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Liebe auf den ersten Blick: Gibt es die wirklich? Kann jeder zum Workaholic werden? Und: Was steckt hinter Phänomen wie dem Helfersyndrom oder Emotional Eating? In diesem Podcast beantwortet die Psychologin und Wissenschaftsjournalistin Fanny Jimenez zusammen mit Redakteurin Derman Deniz und Gästen eure Fragen rund um psychologische Themen aus dem Alltag. Never Mind hilft euch dabei, eure Gedanken und eure Gefühle im Alltag zu verstehen: wo sie herkommen, warum sie sinnvoll sind – und wie ih ...
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Never Mind The Dambusters

Jane Gulliford Lowes and James Jefferies

Never Mind The Dambusters…It’s The Bomber Command Podcast! Join historians and authors Jane Gulliford Lowes and James Jefferies as they delve into the world of RAF Bomber Command during the Second World War. In this weekly podcast (episodes released every Wednesday), Jane and James explore strategy, policy, and the events which shaped one of the most controversial campaigns of the war. Despite their iconic status, Bomber Command's history extends far beyond the famed Dambusters raid of 1943 ...
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Never Mind the Podcast

Never Mind the Podcast

De drie vrienden die je altijd al had willen hebben, nu in handig zakformaat. Een wekelijkse ontmoeting met Jason (bedenker van tv-formats), Adam (componist/muzikant) en Esmee (wijnjournalist en copywriter). Schuif virtueel aan en dompel je onder in een uur cultureel gekeuvel. Scoops en reviews van nieuwe series, muziek, films en boeken, maar ook opmerkelijke en nergens heengaande verhalen uit het echte leven van deze drie fortysomethingers uit Amsterdam.
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Never Mind the Ballots is a podcast tackling the biggest political issues in Bristol. The show is hosted by Bristol Live's politics editor, Esme Ashcroft, who will be joined by a different politician and member of the public each week. Each episode will address stories from the past week, with guests offering their opinions and values.
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Never Mind The Adverts

Jon Evans, Orlando Wood

The advertising podcast, hosted by Jon Evans (the Uncensored CMO) and Orlando Wood (Author of Lemon and Look Out). Each week we dissect the latest ads, the biggest breaking news and the most controversial opinions on advertising.
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Heath Armstrong makes podcasts to help inspire your best creativity, energy, and intergalactic orgasms so that you can never stop peaking. We will dance with the muses of optimal health, habitual patterns, psychedelics, sacred plant medicines, authentic relatability, flow consciousness, world travel, energetic synchronicities, and scandalous true stories! If you want to laugh loudly and think deeply at the same time, press play.
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SOMETIMES LIFE JUST SUCKS... Do you ever feel this way? Do you ever wake up and wish all of the stress, debt, pain, and so on would just go away? Is your business failing? Did you lose your job? Do you feel like you have no one to turn to for help? Believe it or not, everyone has these feelings. However, surviving hell is a choice. There is a path to learning how to take control of the business of life. Stop listening to the hack mentors who have never been through what you have been through ...
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show series
WARNING: This episode includes discussion of issues surrounding the Holocaust and genocide which some listeners may find distressing. In this episode, the hosts engage in a profound discussion with Dr. Waitman Beorn about the controversial topic of whether the Allies could and should have bombed Auschwitz during World War II. They explore the histo…
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Ja, Erfolg fühlt sich gut an: Wir alle genießen es, unsere Ziele zu erreichen und dafür Wertschätzung und Anerkennung zu bekommen. Aber Erfolg kann auch "süchtig", geradezu obsessiv machen. Und das hat Folgen: Wer um jeden Preis erfolgreich sein muss, vernachlässigt mitunter wichtige Beziehungen im Leben und seine Gesundheit dafür. Wir klären in di…
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Subscriber-only episode ***Episode available on general release on Wednesday 11 December 2024 WARNING: This episode includes discussion of issues surrounding the Holocaust and genocide which some listeners may find distressing. In this episode, the hosts engage in a profound discussion with Dr. Waitman Beorn about the controversial topic of whether…
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In this episode, James Jefferies and Jane Gulliford Lowes engage in a lively discussion with author Luke Turner about the complexities of Bomber Command's history, model-making, the legacy of the Dambusters film, his fascination with 158 Squadron, and the personal stories of individuals like Bertram Warr. They explore themes of masculinity, memory,…
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Seinen Partner möchte man genau so lieben, wie er oder sie ist. Und oft glauben Menschen am Anfang einer Beziehung auch, dass der andere perfekt ist. Aber dann, irgendwann, gibt es mindestens ein Problemchen, was immer und immer und immer wieder auftaucht. Nur 16 Prozent würden nichts an ihrem Partner ändern, zeigt eine anonyme Befragung von EliteP…
