Peter Schiff is an economist, financial broker/dealer, author, frequent guest on national news, and host of the Peter Schiff Show Podcast. The podcast focuses on economic data analysis and unbiased coverage of financial news, both in the U.S. and global markets. As entertaining as he is informative, Peter packs decades of brilliant insight into every news item. Join the thousands of fans who have benefited from Peter’s commitment to getting the real story out to the world.
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In diesem Podcast dreht sich alles um schizoaffektive Psychosen – und wie man trotz herausfordernder Symptome das Leben mit Humor und Gelassenheit meistern kann. Als langjährig Betroffener zeige ich, dass Schizophrenie zwar ernst ist, aber durchaus Raum für Optimismus und Lebensfreude lässt. Freu dich auf eine Mischung aus persönlichen Erfahrungen, Sachwissen, kleinen Anekdoten und sympathischen Gesprächspartnern, die gemeinsam zeigen: Ein Lächeln kann manchmal mehr bewirken als jedes Vorurteil!
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James Hickman is a West Point graduate and former intelligence officer who has had an extensive business and investment career spanning more than 25 years. James has traveled to 120+ countries on all 7 continents, and he has started, invested in, and acquired businesses all over the world, in sectors ranging from technology to agriculture to banking. Since he originally began writing under the pen name “Simon Black” back in 2007, James has accurately predicted many of the major trends and ev ...
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Featuring engaging conversations and insightful interviews covering a wide range of topics including caregiving, family dynamics, and getting help for schizophrenia. Hosted by Rachel Star Withers, who lives with schizophrenia. Inside Schizophrenia brings firsthand experiences from individuals with schizophrenia, family members, caregivers, and medical experts, aiming to foster a deeper understanding of schizophrenia, shed light on its impact, and develop strategies for managing this serious ...
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From a systemic point of view, parental changes in behavior are far more effective and efficient than any therapeutic attempts at controlling the symptoms of the schizophrenic family member.
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We don't live in a society
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Rob Schilling, host of the new Schilling Show Unleashed podcast, is Charlottesville’s “Community Watchdog.” For nearly two decades, Rob has been one of the most feared opponents of the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats in Charlottesville and Albemarle County. His investigative reporting has received local and national recognition. And now Rob is planning to take the award winning Schilling Show to the next level by starting a new podcast: Schilling Show Unleashed. You can expect the same n ...
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My radio show, Teeing It Up with Jeremy Schilling, is a 30-minute show looks at the world of sports using insightful analysis and thought-provoking interviews
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Listen to my world
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Bienvenido, aquí podrás escuchar las entrevistas del diputado Marcelo Schilling
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- Hundeschule - Hundetraining
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Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: Expressing one's mind like graffiti.. adding value towards your everyday life in coined drafts of originality (concept). Schizophrenic God's: Radio continuum ..emission is the broadband radiation emitted in the radio part of the spectrum by celestial objects. Expect Vandals & Artists, Undergro ...
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Talking to myself and maybe some other people Support this podcast:
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»Schiff – Captain – Mannschaft« ist der deutschsprachige Podcast übers Segeln, Seemannschaft und Boote, präsentiert von Bernhard R. Fischer. Es werden jede Menge Themen rund ums Segeln für Fahrtenseglerinnen und -segler diskutiert. Bernhard berichtet aus Erfahrungen seiner intensiven Praxis der letzten 15 Jahre Yachtseefahrt und Seefahrtausbildung.
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This podcast is based solely on personal experience and is by no means to demonize anyone with an impairment of any afflictions.
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A podcast about how to get out of life alive. YT: X:
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Dé schildklier podcast’. Dé podcast over leven met een schildklieraandoening, verzorgd door Schildklier Organisatie Nederland. In elke aflevering spreken we met medisch specialisten of ervaringsdeskundigen. U krijgt betrouwbare informatie, verrassende inzichten en praktische tips.
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Hier hing een schilderij vertelt het verhaal van een controversiële roofkunstzaak rond een topstuk uit het Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. Het schilderij, een Kandinsky ter waarde van 60 miljoen euro, is overhandigd aan de erfgenamen van een Joodse vluchteling. Is dat terecht? Pieter van Os en Emmie Kollau zoeken naar een antwoord in een achtdelige podcast over nazi-roofkunst, nationaal schuldgevoel en exorbitante prijsstijgingen op de kunstmarkt. Iedere woensdag verschijnt een nieuwe aflevering ...
