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Historia magistra vitae, praví staré latinské úsloví. O tom, že historie je učitelkou života, vás přesvědčí malé i velké příběhy českých i světových dějin.
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Express Novinek během krátké chvíle reaguje na aktuální události z domova i ze světa. S videem vychází na serveru Novinky.cz.
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Podcast des burgenlandkroatischen Magazins Novi Glas. Zu gesellschaftlichen Themen. Nicht immer minderheitenbezogen.
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Podcast sobre rock, jazz, blues, rock clássico, rock progressivo, rock argentino, rock Latino-Americano, MPB, rock brasileiro, heavy metal, reacts, reações de discos clássicos de rock e muita música boa no Podcast Antigas Novidades, criado por Aroldo Glomb.
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Podcast de ficción sonora. Literatura, fantasía, terror y Ciencia-ficción. La distancia más corta entre nosotros y la verdad es un cuento. ^(;,,;)^
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The Novice Elitists is a podcast making commentaries on various films, and tv episodes.
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Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for Oak Pointe Church in Novi, MI where we want to see a movement of people who know Jesus and are making Him known. To learn more visit our website at oakpointe.org or download the Oak Pointe App.
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Fique por dentro do que está bombando no mundo da música, quem anda voando nas paradas de streaming e quais são as novas modas e cenas que estão chamando a atenção.
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Welcome to the Novi podcast, where amazing things happen.
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¿Que es el noviazgo Cover art photo provided by thr3 eyes on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@thr3eyes
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Podcast by Rosina Ramos Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Olá meu nome é Samuel, e eu vou falar pra voces sobre todas as novidades da technologia Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/novitech/support
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Zpravodajský server Novinky.cz připravil pro své čtenáře sérii podcastů. Posluchači se mohou těšit na souhrn bizarních událostí, povídání z cest, politické komentáře a mnohem více.
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This podcast is about covering and interviewing a historical figure. I ended choosing Genghis Khan to interview because he is simply fascinating, not in terms of his dominant personality, but rather what he was able to accomplish and succeed at.
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Hay , Yuk kenalan dulu , nanti saya akan membahas beberapa Hal yang ada di pikiran saya 😁 . salam kenal Cover art photo provided by Polina Rytova on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@polina_art
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Novi talks to strangers who think they're his friends. This is n̶o̶t a podcast.
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Singer Cover art photo provided by ORNELLA BINNI on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@ornellabinni
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Deutscher Gwent Podcast mit Kafu, BopOmb und Gästen aus der Community und der Gwent Szene!
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Welcome to the Novi Erna podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@samuelzeller
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TTX novice iz portala RTVSLO.SI brane s pomočjo sintetičnega govorca.
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Exceptional minds share practical tools and stories to disrupt a mediocrity mindset. Become the best version of yourself.
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En este podcast daremos consejos para los enamorados. Novios y Casados. ¡Se puede vivir siendo siempre novios!
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Bisnis jadi mudah Harga 1 HU 3 juta Rupiah Mendapat Produk 1. 8 botol RBP propolis 2. 4 botol Golden Sea 3. 2 box Alvafera Layanan on line Bank BCA 4920442094 An. Dedi Jayadi KONFIRMASI WA 081211361100.
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Nadie nos prepara para el drama de una boda, de un matrimonio o de formar una familia. NoviatoGo quiere ser esa luz al final del camino para tod@s nosotras, sentirnos identificadas y poder crear una comunidad de apoyo. Porqué nadie nos dice...en qué ch@&?!$ nos estamos metiendo 👰🖖🏻
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Conjunto de 14 pláticas o meditaciones especialmente preparadas para novios que deseen prepararse para un matrimonio cristiano. A cargo del sacerdote Don Antonio Schaletter, capellán del Colegio Mayor Universitario de la Alameda de Valencia, España.
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Evitar Relaciones tóxicas
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Življenje na ŠKG prinaša veliko skupnih testov, nalog iz matematike in učenja latinskih besed pozno v noč... pa tudi veliko nepozabnih trenutkov, dobrih ekskurzij in duhovnih obnov. Kaj pa je tebi najbolj všeč? O vsem tem se bomo pogovarjali v tem podcastu...
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Violencia entre el noviazgo, donde suceden cosas sorprendentes
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This podcast discusses all things freshwater fishing for the beginner just getting involved in the sport of fishing.