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Subscriber-only episode *** Episode on general release on Wednesday 4 December In this episode, James Jefferies and Jane Gulliford Lowes engage in a lively discussion with author Luke Turner about the complexities of Bomber Command's history, model-making, the legacy of the Dambusters film, his fascination with 158 Squadron, and the personal storie…
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This week, Jane and James explore the training of bomber crews, and the perilous nature of life at the OTUs and HCUs. They discuss the training structure, the tragic story of a training flight that ended in disaster for the Canadian crew, and the importance of memorializing those who lost their lives in training. Jane talks about a new bomber comma…
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Über psychische Erkrankungen zu sprechen – vor allem, wenn es einen selbst betrifft – war lange Zeit ein ziemliches Tabu-Thema. Inzwischen gehen viele, aber nicht alle Menschen, offener damit um. Bei der Frage, wann es aber Zeit ist, sich auf die Couch zu setzen und eine Therapie zu beginnen, gibt es sehr viel Unsicherheit. Und einige sagen: Eigent…
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Subscriber-only episode *** Episode on general release Wednesday 27th November This week, Jane and James explore the training of bomber crews, and the perilous nature of life at the OTUs and HCUs. They discuss the training structure, the tragic story of a training flight that ended in disaster for the Canadian crew, and the importance of memorializ…
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In this episode of Never Mind the Dambusters, hosts Jane Gulliford-Lowes and James Jefferies engage with historian Andrew Bird to explore the often-overlooked role of Coastal Command in the RAF during World War II. The conversation covers the origins and structure of Coastal Command, its critical role in the Battle of the Atlantic, and the ongoing …
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Was löst das Wort „Zahnarzttermin“ in euch aus? Wenn es euch so geht wie rund 80 Prozent aller Menschen, dann zuckt ihr innerlich mindestens ein bisschen zusammen, wenn ihr an diesen Block im Kalender denkt. Vielleicht bleibt es aber nicht dabei, und ihr würdet euch – aus Angst vor dem Zahnarzt – am liebsten drücken. Aber wovor genau hat man eigent…
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Subscriber-only episode *** Episode on general release Wednesday 20th November In this episode of Never Mind the Dambusters, hosts Jane Gulliford-Lowes and James Jefferies engage with historian Andrew Bird to explore the often-overlooked role of Coastal Command in the RAF during World War II. The conversation covers the origins and structure of Coa…
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In this week's episode, hosts James Jefferies and Jane Gulliford Lowes discuss the significant contributions of African and Caribbean men in RAF Bomber Command during World War II. They are joined by historian John Concagh, who shares insights into the motivations behind these men joining the RAF, the challenges they faced, and their experiences du…
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Hupen, fluchen, beleidigen: So zeigt sich Road Rage – die Wut, die manche Menschen überfällt, wenn sie im Auto hinterm Steuer sitzen. Aber warum kommt die Road Rage ausgerechnet im Verkehr – wen trifft sie und was sagt das über die Person aus? Was die Wissenschaft über Road Rage weiß, darüber sprechen wir heute. Zahlen zu der Frage, wie oft Road Ra…
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The latest episode of Never Mind The Bar Charts takes a look at recent research into the impact of electoral reform on the stability of governments. Does PR mean less stable government? Listen to my discussion with the research's author Dylan Difford to find out. Feedback very welcome, and do share this podcast with others who you think may enjoy i…
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Subscriber-only episode *** Episode on general release Wednesday 13th November In this week's episode, hosts James Jefferies and Jane Gulliford Lowes discuss the significant contributions of African and Caribbean men in RAF Bomber Command during World War II. They are joined by historian John Concagh, who shares insights into the motivations behind…
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In this episode of Never Mind the Dambusters, hosts Jane Gulliford-Lowes and James Jefferies delve into the complexities and controversies of the Allied strategic bombing campaign during World War II. Did the campaign succeed? How is success measured? They explore the ongoing debate regarding its effectiveness, the shifting objectives of the campai…
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Charmant, rebellisch, selbstbewusst: Dem Klischee nach haben es sogenannte Bad Boys beim Dating sehr viel leichter als Nice Guys – obwohl ihnen nachgesagt wird, dass man sich Beziehungen mit ihnen höchstens ein gebrochenes Herz holt. Aber ist da wirklich etwas dran? Sind Bad Boys anziehender als Nice Guys? Und wenn ja, warum? Darüber sprechen wir i…