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Aleatoriedades e o que mais vier
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Whatever 😒
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Sit with me for a while I reflect where my mental health has taken me and how it interacts with my faith. All my content is CC0.
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Robert Schilling’s music is published by BMG
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An internal makeover show. The most watched show is the one we play in our minds and hearts day in day out. Let’s make our own internal show the best one ever!
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The Schill helps you understand the realities of current affairs, the traditional views that are out there, and then the playful, bold but informed view you can only get from this whiskey-sipping academic.
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Schizo Affective Catholic Host Podcasts on Catholic and Mental Health Topics. Discover Schizophrenia in a New Way. Discussion Also of My Novel Series InterWhistle Support this podcast:
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Lily Mendez, Rebecca Kelly, Taylor Bedoway. Schizophrenia podcast for Lundy English 9 2019
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This is my podcast!
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Hosted by Mark Schiff and Lowell Benjamin. Join Mark and Lowell for some funny and deep conversations with great guests. They'll talk about about the things their guests are known for as well as some things you might not know about them. Their guests include: Kevin Nealon and Paul Reiser
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Podcast – Healing Schizoaffective
Joshua Alexander: Schizoaffective Disorder Survivor, Yogi, Holistic Health Enthusiast
A Personal Account of Recovery and Healing
continue reading During research I didn't know how to show you how schizophrenic people think and feel. I hope this will get you some ideas. Visit blog and leave comment Remeber DVD is coming soon - live video broadcast where one person will win mp3/video player just by watching trailer with secret message.
continue reading | | An experimental podcast featuring 2 old friends who confess their big mistakes + regrets, analyze schizophrenia (a diagnosis they share), and work on their big side-hustle project: filming an Action Movie that will make them Millions. If you would like to suggest a topic, ask a question, or be on the show, please use one of the following methods to contact us: e: [email protected] p: (778) 837-9364 instagram @ryangordonflowers ...
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Sportswriter and journalist Dave Schilling (ESPN, Bleacher Report, The Ringer, The Guardian) sits down with the biggest names in sports and culture for in-depth, no-holds-barred conversation. The questions will be hard. The answers will be harder. Follow Dave on Twitter @dave_schilling Hosted by Dave Schilling Produced by Liz Maupin Created by Dave Schilling and Halle Kiefer
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In het nieuwe achtdelige VPRO radiodrama Hotel Schiller worden de ontroerende verhalen uit Hotel Schiller verteld. Het hotel aan het Rembrandtplein in Amsterdam is destijds opgebouwd door de familie Schiller. Te midden van alle gasten leven zij in een roerige tijd. Dit alles is te horen in de podcast. Hotelier en kunstschilder Frits Schiller omarmde zijn bijzondere gasten, voelde hen aan, voedde hen en deed alles om de gasten aan zich te binden. We volgen de gebeurtenissen in het hotel door ...
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Op 14 juli 1984 worden drie schilderijen gestolen van de Friese schilder Jopie Huisman. Ze verdwenen uit galerie 't Weefhuis in Nuenen waar Huisman exposeerde, gelijk met een tentoonstelling van werk van Vincent van Gogh, ook in Nuenen. Er gaan verhalen dat Huisman voorafgaand aan de tentoonstelling zou zijn gewaarschuwd. Maar toch wilde hij de expositie ontzettend graag door laten gaan. Misschien wel té graag. Voor Huisman was het alsof hij met het verlies van de schilderijen "Het merelnest ...
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I talk about my life as a sufferer of schizophrenia. I invite you along on this adventure and perhaps we can learn from each other.
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Schilder Amsterdam presenteert met trots onze podcastkanaal, dé bron voor alles wat te maken heeft met huis schilderen. Bij Schilder Amsterdam streven we ernaar om de beste tips, technieken en inzichten te delen die u kunnen helpen bij het kiezen van de juiste verf, het begrijpen van de nieuwste trends in de schilderwereld en het onderhouden van uw geschilderde oppervlakken. Onze experts brengen hun uitgebreide kennis rechtstreeks naar uw oren, met onderwerpen variërend van kleuradvies tot h ...
