We interview permaculture designers, practitioners and educators on how they discovered permaculture, and how they are doing in their permaculture careers and businesses.
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Dutch podcast on gardening, the outdoors and sustainability. ENGLISH EPISODES, too!
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Join us every third Monday of the month for Living Permaculture, KDNK's exploration of agriculture, horticulture, and natural science through the lens of Permaculture Design. Permaculture is a design system based on observing Nature and intelligently utilizing multifunctional elements to self-propel your designs. Each month we feature a guest and topic pertinent to sustainability and environmental stewardship in the Roaring Fork Valley of Colorado and the world. Host Vanessa Harmony owns and ...
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Commentary and interviews on different aspects of permaculture, horticulture, farming, homesteading, eco building, alternative energy and more
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One of the premier Permaculture teachers and designers in North America with over two decades of experience in the field. His passionate and visionary presentations and curriculum have inspired and motivated teachers and thousands of students since his days as a high school teacher at a open community free school which he graduated from in 86' in Glenmoore, PA. Andrew lived off the grid in West Virginia for 8 years where he designed and built his Permaculture Ph.d homestead, including a 1600 ...
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On sème FORT ! Le podcast du jardinage bio et de la permaculture
On sème FORT ! Le podcast du jardinage bio et de la permaculture
On sème fort ! LE podcast pour tout savoir sur ce qu'il faut faire au jardin et au potager. Retrouvez toutes les semaines, une nouvelle émission pour apprendre à jardiner avec la permaculture. Proposé par MonJardinBio.com, la boutique de votre jardin au naturel. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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The SolarPunk Permaculture Podcast seeks to forge the powerful narrative force of the SolarPunk movement w/ the ethics and design principles that underpin Permaculture.
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The PINAcast brings together conversations from Some of the top thought leaders in the Permaculture space. Hear how they got started and created a career out of Permaculture. Learn how to bring Permaculture to the masses, or simply learn more about the history of the Permaculture movement. Get inspired to make positive changes in the world you live in!!
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The Permaculture Realized Podcast delivers practical skills and knowledge to build your ecologically restorative homestead, farm, neighborhood, or business based on Permaculture concepts and methods. Please consider becoming our Patron on Patreon to keep this Podcast on the air. Visit: https://www.patreon.com/PermacultureRealizedPodcast
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Permaculture Lifestyle aims to apply the principles and ethics of permaculture to our everyday lives -- to align our core values and our daily habits towards a more sustainable, ecologically conscious way of thinking and interacting. Join host Sam Sycamore in discussion about living intentionally, finding purpose in the modern era, and taking meaningful action to heal the world by healing ourselves.
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Australia’s #1 sustainability magazine. We’ll show you how to live lightly on the planet 🌿 Sign up to our newsletter via the website 💻 https://pipmagazine.com.au
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Bien sûr que oui tu as le choix ! Toujours ! C'est juste que l'on te l'a pas expliqué 🟢 C'est dans l'intérêt de personne d'ailleurs que tu le saches (sauf du tien). Surtout reste à ta place ! Je partage ce que j'ai appris et qui peut t'être utile pour continuer à te transformer, et choisir une ligne de vie qui te fasse sourire ! 😀 Phil choisirmarealite.fr/
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Welcome to the Permaculture Princess Podcast! Here you will find a mixture of glamour & greens! Health is a multi-faceted journey that must be approached holistically. Therefore, as a personal trainer, health coach, homesteading wife, mother, lover of food and nature, and disciple of Christ, this podcast acts as a space for sharing all the physical, mental, spiritual, and environmental actions that lead to a more abundant landscape and lifestyle!
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Sustainable World Radio brings you interviews with experts from around the globe; teachers, designers, environmentalists, and earth activists who learn from and work with Nature. Listen to episodes about Permaculture, organic gardening, herbal medicine, plants, fungi, earth repair, natural building, regenerative farming, sustainability, and ethnobotany. Tune in to discover positive solutions to environmental challenges; solutions that adhere to the Permaculture ethics of Earth Care, People C ...
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The Good Life Revival Podcast explores the ways that we can align our core values and our daily habits towards a more sustainable, ecologically conscious way of life. Join host Sam Sycamore in discussion about living intentionally, finding purpose in the modern era, and taking meaningful action to heal the world by healing ourselves.
