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If everyone has to look alike and think exactly alike, and if there’s no room for disagreement or nuance, we might be bowing to the altar of conformity. The next generation does not want a faith that is so narrow that they have to conform to secondary issues. That’s never the way it’s supposed to have been since the beginning, but even Jesus’ disci…
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Deconstruction. Many people who once believed and had faith have made a decision not to believe, and often that decision comes as a result of what they have experienced around believing communities. In this series we'll talk about five reasons for deconstruction, and how a firm foundation can keep faith from crumbling. More and more, American Chris…
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Deconstruction. Many people who once believed and had faith have made a decision not to believe, and often that decision comes as a result of what they have experienced around believing communities. In this series we'll talk about five reasons for deconstruction, and how a firm foundation can keep faith from crumbling. Learn more about Mountaintop …
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Deconstruction. Many people who once believed and had faith have made a decision not to believe, and often that decision comes as a result of what they have experienced around believing communities. In this series we'll talk about five reasons for deconstruction, and how a firm foundation can keep faith from crumbling. Learn more about Mountaintop …
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Deconstruction. Many people who once believed and had faith have made a decision not to believe, and often that decision comes as a result of what they have experienced around believing communities. In this series we'll talk about five reasons for deconstruction, and how a firm foundation can keep faith from crumbling. Learn more about Mountaintop …
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The church is a wonderful resource and an effective community for reinforcing the faith of your children, but the most powerful discipleship tool in their lives is you, the parent. How you disciple your kids will make all the difference when the time comes for them to lean on their faith.Learn more about Mountaintop Church at https://mountaintopchu…
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The goal of parenting is to no longer parent. The goal is for your children to be functional adults that don’t need your correction. And here’s what we parents often underestimate: You will know your child as an adult for much longer than you do as a child or teenager. So Why not parent with that end in mind? And here’s why discipline is so importa…
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Parenting with the End in Mind: One day, your child is not going to be a child. They’ll be an adult. They’ll pay their bills and hopefully be responsible. And they’ll come to your house to visit for the Holidays. They might need to take a call from work, and you’ll see them put their work hat on. You’ll see them in relationship with their spouse an…
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We often think about going in the right direction and setting goals every time we flip the calendar over to a new year, don’t we. The New Year is a good time to refocus our priorities and renew our efforts in pursuing the right things that matter most. The Apostle Paul knew the importance of setting goals, and as we begin this new year, Paul is goi…
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You may be one decision away from a different destiny. You can have a lifetime of stubbornness and disobedience, and one decision can set a new course for your life. Your name can be remembered differently. How? Consider a man named Rehoboam whose selfishness divided the tribes of Israel… Learn more about Mountaintop Church at https://mountaintopch…
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Is your faith worth the risk of failure? When Ruth had to make a choice between doing what was normal and doing what was noble, she stepped out on faith, and her decision changed her life and her legacy in amazing ways she couldn't have predicted. She had no idea that her great-grandson, David, would slay a giant and become God’s chosen and anointe…
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We’ve all got some characters in our family tree. It comes with being part of a family. And everyone’s family is a little dysfunctional. But you wouldn't expect that to be the case with Jesus' family. You would think God would want the cleanest line. You would think Jesus would be born into a perfect family. But Jesus' family tree is full of broken…
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We do not exist FOR us. We do not serve and give generously FOR us. We exist FOR Birmingham (BHM). And that means several things around here. It means we partner with amazing organizations in our city and give a portion of everything we receive to the good work they’re doing for our neighbors in need. It means we host Serve Days in the spring and f…
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We believe that the work we are going to do together over the next decade will make an eternal impact in Birmingham and beyond for the next generation. One family at a time. We believe that is how you shape a generation, and so we are making room for one more family to be invited into our family here at Mountaintop. And by extension, to come to kno…
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Here at Mountaintop, we’re a church that invites and equips people to follow Jesus. So we’re always eager to welcome others. There’s always room for one more. In about a month, we will have completed our largest construction project in over 20 years, since we built our church on top of this mountain. This new facility will be completed, and we’ll h…
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“What do Christians believe…really?” Well, we believe in eternity. We believe in a forever Kingdom. We believe that what we do matters…FOREVER. We are not following Jesus because it will simply make our lives better, even though it will. Or that it will make our world better — it will! We’re doing this because we have an invitation to live forever.…