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Welkom bij de podcast van Schilder Rotterdam, jouw betrouwbare partner voor professionele schilderdiensten in Rotterdam en omgeving. Of het nu gaat om binnen- of buitenschilderwerk, wij delen onze kennis en expertise om jou te helpen de juiste keuzes te maken voor je woning. In elke aflevering bespreken we onderwerpen zoals verfsoorten, de beste schildertechnieken, tips voor onderhoud en nog veel meer. Bij Schilder Rotterdam streven we naar perfectie in alles wat we doen, van de eerste kwast ...
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Hallo und Willkommen! Schiffe und Kreuzfahrten ist das größte deutschsprachige Kreuzfahrtblog im WWW. Eigentlich sind wir reine Blogger und versorgen unsere Community Tag für Tag und manchmal auch Nachts mit Informationen und News rund um Kreuzfahrten. Wir betreiben allerdings auch einen Youtube-Kanal, einen Instagram-Channel, dutzende Facebook-Gruppen und das alles rund um das Thema Schiffe und Kreuzfahrten. Nun wurde an uns herangetragen das man uns auch sehr gerne als Podcast hören möchte ...
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Welkom op het officiële podcastkanaal van Schilder Arnhem! Wij zijn dé experts op het gebied van schilderdiensten in Arnhem en omgeving. Met jarenlange ervaring in het vak, bieden wij hoogwaardige schilderwerkzaamheden aan voor zowel binnen- als buitenshuis. Onze podcast is speciaal gericht op huiseigenaren die meer willen weten over het onderhoud en de waarde van professioneel schilderwerk. In elke aflevering delen we waardevolle tips en adviezen over kleurkeuzes, schildertechnieken, en hoe ...
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Welkom op de podcast van Schilder Tilburg! Als dé experts op het gebied van schilderwerken in Tilburg, delen wij op onze podcast waardevolle inzichten en tips om jouw woning of bedrijfspand er stralend uit te laten zien. Of je nu geïnteresseerd bent in de nieuwste verftechnieken, kleurtrends, of onderhoud van schilderwerk, bij ons ben je aan het juiste adres. Ons team van ervaren schilders bespreekt regelmatig onderwerpen die belangrijk zijn voor iedereen die hun interieur of exterieur profe ...
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Welkom bij de podcast van Schilder Zaandam, jouw vertrouwde partner voor professionele schilderdiensten in Zaandam en omgeving! In onze podcast delen we handige tips, advies en inzichten over alles wat met schilderwerk te maken heeft. Of je nu je huis een opfrisbeurt wilt geven, meer wilt leren over verfsoorten, of benieuwd bent naar de nieuwste trends op het gebied van interieur- en buitenschilderwerk, bij ons ben je aan het juiste adres. Onze experts bespreken ook belangrijke onderwerpen z ...
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Welkom bij de Schilder Utrecht-podcast! Hier duiken we diep in de wereld van huis schilderen en delen we tips, trucs en deskundige inzichten om uw schilderproject tot een succes te maken. Of u nu een ervaren klusser bent of net begint, onze afleveringen zijn ontworpen om u te inspireren en te informeren. We bespreken alles, van de nieuwste schildertechnieken tot kleurentrends en productaanbevelingen. Ontdek hoe u de juiste verf kunt kiezen, hoe u uw muren kunt voorbereiden, en leer van de er ...
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Welkom bij de podcast van Schilder Amersfoort, de expert in hoogwaardige schilderdiensten in de regio Amersfoort. In onze afleveringen delen we waardevolle tips, professionele technieken en inspiratie voor al uw schilderprojecten. Of u nu uw huis wilt opfrissen met een nieuwe kleur of meer wilt leren over het gebruik van de juiste verfkwasten en rollers, bij ons bent u aan het juiste adres. We bieden inzicht in trends, materialen en het onderhoud van geschilderde oppervlakken, zodat u altijd ...
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Welkom bij de officiële podcast van Schilder Apeldoorn, dé expert in professionele schilderdiensten! In onze podcast duiken we dieper in de wereld van schilderwerk en delen we waardevolle tips en inzichten die uw huis een frisse, nieuwe uitstraling kunnen geven. Of het nu gaat om interieur- of exterieurverf, onderhoud van houten kozijnen, of het herstellen van waterschade, wij bieden praktische adviezen en bespreken de nieuwste trends in schildertechnieken. Met jarenlange ervaring in Apeldoo ...
