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Muta-Xhow é um podcast com "p" de "Pela madrugada! Esse podcast vai revisitar X-Men: A Série Animada de 1992, episódio a episódio, fazendo análises, trazendo curiosidades e apontando momentos memoráveis, momentos absurdos e momentos engraçados, dessa que é considerada uma das melhores produções envolvendo os mutantes da Marvel. Tudo isso com o trio de três, Felipe 'Cavalo Manco" Garcia, Evandro "Loco" Morais e Amaro "Hellbolha" Junior em episódios lindos, cheirosos, garbosos e elegantes. Ess ...
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This podcast breaks up BIG health topics, like MTHFR and methylation, into small, easy bites. All in ten minutes or less. We'll talk about why folic acid can be toxic, how the MTHFR enzyme links to estrogen and toxins, why you want to turn genes off, and how folate and mental health are connected. 2024-2025 will add new "bonus" episodes to Season 1 to clarify and revise concepts while Dr. Amy is writing a book. Check the show notes at for more info and downloadable. Have ...
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Celebri-tea and gossip is cool. Politics and conspiracies are better. Dive deep with us as we examine the places our minds go when we're high or watching a really good documentary on Netflix.
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Fenómeno Mutante

Nacion Podcast

El podcast donde contamos cómo son nuestros negocios, los retos que nos proponemos y cómo nos divertimos. Cada semana una nueva entrega entre Óscar y Dani, personas inquietas con ideas de otro planeta.
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Pop-Culture | Tech | Metaphysics

Pulp-Culture | Tech | Metaphysics Follow Us: Support this podcast:
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Rafael Pimenta

O Mutare Cast é apresentado por Rafael Pimenta todas as semanas, onde você vai ver o melhor conteúdo sobre marketing digital, vendas, copywriting e muito mais. O que você verá no Mutare Cast, não encontrará em nenhum lugar na internet, porque nossos conteúdos são totalmente diferenciados para te dar as melhores estratégias, insights e aprendizados que você já colocará em prática. Assine o podcast da Mutare Cast para não perder nenhum conteúdo!
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Podcast show that will help you start and run a side business to achieve financial independence. Along this journey, we will learn how to build multiple streams of income and secure your future. You will learn a variety of opportunities you can pursue such as coaching, franchises, writing, and real estate. Our guests will share how they manage a side business given their job or time limitations. You will also gain insights into how you can make passive investments that contribute toward fina ...
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Patti and Jonathan are discussing all 52 episodes of X-Men Evolution throughout 2021! Twice a month, listen to them recap each episode as they discuss what they like and dislike. Do they find deeper meaning within each episode? Do they often get completely off-topic and crack each other up? Find out on the Mutant Musings Evolution podcast!
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Podcast

Teenage Mutant Ninja

The two most ridiculous TMNT fans ever will bring you back to the classic turtles by going back and reviewing each episode of TMNT classic one by one! If you love a good laugh and the 80's here's a podcast you don't want to miss!!
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Mutants and Masterminds

Corrie Enalius

Mutants and Masterminds is a tabletop game that started in 2002 and had gotten an update in 2006. This is my friends and I game, where we play in Taco Bell almost every other week when we are not playing our other games such as D&D 3.5/5e.
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Every month our host Klintron talks with the minds behind some of the most disturbing and obscure comic books of both today and yesterday, with a special emphasis on small press and self-published and the so-called ”Outlaw Comics” movement of the 1990s. Subscribe and you‘ll discover comics you won‘t find anywhere else.
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A sociedade está a mudar, o ecossistema está a mudar, a espécie está a mudar. Vivemos na era das mutações e cada vez mais a vida social depende da ciência e da tecnologia. Aqui falam os guerreiros que estão na linha da frente das revoluções digitais, biológicas e virtuais.
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You & Me and Our Mutant Friends Podcast

