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Jung & Naiv

Tilo Jung

Politik für Desinteressierte: Interviews, Talks und Shows. Uns gibt es nur dank eurer finanziellen Unterstützung Auf Youtube als Video, hier als Podcast - DE/EN -
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C3 Nairobi

C3 Nairobi

At C3 Nairobi, we believe that Nairobi is our city, and as part of His global church, we stand united with every church in our community. Our mission—"Our city, His church, my call"—reminds us that each of us is individually called to serve, while together we work to transform our city. Guided by our tagline, "Love God, Love People," we embrace our unique role in impacting Nairobi with Christ's love and hope. Welcome to C3 Nairobi!
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HW News Editorial With Sujit Nair: From Politics to International Affairs, to Social Issues, Editorial led by our Managing Editor Mr Sujit Nair deep dives into various topics and discusses various perspectives. Sujit Nair also presents his stance on the matter. Listen to Editorial with Sujit Nair daily.
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Red Nail Energy

Macaile Hutt

Join Macaile as she has empowering and meaningful conversations with people who are brave enough to be unapologetically themselves. Red Nail Energy is anything that makes you feel unstoppable. We can’t wait for you to uncover and embody yours.
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Nail or Beauty School was just the beginning, right? What on earth do you do now?! Welcome to the Salon Success Podcast with Monaco Nail Academy. Our topics stretch beyond nails and into all things salon related - business, marketing and social media - and at very least hits you with real, honest stories about our experiences. This isn't school; this is real life, real business, and real-ly freaking hard work.
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जीवन के व्यवहारिक ‌समस्या और आध्यात्मिक से जुड़े कई सवालों के जवाब हररोज जानने के लिए सुनिए नई द्रष्टि नई राह के प्रोग्राम और ज्यादा जानकारी के लिए मुलाकात लीजिए यह वेबसाइट की :
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以天真的视角发现当下,想象生活的另一种可能。 「naive理想国」是由文化品牌「理想国imaginist」出品的泛文化类播客,节目于每周四更新。 订阅公众号:naive理想国 关注微博:@naive理想国 联系我们
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The Nail Files

Rach & Evie

Welcome to The Nail Files! Hosted by Rach & Evie. Two nail techs who met through work, and bonded over their LOVE for nails, laughter, and friendship. We will be sharing some funny, wild and sometimes downright unbelievable stories from our week in the salon, as well as all the chaotic fun that life brings. Follow us on instagram and youtube- @thefiles.pod. So grab a coffee (or a prosecco, hehe) love you byeeeee xxx
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Nailed It Ortho

Nailed It Orthodocs

Get on top of the game, deepen your learning and further your practice with this Orthopaedic Surgery Podcast featuring Orthopaedic Surgery residents as they interview national and international experts to bring you key information and knowledge in the field. Dr. Jamal Fitts and Dr. Wendell Cole are here to light that fire under your feet and get your blood pumping with some good Orthopaedic Knowledge. We stay away from the boring, put you to sleep lectures, and just come with some high quali ...
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咖啡馆里的文化沙龙,理想国朋友们的声音聚会。欢迎收听文化品牌理想国imaginist旗下播客。节目将于每周三18:00在Apple Podcasts、小宇宙、喜马拉雅、网易云音乐等平台上线。你可以前往微信公众号订阅「Naive咖啡馆」或者在新浪微博上搜索话题#Naive咖啡馆#与我们进行互动。
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Uniquely Herrs nail salon for nails and Manicure services, located in Springfield, Missouri, offers a unique experience for nail care and spa services. With a focus on providing exceptional customer service and top-notch quality, this salon stands out from others in the area. The salon’s team of highly trained professionals is dedicated to ensuring that each client receives personalized attention and leaves feeling pampered and satisfied.
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Artsi haluaa oppia lisää naisista, parisuhteista ja seksistä. Hän yrittää myös avata miesten tunnemaailmaa. Instagram: @naisasiamiehet email:
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Un Temps pour Naître

Edwige Calloc’h

Je suis Edwige, accompagnante périnatale. Parce que le désir d'enfant et la maternité sont un véritable cheminement, tant d'émotions et de questions nous bousculent : partons à la découverte des profondeurs de ce grand passage de vie ! Dans ce podcast, je vous partage des réflexions, des infos, des astuces autour du "Devenir parent" : le désir d'enfant 🤞🏻 la PMA 💉 la grossesse 🤰🏻le postpartum 👨🏻‍🍼 les épreuves de maternité... C'est au gré de mes découvertes et en m'appuyant sur les expérienc ...
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Fea´s naive Welt