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Hier bij Schilder Haarlem bieden wij een uitgebreide podcast aan voor iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in professionele schilderwerken. Of je nu een huiseigenaar bent die meer wil weten over het onderhouden van je schilderwerk of een doe-het-zelver die handige tips zoekt, onze podcast heeft voor elk wat wils. We bespreken verschillende onderwerpen, zoals het kiezen van de juiste verf, hoe je waterbeschadiging herstelt en hoe je jouw woning optimaal kunt voorbereiden op schilderwerk. Met jarenl ...
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Hier bij Schilder Enschede bieden we hoogwaardige schilderdiensten aan voor zowel binnen- als buitenschilderwerk. Ons doel is om elk huis of pand te verfraaien met professionele afwerkingen die niet alleen esthetisch aantrekkelijk zijn, maar ook duurzaam en beschermend. In onze podcast duiken we diep in de wereld van schilderen. Of het nu gaat om tips voor doe-het-zelf projecten, het kiezen van de juiste verf, of het belang van goed onderhoud, we delen onze expertise met jou. We nodigen je u ...
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Welkom bij de podcast van Schilder Nijmegen, dé expert op het gebied van schilderwerk in Nijmegen en omstreken. Op ons kanaal delen we waardevolle inzichten, tips en adviezen over alles wat met schilderen te maken heeft. Of het nu gaat om het kiezen van de juiste verfsoorten, de perfecte verfkwasten en rollers, of technieken om jouw schilderprojecten tot een succes te maken, wij helpen je op weg! Onze jarenlange ervaring in zowel binnen- als buitenschilderwerk, zorgt ervoor dat wij de juiste ...
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The Controlled Demolition of the US Dollar’s Reserve Status [Podcast]
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1:13:04Even during the darkest moments of the Biden administration—the shameful withdrawal from Afghanistan, 9% inflation, bureaucrats hell-bent on destroying the economy—I still said America’s problems were fixable. But I didn’t see any hope in the previous administration or a prospective Kamala administration to fix things and only expected them to grow…
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Peter Schiff exposes crypto market manipulations by Trump's team, critiques Social Security as a Ponzi scheme, and analyzes recent concerning economic data. #trump #bitcoin #crypto Sponsor Promotions - Stash: Go to to see how you can receive $25 towards your first stock purchase and to view important disclosures. - Shopif…
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Kühlschrankmonologe und lachende Giraffen – Humor als Rettungsring in meiner schizoaffektiven Welt
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18:32In dieser Folge spreche ich über die Rolle von Humor im Umgang mit meiner schizoaffektiven Psychose – fernab von klischeehaften „Immer-schön-lächeln“-Appellen. Dabei erzähle ich, wie meine Erfahrungen als ausgebildeter Schauspieler und Komödiant mir helfen, auch schwierige Situationen kreativ zu meistern. Mit persönlichen Anekdoten und einem Schuss…
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The Latest Bad Premise Could Be a Disaster for the US Dollar [Podcast]
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38:12On October 20, 2022, Liz Truss resigned as UK prime minister after just 44 days in office—the shortest tenure in British history. She was brought down not by a no-confidence vote or a party coup, but by a full-scale bond market rebellion. Her government’s proposed mini-budget, featuring sweeping tax cuts, triggered a historic sell-off in UK governm…
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The Trump Crypto Bubble Already Burst - Ep 1013
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56:10Peter Schiff covers market trends, inflation fears, Trump’s tariffs, crypto decline, and promotes his wife's music on Spotify. My wife's songs. Public Rec - Upgrade your wardrobe instantly and save 20% off with the code GOLD at SelectQuote - Get the RIGHT life insura…
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America’s $36 trillion national debt is just the tip of a $100+ trillion iceberg [Podcast]
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51:45We write a lot about the US government’s dismal financial condition— $36.2 trillion in debt, $1.1 trillion in annual interest expenses, and a $1.8 trillion annual deficit. But in today’s podcast we take a closer look at the numbers and the government’s actual balance sheet as if it were a business, including all of its assets and liabilities. The g…
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Markets Tank as Stagflation Rears its Head - Ep 1012
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1:03:22Markets dropped sharply; Dow down 750 pts, S&P 1.7%, Nasdaq 2.2%. Rise in stagflation feared, weak economic data, high inflation. Gold stocks hit, despite gold's gains. Japanese inflation surge discussed. Remembering Irwin Schiff. Get 25% off your subscription or try the app FREE for seven days at to post…
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Let’s Play Spot the Dictator [Podcast]