Spazz & OT: Friends, Joksters, Dummies, Podcasting

Longtime friends, Spazz & OT explore their unique history as they navigate through the stories of their lives. Each trip the duo bring in a third party, "mutant" friend to add to the oddness, humor, viewpoints, and anecdotes. "You & Me and Our Mutant Friends" is an honest and amusing examination of life and friendship and all the "weird" that just naturally happens. Expect beer.
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Regarder Les Nouveaux mutants (2020) Film Complet en Français | Pixar Les Nouveaux mutants → Film streaming en [HD | DVD-Rip | HD-Rip | Bluray | HD-TV | HD-TV-Rip] Télécharger |>>> Diffusion |>>> Regarder |>>>
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James Xplores The New Mutants

James Xplores The New Mutants

Welcome to James X-plores The New Mutants the bi-weekly podcast that X-plores, X-amines and attempts to X-plain Marvels comic book series The New Mutants, it’s rebranding, relaunches and spin-offs. Hopefully my love of the series, characters, it’s writers and artists will encourage others to read the series or prove enjoyable listening to long time fans. New episodes are posted every other Wednesday.
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Réinventons le travail ! Insufflons plus d’humain, de lien et de joie au cœur du monde professionnel. Chaque premier jeudi du mois, découvrez une perspective éclairante pour transformer votre vision du travail et imaginer des manières innovantes de collaborer, manager, créer et entreprendre. Je suis Laure Brignone, fondatrice d’UneÉtincelle, convaincue qu’il est temps de repenser le travail pour bâtir un monde professionnel plus inspirant. À travers des interviews d’experts, de chercheurs et ...
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M2 - Mutation numérique