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The world is full of negative news and the planet is in crisis. This it can be downright disheartening and you feel that there is nothing that you can do. I am here to provide a different perspective. The Permaculture for the Future Podcast is about spreading positive and impactful stories, tips, and ways that each one of us can transition into a regenerative lifestyle. We talk about simple ways to make lifestyle changes and interview authors, teachers, and other folks that are collectively ...
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Paul, Eliot, and Julia continue their discussion on the culture that’s developed in bootcamp, and attributes much of it to the quality of people that tend to come there and stick around. Paul’s own over-eagerness definitely helps with both the culture and filtering some specimens out. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More in…
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On sème FORT ! - Comment tailler les rosiers ? - Emission du 7 mars
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59:11Au programme de cette émission : Après une période de semis, c'est une période de plantation qui s'ouvre désormais (rassurez-vous, vous pouvez encore semer vos tomates..) En pleine terre, sur sol ressuyé, on peut donc planter ail, oignon, pois et les pommes de terre dans le sud. L'agenda du jardinier est à retrouver sur notre blog. Comme chaque ven…
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We bespreken in 2 afleveringen een minder voor de hand liggend maar interessant onderwerp: volksparken en stadsparken. Hun geschiedenis zegt iets over de betekenis van groen in de tijd van toen. Parken uit het tijdvak 1800-1940 vormen onderdeel van ons groene en culturele erfgoed. In deze parken kunnen wij ontspannen en soms ook ideeën opdoen over …
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88. Become A Permaculture Landscaper & Installer
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1:26:44Cormac is launching his new local design and install business Vine Permaculture Ireland. He is joined by experienced pros Travis Holzem and Graham Towerton who will guide him through the process of becoming a Permaculture Installer. Join us and we can also answer your questions live!Av Cormac Harkin
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A quick sketch of some the fundamental flaws in western education and it's ideology and how to remedy them from a values viewpoint. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback on what I outline here.Av Andrew Faust
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Living Permaculture | Emerald Ash Borer
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27:58Vanessa continues her interview with the arborists from Establishing Roots to discuss Emerald Ash Borer, an invasive insect that threatens ash trees.Av Vanessa Harmony
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Paul is with Julia and Eliot talking about bootcamp culture and how it contrasts to, say, another community that apparently causes couples to divorce when they go there, and the story of an Andy that attempted to start his own community and the woes he faced until he found out how to get it on it’s own feet. Support the podcast on Patreon Show note…
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On sème FORT ! - Comment débuter un nouveau potager ? - Emission du 28 février
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1:15:32Au programme de cette émission : Les semis d'aubergines et de poivrons continuent, au chaud ! En pleine terre, si la terre est réchauffée, les semis de pois peuvent débuter... L'agenda du jardinier est à retrouver sur notre blog. Comme chaque vendredi, nous répondrons à vos questions envoyées par mail sur [email protected] Cette semaine, …
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87 Round Table: Designing Yourself Into Community
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1:02:58Cormac chats with Marjorie Wildcraft and Graham Towerton about designing yourself into community. PDF resource coming soon!Av Cormac Harkin
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Paul talks with Matt about RMHs and Homestead Living magazine for which Paul and Beau wrote an article and they discuss this and other RMH-related subjects, such as Mud’s aversion to using wood anywhere near a RMH just in case it slowly becomes more flammable. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More information and discussion …
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On sème FORT ! - Les premiers semis d'épinards... - REDIFF - Emission du 21 février
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1:01:06Au programme de cette émission : Aubergines, poivrons mais aussi pois et épinards en pleine terre dans les régions les plus chaudes... On continue les premiers semis du mois de février. Eric nous donnera le programme du jardinier que vous retrouverez sur notre blog. Nous répondrons à vos nombreuses questions envoyées par mail à contact@monjardinbio…
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86. Mohammed Saleh from Mostadam Eco Design
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51:08Mohammad Saleh, based in Jerusalem, has a background in Psychology and Musicology. His journey into sustainability took a significant turn when he lived in and later on managed an off-the-grid ecological educational center in Turkey. Immersed in hands-on learning, he deepened his understanding of sustainable living, alternative education, and regen…