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Nejzajímavější tipy a nejzásadnější novinky pro každého PPCčkaře. Servírované hezky za syrova a bez úprav. Tak trochu punk, tak trochu hlína. Dopřejte si každý týden svoji dávku.
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Novin Pooya elevator is a leader in manufacturing Hitachi-style elevator guide shoes and a producer and supplier of fully automatic Selcom-style doors.
pooya esmaeilpour
Novin Pooya elevator is a leading company specializing in the production of Hitachi-style guide shoes and fully automatic Selcom-style doors for elevators. We are committed to quality, innovation, and reliable solutions for the elevator industry, offering high-performance products designed to enhance elevator functionality and user safety.
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Daniel y Cynthia conversan sobre fallas y consecuencias de la forma común de noviazgo y proponen una manera alternativa de formar relaciones con mejores resultados.
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The podcast where an expert gamer tries to teach his wife, the novice gamer, how to play games.
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La violencia en el noviazgo, tiene muchas causas por las que ocurre puede ser por que la pareja no está ya cómoda juntos. Cover art photo provided by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@efekurnaz
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We open doors to new realms, ones previously undiscovered, ones in which lay the key to true nerdly understanding.
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A course for anyone to learn the basics of tasting, understanding and enjoying wine.
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¿Cuáles son las causas del maltrato en el noviazgo? ¿Cuántas personas sufren maltrato? ¿Como prevenirlo? Cover art photo provided by Bia Andrade on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@biawashere
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PRK Partners je přední českou advokátní kanceláří a pravidelným vítězem nejvýznamnějších mezinárodních i lokálních ocenění. Naše právní firma působí na trhu již třicet let a během tohoto období vyrostla v mezinárodní společnost poskytující právní poradenství ve svých kancelářích v Praze, Bratislavě a Ostravě. Jsme výhradním českým členem prestižního celosvětového sdružení významných a nezávislých advokátních kanceláří z více než 100 zemí světě – Lex Mundi. Díky úzké spolupráci s řadou špičko ...
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Podcast de literatura. Poesía. Escritura. Episodios muy breves, en los cuales hablo de cosas que me interesan para que si alguno no conocía ciertos autores o historias pueda indagar por su lado.
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"Banished from her home due to a mistake that cost her half her family's fortune, Princess Cesaleza is left with a choice: find a way to make up the lost funds or leave her home forever. When a raid unites her with a group of wanted criminals, Cesa creates an unlikely alliance with the crew. She explains her financial problem and her plan to fix it. Every year, The Starluxe Gala gives access to only the elite of the elite. Cesa proposes the Gala would be the perfect time to lighten the pocke ...
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1 Corinthians 12:12-14 Teacher: Jon Morales, Lead Pastor at Oak Pointe Church
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Wir sind 4! Und haben uns eine kleine Quiz-Folge überlegt: Vom Namen des Burgenlandes, zum osmanischen Lifestyle und der Bedeutung unseres Formates fürs Minderheitendasein. Hast du gut aufgepasst? NG History Podcast svečuje rodjendan posebnim kvizom. Uživajte i ganjate s nami! Moderacija: Konstantin Vlasich Gosti: Ralf Grabuschnig, Michael Schreibe…
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Slovenský premiér Robert Fico v posledních dnech vzbuzuje pozdvižení svými kroky i rétorikou. Ve čtvrtek po jednání v Bruselu pohrozil Ukrajině, že v EU vetuje pomoc napadené zemi a uprchlíkům na Slovensku sebere dávky, pokud Kyjev neobnoví tranzit ruského plynu. O co ve skutečnosti jde předsedovi slovenské vlády a jak silná je jeho pozice? O tom d…
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Z Letné a Strahova: Rosova tiskovka, zimní příprava, FFP a přestupy + host Pavel Šťastný
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Tiskovka Rosy, zimní přestupák, příprava, skauting, FFP a mnohem dalšího. Z Letné a Strahova je pořad, ve kterém probíráme dění za uplynulý týden v ACS. Živé vysílání probíhá každou neděli od 20:00 na našem profilu X. !Hlavní témata! - Tiskovka Rosy - Zimní příprava - FFP - Přestupy - Dotazy / témata od posluchačů To a mnohem dalšího probrali Zdeně…
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RN Podcast Več Podcast Računalniških novic objavljeno na Računalniške novice.Av Računalniške novice
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The Transformers: "War Dawn" (1985)
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Isaac and Eric are back in the bar for the second part of their duology covering episodes from the original Transformers series. What will they think of War Dawn? Only one way to find out. This episode was recorded on Nov. 18th, 2024. Email the show at thenoviceelitists@gmail.com or reach out to us on twitter @CalebAlexader And follow Caleb and Isa…
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"La tranquilidad de las reses", un cuento de Alfredo Herrero
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"Da igual dónde me encuentre, si me giro hacia dónde está mi pueblo inundado y cierro los ojos, veo el quiosco de chapa de la plaza de España y, a través de su rejilla de rombos donde metíamos los deditos para comprobar si seguíamos siendo niños, puedo leer los titulares de todos los periódicos que han sido puestos ahí. Los de aquel día también, co…
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Músicos demitidos de suas bandas de maneiras bizarras!
