Max Myka: A Multi-Genre Author Exploring Time, Magic, and Murder Max Myka is a prolific author known for his diverse range of genres, spanning fantasy, science fiction, and cozy mysteries. His works consistently deliver engaging narratives, compelling characters, and immersive world-building. This briefing document examines the key themes and notable aspects of his various series. Time-Bending Adventures in "Tides of Time" The "Tides of Time" series blends science fiction and action, focusin ...
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Maisie Meadows - The Ghost in the Classroom
Spill senere
Spill senere
Max Myka's The Ghost in the Classroom is a cozy mystery novel centered around Maisie Meadows, an English teacher who discovers a hidden note leading her to a decades-old mystery. The story unfolds in the charming town of Niceville, where Maisie, aided by her corgi, investigates forgotten love letters, a missing locket, and a lingering spirit. Her i…
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Maisie Meadows - Secrets in the Mail Murder has just been delivered… In this delightfully cozy caper, Niceville’s favorite amateur sleuth, Maisie Meadows, finds herself tangled in another mystery—this time, it’s wrapped in brown paper and tied with a bow. When an old letter surfaces at the local post office, its contents lead to a hidden treasure… …
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Maisie Meadows: Secrets in the Attic In this cozy mystery, witty female sleuth Maisie Meadows uncovers a dark secret when a widow’s late husband is discovered murdered in his own home. With her loyal Corgi, Waffles, by her side, Maisie digs into the past, proving the innocence of those wrongly accused while unmasking a dangerous criminal hiding in …
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Maisie Meadows - Smalltown Murder by MAX MYKA Maisie Meadows, a high school English teacher in the small town of Niceville, Florida, finds her quiet life upended when she attends a masquerade party at the Stardust Lounge and discovers the body of the establishment's owner, Jack Davenport. Maisie, a natural sleuth with a penchant for literature, tea…
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Maisie Meadows: Secrets at the Stetson House (Maisie Meadows Cozy Mystery Series Book 2) Kindle Edition by MAX MYKA (Author) Format: Kindle Edition 5.0 5.0 out of 5 stars 5 ratings Book 2 of 3: Maisie Meadows Cozy Mystery Series See all formats and editions When a break-in at the abandoned Stetson House unearths a long-buried mystery, Maisie Meadow…
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Max Myka: A Multi-Genre Author Exploring Time, Magic, and Murder Max Myka is a prolific author known for his diverse range of genres, spanning fantasy, science fiction, and cozy mysteries. His works consistently deliver engaging narratives, interesting characters, and immersive world-building. This briefing document examines the key themes and nota…
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