Die meisten haben schon von Stonewall gehört, gehen einmal im Jahr zum CSD, aber wer waren denn die Menschen, die gekämpft haben für queere Sichtbarkeit in der Politik? Wer hat sich getraut Filme mit schwulen und lesbischen Darsteller*innen zu drehen? Welche queeren Sportler*innen haben vor der Kamera den Mund aufgemacht? Welche queeren Musiker*innen und Schauspieler*innen haben sich geoutet, mit welcher Motivation und wie wird auf sie reagiert? In diesem Podcast tauchen unsere 3 queeren hos ...
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Podcast by Queer Story Podcast
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Your Queer Story is an LGBTQ+ history, comedy, and current-events podcast. Join us as we laugh, learn, and discover the queer community and the people and events that shaped our world. We also cover religion, sexuality, politics, civil rights, and so much more!
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Pocket sized queer stories for everyone.
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🏳️🌈 In dieser Episode von "Queer Story" werden historische und persönliche Perspektiven auf HIV/AIDS und Intergeschlechtlichkeit diskutiert. Die lebhaften Erzählungen und das Interview mit Charlotte Wunn vom Verein "Intergeschlechtliche Menschen Bundesverband" bieten einen einzigartigen Einblick in die Herausforderungen und Triumphe queerer Mensch…
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🏳️🌈 In dieser Podcast-Episode diskutieren Flo, Phenix und ihre Gästin Niki Trauthwein die Geschichte und Bedeutung des Transsexuellengesetzes (TSG), beleuchten den problematischen Paragraphen 175 und zeigen die anhaltende Diskriminierung von trans Menschen auf. Sie betonen die dringende Notwendigkeit umfassender Reformen, um eine faire, gleichbere…
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🏳️🌈 In dieser Podcast-Folge wird die Geschichte des queeren Nachtlebens in Berlin beleuchtet, von den ikonischen Clubs und Cafés der 1980er-Jahre bis zur Gegenwart, in der die Stadt als globales LGBTQ+-Zentrum gilt. Trotz Verfolgung in der NS-Zeit und fortgesetzten Vorurteilen schufen queere Menschen sichere Räume, die als Orte der Freiheit, des W…
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🏳️🌈 In der Episode "Queer Story" beleuchten Meili und Flo die Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen queerer Sportlerinnen und Sportler, sprechen mit prominenten Personen aus dem Sport und diskutieren die tief verwurzelte Homophobie und Geschlechtsdiskriminierung im Sport. Im Gespräch: die Sportwissenschaftlerin Tanja Walther-Ahrens, der Leichtathlet B…
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🏳️🌈 In dieser Podcast-Episode führen euch Phenix und Meili durch die Geschichte der queeren Musik und beleuchten ikonische Künstlerinnen, die auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene den Weg für mehr Sichtbarkeit und Akzeptanz geebnet haben. Sie analysieren, wie diese Musikerinnen trotz gesellschaftlicher Hürden den Mainstream prägten und heute fü…
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🏳️🌈 Phenix und Flo tauchen tief in die Entwicklung der LGBTQIA+-Repräsentation im deutschen Fernsehen ein und decken dabei Meilensteine, Kontroversen und neue Perspektiven auf. In spannenden Interviews und Diskussionen nehmen sie dich mit auf eine Reise von den ersten Anfängen bis zu den aktuellen Herausforderungen und zeigen, warum Vielfalt in de…
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🏳️🌈 In dieser Episode des queer story Podcasts beleuchten die Hosts Phenix und Meili die Geschichte der Ehe für alle in Deutschland, indem sie Interviews führen und tief in die Kämpfe und Entwicklungen eintauchen, die zur Legalisierung gleichgeschlechtlicher Ehen geführt haben. Sie diskutieren die rechtlichen und gesellschaftlichen Herausforderung…
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🏳️🌈 In der neuesten Episode des Podcasts „queer story“ untersuchen Phenix und Meili die Entstehung und Evolution des Christopher Street Days, unterlegt mit persönlichen Anekdoten und Experteninterviews. Sie beleuchten die politischen Wurzeln und aktuellen Herausforderungen der Bewegung. Im Gespräch: Mitbegründer des CSD Bernd Gaiser, Monique King …
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🏳️🌈 In dieser "queer story" Episode erkunden Phenix und Flo die deutsche queere Filmgeschichte, diskutieren Herausforderungen und Beiträge queerer Filmpersonen und betonen die Rolle des Films bei der Bekämpfung von Vorurteilen. Interviews mit Schlüsselfiguren und Diskussionen über Initiativen wie das Act Out Manifest unterstreichen die Bedeutung v…
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🏳️🌈 In der ersten Episode von "queer story" beleuchten Meili, Phenix und Flo die queere politische Geschichte Deutschlands, von bedeutenden Persönlichkeiten wie Klaus Wowereit bis zu aktuellen Herausforderungen, und diskutieren die Bedeutung von Sichtbarkeit und Akzeptanz in der Politik für eine gerechtere Gesellschaft. Im Gespräch: der Generalsek…
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Ein Podcast über queere Menschen in der Geschichte Deutschlands. Die meisten haben schon von Stonewall gehört oder gehen einmal im Jahr zum CSD. Trotzdem tauchen queere Menschen bisher selten in den Geschichtsbüchern auf. Wer waren denn die Menschen, die in Deutschland für queere Sichtbarkeit in der Politik gekämpft haben? Wer hat sich getraut, Fil…
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In this month's politisode Evan dives into the differences between the Queer Revolution and the Gay Rights Movement. These sometimes parallel, yet very different movements, have collided to spark the backlash impacting Pride organizations across the country right now. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yourqueersto…
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150: Symbols, Language, and Colors of Pride
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30:00This week we are discussing the many symbols, language, and colors that have made up queer culture in America. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yourqueerstory/message
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Last month was Asian American History Month and this month is PRIDE MONTH!!! So we thought it was best to kick things off with a much-anticipated episode about Queer Asian American history. Before we begin, we want to credit our main source for this episode, and really one of the few sources available on this subject, Breathing Fire: Remembering As…
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148: Date Night, Demi, The Aces, & a Pool