Martin Lessard

Mutation au carré (Saison 4) - M2 explore tout ce que le tsunami numérique renverse sur son passage : culture, éducation, économie, communication, société, politique. Il ne manque que vous. Chaque épisode propose des réponses aux questions que les médias et les politiciens se poseront demain. Une baladodiffusion de Martin Lessard Visitez pour plus d'information. Pour commentez, allez sur la page Facebook du balado ou suivez moi sur Twitter @MartinLessard
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show series
Olá, X-pectadores e X-pectadoras! Sejam bem vindos a mais um Muta-Xhow, o podcast que tranca a porta com medo do Ciclope! Um dia um Xavier genérico que tinha a audácia de ter cabelo e andar, foi até a mansão Xavier pedir pão de ontem e aproveitar pra mostrar que também tinha o sonho da convivencia pacífica entre humano…
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The Gifted season two keeps on hitting home runs with "iMprint," an episode focused on the Cuckoos and their backstory. Unlike so many other X-Men adaptations, this one closely aligns with the characters' portrayal in the original comics by clarifying the girls are clones and introducing the other two of the five main Cuckoos. Their heartbreaking b…
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Penguin Cafe - Might Be Something - Erased Tapes Marshall Allen - Prologue - Mexican Summer Thought Leadership - XX - Darkly Inclined Tapes The Swan And The Lake - Romances Jaune - Music For Dreams Sasha Foam - Tokyo - Dream Chimney Cantoma – First Nothing (Noche Española Remix) - Highwood Psychemagik - Everybody's Gotta Learn - Undercover Lovers I…
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Kelton Prima - Croisière (en) Solitaire - Tartelet Amaia Zubiria & Pascal Gaigne - Itxasoan Laino Dago - Elkar Vinyl Collection Puli - Bongo Springs - Open Space Liminal - Keep Coming Back To Me - Leng Records Gwen McCrae – Keep The Fire Burning (The Revenge Need II Edit) - TR Productions DD Mirage - Exotic Illusions (Feat Hotel) - Isle Of Jura Ri…
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,Methylation imbalance and the causative factors leading to methylation imbalance, like the MTHFR gene mutation, shows itself in four distinct personality types. These methylation personality types, methylation archetypes or MTHFR personalities are called The Achiever, The Athlete, The Activist, and The Artist.The Achiever and The Athlete are very …
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The Gifted season two continues its strong pace with "afterMath," which Maddy and Ryan end up rating 4/5 instead of a perfect score but still did enjoy quite a bit. Blink helps the newly escaped mutants who were wrongly imprisoned in a mental asylum find a new home with the Morlocks, and Marcos makes friends (kind of) with one of the escapees named…
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Afronaught – Shapin' Fluid - Apollo Freedom Soundz - Downtown -Nepenta Our Own Organization - Days Of Old - Neroli Guem Et Zaka Percussion - Le Serpent - Wonk -PHIL KARN (MUTATIONS UK)- King Britt & Oba Funke - Freedom - Karma Giraffe Jimpster - Sunrise - Spinning Wheel Bakura - Thinking About (Domu Mix) - Sonar Kollektiv Mark de Clive-Lowe - The W…
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Olá, X-Pectadores e X-Pectadoras, sejam muito bem vindos a mais um Muta-Xhow, o podcast cheio dos traumas, mas cujo o amor do Wolverine nunca falta! Nem a cachaça… ⁠ Morfo está de volta! Após ser esculhambado pelo Sr. Sou Foda, o homem entrou na terapia e agora está pronto pra enfrentar terríveis inimigos com seu incrív…
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In this episode, Derek Lunsford, Jared Feather & Chris Aceto join us discussing bodybuilding & more! Enjoy! Chapters: 0:00 Intro/ Workout Schedules 4:22 Jared talks about Nick Walkers biggest differences in his physiques/ Training with different styles and people 18:16 Recovery/ Top 3 Best Things For Recovery 25:00 How Derek Will Look With Chris Ac…
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Raymond Richards - Monument Valley - ESP Institute Akio/Okihide - Phoenix At Desert - Music From Memory Sheila Chandra - The Awakening - Indipop Will Powers - Smile (SIREN Edit) - Indépendant Talking Drums - - Safari Suit - Talking Drums Tigerbalm - Profunda Alma - Razor-N-Tape Chris Coco - Leap Year (Sonlife Remix) - DSPPR Mudd - 54b (Ray Mang Ver…
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Olá, X-pectadores, sejam bem vindos a mais um Muta-Xhow, o podcast que está farto das mentiras do calvo pilantra! E, não, eu não me refiro ao Hellbolha… Xavier está preso em uma série de pesadelos recheados de alucinações com cobertura de ilusões e irá morrer se algo não for feito! Porém, ao invés de aproveitarem a opo…