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Demissões de músicos sempre geram controvérsias, seja pela maneira como acontecem ou pelo impacto na história das bandas. Dave Mustaine transformou sua raiva no combustível para fundar o Megadeth, criando uma nova lenda do heavy metal. Ozzy Osbourne, após ser expulso do Black Sabbath, construiu uma sólida carreira solo. Já Richard Wright, mesmo afa…
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Rok osvobození: Nečekaný německý úder na spojenecká letiště. Čechoslováci unikli jen o fous
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Novinky.cz uvádí první díl ze série Rok osvobození. Nový rok 1945 začal před pár hodinami. Je slyšet hukot leteckých motorů. Němečtí dělostřelci zahajují palbu. Několik nízkoletících strojů se jim daří zasáhnout. Nejsou to však nepřátelské bombardéry, ale vlastní stíhačky. Ve vzduchu je na 900 messerschmittů 109 a focke-wulfů 190 s podvěšenými puma…
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Hey Jude: o mais bizarro disco dos Beatles da história!
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Hey Jude é uma coleção de singles que não sairam nos álbuns e lados B dos Beatles. Incluía "I Should Know Known Better" e "Can't Buy Me Love", dois singles lançados pela Capitol Records, cuja única aparição anterior em um álbum americano havia sido no álbum da trilha sonora de A Hard Day's Night, lançado pela United Artists Records . O LP Hey Jude …
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TNE Speakeasy: Bonus #141 (New Years Rocking Eve with Your Boys from the NE ft. Isaac & Caleb)
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Caleb and Isaac are back for their final episodes of 2024, and they're ending this year with yet another TNE New Years celebration! They discuss the films they saw this year, video games they've played, books they've read and more! They also announce some scheduling changes for the new year. This episode was recorded on Dec. 22nd, 2024. Email the s…
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g1 Ouviu #298 - Anavitória: muito além da fama de 'fofas'
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Em uma década de carreira, a dupla Anavitória amadureceu junto com os fãs. No quinto álbum, "Esquinas", as duas cantam sobre angústias mais adultas e amores mais tranquilos. "A gente deu uma crescida", atestaram em entrevista ao g1 Ouviu, podcast e videocast de música do g1. "Você começa a perceber o todo e mais a si mesmo. Seus limites, o que gost…
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Brianna and Caleb return for another book discussion, this time following up their previous entry in this series by looking at another novel by Canadian author Mona Awad! What will they think of Bunny, her debut novel? Hit play and find out! This episode was recorded Oct. 26th, 2024. What was your favorite book of the year? Let your hosts know over…
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Hoy tenemos el privilegio de estrenar relato dedicado al mundo de la duendística: "El Trasgo", de Pío Baroja, con ensayo e ilustración exclusiva del maestro Javier Prado y las voces invitadas de Historias para ser Leídas, Los Cuentos de la Casa de la Bruja, AbismoFM e Ignacio Rengel! Olga Paraíso: https://www.ivoox.com/podcast-historias-para-ser-le…
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TNE Speakeasy: Bonus #108 (Hadestown & The Marvels ft. Isaac & Caleb)
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Spring has arrived (extremely) early here at the TNE archives and our interns have been hard at work digging around the dusty bins and cockroach infested files (we need Isaac to get out his gloves and cleaning mask again!). And for the first release they've put together, we go back all the way to November 2023, as Isaac interviews Caleb on his rece…
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The Son John 3:14-18 Teacher: Jon Morales, Lead Pastor at Oak Pointe Church
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Isaac and Caleb continue their christmas festivities as Isaac breaks out his surprise pick, the 1997 animated special Santa vs. The Snowman! (Formally known as Santa vs. The Snowman 3D, our second Christmas pick that previously had 3D in the title after The Nutcracker in 3D, which we covered back in 2020. Join us as we discuss this short Christmas …
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Z Letné a Strahova: Double, LM a krize - rekapitulace roku 2024
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Rekapitulace roku 2024. Letošní rok končíme pozitivně. Zrekapitulovali jsme si končící rok a sparťani, nebylo to zase tak hrozné, jak to teď vypadá. Přejeme vám krásné svátky. Díky, že jste s námi. Ať žije Sparta! Z Letné a Strahova je pořad, ve kterém probíráme dění za uplynulý týden v ACS. Živé vysílání probíhá každou neděli od 20:00 na našem pro…
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Discos de rock que todo mundo odeia, menos eu!