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40:29Our second segment of date night with guest Samantha Taylor disucess Demi Lovato coming out as non-binary, the Aces 2020 album Under My Influence, and queer parenting life. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yourqueerstory/message
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Evan interviews Joel Barrett, a former fundamentalist pastor who underwent 3 years of conversion therapy before coming out as a proud gay man. Today, Joel is an author, motivational speaker, and happily married husband to his partner of 15 years. He shares his story in his new book, "Godly...But Gay", which is available for pre-order today! Get a g…
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Every now and then Evan & Paul just need to have a conversation! Join us on Patreon! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yourqueerstory/message
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145: Politisode: Beer Tossin & Caitlyn Jenner
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22:08On our monthly politisode Evan discusses the New Jersey Principal who threw beer on a group of folks filming his wife in a transphobic rant. We also, spotlight New York Representative Ritchie Torres before delving into the main topic, Caitlyn Jenner's bid for California governor. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/…
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This Sunday marks the 56th anniversary of the Dewey Lunch Counter Sit-Ins. An infamous moment in queer history when gender-diverse youth challenged their exclusion from an American Diner. Four years before Stonewall and the formal Gay Rights Movement broke into mainstream consciousness, queer revolutionaries were already preparing for battle. From …
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Samantha Taylor joins the YQS podcast for a new segment titled 'Date Night with Sam & Evan'. Together the couple discusses queer news and reviews, amid other casual conversations. On their first segment together they tackle the coming out of former Bachelor star Colton Underwood, review the Lesbian period drama "The World to Come", and give a sneak…
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Dear listeners, A Story Most Queer is borrowing just a couple of minutes from your day to share an announcement. We're currently working on Season Three of the show. That's a brand new season of pocket-sized queer stories, for everyone! The most important piece of our show is getting stories from queer writers from all walks of life, and so we are …
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Today we interview Jim Obergefell. In 2015, Jim, an openly gay man from Ohio, had his name attached to the most significant case in queer American history. Obergefell v. Hodges was the landmark Supreme Court ruling that finally legalized same-sex marriage in the United States. Mr. Obergefell joins us on the podcast to tell his story and encourage o…
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On this Politisode Evan goes solo to review the recent wave of anti-transgender legislation entered into state legislatures this session. Join to stay informed as well as ti learn the history behind some of these bills. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yourqueerstory/message…
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Hey #Queerstians, this episode was our first attempt at recording virtually. Sorry in advance! Today we are continuing our topic for March, which is covering various groups and movements that contributed to women’s rights in America. While it is not necessary to listen or review the previous episodes in our series, we do encourage that you follow a…
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This year, to honor women’s history month, we are going to cover a few of the major movements in the past that have focused on full equality. We say full equality because the fight for women’s rights has never been based solely on women. True feminism has always allowed room for any person oppressed and shunned to join its ranks. However, this cert…
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Today we conclude our Black History Month tribute by covering one of the most well-beloved books in queer, Black literature. The Color Purple has held a place of reverence among modern literature for nearly 40 years. In fact, next year will mark the 40th anniversary of this iconic book that broke down barriers for both Black and queer women. Its au…
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Today we continue recognizing and honoring Black writers, their work, and their other contributions to American society. This week we will be covering a man whose words were incredibly influential throughout the 20th century and whose legacy continues to inspire fans and draw ire from critics. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify…
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Today we continue celebrating Black History Month and this year we are covering Black literary giants, their works, and how they inspired the movements of yesterday and today. This week we get current as we discuss a woman living in the heart of today’s civil rights protests, Andrea Jenkins. She is the first Black, transgender woman elected to publ…
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134: James Baldwin & The Fire Next Time
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54:23Today we launch the annual observance of Black History Month. And this year we will be focusing on some of the literary works that have inspired different movements towards Black equality. One of the most timely and well-known books written in the last century was the Black manifesto, The Fire Next Time. Written by the queer, civil rights activist …
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For nearly a quarter of a century, Ellen has been an open advocate for LGBTQ rights and lived her own queer life openly even when it cost her dearly. Her humor and desire to spread good in the world has allowed her to enter the homes of even the most staunch anti-LGBTQ critics. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yo…
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132: James Buchanan the (Other) Worst President
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57:59Born in Pennsylvania in April of 1791, James enjoyed life as the wealthiest boy in town. His father was an immigrant who came to America just a few years earlier and soon made his wealth in agriculture and real estate. The young heir went off to Dickinson College and, perhaps due to his arrogance or mere young mischief, was nearly expelled twice. -…