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Podcast 162 con harta información y los temas de relevancia. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................…
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Quels sont la place et le rôle du dialogue social, des négociations collectives aujourd'hui ? Quelles sont les instances défendant et représentant les salariés dans l'entreprise ? Les syndicats doivent ils se renouveler et procéder différemment ? Et quelles améliorations et évolutions apportent-ils ? 🔅 Ce sont les questions que nous nous posons dan…
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Maddy and Ryan get to watch yet another fantastic episode of The Gifted with "outMatched," in which our former Mutant Underground characters are indeed outmatched when it comes to the machinations of the Hellfire Club. Lorna, Andy, and their new friends are breaking into a mental institution that only houses mutants and has been drugging them and t…
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Olá, X-pectadores e X-pecatoras, sejam bem vindos a mais Muta-Xhow, o podcasts que quer um novo Pantera Negra igual ao desse episódio! ♪♫ Estou seguindo a Magcristo Este idoso muito sinisto Estou seguindo a Magcristo Atrás não volto, não volto não Atrás o mundo, Lensherr a frente Ele é velho e impotente Atrás o mundo, …
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¡Celebremos a una de las vidas mas increíbles que discurrió por este planeta! No hay necesidad de explicar, DAVID LYNCH ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................…
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The Gifted season 2 keeps on delivering banger episode after banger episode. In "coMplications," Reed Strucker's powers manifest in front of his daughter Lauren, who can't believe he's still keeping secrets from the rest of the family. Jace Turner is still obsessed with hunting down mutants and he's destroying every other aspect of his life in favo…
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Richard Norris - Freetones December (extrait) - Group Mind Mark Barrott - Mono No Aware - Reflections Opal Sunn - Elastic (Phase III) - Test Pressing Aphex Twin - Blue Calx - Warp Fergus Jones - Heap - Numbers Degrees Of Freedom - August Is An Angel - VOT Daniel Sofer - Dewdrops - Space Talk Warriors Of The Dystotheque - Looking Through Balearic Es…
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lá, X-pectadoras e X-pectadoras! O inevitável aconteceu! A noticia que ninguém queria dar chegou! Pelo menos ninguém que faz parte do cast… enfim… MUTA-XHOW VOLTOU! Tava com saudades? Que bom, porque aparentemente os animadores coreanos não estavam nem um pouco, e esse episódio vem com aquele gostinho de má vontade recheado de preguiça. No episódio…
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Estamos de regreso después de un merecido descanso de temporada navideña. Para esta bonita edición de podcast hacemos un recuento de lo mejor que pudimos ver en cine y en plataformas, que dejaron gratas sensaciones en nosotros. Además comentamos un poco de las noticias que se han ido generando en estos días. Esperamos hayan tenido unas muy buenas f…
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Donald's House - 37° South - Wax'o Paradiso Personal System 個人システム - Crystal Palms - Dream Chimney Personal System 個人システム - Another Day Goes By - Dream Chimney Steve Cobby - United States Of Africa - Déclassé Mudd - Spielplatz (Quiet Village Deep Space Dub) - Claremont 56 Photay - Derecho - Mexican Summer Aisha/Mad Professor - Give A Little Dub - A…
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Methylation imbalance, often caused by the MTHFR gene mutation, by folic acid excess, or by nutritional deficiencies, shows itself in several personality traits. Some personality traits are common to people with methylation dysfunction, like perfectionism, OCD-tendencies, anxiety, hyper-focus or hypo-focus, and others. These common traits emerge in…
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L'évolution du monde du travail est intrinsèquement liée à la place de l'argent et à la relation que chacun entretient avec lui. Pourtant central, ce sujet n'avait pas encore été abordé dans ce podcast... jusqu'à aujourd'hui. 🔅 Pour explorer cette thématique essentielle, j'ai le plaisir d'accueillir Christian Junod, économiste et ancien banquier su…
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In this episode, Derek Lunsford and Chris Aceto join us discussing the most important thing about bodybuilding, Derek VS Nick, bodybuilding talk & more! Enjoy! Chapters: 0:00 Into/ Guy and Derek’s Relationship/ What it’s like working with Chris Aceto? 9:18 What does Chris Aceto look for in a client?/ What type of coach do Derek and Nick like? 16:00…