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After Jesus’s death and resurrection, He ascended to heaven, but He told us that He was leaving the Holy Spirit behind for anyone who believed. This spirit filled people would be tasked with getting the word out about Him. Those people are called The Church. Learn more about Mountaintop Church at…
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Christians believe that the story of Jesus Christ doesn't end with his death on the cross or with his burial in a borrowed tomb. Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead three days after he died on a cross, and it may be one of the most challenging beliefs of Christianity. Even Christ's disciples didn't believe it when they first heard the …
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Almost everyone would agree that Jesus was a Good Man. Believing Jesus is a good man is not what sets Christians apart. We believe that he was more. We believe he was the only God Man. We believe he was both God and man. In fact, this is distinctive among Christians. No other religion makes a claim like this. And this is so crucial to understand wh…
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What do you think people who are not Christians think Christians believe? if you’re a skeptic, it is most likely the things you ‘think’ you have to believe in order to become a Christian that have kept you from even considering becoming one. But what we really believe is beautiful and its Good News. We’re going to use as our framework for these fou…
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Some of us are going through a storm, or we’re just on the other side of one. Or maybe we’re about to head into one... Nobody wants a storm. They’re inconvenient. You're forced to seek shelter, and sometimes you get soaked anyway. But sometimes, a storm is the catalyst that forces us to start over. What if we embraced this? What could be possible i…
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It’s hard to wait. Sometimes it’s painful. But waiting is a critical element of our faith, and we can learn a lot about it from Noah. In the story of Noah’s Ark, you may have heard that it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, but at the end of chapter seven, the Bible says that the flood lasted 150 days. The rain stopped, but Noah is just waiting! It …
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We’ve all had times when we wondered what God was doing or NOT doing. We’ve all struggled “When God Doesn’t Make Sense.” Noah's Ark is a story that children in churches know well, and you are probably familiar with the basics of the story, even if you’re not a church person. But it’s a story we probably haven’t actually read or studied in depth. In…
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The church is not just an organization. It’s not a business or even just a ministry. It’s a collection of people who are finding where they are meant to function in the “Body." And the “Body” won’t work right without you. And you won’t find your God-given design if you don’t find your purpose in it. In this series, we've been addressing the questio…
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God is free and our human freedom is a part of His image which we bear. But you can give up that freedom. In fact, your entire purpose is wrapped up in the idea that your freedom is meant to be given up for something better. And if you don’t, your life will be incomplete… VIDEO: Learn more about Mountaintop Church at ⁠h…
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We were made for a relationship with God, and that’s amazing because the God of the universe wants a relationship with us. But we were never intended to follow Christ alone. We were also made for community. We were meant for relationships.Learn more about Mountaintop Church at VIDEO:…
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"What was I made for?" Every single one of us has asked that question. You’ve been in a job you didn’t like, a relationship that wasn’t going well, switched majors for the third time... And, what’s worse, you scroll through Instagram and see amazing people do amazing things with their lives. And you wonder, "Why am I here? What is my purpose on thi…
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Mountaintop was founded on a vision FOR Birmingham. It would be "a church that reached unchurched people." That's because the founders were convinced that Jesus loved them and that His love was FOR the whole world, FOR Birmingham and FOR our local community. We still believe that the local church is the vehicle that God has chosen to share the mess…
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Everyone, regardless of age, desires to find a place where they can belong. If we look long enough, we might just discover that belonging beings with seeking Jesus. In the Kingdom of God, you don’t have to do anything to be accepted. And once you find that you belong, the presence of Jesus begins to transform you. No matter who you are or what you’…
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Desperate times call for desperate measures... In today's message, our Special Guest, April Farmer, tells the story of a desperate woman who turned to Jesus as a last resort and was healed by her faith! By turning to Jesus, she finds healing and freedom, and same opportunity exists for each of us. Learn more about Mountaintop Church at https://moun…
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As the United States barrels toward November elections, the topics that we've talked about thus far in this series are going to be used to divide us. Someone is going to try to convince us that THEY are the problem. “THEY” being the other side. And they are going to demonize the other side. Here’s the problem with that: When we demonize someone, we…
