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Steinar Jeffs fra CreaTeMe-senteret på Universitetet i Agder snakker med skarpe hoder om hva som rører seg i krysningspunktet mellom musikk og kunstig intelligens. Få med deg den siste utviklingen, og refleksjoner rundt teknologiens potensial i kunsten på godt og vondt. Produsent og tekniker: Jo Sebastian Salte-Tinderholt Musikk: SayWhat
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Christopher Vonheim

Christopher Vonheim is the host of the Vonheim Podcast. Vonheim speaks with inspiring people about business, ocean industries, investing and start-ups. Ed Conway, Adam Draper, Øystein Kalleklev, Pål Ringholm, Sofie Olsen, Mark Yusko, Hugo De Stoop, Vaishali Kathuria, Lars Tvede, Anthony Pompliano, Peter C. Warren, Børge Brende, Nejra Macic, Lars Barstad and Amy Novogratz are just some of the guests on the podcast. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Svein Harfjeld is the CEO of DHT, a tanker company listed in New York Stock Exchange. Svein Harfjeld has more than 30 years of experience in the shipping industry. Prior to joining DHT, he was with the BW Group, where he held senior management positions including CEO of BW Offshore, Director of Bergesen and Director of World-Wide Shipping. Christop…
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In this special episode, pianist Mariam Kharatyan and electronic artist Alessandra Bossa discuss their collaboration on the Re-Creation Project, where Armenian folk music meets improvisation and live electronics, in Dolby Atmos. You also get to listen to some beautiful tunes from their upcoming album. Mariam shares how her classical training initia…
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Svein Harfjeld is the CEO of DHT, a tanker company listed in New York Stock Exchange. Svein Harfjeld has more than 30 years of experience in the shipping industry. Prior to joining DHT, he was with the BW Group, where he held senior management positions including CEO of BW Offshore, Director of Bergesen and Director of World-Wide Shipping. 00:00 - …
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In this episode, we talk with Maya Ackerman, an AI researcher and entrepreneur at the forefront of AI-assisted creativity. She shares how her journey from machine learning research to opera singing led to the creation of Wave AI, a company focused on co-creative AI tools for songwriting. Maya Ackerman explores how AI can be a true creative collabor…
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Nils Petter Molvær snakker om hvordan han kombinerer jazz med elektroniske og ambiente elementer, og hvordan improvisasjon og teknologi har formet hans unike sound. Han reflekterer over musikkens evne til å kommunisere på tvers av språk og hvordan han skaper et uttrykk som speiler hans personlige identitet som musiker. Nils Petter Molvær er en nors…
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Bernt Berg-Nielsen is an investor and portfolio manager in Stolt Explorer. Bernt operates a fund inspired by lessons from Warren Buffett, with a special focus on the Nordics and Global equities. Follow Bernt on X: 00:00 - Why Become An Investor? 03:00 - Lessons From The Financial Crises 2008 08:15 - Interest Rates VS Stock …
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Oystein Kalleklev is the CEO of Flex LNG and Avance Gas, and comes back for a Christmas Special to cover shipping, investing and other interesting stories. Let us know what you think of the episode and share it with friends and network! 00:00 - Avance Gas 12:10 - Flex LNG And LNG Markets Ahead 24:10 - How To Finance Shipping, and Debt Structures 32…
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In this episode, we meet Shayan Dadman, a computer scientist and PhD candidate at the University of Tromsø. Shayan's work focuses on developing AI systems that align with individual musical tastes, aiming to foster collaboration between humans and technology. He shares his journey from studying software engineering to creating systems for jazz comp…
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I denne episoden møter vi sanger, låtskriver og doktorgradsstipendiat Ingvild Koksvik. Hun deler innsikt fra sitt kunstnerisk-vitenskapelige prosjekt om plateproduksjon fra et musikerperspektiv. Vi diskuterer konsepter som romlighet i musikk, kompositorisk intensjon, og hvordan teknologi som Dolby Atmos åpner opp for nye kreative muligheter. Episod…
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Lars Christian Skarsgård is the CEO of the shipping company Belships, listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. Lars Christian is one of the most respected profiles within the shipping industry and it was great fun to have in back for part 2 in the Vonheim podcast. Let us know what you think of the episode! 00:00 - Introduction and US Predictions 02:36 - …
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Steen Jakobsen’s career includes pivotal roles at institutions such as Chase Manhattan, UBS, Christiania Bank, and Saxo Bank where he is recognised for his expertise in markets and trading. Steen is renowned for his annual "Outrageous Predictions" report, which challenges conventional market wisdom and stimulates critical thinking about potential e…
