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Indigo Radio Cafe

Indigo Radio Cafe (portal)

Les damos la bienvenida a Indigo Radio Cafe. Holístico, Info Alternativa y Libre Opinión, desde BC México, para el Despertar de la Conciencia. Artículos, Podcast y Entrevistas a talentos holísticos de habla hispana. Únete a nuestro para post exclusivos y visita nuestro sitio web oficial También nos puedes escuchar en iTunes (Apple podcast) , Spotify y Google Podcast. Es tiempo del Despertar.
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Cafe Mocha Radio

Miles Ahead Entertainment

Radio from A Woman's Perspective - Experience Our Flavor. Café Mocha hosts comedienne and actress Loni Love, hip hop legend YoYo and broadcast veteran Angelique Perrin bring their own distinct point of view to today’s issues, social commentary, celebrity interviews, and self-help advise all to empower your weekend with the best back drop of urban contemporary music. If it’s the Weekend, it’s Café Mocha!
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Aquí podrán encontrar todas las entrevistas de nuestro programa radial, que se emite los días sábados de 14 a 15hs por Radio Zonica +. Seguinos en nuestras redes: Twitter: @cafeveloz_ok Facebook: /cafevelozok Instagram: @cafevelozok
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تو رادیو کافه، همه ی هدفمون اینه که راجع به موضوعاتی صحبت کنیم که خیلی مهم هستن، اما شاید یه موقعهایی اصلاً حواسمون بهشون نیست ... یه تلنگری به خودمون بزنیم، سعی کنیم بیشتر به اون موضوعات فکر کنیم و بیشتر روی خودمون کار کنیم که آدم با کیفیت تری بشیم ... و حتی به همدیگه کمک کنیم که کیفیت همدیگرو هم افزایش بدیم ...تا به هدف نهاییمون که داشتن جامعه ی با کیفیت تری هست، نزدیک و نزدیکتر بشیم ...من، پوریا عبدی پور، از اینکه دارم دوستهای با کیفیت و جدیدی مثل شما پیدا میکنم، بسیار خوشحالم ...به امید ...
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"The Radio Cafe Top 10 Countdown" is a hit weekly radio show hosted by Emmy Award winning TV host and producer Christopher Ewing. Each week the show features music and interviews by some of the BEST independent singers and bands from around the world! For more info on any of the artists featured on the show, just go to!
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Space Café Radio

SpaceWatch.Global GmbH

Space Café™ Radio brings you our engaging talks, insightful interviews, and unfiltered perspectives in an exciting new format. With this show, you will have the opportunity to hear our team of SpaceWatchers while we are on the road. Each episode will feature a unique topic and personal touch, with content that is both exclusive and informative. We invite you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Don't hesitate to send us your feedback at
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The Speakeasy Cafe Open-Mic Poetry Show airs every Thursday at 8 pm east coast time! Hosted by Nyla Alisia, this show offers non-stop poetic entertainment where it is all about YOU the POETS! The Speakeasy Cafe is an eclectic, supportive, passionate and inspiring place to come share your words, listen to other poets, inspire and be inspired! Poets write because they have something to say, come take the mic and say it! You are always welcome at the Speakeasy Cafe!
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A rádio não é apenas um enorme gira-discos. A prova é este programa feito, aqui e agora, por gente de carne e osso que gosta de pensar, questionar e debater a sua terra e todo o mundo em que vive, sem limites nem formalismos castradores. Clepsidra (Clep prós amigos), uma porta escancarada às palavras e ideias com João Pedro Gonçalves, António Apolinário Lourenço, Serafim Duarte e Carlos Gandarez. Facebook:
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The Miracle Café is a radio show hosted by Emmanuel Dagher that provides each listener with cutting edge insights and conversations that uplift and transform lives in a fun and exciting way. Covering a variety of areas - from health and wholeness to personal growth and more. Featured segments include "Transformational Healing", "Hot Topics Round Table" where we connect with amazing guests who share their perspectives on different personal and evolutionary subjects, "Gratitude", and "Ask Emma ...
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Coach Cafe' Radio

Coach Cafe Radio

Join Certified Master Life Coach Kathleen Martin,LOACC in the Coach Cafe' -'The Self Empowerment Place to Meet' each week with Enlightened Conversations about what matters most and interviews with top self empowerment coaches, experts and authors to help us all to live our best lives! #CoachCafe
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Melanin Queen's Cafe Radio