Fea Finger

Meine Erfahrung der letzten Jahre als pädagogische Fachkraft in verschiedenen Kitas ist Folgende: Wir reden viel von Empathie und wie wichtig sie ist. Aber wie geht Empathie wirklich? Was mache ich, wenn ich Verhaltensweisen von anderen Fachkräften beobachte die einfach übergriffig und gewaltvoll sind aber trotzdem sehr weit verbreitet geduldet werden? Wie kann ich damit für mich umgehen, was kann ich selbst dem entgegen setzten? Welche Situationen im Kita- Alltag sind besonders herausforder ...
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Welcome to Young Nails Audio, hosted by Habib Salo, CEO of Young Nails Inc., the premier manufacturer of professional nail care products. On this podcast, you will find business building concepts, ideas, and strategies focused mainly on the beauty industry, taken from The Biz Talk Series on our YouTube channel, as well as other original content specific for Young Nails Audio. We hope you enjoy and thank you for listening!
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Vad är nyckeln till framgång, eller vad är ens framgång? Två unga, naiva idioter jonglerar med tankar, idéer och känslor. Hur möter man fördomar? Hur hanterar man motgångar? Hur älskar man sig själv?
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show series
This week on Nail on Sunday, we’re weighing up the pros and cons of the three most common paths in the nail world: being employed, self-employed, or running your nail biz as a side hustle. 💅💼💸 We’ll chat about stability vs. freedom, income potential, flexibility, responsibilities, and which route might be best depending on your lifestyle and goals.…
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In this episode of ‘Editorial,’ Mr. Sujit Nair discusses the Nagpur violence. The unrest erupted in Nagpur amid a tense environment, where the right-wing Hindu organizations VHP and Bajrang Dal were demanding the removal of Mughal emperor Aurangzeb’s references. Amidst this, certain rumors further provoked riots in the city. Learn more about your a…
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Politik für Desinteressierte Zu Gast im Studio: Nora Seitz, deutsche Politikerin (CDU). Seit 2025 ist sie Mitglied des Bundestages. Von 2009 bis 2014 war sie mit der Betreuung des Meisterkurses für das Fleischerhandwerk an der Handwerkskammer Chemnitz betraut. Von 2012 bis 2018 unterrichtete sie im fachpraktischen Unterricht am Beruflichen Schulzen…
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Räägime ATHst. See on teema, mis vajab selgitust. [Vaata uut avameelset saadet]( Aastaid aladiagnoositud mure tundub viimaste aastate valguses kohati ka liialt esil. Harutame teema lahti eluterve skeptitsismi ja empaatiaga. «Alles võrdluses õige raviga sain ma aru kui halb mul enne oli,» räägib kogemusnõustaja, k…
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Veränderungen und die dazugehörigen Prozesse sind nicht immer leicht. Oft sind sie sogar sehr schwer. Aber warum ist das eigentlich so? Und wie können wir damit gut umgehen?Ich habe Daniela Faller in die naive Welt eingeladen um mit ihr genau darüber zu sprechen. Sie ist Referentin für pädagogische Fachkräfte und begleitet Teams unter anderem in Ve…
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🦥 Porter nos bébés, cela vous semble ... compliqué ? Farfelu ? Evident ? 🦥 Grâce à un riche échange avec Maëlle, monitrice de portage et psychomotricienne à Lyon, vous pourrez mieux comprendre l'intérêt du portage pour le bébé mais aussi pour vous en tant que parent. Maëlle nous partage aussi ses meilleurs conseils au sujet du portage, nous expliqu…
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Who are you, really? In Ephesians 1, Paul doesn’t just tell us who God is — he tells us who we are because of Him. Chosen. Loved. Redeemed. Sealed with the Holy Spirit. But if that’s true, why do we still live like we’re uncertain or unworthy? What if you’re not waiting for God to bless you — what if He already has, and you just haven’t embraced it…
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Ali is a trauma and Somatic therapist, EMDR specialist, and nervous system educator dedicated to helping people heal deeply and reclaim their resilience. With a modern, down-to-earth approach, she makes complex trauma concepts accessible, relatable, and actionable. Whether she’s breaking down the science of healing on social media or guiding client…
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This week on The Nail Files, we’re bringing the chaos! From the unexpected ways our lockdown nail journeys began to the time someone used Fry Light instead of cuticle oil—yes, really—we’ve got plenty of stories to share. We also relive the awkwardness of work dos, because let’s face it, we’ve all embarrassed ourselves at least once. Oh, and Mr. Wor…
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How do peroneal tendonitis and tendon tears contribute to lateral ankle instability? What are the key mechanisms, risk factors, and treatment options? Dr. Humbyrd joins us as we take a deep dive into the anatomy of the peroneal tendons, how these injuries present clinically, and the best imaging techniques to confirm a diagnosis. We also break down…
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This week on Nail on Sunday, we’re diving into the world of affiliates—how they work, why they matter, and how they can be a game-changer for both nail techs and brands! 💅💸 We’ll break down how affiliate partnerships work, the perks of collaborating with brands, and the best ways to maximize your earnings. Whether you're a nail tech looking to mone…