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I denne episoden forteller Eyolf om når han overrasker seg selv i improvisasjon og når han leker Audun Kleive på MIDI keyboardet sitt. Han forteller hvordan han kan spille i to forskjellige tempo samtidig med høyre og venstre hånd og om at en G dur ikke bare er en G dur. Han snakker om å stå opp kl 6 på morgenen for å øve, om Paolo Vinaccia's trykk…
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Did you know that in 2017, a robot named Sophia was granted Saudi Arabian citizenship, becoming the first robot to receive legal personhood in any country? In this conversation, Jovanka v. Wilsdorf discusses her role as musical director at Hansen Robotics, and her work with Sophia the Robot. She emphasizes the importance of curiosity in creativity,…
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Nicolai Heidenreich is the managing partner of NRP Maritime Asset Management and has over 25 years of experience within the maritime and shipping sector. Since 2012 he has managed several portfolios of shipping and offshore investments worth in excess USD 150 million. Prior to NRP, Heidenreich was a partner at Pareto Project Finance and also worked…
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Valerio Velardo shares his journey from classical pianist to AI music engineer, researcher and entrepreneur. He discusses the development of Melodrive, the first real-time adaptive music engine for video games, and the growth of The Sound of AI, a thriving ecosystem with over 9,000 members. Throughout the conversation, Valerio delves into the role …
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Nicolai Heidenreich is the managing partner of NRP Maritime Asset Management and has over 25 years of experience within the maritime and shipping sector. Since 2012 he has managed several portfolios of shipping and offshore investments worth in excess USD 150 million. Prior to NRP, Heidenreich was a partner at Pareto Project Finance and also worked…
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Learn about how AI mimics human creativity by selecting and combining impression molecules and answers to the question “is there anything unique about human creativity that AI can't capture?” Dr. Esther Fee Reinhardt is an expert in AI and sound. She studied computer science and musicology at the Julius-Maximilians-University in Würzburg. She compl…
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In this episode you can expect to learn about how AI can be used in live improvisation and the frontiers of musical AI tools such as Dicy2. Jérôme Nika is a researcher and electronic musician specializing in generative technologies that foster creative interactions between humans and machines. With an educational background from Télécom ParisTech a…
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“..After the concert, as we received applause, I closed the piano lid, and from that moment, I decided never to play classical music again.” In this episode we get to know phd student Alessandra Bossa. We talk about her hybrid instrument, using body presence in performance and making the sound “untraceable”. Alessandra Bossa is an electronic artist…
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Multiinstrumentalist og komponist Ola Kvernberg forsøker å beskrive hva en AI trent på han selv ville hørtes ut som og forteller hemmeligheten bak en slick bakoversveis i denne episoden. Ola Kvernberg startet sin musikalske reise som seksåring og har siden da utviklet seg til en sentral figur i jazzmiljøet, med en imponerende rekke utgivelser og sa…
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I denne episoden snakker vi om hvordan det er å være både backingmusiker og artist og vi får høre historien om da Julie flyttet til Oslo for å være frilanser, samt hvordan det er å spille i Beat for beat bandet. Julie Falkevik Tungevåg er keyboardist, sanger, gitarist og komponist født og oppvokst i Sogn og Fjordane - nå bosatt i Oslo. Hun har en m…
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In this special episode you’ll hear a shortened version of a panel discussion that took place in Kristiansand the 24th of May, in conjunction with Martin Clancy doing a keynote for CreaTeMe. The panel discusses copyright, ethics, music production, music culture and more. The panel consists of: Ragnhild Brøvig is a professor of popular music studies…
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This is a conversation that took place at Marine Money conference last week. Joakim Hannisdahl shares his journey as a shipping investor, and why he started the shipping hedgefund Gersemi Asset Management. Christopher Vonheim is a Norwegian host focused on business, ocean industries, investing, and start-ups. I hope you enjoy this tailor made conte…
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Helen Czerski is a British physicist, oceanographer and television presenter. Czerski is an associate professor in the department of mechanical engineering at University College London. She has also recently released her book Blue Machine, a fascinating read about the ocean and how it shapes our world, how it impacts our lives and how it helps us t…