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We bespreken in 2 afleveringen een minder voor de hand liggend maar interessant onderwerp: volksparken en stadsparken. Hun geschiedenis zegt iets over de betekenis van groen in de tijd van toen. Parken uit het tijdvak 1800-1940 vormen onderdeel van ons groene en culturele erfgoed. In deze parken kunnen wij ontspannen en soms ook ideeën opdoen over …
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85. The Homestead Consultant Ryan Steva
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1:03:35Ryan is passionate about building regenerative and resilient homesteads. He first started down the rabbit hole of homesteading when he faced a health crisis in his 20s. At the time, he had to make a choice: either make major changes or live a life of illness, as doctors told him his condition was unavoidable. When he began researching the food syst…
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On sème FORT ! - Comment maitriser des arbres trop grands ? 💚 Emission du 14 février 💚
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49:47Au programme de cette émission : Taille, plantations, bouturages... L'agenda du jardinier continue de se remplir avec un jardin qui s’éveille doucement ! Comme chaque semaine, nous répondrons à vos questions envoyées par mail sur [email protected] Cette semaine, Eric nous donne ses conseils pour contenir des arbres trop grands, sans les a…
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Podcast 703 – Permaculture Smackdown 31 – Strategies for growing enough food to feed your family – Part 3
Paul finishes up the smakdown with Beau, Liv, and Samantha with a discussion on butter making, dairy in general, preserving meats in ways beyond simply freezing it, and keeping chickens as an introduction to raising animals for meat. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More information and discussion of this podcast on this thr…
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84. Permaculture Farming with Filippo Ceschi
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1:00:46Cormac Chats with Filippo CeschiAv Cormac Harkin
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Podcast 702 – Permaculture Smackdown 31 – Strategies for growing enough food to feed your family – Part 2
Paul, Liv, Beau and Samantha continue discussing how to grow enough food to feed a family, with a lot of the discussion this time being about corn, or lack thereof, in the discussion thus far, what with it being calorie dense, having a long shelf-life, and being good fodder for cattle Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More in…
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83. Permaculture Monthly with "Permaculture Canada" – February
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1:03:19Join Cormac Harkin of Vine Permaculture with guests Lindsay Brandon and Graham Towerton from Permaculture Canada, and Jamon Mysliwiec of TIAG (The Independent American Gardener) for a lively discussion on permaculture innovations, tackling food tariffs with indoor growing, winter gardening tips, and building resilient communities. Discover how to d…
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Podcast 701 – Permaculture Smackdown 31 – Strategies for growing enough food to feed your family – Part 1
Paul, Liv, Beau and Samantha discuss strategies for growing enough food for a family, namely what to grow, how to not get overwhelmed and decide gardening is hard, livestock rearing, what to grow to make gardening fun and potentially profitable, if you don’t mind trading. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More information and…
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On sème FORT ! - Réussir ses premiers semis au chaud - Emission du 7 février
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53:30Au programme de cette émission : L'agenda du jardinier commence à se remplir ! Les premiers poivrons et aubergines peuvent se semer au chaud. C'est d'ailleurs le dossier de la semaine. Comme chaque semaine, nous répondrons aux questions envoyées par mail sur [email protected] Cette semaine, Eric nous donne tous ses conseils pour semer au …
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Paul, Clay, and Samantha continue discussing soil tests and other ways of quickly building soil. They talk about “Back to Eden Gardening” , it’s use of wood chips and why that may not be the best plan for a couple of reasons, keyline ploughing, and how much mulch is needed. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More information a…
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Paul sets out to talk about soil tests with Samantha and Clay, and winds up talking about how most test results just mean “apply mulch”, unless it means “plant alder trees to detox”, Sepp Holzer’s earthworm greenhouse, root exudate, and Paul’s alleged harassment of a friend via mulch. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More in…
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Paul, Beau, and Samantha conclude their discussion on hugelkulturs, by talking about turbulence and preventing it with either windbreaks, holly trees, or making them close together, what wood is best for them, (whatever is around, basically), and a brief on another list of things that didn’t get in the main presentation. Support the podcast on Patr…
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82. Start Growing Your Own Food Marjorie Wildcraft