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In this episode of ‘Editorial’, Mr. Sujit Nair discusses the entry of Elon Musk’s Starlink internet in India. Musk has partnered with Mukesh Ambani’s Jio and Sunil Mittal’s Airtel. In this episode, Mr. Nair specifically highlights how the world order and governance are changing. He also examines the Trump-Musk relationship to illustrate what happen…
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In this episode of Editorial, Mr. Sujit Nair discusses U.S. President Donald Trump in the context of ‘ancient virtue magnanimity.’ He references an article by David Brooks in The New York Times. This episode takes an esoteric approach, leaving it open for viewers to guess the names of world leaders whose characteristics align with those of an ‘anci…
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Diese Aussage "der*die hat mir mir gesprochen als wäre ich ein kleines Kind" thematisiere ich regelmäßig in meinen Fortbildungen. An kaum einem anderen Satz wird für mich so deutlich, was Adultismus ist. Denn wenn wir mit Kinder so sprechen ist es "normal". Aber wenn andere Erwachsene mit uns so sprechen ist es plötzlich unangenehm und unangebracht…
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In this episode of Editorial, Mr. Sujit Nair discusses Rahul Gandhi’s recent speech in Gujarat, where he drew a sharp line for Gujarat Congress members and workers. He highlighted the need for filtration within the Congress party. He also emphasized that the Congress party should first fulfill its own responsibilities before asking people for votes…
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In this episode of Editorial, Mr. Sujit Nair discusses the revamped Income Tax Bill, 2025. He highlights how, if passed, the bill could breach the privacy of Indians while granting extreme powers to the Income Tax Department. Mr. Nair raises five critical unanswered questions about the new bill. He also delves into how data leaks and privacy breach…
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Cet épisode est de loin l'un des plus utiles pour les futurs parents : l'ocytocine n'est pas qu'une hormone essentielle pour l'accouchement, c'est aussi une des clés pour une vie épanouie ! Ici je vous explique de façon simple, son mécanisme, et comment la sécréter au max ! rediffusion --- Abonnez-vous dès aujourd’hui au podcast Un temps pour naîtr…
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mit Maurice Höfgen In dieser Folge diskutieren wir über das Schuldenpaket und die Sondierungen der GroKo, den drastischen Anstieg der Renditen auf Bundesanleihen, den Warnstreik, die Zinssenkung, den Zollstreit von Trump, die US-Bitcoinreserve, das Minus bei Krankenkassen und vieles mehr! Bitte unterstützt das WIRTSCHAFTSBRIEFING finanziell:Konto: …
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This week on Nail on Sunday, we’re getting into one of the most important topics in the nail industry—hygiene! 🧼💅 From keeping your tools spotless to maintaining a clean and safe salon environment, we’ll cover everything you need to know to protect both you and your clients. We’ll talk about the do’s and don’ts of sanitation, common mistakes nail t…
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In this episode of Editorial, Mr. Sujit Nair discusses the political row over delimitation. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin has criticized the BJP-led central government over the issue. CM Stalin is concerned that delimitation could reduce Tamil Nadu’s parliamentary representation due to its lower population growth compared to northern states. …
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Julge naine Triinu Raudsepp otsustas ühel päeval - see keha, mis mul on, ei meeldi mulle. Ning tegi selle täiesti ringi «Maksis mitukümmend tuhat! Aga oleks teadnud kui valus see on, siis mõnda lõikust poleks teinud!» Iluoperatsioone tehakse palju, aga täiesti ausalt räägitakse neist vähe. Sest paljudele on see endiselt tabu, mis sellest et välimus…
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Geopolitik für Desinteressierte Zu Gast im Studio: Marie-Christin Heinze. Sie hält einen Master in Nahoststudien, Politikwissenschaft und internationalem und europäischem Recht (Universität Bonn, 2004), einen Master in Friedens- und Sicherheitsstudien (Universität Hamburg, 2006) und einen Doktor in Sozialanthropologie mit einer Dissertation über di…
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In this episode of ‘Editorial,’ Mr. Sujit Nair discusses US President Donald Trump’s actions, statements, and the treatment he has given to other world leaders since he took office. Mr. Nair points out how Trump is humiliating world leaders by inviting them to the White House. Mr. Nair mentions how the world is now reacting to Trump’s decision. Lea…
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In this episode of ‘Editorial’, Mr. Sujit Nair discusses the Bombay High Court’s direction to not act on special court’s order. The special court had ordered registration of an FIR against former SEBI chief Madhabi Puri Buch and others. The sessions court had passed this order over allegations that the accused permitted the ""fraudulent"" listing o…