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Subscriber-only episode *** Episode on general release on Wednesday 6th November 2024 In this episode of Never Mind the Dambusters, hosts Jane Gulliford-Lowes and James Jefferies delve into the complexities and controversies of the Allied strategic bombing campaign during World War II. Did the campaign succeed? How is success measured? They explore…
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In this episode of Nevermind the Dambusters, hosts Jane Gulliford Lowes and James Jefferies discuss the intersection of video games and military history, particularly focusing on RAF Bomber Command. Joined by Ethan Adato, they explore how video games can serve as educational tools, the ethical implications of portraying historical events, and speci…
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In dieser Bonusfolge spricht Fanny zusammen mit Serdar von FettUcation – Meine Abnehmreise aus der Adipositas über Selbstdisziplin beziehungsweise Selbstkontrolle vor allem im Zusammenhang mit Übergewicht und emotionalem Essen. Es geht unter anderem darum, was Selbstkontrolle überhaupt ist, woraus sie sich zusammensetzt, wie man sie üben kann und w…
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Subscriber-only episode **Episode on general release on Wednesday 30th October In this episode of Nevermind the Dambusters, hosts Jane Gulliford Lowes and James Jefferies discuss the intersection of video games and military history, particularly focusing on RAF Bomber Command. Joined by Ethan Adato, they explore how video games can serve as educati…
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Battle of Britain Part 2 This week Jane and James continue their discussion on the role of Bomber Command during the Battle of Britain. They discuss the 'Battle of the Barges', the heroic actions of Sergeant John Hanna VC, and the daring Dortmund-Ems Canal raid. The conversation also highlights Winston Churchill's recognition of bomber crews in his…
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Wann arbeiten Menschen mit Begeisterung, Eigeninitiative und Durchhaltevermögen? Das fragen sich nicht nur Chefs und Chefinnen regelmäßig, sondern auch jeder, der im Job gerade durchhängt und sich morgens nur noch zur Arbeit schleppt, weil sie so wenig verlockend scheint. Warum ist das manchmal so – und wie kann man es ändern? Wir sprechen in diese…
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At last! We finally got around to talking about Bomber Command's often overlooked role in the Battle of Britain. In the first of two episodes on this topic, we chat about the run up to the Battle, and highlight the significant contribution of Bomber Command, particularly in attacking Luftwaffe airfields and attacking the Kriegsmarine. The conversat…
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„Ich liebe dich“ sind drei Worte, die alles verändern können. Die Frage ist: Wann sagt man das eigentlich in der Beziehung? Wer sagt es zuerst? Und was verändert sich dadurch? Darüber sprechen wir in dieser Episode. Robert Sternbergs Dreieckstheorie der Liebe findet ihr hier im Online Lexikon für Psychologie & Pädagogik. Diese Studie aus dem Jahr 2…
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Subscriber-only episode ***This episode is on general release from 23 October 2024 Battle of Britain Part 2 This week Jane and James continue their discussion on the role of Bomber Command during the Battle of Britain. They discuss the 'Battle of the Barges', the heroic actions of Sergeant John Hanna VC, and the daring Dortmund-Ems Canal raid. The …
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Subscriber-only episode *** Episode on general release on Wednesday 16th October 2024. At last! We finally got around to talking about Bomber Command's often overlooked role in the Battle of Britain. In the first of two episodes on this topic, we chat about the run up to the Battle, and highlight the significant contribution of Bomber Command, part…
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Election campaigns often put significant effort into persuading voters that their candidate(s) could win. But does such campaigning really change people's expectations of who might win? And even if it people's views do change, does being seen as a more likely winner really help you win the election? Or in other words, are all those "winning here" p…
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This week we welcome Graham Waterton, author of 'The RAF's Youngest Bomber Pilot of World War II'. The conversation delves into the life of Flight Lieutenant Brian Slade DFC, Graham's uncle, who served as a Wellington and Lancaster pilot (and Pathfinder) . Brian Slade lied about his age to enlist (abetted by his father) and joined Bomber Command at…
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Aufs Land ziehen oder in der Stadt bleiben? Ein Haus kaufen oder doch mieten? Wir hadern mit vielen Entscheidungen im Leben – aber vor allem mit jenen, die sich gegenseitig auszuschließen oder nicht so einfach rückgängig zu machen lassen scheinen. Solche mit großer Tragweite also. Warum aber fällt es manchen Menschen trotzdem leichter? Welche Gründ…
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Subscriber-only episode **Subscriber only episode - on general release Wednesday 9th October 2024. This week we welcome Graham Waterton, author of 'The RAF's Youngest Bomber Pilot of World War II'. The conversation delves into the life of Flight Lieutenant Brian Slade DFC, Graham's uncle, who served as a Wellington and Lancaster pilot (and Pathfind…