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Ryan and Maddy are still loving The Gifted, with season 2 delivering yet another great episode in "unMoored." This episode is brought to us by League of Legends, which Andy is playing every night he spends in the Hellfire Club mansion, apparently. But he's keeping his teenage angst secret when it comes to missing his family and especially his siste…
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In this episode, Jose Raymond joins Guy and Nick discussing the Olympia, Coaching, Updates & More! Enjoy! Chapters: 0:00 Intro 2:00 Jose Joins 6:00 Thoughts on the Olympia 13:16 What to do if you can’t afford a coach?/ Coaching 23:00 Christmas/ Guy being an Uncle 27:40 Hardest Moment in our lives/ Dogs 35:40 Boxing/ Guys Vs Nick 40:20 Was bodybuild…
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I have used the terms over methylator and undermethylation in the past to help categorize people to streamline their supplement start with MTHFR or other methylation imbalance, but the terms themselves can be confusing and misleading because they imply a biochemical state that isn't actually there. Logically, it makes sense that an undermethylator …
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In this episode, Bobby Cartalemi, Jose Raymond & Justin Shier join the podcast! Enjoy! Chapters: 0:00 Intro/ Europa Pro 6:48 How much does posing matter? 9:18 Diddy Arrested 12:14 Justins Gym/ Gym talk and Pet Peeves 25:36 Olympia Talk/ Olympia Top 5 30:30 The biggest difference from being an Amateur VS Pro 42:30 Good Vito/ Bodybuilding Posing 51:1…
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In this episode, Jeremy Buendia joins the podcast! Nick Walker 6 Weeks out from the Olympia, Video Games, Bodybuilding & More! Enjoy. Chapters: 00:26 Intro/ Jeremy Buendia 3:35 What its like coming back after taking off? 12:00 Colonics 15:14 Nick Walker 6 Weeks Out 19:46 Why Nick Stopped doing deadlifts/ Do deadlifts make your waist wider? 27:34 Gu…
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Ryan and Maddy invite Todd and Ry T back on the show for another reading of a Christmas-themed X-Men comic. This time it's Uncanny X-Men #165 (2009), a surprisingly plot-heavy comic that gets into Laura Kinney's backstory and introduction to the X-Men, plus a side story about Gambit getting back his eyesight (after losing his sight in a battle that…
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La dernière de l'année! Musique de 2024 ou de la musique (re)découverte en 2024 xp Total Blue - Heart Of The World - Music From Memory ---J DUB DUB--- Vin Gordon - Spill Over - Tradition Khruangbin - Hold Me Up (Thank You) - Dead Oceans Ballaké Sissoko & Baba Sissoko - Bi Djeliya - Homerecords Cochemea - Tukaria - Daptone The Higher Intelligence Ag…
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Quelques parutions qui ont marqué l'année... Nala Sinephro - Continuum 3 - Warp (Album: Nala Sinephro - Endlessness) Magic Words - Wabi Soba - Razor-N-Tape Reserve Drivetyme - FM Jamming - Parkway (Album: Various – Parkway Presents WPKY Jams) Sunshine Jones– Fall In Love Not In Line (Extended Vocal Version) - Music For Dreams (Compilation: Balearic…
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Le "beau au travail" est un sujet dont on parle peu. Pourtant il touche à des points fondamentaux comme la motivation et le sens dans nos métiers, le respect et la confiance, et plus largement la qualité de vie au travail. Avec le « beau travail », on évoque autant le soin apporté à une tâche bien faite que l’esthétique du produit ou service réalis…
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Ryan and Maddy watched the first episode of The Gifted's second season and immediately discover why people prefer season two. Everything is better, most importantly the writing; we already liked the actors, and now they finally have something great to work with. The Mutant Underground has become far more ragtag, working out of a secret room in a ho…
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Jeff Parker ETA IVtet - Late Autumn - International Anthem Mystery Tiime - Not Your Fault (Generalisation Dub) - Vicious Charm Mudd - Eighty Three (Uppity Again Dub) - Claremont 56 The Emperor Machine - S-S-S Single Bed (Instrumental) - Leng Max Essa & David Harks - Lobster Boys (Hifi Sean Remix) - Paper Reuben Vaun Smith - Colours In Sky - Ubiquit…
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¡Episodio numero 160 de tripas mutantes! En esta edición hacemos revisión de noticias de la semana; La adaptación y versión del clásico literario de mary shelly Frankenstein de la mano de Guillermo del toro. El anuncio con las novedades y actualidad de scream 7, los cambios que producto de las circunstancias han propiciado el cambio de protagonista…