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immer wieder bekomme ich Fragen, die sich darum drehen, was man denn tun kann, wenn die anderen Kolleg*innen im Team nicht bedürfnisorientiert handeln wollen oder können. Meistens stellen diese Kolleg*innen die Bedürfnisorientierung ingesamt in Frage und verstehen nicht, für was die gut sein soll.Und was macht man dann?Die Antwort ist wieder mal ni…
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In this episode of the Salon Success Podcast, @Patsitive.Beauty, @JungleNailsNZ, and @HardLacquerNZ dive into what it truly means to be unquittable - the kind of nail tech clients see as a must-have, not a luxury. We break down how to position yourself as an essential part of your clients’ self-care routine, so they prioritise your services no matt…
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Geopolitik für Desinteressierte Zu Gast im Studio: Journalist Thomas Wiegold mit den Schwerpunkten internationale Verteidigungs- und Sicherheitspolitik, Militär und Bundeswehr. Seit dem deutschen Einsatz im Rahmen von UNOSOM II berichtet Wiegold regelmäßig über Einsatzgebiete der Bundeswehr auf seinem Blog "Augen geradeaus!" Ein Gespräch über den J…
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Imagine this—you’re in the OR, prepped and ready to fix an ankle fracture, only to realize mid-surgery… there’s NO FRACTURE! 😳 Turns out, the X-rays belonged to a different patient! What would you do? Proceed with surgery anyway? Cover it up? Own up to the mistake? This real-life case is a wild lesson in verifying patient identity, double-checking …
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Manifestation isn’t a solo act—it’s a duet with the universe! But are you actually listening when your intuition whispers (or, let’s be real, shouts) at you? In this solo episode, Macaile dives into the magic of co-creation, recognizing signs, and making sure we’re not leaving the universe on read. The Red Nail Energy Podcast is proudly sponsored b…
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In this episode of Editorial, Mr. Sujit Nair discusses the verbal spat between U.S. President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the White House. Mr. Nair's discussion begins with the Russia-Ukraine war and also covers NATO's role, along with Russia’s warning to Ukraine if it joins NATO. He further explores the possible glob…
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Listen to our episode on PCL Injuries as Dr. Jildeh gives us an excellent overview! Toufic R. Jildeh, MD attended Michigan State University where he graduated summa cum laude and from the Honors College. He attended medical school at Wayne State University School of Medicine. He went on to complete his residency at Henry Ford Health System where he…
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Every nail tech has that client—the one who’s always late, never happy, or pushes every boundary. So, how do you handle them professionally without losing your sanity? 🤯💅 This week on Nail on Sunday, we’re talking all about problem clients. From no-shows to picky perfectionists, we’ll share tips on setting boundaries, managing expectations, and kee…
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In this episode of ‘Editorial,’ Mr. Nair discusses Donald Trump’s latest move—the introduction of a ‘gold card’ visa plan. This plan offers a pathway to U.S. citizenship for a fee of $5 million. Mr. Nair highlights the potential challenges foreigners could face in the wake of this policy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Pilt, video ja see, kuidas me paistame hakkab kohati muutuma tähtsamaks kui päris elu. Kuid kurioosum on see, et mitte kunagi pole meie ümber olnud sellises kohutavas koguses halbu pilte! Kas hakkame kaotame arusaamist, mis on halb ja mis hea? Selgust ja sügavust selles küsimuses toob saate peategelane Toomas Volkmann, legendaarne fotokunstnik, kes…
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Types of Nail Services Available When it comes to nail salon services, there are plenty of options to choose from. Whether you’re after a classic manicure, a long-lasting gel polish, or a custom acrylic set, we have something to fit your style and needs. Acrylic Nails – Adds length and durability, perfect for those who want bold, customized nails. …
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How Much Do I Tip for $100 Nails? When you’re considering how much to tip for a $100 nail service, it’s important to know the standard practices and factors that might influence your decision. Typically, a tip of 15-20% is expected, but what happens when the service exceeds your expectations? Understanding the nuances of tipping can make a differen…
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WHAT IS A GOOD TIP FOR $50 NAILS? When you get a $50 nail service, figuring out a good tip for nails can feel tricky. A standard range is 15% to 20%, which translates to about $7.50 to $10. However, tipping for nail services isn't just about percentages—several factors can influence how much you might want to give. Curious about what specific eleme…
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1 naissance en structure et 1 ANA La recherche d'une sage femme pour se faire accompagner à domicile est difficile pendant ses deux grossesses. Alors que la situation la pousse à choisir l'hôpital dans le premier cas, le second invite Marion à se positionner sur une naissance libre. Vous avez entendu le récit de Thierry dans l'épisode #10, voici la…
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