Melanin Queen Cafe Radio

This Podcast is for Everything Us Rather you're a Melanin Queen or King. We will discuss everything here no topic is off limits so Grab your drink of choice, get comfy on the Royal Couch and let's chat. Support this podcast:
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CoS 'tis but a thematic and audience-driven radio show with spoken word / odd monologues / wacky studio guests / phone call strangeness. Interact via our website ( to get yer stuffs on the radio, then listen to it/us LIIIIVE every Sunday night on 90.3 WZBC FM (streaming at from ten pee-em to midnights Eastern.
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show series
Connexió amb Cristina de la Hoz des de la redacció de Torrespaña per comentar l'actualitat política nacional. Connexió amb David Gallach, periodista rtve, des de l'escola El Cim de Terrassa per la tornada a l'escola dels infants. Entrevista a José Antonio Ponseti, periodista i autor del llibre: "Cuando éramos pilotos". Acabarem el programa conversa…
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ATTENTION POETS: Make your words a priority! You have something to say, come and say it! Read live, online, at the SpeakEasy Cafe, Tonight! Join host Nyla Alisia for an invigorating three hour broadcast starting with The INKWELL Mini -WORKSHOP and then settle in for an amazing night of SPOKEN WORD POETRY! The SPEAKEASY CAFE ~ONLINE!~ OPEN MIC POETR…
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Cislunar Challenges and Opportunities: Insights from Dr. Angie Bukley Join Torsten Kriening, publisher at SpaceWatch.Global, as he sits down with Dr. Angie Bukley, Technical Fellow at the Aerospace Corporation. They discuss the future of cislunar space exploration, international agreements, the Artemis Accords, and China's lunar ambitions. The conv…
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Descubre le poder sanador de tu voz, de los sonidos Gaia y de la música holística. En esta última charla de café sabor índigo Diciembre 2024, disfrutaremos de la presencia de Lizette Pelayo desde la Ciudad de México, sonoterapeuta holística creadora de los talleres "Voz y Sonidos gaia". Recuerda unirte a nuestro club en…
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Avui al Cafè d'Idees hem repassat l'actualitat i hem explicat les previsions de l'any amb el suport dels serveis informatius. A la segona part del programa hem parlat amb les actrius Mireia Scatti i Beatriu Castelló amb motiu dels deu anys de la companyia ImproBarcelona i la seva obra de teatre Assassinat al Club que es representa els divendres a l…
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El 27 de desembre la ONU commemora el Dia Internacional de la Preparació davant les Epidèmies. Conversem amb la doctora Àngela Domínguez, coordinadora de Vacunes de la Societat Espanyola d'Epidemiología. També avui obre les portes el Festival de la Infància. Conversem amb la seva directora Anna Ventura. Escuchar audio…
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18TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION @ THE SPEAKEASY CAFE OPEN MIC POETRY RADIO SHOW TONIGHT! Show time: 5:00pm West coast - 8:00pm East coast You can listen by calling in, or by following the link below to the live player and poet's chatroom! REMEMBER TO CALL IN EARLY!! Call-in number (646) 595-3965 Info: You do not have to be logged in to listen to the s…
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Space Debris and the Global Space Economy: Insights from the Center for Space Future In this episode of Space Café Radio, join Torsten Kriening, Publisher at SpaceWatch.Global as he interviews Mishaal Ashemimry, Managing Director of the Center for Space Future, during the 'Connecting the World from the Skies' conference in Riyadh, November 2024. Th…
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Parlem amb Míriam Feu, responsable d’anàlisi social i incidència de Càritas Barcelona. Ho fem per fer una radiografia de la pobresa a Catalunya. Feu posa èmfasi en la crisi habitacional i alerta que hi ha famílies als que se’ls hi acaba el contracte de lloguer i es queden sense casa i acaben vivint al carrer. Escuchar audio…
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En Lluís Pastor analitza la polèmica amb l'elecció dels presentadors de les campanades. L'Arse Cañada ens parla de les tradicions esportives lligades a les festes de Nadal. El xef Nandu Jubany ens explica com prepara el seu retorn al Dakar 2025 amb cotxe. Conversem amb la xef Ada Parellada i la psicòloga Arantxa Coca, que ens acosten consells pels …
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El govern espanyol i el PSOE tanquen una setmana marcada per l'actualitat judicial. Sánchez diu que l'informe de l'UCO demostra que res implica García Ortiz en el cas de la parella d'Ayuso. Parlem sobre el cas Pelicot: 20 anys de presó per l'exmarit de Gisèle Pelicot per drogar i violar la seva dona. Els Bombers de Barcelona detecten 3.600 possible…
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En Rodolfo Irago creu que el president espanyol podria visitar Puigdemont a Waterloo abans dels pressupostos, En Jordi Urbea, vicepresident d'Ogilvy Espanya i CEO d'Ogilvy Barcelona, ens explica la teoria de què el Nadal és la Superbowl a casa nostra. Sobre la llei d'habitatge, l'Òscar Gorgues, gerent de la Cambra de Propietat Urbana de Barcelona, …
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Welcome to the last episode of our special five episodes podcast mini-series, crafted in collaboration with PSSI, the Prague Security Studies Institute. In this episode, Emma speaks with Dean Cheng, a consultant on Asian affairs and senior advisor to the U.S. Institute of Peace. Dr. Cheng delves into the complexities of the China-Russia relationshi…
