked on top of each other for me …
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There seems to be so much hate in the news these days, people utilizing religion, politics, race, gender…pretty much anything they can to advance their agenda. I believe that there are far more loving and caring people in this world than those that spread hate.What makes me believe that? #hate is always a losing #strategy. No one ever wins in the l…
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So many people go through life putting on a front, telling people everything is fine, pretending that life is as advertised on social media or party talk conversations. I am talking about the people that are struggling with issues and don’t think their problems are worthy of talking through with a friend of confidant. Too many people when asked how…
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#27 Leaders Earn Devotion by Showing Devotion
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3:40This idea behind it works for literally everything that you expect of those in your charge. You shouldn't expect anything from your reports that you aren't willing to do yourself. If you don't respect, trust or appreciate your report, you cannot expect them to respect, trust or appreciate you. You can't expect them to own their failures if you don'…
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#26 Managers who Aren't Direct with their people are Cowards
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2:15The single most important thing that can cause you to be a terrible leader is your ability (or lack there of) to give proper #feedback. It's a hard concept for me, I love making people happy, not bringing them down. I am #optimistic and something about giving negative feedback doesn't feel right. It took time for me to step out of that mindset. The…
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#25 The Cost of Leadership is Self-Interest
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2:15What does the cost of leadership is self-interest mean when it all goes wrong? You and the team failed to meet your obligation. Who is at fault? Who should be the one to catch the heat? Johnny had a rough project and dropped the ball multiple times…is it his fault? What about Sally, she didn’t scope out the amount of work properly…surely she should…
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Too many times leaders look to figure out who to #blame. I think knowing/finding what went wrong is important, especially in development, to learn and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Not as a point of blame, but as a point of respect and growth. If you don’t give an issue the respect it deserves, it will force you to respect it in the long run.W…
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#23 Actions, Not Words, Make A Great Leader
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3:41As a leader it’s important to back your words up with action. Actions, not words, make a great leader. Action is more important than talk at pretty much every stage of life. While it’s important at most stages of life, it’s a requirement as a leader. You cannot be focused on the words and be a successful leader.Leadership is a delicate balance of e…
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I have already received a few questions since yesterdays video about walking your path, and most of those questions have been around how do you find your path.The first is that if you are walking, i.e. growing, learning, trying things out, you are on a path. It may not be your ultimate path, but it’s one of self discovery or learning or growing or …
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Got into an interesting debate last night around going all the way through school vs opting out and finding a way without going through school. I have heard this debated multiple times over. And I have two thoughts:First everyone has to walk their own path, going through school or dropping out doesn’t make you any more or any less of a trailblazer.…
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Today the focus is saying no. This is a difficult one for me to cover. I am TERRIBLE at saying no. I am getting better, but it has taken a lot of work and reflection to get to the point where I can say no more often.I know where you are, you feel like you are letting people down. Friends, coworkers, loved ones, kids, whoever…you are letting them do…
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Don’t mistake my demeanor as confidence. It’s not that. It’s me relentlessly facing my fears and anxiety. I couldn’t be less confident in creating and posting is this content.If that is affecting you, push through, screw what anyone else thinks. Do it for you, for your future.--- Support this podcast:…
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Enjoy your life. It’s easy to do when you are at the lake or on vacation. But the important part is being able to enjoy your life and to love your life no matter what is happening in your life.If you can be happy, content and grateful for what you have when shit isn’t going your way...imagine what life would be like if you were living in abundance …
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#17 Life Doesn't Get Easier, You Get Stronger
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4:13I heard this saying the other day and it stopped me in my tracks. Life doesn’t get easier, you get stronger. Say it out loud and then let it sink in.There is a lot of power in that. It gives you the power over your circumstances. It’s not something that is happening to you, it’s just the way things are and you have to rise to the challenge that lif…
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Today the topic and quote revolve around passion. Finding it, using it and re-evaluating if that is truly still your passion. I have changed and added to passions for my entire life. I am like a atom, bouncing all over the place, trying all kinds of things finding new passions, finding new passions inside past passions.I think finding your passion …
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Today I want to talk about time and more specifically, paid time off. Do you use your time off? Do you roll it over?In 2015 55% of American Workers left vacation time unused in 2015. That equals 658 million unused vacation days. 222 million of those hours couldn't be rolled over and are gone forever. That is a scary amount of time, which also happe…
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#14 Motivations and Tactics are Not One Size Fits All
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4:42Today I wanted to talk about motivations. What motivates you? I can bet it’s different than what motivates me. There will be similarities, sure, but overall, we will focus on different things, be motivated in different ways, use different tactics and see results in vastly different ways.In relationships, we hope to motivate each other. Generally, t…
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Lots of questions around when the pitch is coming, when am I going to sell something. It’s not coming, I have no idea what this will be long term. Right now it’s just me, giving you all what I have learned over the last 5 years as I transitioned from an unhappy life of self hate, anxiety and fear into a life of self love, facing my fears and pushin…
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Today I wanted to talk about how important it is to be kind. People tend to keep things close to the vest, even things that you would think people would share, they often don’t. With that, we have no idea what is truly going on. We get bits and pieces or even chunks, but we rarely get the whole picture. The key is to be kind, be empathetic and be l…
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#11 Words Matter. Build People Up with Your Words
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3:48Todays topic is around being deliberate in the words you use. In the world today, too many people are on the internet use their words to tear people down. The reality is that there are people that thrive in drama, they are more comfortable in drama than they are in happiness and peace. The problem is most of us don’t live like that. How do we do th…
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Building off of yesterday’s post on missteps are opportunities wrapped in failure. I truly believe that, but you have to be working through that. You can’t fail and then stop. That opportunity will vanish without putting in the work. I kept pushing, kept getting my game ready, kept the dream of playing on a bigger level alive. I ultimately never ma…
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#9 Missteps are Opportunities Wrapped in Failure
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5:21This is something that has happened to me once or twice in my life and each time, in the moment I was crushed…but looking back on how it made all the dots connect for the next few years, blew my mind. Like in my second year at Webster University, I was the co-captain of the first team to ever go to the NCAA Division III Championships at Webster.I w…
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#8 Find Connection - Your Life Depends on It
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6:02I remember my brothers funeral, people from all over the world came to say their final goodbyes. Most of that time was pretty fuzzy, but standing in his front yard the night we buried him, I stood in awe of how much he connected with and affected people. He not only connected with all of these people, he truly made an impact on their lives.I chose …
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I wanted to cover something my brother taught me…much later in life. Sean moved back to St. Louis to be close to family, he did that by taking a recruiter position in the Navy here in St. Louis.I watched him progress into the role and it clearly wasn’t for him. When we would get a beer he wouldn’t hold back on how much he didn’t care for the new jo…
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Something I was lucky enough to learn fairly early on in my life was being myself. No matter what anyone thought of me, I was me. That hasn’t changed. If anything I have become more hard headed when it comes to changing who I am. Don’t get it twisted, I am not saying that I am not willing to grow or change, it’s just that it’s on my terms. I don’t …
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#5 Respect Others, But Respect Yourself First
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2:47Respect is such an incredible action. Showing respect for others and showing respect for yourself is something that everyone should strive to do. Nothing is more difficult than feeling disrespected and responding in a manner that doesn’t disrespect the person that is disrespecting you. I know, that sounds crazy, but if you stoop to their level, the…
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