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44:55Cormac Harkin chats with Marjorie Wildcraft from The Grow Network 0:00 00:31 Marjory Wildcraft Introduction 01:11 Inspiration to grow food 04:32 The influence of Rich Dad Poor Dad 06:00 How to start growing food 07:33 Rabbit challenges 10:06 The Grow Network 16:29 What do aliens eat? 19:12 Politicians Lie! 20:16 Solutions and building community 22:…
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On sème FORT ! - Mûres et mûroise, casseilles... - Emission du 31 janvier
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1:03:26Au programme de cette émission : Comme chaque semaine, nous répondrons aux nombreuses questions envoyées par mail sur [email protected] Cette semaine, on s'intéresse aux mûres, mûroise, et casseilles. Ces végétaux gourmands se développent de la même façon, il faut donc les palisser ! Eric nous explique comment tailler et palisser ces peti…
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196: Chinese Medicinal Herb Garden in Bristol
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22:20In this last episode of our short series about the University of Bristol Botanic Garden, Ivonne explores the Chinese Medicinal Herb Garden. She picks up valuable knowledge and insights along the way. This garden has the largest collection of traditional Chinese medicinal herbs in Europe. The herbs are arranged according to their traditional use. Wh…
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Paul, Beau, and Samantha continue going over the Hugelkultur slides and talk about weather hugelkultur or mulch is better on their own, what materials are good for mulching, how to get mulch to stay on hugelkulturs, and their effects on a growing season’s length. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More information and discussi…
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Paul, Beau, and Samantha sit down to discuss Paul’s favourite topic: Hugelkultur! What it is, how to make it, what to and not to put in it, and why pure lasagna gardening might not be the best addon for it. And, yes, you can use simple dirt to make them if you don’t have enough soil. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More inf…
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Cormac @vinepermaculture chats with Annette Argabright @Permayouth and Lusi Alderslowe @lusispermaculturecourses5560 about Children In Permaculture. Brought to you by https://www.pdc2pro.com For all our episodes go to: https://vinepermaculture.com/vinepodcast/ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/vinepermaculture Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 00:56 Lusi Ald…
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80. Permaculture Monthly with "Permaculture Canada" – January
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1:03:30Cormac from Vine Permaculture hosts Lindsay and Graham from Permaculture Canada for Januarys livestream! Join us and we chat about: *What we've been up to *Wildfires and permaculture solutions *Ask us anything! *What's in the pipeline for next month We may also have a special guest joining us. The Survival Podcast Episode 3610 - Megafires from a Pe…
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Paul gets to the end of Alexandra’s long list of topics, with the two of them discussing non-profits, how they’d apply (or not) to permies, and finishing off with a discussion on communities, Paul’s style of running them and the need for a better recipe for making new ones. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More information a…
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On sème FORT ! - Tout savoir sur les bruyères - Emission du 24 janvier
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1:11:41Au programme de cette émission : Comme chaque semaine, nous répondrons aux nombreuses questions envoyées par mail sur [email protected] Cette semaine, nous allons parler des bruyères... une vivace qui n'est pas réservée qu'aux cimetières ! On les aime car elles ont un feuillage persistant et une floraison dense de blanche à rouge et surto…
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Unable to be contained to a mere one two-part podcast, Alexandra is back with another one. This time covering the local cats, their new rocket-ajacent houses, and Alexandra’s experience raising her kids on site without the sometimes expected Paul-daycare. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More information and discussion of th…
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Paul and Alexandra keep going down her list of knickknacks to discuss, which include how BBs are accepted or rejected, what to do if one of yours is rejected, how much faff the SKIP project is compared to college, and a surprising amount of people that do SKIP to help with depression. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More in…
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Living Permaculture | Renee and Sherman DeBruhl of Establishing Roots
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27:56This month on Living Permaculture, Vanessa Harmony interviews arborists Renee and Sherman DeBruhl, owners and operators of Establishing Roots, a tree-care and plant-health-care business based in Carbondale, CO focusing on tree health from soil and roots to branches and crown.Av Vanessa Harmony
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King-A Life-Biography of Martin Luther King Jr.