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No último programa do ano, cada membro trouxe um disco que adora, mas que todos os fãs da banda ou artistas detestam. O programa marca a despedida do gande Daniel Queiroz, o Alexa do Antigas, e a estreia do Cristiao Moura em nossas fileiras.No comando está o jornalista Aroldo Glomb! Na bancada: Demetrio Ferreira Czmyr , Daniel Queiroz, Bredi Vian M…
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"La Historia de los Duendes que Secuestraron a un Enterrador" de Charles Dickens
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Esta noche estrenamos el clásico de horror invernal que dio origen al mítico "Cuento de Navidarks" de Charles Dickens: "Los duendes que secuestraron a un enterrador" 💀😈💀 No se pierdan este aterrador y dicharachero ritual de solsticio Goblin! Sí amigos, otra vez es Navidad, que alegría, que alborozo, qué ilusión , luces música y Omeprazol. Época de …
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The Knowledge Luke 1:76-79 Teacher: Jon Morales, Lead Pastor at Oak Pointe Church Most of us have heard, or used, the phrase “Fake it ‘til you make it”, right? The implication is that if you are unfamiliar with something, you can just put on a façade that will convince others that you are actually very knowledgeable about the topic so you can stumb…
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Fanshop: Brzy otevřeme novou prodejnu, potisk na zádech se prodává dobře
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Sledujte nás na našem HeroHero! Herohero.co/spartanskenoviny Pravidelný sportovní podcast ohledně dění v největším českém sportovním klubu. Jaká je momentální situace kolem fanshopu? Proč byly problémy s dodávkami? Co se plánuje v budoucnu? A co se nejlépe prodává? To a mnoho dalšího komentuje ředitel Football Manie Vojtěch Šišma. Moderují Zdeněk K…
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Grandes músicas: Supper's Ready (Genesis)
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Supper's Ready é uma música da banda Genesis . Apareceu pela primeira vez em 1972, no álbum Foxtrot , e foi tocada regularmente pela banda durante vários anos após seu lançamento. Versões ao vivo podem ser encontradas nos álbuns Seconds Out de 1977 e na compilação Genesis Archive 1967-75 gravada em 1973. Com 23 minutos de duração, a canção pode ser…
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Christmas has arrived on the TNE feed as Caleb & Isaac are doing things a bit different this year by both of them have a holiday themed pick in their stockings. And what better way to start the season off then by some holiday horror, as Caleb breaks out his pick, Black Christmas! This episode was recorded on Nov. 30th, 2024. Email the show at theno…
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"Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius", un cuento de Jorge Luis Borges
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¿Qué pasaría si una sociedad secreta fuera capaz de elucubrar un mundo ficticio que poco a poco se apoderara de nuestra realidad? Existen infinidad de mundos sin nombre que habitamos en secreto como nuestros, utopías, si quieren, que no podemos tocar o respirar en los albores de su nacimiento, pero que poco a poco empezamos a experimentar a través …
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The Spirit Mark 2:1-13 Teacher: Jon Morales, Lead Pastor at Oak Pointe Church Have you ever been to a really good restaurant? You know the kind: you can smell its pleasing aroma as soon as you step out of the car into the parking lot. You walk in and every table has a tantalizing dish; you order an appetizer because you can’t wait any longer. What …
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g1 Ouviu #297 - Samuel Rosa: o que há de mais em querer ser popular?
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Por mais de 30 anos, Samuel Rosa viu o Skank se manter ativo e bem-sucedido, sem nunca mudar de formação ou ter uma fase de ostracismo. É algo raro na música pop, que ele atribui à flexibilidade para fazer mudanças no repertório e ao gosto pelo sucesso. "O que há de mais em querer ser popular?" questionou, em entrevista ao g1 Ouviu, podcast e video…
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