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28:33I want to present two choices for you to pick from. One is a world leader who was recently sued by a transgender prison inmate who felt that this person’s recent executive order was unfair. The second is another world leader who has suspended elections, forcibly presses people into the military, has closed his border, and has complete control over …
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Ilya Shapiro is a senior fellow and director of constitutional studies at The Manhattan Institute, and author of the new book, Lawless: The Miseducation of America’s Elites In this exclusive Schilling Show Unleashed Podcast interview, Shapiro examines the leftist corruption of American law schools, his own harrowing battle with the Speech Police, a…
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Was ist "Schizoaffektiv" | Ein Überblick
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11:43In der ersten Folge von „Schizo-Logisch!“ erfährst du, was eine schizoaffektive Störung ausmacht und wie sie sich von anderen psychischen Erkrankungen unterscheidet. Ich erkläre typische Symptome, räume mit gängigen Vorurteilen auf und gebe dir einen ersten Einblick in meine persönliche Erfahrung. Außerdem erfährst du, warum ich diesen Podcast ins …
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You Can't Have Government Programs Without Waste, Fraud, and Abuse - Ep 1011
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58:13Analysis of government efforts to eliminate wasteful spending and reduce national debt, examining past reforms, challenges, and future expectations. #Trump #Musk #DOGE 📣 Shopify #ad - Sign up for a $1/month trial period at 📣 #ad Mando: Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with Mando and get $5 off your Starter Pack (that’s over 40% o…
continue reading Deeper Than Reality a compilation of skaem's favorites in recent times.
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The US government has to sell $28 trillion of debt in the next 4 years [Podcast]
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1:15:32Last summer, the Federal Reserve wanted you to believe that inflation was a thing of the past. Sure, just about every category of consumer goods had increased in price. Electricity rates had increased 5% year over year. Rent and housing costs were up 5%. Hospital care had become 6% more expensive. Food prices were up. Fuel prices were up. Auto insu…
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Sensory Overload and Schizophrenia: What You Need to Know
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51:00Everyone has felt overwhelmed by loud noises, bright lights, or strong smells — but for people with schizophrenia, sensory overload can be constant and intense. Sensory processing dysfunction can make everyday sights, sounds, and touches feel overwhelming, leading to a phenomenon called “sensory flooding.” It can also make it harder to filter out b…
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Honor Washington's Birthday, the Father of Our Republic - Ep 1010
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50:23Peter Schiff critiques 'Presidents' Day,' markets, inflation, economic data, gold, silver, and government's fiscal mismanagement. Put together your best look yet at Use code GOLD for 20% off orders of $499 or more. Peter Schiff opens the episode by discussing the misnomer of 'President's Day' and advocating for the correct re…
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In diesem kurzen Vorgeschmack auf Schizo-Logisch! erfährst du, wer ich bin und warum eine schizoaffektive Psychose zwar fordernd ist, aber trotzdem Platz für Humor und Hoffnung lässt. Mit einem Mix aus persönlicher Geschichte, lockerer Unterhaltung und einem Hauch von Ernsthaftigkeit lade ich dich ein, einen Blick auf meine 30-jährige Erfahrung mit…
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Powell Fiddles While Inflation Burns - 1009
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56:57Gold reaches record highs, silver follows. Market reactions, inflation concerns, Fed's policies, and economic predictions. To get $100 towards your first bed purchase, go to Peter Schiff discusses the adverse day for inflation and the Federal Reserve but an excellent day for gold and gold stocks. Schiff critiques the Fed's pre…
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Teeing It Up with Jeremy Schilling -- SB Nation's Jack Milko Previews Torrey, Talks Nelly, TGL & More -- February 11, 2025
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29:54From SB Nation's Playing Through vertical, Jack Milko joins us to preview the Genesis Invitational, relocated to Torrey Pines because of the LA Fires. We talk the PGA Tour, Nelly Korda and the LPGA Tour, TGL, Woj and much more.Av Jeremy Schilling
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Is This the Biggest Heist of All Time? [Podcast]
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52:39We recently received a question from a reader asking for my thoughts on crypto. He said we’ve been talking about gold a lot lately, the gold price, and how the price could go a lot higher. Shouldn’t we hold the same views on crypto, given everything that has happened with Bitcoin over the last year or so? We ended up doing a whole podcast about thi…