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Sobre el cas dels màsters de la Complutense, Begoña Gómez nega davant el jutge haver "intermediat de cap mena davant de ningú". Feijóo retreu a Sánchez les investigacions policials mentre el president espanyol acusa el líder del PP de no tenir més estratègia que les notícies falses. Càritas de Barcelona reclama a l'ajuntament poder oferir com habit…
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En Lluís Falgàs ens apropa a la sessió de control al Parlament després de l'advertència de Puigdemont al PSOE. Què podem esperar de la declaració de Begoñá Gómez, la dona de Pedro Sánchez? Ens ho explica Juan Fernández Oriol Nolis ens explica com serà el programa especial de la nit de Cap d'Any a La1, que condueix conjuntament amb Eva Soriano. En D…
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Parlem sobre com la Fiscalia dona suport a investigar la responsabilitat penal de Mazón per la gestió de la DANA. En política catalana, expliquem que Illa compareix avui al Parlament per explicar els acords de la Junta de Seguretat i la integració de les policies espanyoles al 112. Ucraïna reivindica l'atemptat bomba contra el cap de la força nucle…
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The Race for Space: European Initiatives and Innovations Join our host Torsten Kriening, Publisher at SpaceWatch.Global as he sits down with Dr. Gérald Schockmel, a member of the Luxembourg parliament, about the dynamics of the global space race, Europe's initiatives in space legislation, and the role of universities in advancing space technologies…
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Navigating Space: Insights from Martijn Blanken on Global Leadership and Technology In this episode, Torsten Kriening, Publisher of SpaceWatch.Global, meet Martijn Blanken, CEO of the Neo Space Group (NSG), at the 'Connecting the World from the Skies' conference in Riyadh. Martijn discusses NSG’s mission to become a global leader, emphasizing custo…
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Welcome to the latest episode of our special podcast mini-series, crafted in collaboration with PSSI, the Prague Security Studies Institute. As we delve into the economic and financial dimensions of the global space landscape, it is a pleasure to host Kari Bingen, Director of Aerospace Security Projects at the Center for Strategic and International…
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No pero no se pierdan esta charla de café con Indigo Radio café en su visita a un lugar maravilloso y mágico en la capital de BC, México. Desde el Jardín Secreto Diana Arely Zambrano nos hablará de temas muy interesantes como la conexión con la tierra, temazcales o vientres de vapor como ella los llama, sanación holística entre muchas cosas más. Re…
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Navigating the Future of Space: Insights from ESA's Dr. Josef Aschbacher Join us on Space Cafe Radio as SpaceWatch.Global's Publisher, Torsten Kriening, sits down with Dr. Josef Aschbacher, the Director General of the European Space Agency (ESA). Discover the critical role of advanced technologies like quantum computing, AI, and propulsion systems …
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ATTENTION POETS: Make your words a priority! You have something to say, come and say it! Read live, online, at the SpeakEasy Cafe, Tonight! Join host Nyla Alisia for an invigorating three hour broadcast starting with The INKWELL Mini -WORKSHOP and then settle in for an amazing night of SPOKEN WORD POETRY! The SPEAKEASY CAFE ~ONLINE!~ OPEN MIC POETR…
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Aarti Holla-Maini's Insights on Space Sustainability and Security: An Exclusive Discussion Join host Torsten Kriening as he sits down with Aarti Holla-Maini, Director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), to discuss critical topics in the space sector. This episode give an insight view into space sustainability, traffic man…
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In this episode, Special Envoy for Space, Ambassador Marjolijn van Deelen, discusses with Torsten Kriening the European Union's approach to space security, the importance of multilateral engagement, and the urgency of addressing contemporary challenges in space. She explores the parallels between space and nuclear sectors, the current global space …
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IT'S A DEAD MAN'S PARTY - SpeakEasy Cafe Open Mic Poetry Show! ONLINE! Join Us! SPEAKEASY CAFE HALLOWEEN SPECIAL - A SPOOKTACULAR Night of SPOKEN WORD Poetry! There is NEVER a theme on this show! You DO NOT have to read something SPOOKY, bring what ever you like, but SPOOKY would be COOL! INSPIRE AND BE INSPIRED! Show time: 5:00 pm West coast - 8:0…
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In the third episode of our special PSSI Space Security podcast series, experts shed light on critical space security issues from the Indo-Pacific region. The episode featured insightful interviews with Dr. Jong Shinn Wu, Director General of the Taiwan Space Agency, and Dr. Il Seok Oh, Vice Chairman of KASS, the Korean Academy of Space Security. Dr…
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¡Regresamos! Disfruta tu podcats favorito con la nueva temporada 2024, charlas de café color índigo. Escucha a Valeria Juárez de tijuana en una sencilla y amena charla sobre el duelo, la pérdida, el desapego y la impermanencia. Recuerda unirte a nuestro facebook Indigo Radio Cafe. Holístico, info alternativo y libre opinión.…
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Join us in this episode as Torsten Kriening dives into the latest in space investments and the evolving commercial space industry with Gary Dunow, Executive Vice President for Strategic Development at USGIF. Learn about the 'GoldRush 2024 Commercial Remote Sensing Global Rankings' report, China's growing influence, and the role of public and privat…
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