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Engebret Dahm has more than 30 years’ experience in the shipping and finance industries, and is the CEO of Klaveness Combination Carriers (KCC). Prior to that he was the CEO of Norwegian Car Carriers AS and he worked in the period 1998-2000 for Crédit Agricole CIB in Paris. KCC has a unique fleet that consists of eight CABU combination carriers and…
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Intervjuet tar for seg hvordan Jonas Sjøvaag bruker teknologi i sitt arbeid. Han diskuterer viktigheten av feil og uventede resultater i kunstnerisk skapelse, og hvordan han bruker AI som et verktøy for å generere nye ideer og innfallsvinkler. Musiker, komponist og grafisk designer Jonas Howden Sjøvaag er kjent for sitt arbeid med Epletrio og Carl …
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Live-sampling pioneren Jan Bang forteller blant annet om sin "stradivarius" og gir tips til hvordan unge musikere kan forholde seg til en stadig mer teknologisk bransje i denne episoden. Jan Bang er en norsk musiker og produsent, kjent fra flere album og samarbeid over mange år med musikere som Sidsel Endresen, Eivind Aarset, Arve Henriksen, Jon Ha…
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It was fantastic to visit Magnus Halvorsen to record our third podcast episode. The topics are under: 00:00 - The Latest From 2020 Bulkers 03:03 - The History And Lessons From 2020 Bulkers 10:55 - Discipline In Shipping, Fleet Decisions And China 17:45 - Tankers And Oil Versus Capsize And Dry Bulk 21:20 - Dry Bulk Market 2024 (China, Brazil, Austra…
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I denne episoden snakker Jeffs og Langeland om å bruke AI verktøy i musikkproduksjon. Hvilke verktøy er gode, hvordan bruker man dem og hvordan påvirker de den kreative prosessen? Langeland forklarer og vi får også demonstrert lydeksempler i denne podcastepisoden. Nils Egil Langeland er en musikkprodusent med 20 års erfaring innen artist- og bandpr…
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Hvordan blir musikkbransjen påvirket av AI nå og i fremtiden? Hva er CreaTeMe? Hvordan kan teknologi berike musikkutdanning? Disse spørsmålene og mer får du vite om i denne episoden. Daniel Nordgård er professor i music business and management og forfatter av boken "The Music Business and Digital Impacts". Nordgård er direktør for CreaTeME, og blir…
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Kommer AI til å erstatte musikere i fremtiden? Hvordan skal utdanningsinstitusjoner og lærere forholde seg til AI? Hvilke ferdigheter blir viktige å ha? Disse spørsmålene og mer får du høre om i denne episoden. Andreas Waaler Røshol er studieprogramleder for elektronisk musikk bachelor og spesialiseringsansvarlig for elektronisk musikk på master på…
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Lars Barstad is the CEO of Frontline, one of the world leaders in the international seaborne transportation of crude oil. This is the second time Lars Barstad appears on Vonheim, and the first time was a fan-favorite episode. 00:00 - Geo Politics 05:47 - Frontline View On The Market 10:25 - The Euronav-deal 14:45 - The Frontline Machine 19:30 - Tan…
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Morten Astrup is one of the most active investors in energy and shipping markets in the Nordics, and is currently the new chairman of Hunter Group. Morten Astrup founded Storm Capital Management in 2006 and has experience from a wide range of sectors and strategies. He is the executive Chairman of Storm Bond Fund and has been one of the largest inv…
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Aristidis Alafouzos is the Chief Executive Officer for Okeanis Eco Tankers, ECO (NYSE) & OET (Oslo). The company has a modern and unique tanker fleet that has out-performed most of their competitors over the last years. Behind the company is the Greek Alafouzos family who has for generations been one of the most impressive industry builders in Gree…
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Federica Maiorano is the Chief Commercial Officer at Spot Ship, and one of the most influential speakers on energy, shipping and material. In this episode, Federica explains how she got interested in shipping, and what she hopes to achieve with Spot Ship. We also cover stories on the crude market, Middle East and Panama Canal. Follow Federica on Li…
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Federica Maiorano is the Chief Commercial Officer at Spot Ship, and one of the most influential speakers on energy, shipping and material. In this episode, Federica explains how she got interested in shipping, and what she hopes to achieve with Spot Ship. We also cover stories on the crude market, Middle East and Panama Canal. Follow Federica on Li…
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Jon Kåre Stene er medgrunder av Oda og Skyfall Ventures. Ved hjelp av sin gjennomføringsevne og kunnskap har Jon Kåre bidratt til at Norge har produsert mange nye tech-selskaper i ulike sektorer. I denne episode forteller Jon Kåre om ambisjoner, longevity, AI, krypto, kjernekraft og hvordan AS Norge kan bli bedre til verdiskapning. Follow Vonheim o…