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Stagflation: The Fed's Worst Nightmare Is Coming True - Ep 1008
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57:05Gold reaches record highs amid market reactions, stalled tariffs, inflation concerns, Fed policies, and economic outlook. Download the CFO’s Guide to AI and Machine Learning at Peter Schiff dives deep into the latest economic trends and market dynamics. He covers the surge in gold prices, reaching new record highs, and rev…
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Teeing It Up with Jeremy Schilling -- Danny Flecca Previews Super Bowl LIX -- February 7, 2025
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27:53Danny Flecca joins us to preview everything Philly-KC for Super Bowl 59.Av Jeremy Schilling
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The “Wait and See” Phase for Gold is Over [Podcast]
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40:38In the year 1025, the Byzantine Empire stood at the height of its final golden age. Basil II had just died, leaving behind a vast and wealthy empire stretching from Southern Italy to Armenia. At the heart of its economy was the solidus, a gold coin that had served as the bedrock of Mediterranean trade for centuries. Merchants from Venice to Baghdad…
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Robert Maginnis: Preparing for World War III
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28:41Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis, US Army ret. Is a Fox News military analyst, and author of the new book, Preparing for World War III: A Global Conflict that Redefines Tomorrow In this exclusive Schilling Show Unleashed Podcast interview, Maginnis explores the state of American military power, the realignment of global forces, and the Biblical indications…
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Das Wohlbefindenssystem, auch als Belohnungssystem bezeichnet, spielt eine zentrale Rolle bei der Entwicklung einer Sucht. Es ist Teil der menschlichen Stressreaktion und wird durch verschiedene Verhaltensweisen aktiviert, die ein Gefühl von Wohlbefinden oder Glück auslösen. Hier sind einige wichtige Punkte zur Rolle des Wohlbefindenssystems bei Su…
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Tariffs Harm Most the Nations That Impose Them - Ep 1007
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59:52Trump imposes tariffs on Mexico, Canada, and China. Market turmoil, stock drops, rising dollar, higher consumer prices, and economic impacts. Upgrade your wardrobe instantly and save 20% off with the code Peter at Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with Mando and get $5 off your Starter Pack (that’s over 40% off) with promo GOLD …
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Gemäss dem Artikel äussern sich ADHS-Symptome bei Frauen und Männern unterschiedlich. Männer mit ADHS neigen dazu, schnell aggressiv und impulsiv zu reagieren. Frauen mit ADHS sind eher zurückhaltend und unterdrücken ihre Impulsivität. Sie sind sehr empathisch, nehmen ihre Umgebung schnell wahr und entwickeln sich oft zu Helfertypen. Dies kann dazu…
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Fed Ignores Data It Claims to Depend On - Ep 1006
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52:33Fed pauses rate cuts; market reactions, language tweaks on inflation, Trump's demand for rate cut, and crypto discussion. Download the CFO’s Guide to AI and Machine Learning at Peter Schiff discusses the Federal Reserve's decision to pause rate cuts and its implications for the economy. He scrutinizes changes in the Fed's …
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It’s like a Netflix and a Half Just Vanished Yesterday. [Podcast]
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24:10Yesterday, Nvidia—the company which makes GPUs, including for AI— suffered the largest single-day market value loss in history. The stock dropped 17.4% wiping $600 billion from its valuation in hours, and actually pulling the entire Nasdaq Composite down 3.4%. To put that in perspective, this amount of value loss is like if the entire company of Ne…
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The Consensus Trades Are About to Unravel - Ep 1005
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59:53U.S. markets rise amid AI investments. Dollar drops, gold hits highs. Trump critiques, $500B AI boost, Japan's inflation, Fed's rate policies. 📣 SelectQuote: Get the right life insurance for you, for less, at 📣 Fitbod: Get 25% off your subscription or try the app FREE for seven days at Peter S…
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Teeing It Up with Jeremy Schilling -- Danny Flecca talks Coaching, CFB Champ Game and NFL Conf Champ Weekend -- January, 24, 2025
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37:31Danny Flecca joins us to talk NFL coaching moves, the College Football National Championship Game and AFC and NFC Championship Games this weekend.Av Jeremy Schilling
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