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Ryan, Maddy, and Todd watch the second half of Deadpool (2016) and realize they probably didn't need to divide this episode into two parts because there isn't that much to say about the second half of Deadpool (2016). Wade Wilson's arch nemesis Francis kidnaps his ex-girlfriend Vanessa for some reason. Deadpool, Colossus, and Negasonic Teenage Warh…
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Maddy, Ryan, and Todd convene to analyze the first half of Deadpool (2016), which we probably didn't need to divide into two parts because it turns out this movie is really simple. Also, most of these jokes do not hold up! Bounty hunter Wade Wilson meets a hottie named Vanessa, finds out he has cancer, dumps her so she doesn't have to watch him die…
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Greg Foat - A Private Cosmos - Ameritz The Orb - H.O.M.E. (High Orbs Mini Earth) - Cooking Vinyl Donald's House - 37° South - Wax'o Paradiso Kaoru Inoue - Nagareru (Sidirum Remix) - Seeds And Ground Sun Ra Quartet (feat. John Gilmore) - When There Is No Sun - Strut Lee Ritenour & Dave Grusin - Meu Samba Torto (My Crooked Samba) - Candid Chris Coco …
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She breaks down the considerations for symptom management and potential risks, particularly regarding tumors and blood labs. In this episode of 'To Health With That,' naturopathic doctor Amy Neuzil discusses the complexities surrounding methylfolate dosing for individuals with MTHFR. High doses of methylfolate could come with some of the same risks…
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Edición express de su bonita podcast, una edición corta con harta información y por supuesto música. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------…
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Nuevo episodio de tripas mutantes, episodio #159 con harta información para comentar. El desafortunado fallecimiento de tony Todd celebre por su papel mas representativo en el genero del horror; Candyman, basado en uno de los relatos de Clive Barker y que este mismo dirigiera en su adaptación cinematográfica. Seguimos y para finalizar con la conver…
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Universal Cave and the Street Road Band – Till You're Back In My Arms (Coyote Extended Remix) - Soft Rock For Hard Times Richard Sen - Moksha - Do!! You!!! Marma - Mambo - M.A.D Galliano - Circles Going Round The Sun (Laroye Dub Mix) - Brownswood Lars Behrenroth - Can Do - Deeper Shades Luca Lozano & Mr Ho - Jefe - Klasse Wrecks Marshall Watson & C…
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Malgré de grandes avancées ces dernières décennies, des inégalités professionnelles entre les femmes et les hommes persistent partout dans le monde. Qu'il s'agisse de la répartition des métiers, du travail à temps partiel, de la place du "care", du rapport à l'argent ou de la crédibilité professionnelle, de nombreux défis restent à relever. 🔅 Laeti…
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Maddy and Ryan do a miniature listener mail that is mostly just a return to The Mutant Ages: The Comic Book, because we didn't have that many emails to read this time around. We answer questions about how to fix The Gifted (the question everybody wants to know the answer to) and how we would go about writing Bobby's coming-out story on X-Men '97 if…
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Lee Ryda - Electro Eyes - Music For Dreams Percy Faith - First Light - Columbia Krakatau - Apogean Tide - Growing Bin Ferdi Schuster - Osho Again - Claremont 56 Dani Diaz - Gallos de Medianoche (Ilya Santana Balearic Version) - Boite Music The Emperor Machine - Wanna Pop With You (Hardway Bros Dub) - Leng The Zebras - For Your Love - Uniwave George…
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Maddy and Ryan finally reached the season 1 finale of The Gifted, titled "X-Roads," and it's not bad. Finally, there's a plot on this show! Lorna breaks with the rest of the Mutant Underground by deciding to resort to violence in respond to Dr. Krieger's evil plan, which then leads to a larger shake-up at the episode's conclusion. Andy and Lauren a…
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Peter Culshaw - Blue Flower - ISKRA Dub Squad - Blown Fruit - Music From Memory Aura Safari - Sur Mon Balconnet (Calm Beatless Remix) - Hell Yeah Ronald Langestraat - Girl Where Are You? - South of North Steve Kuhn - The Meaning Of Love - Buddah Max Manetti - Henley (James Bright Remix) - eclectics Lonely C & Tom Trago - The Compass Joint - CP1 Aun…
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