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59:44I review and read excerpts from King -A Life by Jonathan Eig ,came out 2023.I focus on King's life history, his philosophy, politics and his, later in his too short life, views on war and poverty. This book is an epic homage to an epic man. Enjoy this exploration of King's life and gain inspiration for the ongoing justice work of our times!…
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Paul talks with Alexandra about her experience staying at the Fisher-Price house with her kids, her experience with running the Rocket Mass Heater for a month for a BB, the cost of doing SKIP (or lack thereof), and how engineering planners like her can face unexpected complications. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More info…
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On sème FORT ! - La taille du cerisier - Emission du 17 janvier
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1:08:37Au programme de cette émission : Après un édito sur la météo,... comme chaque semaine, nous répondrons aux nombreuses questions envoyées par mail sur [email protected] Cette semaine, nous allons parler de la taille du cerisier. Quand et comment tailler un cerisier ? Retrouvez tous les conseils d'Eric ! 📔 Retrouvez notre livre « On sème FO…
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Paul, Mike, Tim, Rebekah, and Clay continue discussing Paul’s GAMCOD programme, where they started from, their time investment, and what should be grown in such a garden to get as many calories as possible, why soybeans are blacklisted, and any qualifying video that gets used can get $400 per minute used in the upcoming film. Support the podcast on…
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195: Journey through land plant evolution
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27:48Look at the plants on your windowsill, or in your garden. Do you ever wonder which of them have a long history? Which have strong origins in nature, in evolution? And how did they evolve and survive? In the second episode of this short series about the University of Bristol Botanic Garden, Ivonne takes you on an impressive journey through time. As …
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Paul, Mike, Tim, Rebekah, and Clay discuss Paul’s GAMCOD programme, in which you show that you can grow food on a 200 sq ft plot of dirt and record the process on video, their experiences with it, and attempt to dispel a few common misconceptions about it. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More information and discussion of t…
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On sème FORT ! - Tailler les arbres en tête de chat ? - Emission du 10 janvier
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1:11:47Au programme de cette émission : Comme chaque vendredi, nous répondrons aux nombreuses questions envoyées par mail sur [email protected] Cette semaine, nous allons parler de la taille des arbres, un sujet de saison ! Comment tailler en tête de chat, un type de taille très utilisé en milieux urbains et dans les espaces verts des collectivi…
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Paul, Alan, Stephen and Clay continue discussing faecal management systems, with the goal of making one that can scale up to deal with lots of people. They also discuss other poop loving plants like bamboo, or maybe creating a much more spread out system and using it as pasture. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More informat…
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194: University of Bristol Botanic Garden tour
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25:56In the first episode of this short series about the University of Bristol Botanic Garden, Ivonne takes you to the pollination beds, a section about human introduced crops, the western herb garden, and ballast seed border. She’s impressed by the Avon Gorge display. Over 30 kinds of rare plants grow in the this gorge in Bristol. This makes it a top b…
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Belgian Congo & Soundtrack To A Coup d'Etat
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29:55My reflections and review of the film Soundtrack To A Coup d'Etat, by director Johan Grimonperez, a powerful documentary about U.S. espionage in the Belgian Congo to secure Uranium for winning the race to build the bomb against the Nazis. This film beautifully portrays the complexity and intensity of the times and the role the jazz world played in …
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Paul, Alan, Steven and Clay continue the discussion about poop, with Paul aiming to replace sewage plants even in areas that ban compost toilets, and Alan feeling that the alpha testing is complete, and discussing weather humanure or willow feeders are safer in regards to pathogens. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More info…
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79. Regenerative Course Creation
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1:15:40Cormac @vinepermaculture chats with Hayley Weatherburn @ThrivingwithNature , Cameron Price and Paul Lynch @permapaul about how to your regenerative knowledge by creating an online course. Brought to you by https://www.pdc2pro.com For all our episodes go to: https://vinepermaculture.com/vinepodcast/ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/vinepermaculture Hayl…
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78. Permaculture Monthly with "Permaculture Canada" – December
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1:00:59Cormac hosts Lindsay and Graham from Permaculture Canada for Decembers livestream! Join us and we review our 2024 and look forward to 2025. We will discuss what plans we are making for the next year and hat we can be getting on with at this time of year.Av Cormac Harkin
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Paul sits down with Steven, Clay, and Alan Booker to discuss other methods of dealing with human waste, aka poop. There’s a lower limit of about 1m3 for a compost heap, so why not put it underground and put a willow tree in it to keep it in one place? Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More information and discussion of this p…
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