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Gender Identity is complex because we’re often not sure where the line is between God-given gender and cultural stereotypes. And right now, it's a part of our national conversation in regard to ethics, morality and sexuality. It can be easy to make generalizations, but the truth is, every story is unique. And the stories aren’t just stories. Every …
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Abortion is an incredibly complex issue. It’s a topic that is culturally and politically explosive, and it will be weaponized in a few months to try and sway your vote one way or another. But we’re not interested in political perspectives. We want to know what the Bible says about it, where the Bible says it, and what else the Bible says. We want t…
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When people sit down for a conversation and fundamentally disagree about what the Bible says, a complex conversation can get even more complicated. Perhaps there’s no issue in our modern culture (and even in the Christian church) that people disagree about more than homosexuality. It's complex. Truthfully, no one has all the answers on this side of…
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Humanity bears the image of God. Not just one of us, but all of us. You have never looked into the eyes of someone who did not bear the image of God. Every nation in creation shares this image-bearing mark. This is a core, foundational belief for people of faith. However, this understanding creates some complexity. When it comes to disagreements, p…
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You’ve probably got some strong opinions about these complex issues: RACE, HOMOSEXUALITY, ABORTION, GENDER IDENTITY AND POLITICS. That's OK. This series, Complex Conversations, is not about what to think but about how to think, especially about the Bible and our mission as Christians. We aim to present a faithful and honest interpretation of God’s …
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The resurrection is the reason that we can experience the joy of the presence of God through the Holy Spirit. That doesn’t mean life will always be easy or feel like a party; it just means that God will always be with us. The resurrection launched a New Life that is available to all who believe. And it’s available to you. So, the question, kids (an…
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How many times in your life, have you ended up somewhere for the 100th time and you don’t even remember getting there. You don’t even know why you are there at that same empty well, confused about why it’s not fulfilling you… Maybe, right now, you can feel a fresh wind blowing or a new fire burning… Maybe you're wondering, “What's next? Where do I …
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Today, we’re going to see Paul experience a different world than every other town he’d visited. Paul had a strategy with every town he visited. He would go to the Synagogue & talk to Jews first, and then to God-fearing Greeks. He was speaking in a religious setting to religious people who respected the Hebrew God. But when Paul arrived in Athens, h…
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There are no promises that the opposition will quit. There are no promises that there won’t be adversity. There are no promises that problems won’t chase you down. There are no promises that it will ever be EASY. In fact, it won’t be easy. And that is a lesson Paul learns. Paul is sent away from the town where he's preaching the Gospel for his own …
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More than ever, as a society, we are really good at drawing lines in the sand. After all, a distinctive trait of the modern world is that WE ARE DIVIDED. It's us versus them. It's the way we do it versus the way they do it. It's what seems right to us versus what seems right to them. We draw lines about behaviors, political platforms, cultural ideo…
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About 2,000 years ago, the Apostle Paul ventured out on a road trip, and it changed the world. It is not hyperbole to say that The Apostle Paul changed the world more than any other human besides Jesus. In fact, you could say Paul amplified Jesus’ impact on the world. He let the world outside Jerusalem know who Jesus was.Paul is doing what he’s bee…
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Do we really want God in our marriage? Or do we only want God in our marriage if it's comfortable? Because God's design for winning in marriage is a lifelong exercise in losing… Marriage, at its best, is a picture of Christ and His church. Jesus died for the Church, surrendered, deferred, put us above himself. And our response in loving him back is…
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Every sermon I heard on sex growing up was pretty much: Don’t do it. That seemed to be targeted at teenagers and single folks. Those sermons seemed to center around the dangers of sex to our society. But I remember the day that our youth pastor said that sex was a good thing, a beautiful thing meant to be enjoyed by a husband and wife. Sex was not …
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Sometimes it can feel like our situation on earth reveals our sitting in eternity. If life is good, then God must be good with us. But our situation has nothing to do with our eternity. Our fortune has nothing to do with our eternity. Our luck has nothing to do with our eternity. How blessed we feel has nothing to do with our eternity. Our DECISION…
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Today we will lean into one of the most famous stories from the Gospel of Luke, and it's about a young man who was seeing green – greener pastures and dollar signs! But it turns out that when he got what he wanted, it wasn't what he had hoped for… Download the Study Guide: Messages from…
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I think we all need a reminder to be humble from time to time. Jesus says that our reflex should be to put others first, to practice humility and selflessness. And I need that reminder because I am really good at putting ME first. But humility and hospitality capture the heart of God. So how do we live that out on a day-to-day basis? This series, J…
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