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We're delighted to have James back on the show and in good form... This week we're having a random chat about all sorts of stuff, from books and films to 'dream flight' scenarios. We answer listeners' questions, and debate whether the USAAF could've carried out Operation Chastise, and whether more targeted bombing could've ended the war sooner. On …
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Wer jemanden kennenlernen will und sich ins Dating stürzt, der will sich von seiner besten Seite zeigen, klar. Allerdings greifen einige da auch zu nicht ganz ehrlichen Mitteln: Auf den Dating-Portalen sind Lügen häufiger anzutreffen, als man vielleicht denkt. Da wird gern schon mal beim Alter geschummelt, bei der Größe oder der eigenen finanzielle…
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Subscriber-only episode ** This episode will be on general release on Wednesday 2nd October 2024. We're delighted to have James back on the show and in good form... This week we're having a random chat about all sorts of stuff, from books and films to 'dream flight' scenarios. We debate whether the USAAF could've carried out Operation Chastise, and…
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This week, host Jane Gulliford Lowes engages with American historian Abby Whitlock to explore the portrayal of the bombing campaigns during World War II in the series 'Masters of the Air'. They discuss Abby's personal journey into military aviation history, the cultural perceptions of RAF and USAAF crews, the representation of German civilians, and…
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Wenn ihr euch geht und zurückdenkt in eure ganz frühe Kindheit: Was ist die allererste Erinnerung, die euch einfällt? Liegt sie in der Zeit, als ihr um die drei Jahre alte wart? Bei mir schon. Und das ist kein Zufall, sagen Wissenschaftler, sondern normal. Denn das autobiografische Gedächtnis setzt in dieser Zeit ein. Aber warum ist das so? Wir klä…
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Subscriber-only episode *This episode will be publicly available on Wednesday 25 September 2024 This week, host Jane Gulliford Lowes engages with American historian Abby Whitlock to explore the portrayal of the bombing campaigns during World War II in the series 'Masters of the Air'. They discuss Abby's personal journey into military aviation histo…
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Jane is joined by Ally Campbell-Grieve ( James isn't available this week) to debate the thorny topic of how we should deal with veteran's accounts as historical sources. They explore the challenges historians face when analysing accounts from veterans, particularly those from Bomber Command during WWII. The conversation delves into the background o…
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Die wenigsten haben sich als Kinder wohl auf Rosenkohl, Zucchini oder Oliven gestürzt, wenn diese auf dem Tisch standen. Aber je älter wir werden, desto mehr Lebensmittel probieren wir normalerweise aus und desto mehr mögen wir auch. Normalerweise. Denn da gibt es auch einige, die immer ziemlich wählerisch bleiben – Picky Eater oder Mäkelfritzen. U…
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Subscriber-only episode * Episode publicly available on Wednesday 18th September. Jane is joined by Ally Campbell-Grieve ( James isn't available this week) to debate the thorny topic of how we should deal with veteran's accounts as historical sources. They explore the challenges historians face when analysing accounts from veterans, particularly th…
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This week we discuss the role of RAF bomber aircraft as glider tugs in the Arnhem airlift and airborne operations. We're joined by Matt Yates, the Chief Operations Officer for the Vickers Machine Gun Collection and Research Association, and owner of the Chalk Glider Pilot Regiment Collection. Matt provides insight into the formation of the Glider P…
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Warum mögen wir beim Essen manche Gerichte lieber als andere? Warum vertrauen wir manchen Menschen viel mehr als anderen? Und warum kaufen wir manche Markenprodukte eher als andere? Hinter all dem steckt der sogenannte Mere-Exposure-Effekt: ein psychologisches Phänomen, das entscheidend beeinflusst, was Menschen bevorzugen, wen sie mögen und wem si…
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Subscriber-only episode * PUBLIC RELEASE ON 11 SEPTEMBER 2024 This week we discuss the role of RAF bomber aircraft as glider tugs in the Arnhem airlift and airborne operations. We're joined by Matt Yates, the Chief Operations Officer for the Vickers Machine Gun Collection and Research Association, and owner of the Chalk Glider Pilot Regiment Collec…
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The latest episode of Never Mind The Bar Charts sees a return to the show for Sam Freedman. This time he’s got a new book out, about how our government is broken – and what to do to fix it. Feedback very welcome, and do share this podcast with others who you think may enjoy it. Show notes Failed State: Why Nothing Works and How We Fix It by Sam Fre…
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