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In this episode Evan & Paul discuss the Insurrection on the United States Capitol building on January 6, 2021 & good news for the queer community from 2020. Join us on Patreon! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yourqueerstory/message
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130: 2020 Wrapped for Your Queer Story
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27:27In this episode Evan & Paul discuss all of the changes that are coming to the podcast & our growing queer network next year. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yourqueerstory/message
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Today we celebrate and recognize the 47th anniversary of homosexuality being delisted as a mental disorder by the American Psychiatric Association. Of course, there was and continues to be much work to be done for the LGBTQ+ in relation to the field of medicine. However, today we want to focus on the wins over the last century and how our movement …
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As we move full-force into the Holiday season, we can’t go another minute without recognizing one of the most popular songs of the holiday - and the man behind it. For the last 26 years, the song Last Christmas has remained a consistent, holiday favorite, continuing to top the charts again and again through the month of December. Part of this is du…
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Today, in honor of World AIDS Day on December 1st, we want to recognize and honor a group that was fundamentally responsible for changing the tide on the AIDS crisis. ACT UP, an acronym that stood for AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power, was founded in 1987. At this time, over 40,000 Americans had died of the AIDS crisis and the President had only just…
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Evan and Paul have partnered with Sojourner House in Rhode Island to send free, rapid HIV testing kits to listeners in the United States. Listen to find out more!--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yourqueerstory/message
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This week we’re talking about a very serious topic, though in a quite light-hearted way. Queer coding is defined as such: The subtextual portrayal of a queer character in the media whose identity is not explicitly confirmed within canon. This concept refers to a character that encapsulates what might be considered "queer traits" that are recognizab…
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125: Stephanie Byers and Indigenous Rights
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34:53This week is Transgender Awareness week and it sits in the month of November, which is Native American history month. With all of that in mind, we thought what better person to cover than the newly elected Kansas Representative, Stephanie Byers. Byers is a transgender Native American who is a member of the Chickasaw Nation, currently residing in Ka…
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We’ve been meaning to get around to talking about Atlanta for quite some time but have been putting it off until just the right time. Now, the recent election has motivated us to pay tribute to Georgia - and the amazing Stacey Abrams - by celebrating the city known as The Black LGBTQ+ Mecca. Join us on Patreon! --- Send in a voice message: https://…
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A brief episode on the woman who just became the first transgender state senator in U.S. history. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yourqueerstory/message
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In this episode Evan and Paul talk election anxiety, what's at stake, and some tips for getting through this stressful time.--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yourqueerstory/message
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Today we’re finally covering a long time queer favorite – Rocky. And if you think we’re talking about a down on his luck, Philadelphia boxer, who constantly walks around with blood running down his face calling out for “Adrian!!!” – well then you’re probably straight and have stumbled upon the wrong podcast. But if you’re queer then there’s only on…
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Today we are finally covering the woman that many have dubbed the “First Female Serial Killer in America”. While this statement is inaccurate and in fact cannot be measured as the term “serial killer” was not even coined until the 1970s, we can say that Aileen was the first notorious female serial killer in American history. Most of this was due to…
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As we launch into October there are many things to celebrate. It’s LGBTQ+ history month, we’re just a few days before National Coming Out Day on October 11th, and also October serves as the original ‘Pride Month’. But all of that aside, what we really care about is Queer True Crime and October is Your Queer Stories True Crime month. So we thought w…
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We are in our final week of honoring Queer LatinX culture and history and it seems fitting to go out with the infamous Walter Mercado. The icon was an astrologer and T.V. spiritual advisor who held daily shows to over 120 million viewers at the height of his career. His charisma and charm captivated his followers while his androgynous identity baff…
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116: Bisexual Visibility: Joan Baez
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1:02:18Our episode today will first air on Bisexual Visibility Day so we want to wish all of our favorite bisexuals a proud, and happy day of visibility. And in honor of both Latin history month and Bixsexual Visibility we have invited Vima Manfredo, our favorite, bisexual Latina, to join us today. We also have David Rivera, Paul's fiance! Before we get t…
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The doctor at a remote boarding school reconnects with an old friend through a series of letters. CW: background character death, mentions of cancer ------------------------------ Head to mischiefmedia.com or simply type Mischief Media into your podcast app of choice to listen to any of our awesome shows. Don't forget to get $20 off your first cock…
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