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Jon Kåre Stene er medgrunder av Oda og Skyfall Ventures. Ved hjelp av sin gjennomføringsevne og kunnskap har Jon Kåre bidratt til at Norge har produsert mange nye tech-selskaper i ulike sektorer. I denne episode forteller Jon Kåre om ambisjoner, longevity, AI, krypto, kjernekraft og hvordan AS Norge kan bli bedre til verdiskapning. Vi får også 5 bo…
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Dr. Anas Alhajji is a renowned speaker and author of research papers and articles with a focus on oil and gas markets, energy security and energy taxation. He has previously served as chief economist at NGP Energy Capital Management, a private equity firm. Follow Anas Alhajji on X and Substack: Substack: X: https://twitt…
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Anas F. Alhajji is an energy expert, researcher, author, and speaker. He advises governments, financial institutions and investors on various energy market issues. 00:00 - Intro 00:30 - Red Sea And Suez Canal 04:05 - Oil & LNG Markets In 2023 and 2024 15:02 - Russian Economy, Sanctions, And Oil&Gas Trade 26:45 - Common Sense, COP28, Climate Change …
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Constantin Baack is the CEO of MPCC, a containership company listed on Oslo Stock Exchange. Baack commenced his career in the marine operations department at Hamburg Süd in Sydney before moving to Ernst & Young within auditing and transaction advisory out of Hamburg and Shanghai. In 2008, Baack joined the MPC Group in Hamburg where he has since hel…
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Constantin Baack is the CEO of MPCC, a containership company listed on Oslo Stock Exchange. 00:00 - Summary of 2023 02:40 - Investing in Green Ships 04:38 - Risk Management 06:08 - Norway and Germany Collaboration 09:37 - German Economy 13:45 - How Bad is the Container Market? 17:25 - MPCC Long Term Contracts 19:15 - Will MPCC Be Sold In The Future…
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Peter Warren er investor og podcasthost i Tid er Penger. Follow Peter Warren on X / Twitter and Podcast: X: Podcast: This episode is produced by Nomono: Tools for great storytelling Partnership, recruitment & Ad enquiries? For business and partnerships enquiries email christopher@bynorthernnorway.…
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Peter Warren er en norsk investor og finansekspert. Peter er kjent for sin kunnskap og lidenskap innen investeringer, samfunn og geopolitikk, samt sin rolle gjennom podcasten Tid er Penger. Peter er også tidligere spesialsoldat, og enda involvert i flere prosjekter utenlands. Sist i forbindelse med Ukraina krigen. 00:00 - Halloween og status for 20…
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Althea Spinozzi is a Fixed Income Strategist at Saxo Bank. Althea is an expert in fixed income research for Saxo Bank and works directly with clients to help them select and trade bonds. She has a background in leveraged debt, and is particularly focused on high-yield and corporate bonds with attractive risk and return. Follow Althea on Twitter: ht…
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Althea Spinozzi is a Fixed Income Strategist at Saxo Bank. Althea is an expert in fixed income research for Saxo Bank and works directly with clients to help them select and trade bonds. She has a background in leveraged debt, and is particularly focused on high-yield and corporate bonds with attractive risk and return. Follow Althea on Twitter: ht…
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Mikael Skov is Co-Founder and CEO of Hafnia. Mikael has more than 33 years of experience in the shipping industry. Prior to establishing Hafnia Tankers, Mikael held various positions over his 25-year career at Torm, of which the last two years he served as CEO. Mikael is a board member of Clipper Group Ltd. and was an industry representative of the…
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Mikael Skov is Co-Founder and CEO of Hafnia. Mikael has more than 33 years of experience in the shipping industry. Prior to establishing Hafnia Tankers, Mikael held various positions over his 25-year career at Torm, of which the last two years he served as CEO. Mikael is a board member of Clipper Group Ltd. and was an industry representative of the…
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Svein Harald Øygård er styreleder for Norwegian og DOF, grunder av energiselskaper i Brasil, og tidligere sentralbanksjef på Island under finanskrisen. Sistnevnte erfaring førte til at Svein Harald skrev boken På Finanskrisens Slagmark, som er utgitt på flere språk. Link til boken: In the Combat Zone of Finance Podcast om renter: Vett og Vitenskap …
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Svein Harald Øygård er styreleder for Norwegian og DOF, grunder av energiselskaper i Brasil, og tidligere sentralbanksjef på Island under finanskrisen. Sistnevnte erfaring førte til at Svein Harald skrev boken På Finanskrisens Slagmark, som er utgitt på flere språk. Link til boken: In the Combat Zone of Finance Podcast om renter: Vett og Vitenskap …
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