Sermons and other recordings from St. Mary's Episcopal Church has been in downtown Eugene for over 150 years to worship, serve, and grow in faith. Guided by the teachings and life of Jesus Christ, we value community, inclusiveness, compassion, our living tradition, health, and collaborative leadership. All are welcome at St. Mary's, no matter what age, ethnicity or race, gender identity, sexual orientation or economic and social circumstances.
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Homily Audio Archives - St. Mary's Catholic Church
Father Jay Scott Newman and Guest's of St. Mary's Catholic Church (
Saint Mary's Catholic Church of Greenville, SC brings you weekly homilies by Father Jay Scott Newman, and guests concerning local and world religious issues as they relate to the Catholic faith.
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This is St. Mary's Catholic Church in Grand Forks, ND. Tune in for weekly homilies.
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The post Eighth Sunday of the Year appeared first on St. Mary's Catholic Church.Av Father Jay Scott Newman and Guest's of St. Mary's Catholic Church (
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Let us pray: Send your Holy Spirit and pour into our hearts your greatest gift, which is love, the true bond of peace. In the name of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, One God. Amen. Today we continue with more of Jesus’ radical teaching. A quick recap of past episodes: Jesus declares his mission statement and ours, as he reads from the prophet Isaia…
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The post Seventh Sunday of the Year appeared first on St. Mary's Catholic Church.Av Father Jay Scott Newman and Guest's of St. Mary's Catholic Church (
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Let us pray: God of love and life, enliven these words, speak to our hearts of the fullness of life found in relationship with you. Amen. At this point in Jesus’ ministry, word has really begun to spread, and people are coming from all over, Luke tells us it was a great multitude of people from all Judea, Jerusalem, and the coast of Tyre and Sidon.…
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The post Sixth Sunday of the Year appeared first on St. Mary's Catholic Church.Av Father Jay Scott Newman and Guest's of St. Mary's Catholic Church (
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In today’s readings we hear about Peter and from Paul, two of the giants of early Christianity. Contemporaries, they became followers of Jesus very differently, though they reportedly met the same end, martyred by Nero in Rome. At the time Jesus began his ministry Peter was a fisherman who apparently fished with his brother Andrew and their partner…
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Today, on the Feast of the Presentation, we find ourselves smack dab in the middle of Epiphany. We are a month in, but still have a month to go because the beginning of Lent is late. We have a full Epiphany season this year. One way we can think about the seasons of the church year is to think of them as individual units: what is Advent telling us,…
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The post Presentation of the Lord appeared first on St. Mary's Catholic Church.Av Father Jay Scott Newman and Guest's of St. Mary's Catholic Church (
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Let us pray: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer. Amen. Here we are, the third Sunday after the Epiphany, in this season of the revealing and manifesting of the divine identity of Jesus. You remember the star, the Magi, the Holy Spirit dove, the voice of God at Je…
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The post Third Sunday of the Year appeared first on St. Mary's Catholic Church.Av Father Jay Scott Newman and Guest's of St. Mary's Catholic Church (
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Our Epistle today is from Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians. These letters that Paul wrote to the various communities that he had helped found are not regular check-in letters. They are not “miss you, hope to see you soon” kind of letters. They have a meatier substance to them. We often don’t know the details of why he sent these letters, but …
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The post Second Sunday of the Year appeared first on St. Mary's Catholic Church.Av Father Jay Scott Newman and Guest's of St. Mary's Catholic Church (
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Our first reading today comes from the book of Isaiah. In it Isaiah tells the people that they are precious in the sight of the Lord. They are loved by God. But He speaks these words to a people who feel anything but that. For generations, things have not been going their way. The dream of a united kingdom had fallen apart within months of Solomon’…
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The post The Baptism of the Lord appeared first on St. Mary's Catholic Church.Av Father Jay Scott Newman and Guest's of St. Mary's Catholic Church (
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In today’s Gospel story we heard the story of the Magi, or the Three Kings or Three Wisemen. We know very little about these three Magi, and I mean very little. The Church of England commissioned a report about twenty years ago, and it concluded we know so little about them that we don’t even know if there were three of them. We don’t know if they …
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The post Epiphany of the Lord appeared first on St. Mary's Catholic Church.Av Father Jay Scott Newman and Guest's of St. Mary's Catholic Church (
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Merry Christmas! Today is the 5th Day of Christmas, and I hope your true love gave you five gold rings this morning. It is still Christmas. Christmas is twelve glorious days that began on December 25 and will end on January 5th. On January 6 we will celebrate The Feast of the Epiphany, and then move forward. This is a time to celebrate. It is a tim…
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The post Feast of The Holy Family appeared first on St. Mary's Catholic Church.Av Father Jay Scott Newman and Guest's of St. Mary's Catholic Church (
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Av The Rev. Bingham Powell
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Let us pray: God who comes to us as we are, as we approach the birth of Jesus, may we come closer to one another, and find ourselves closer to you. In the name of the Creator, the divine Human, and the connecting Spirit. Amen. What a great story we have in today’s gospel on the last Sunday of Advent. We are close, SO close to Christmas, but we’re n…
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The post Fourth Sunday of Advent appeared first on St. Mary's Catholic Church.Av Father Jay Scott Newman and Guest's of St. Mary's Catholic Church (
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This week and last week we have been hearing about John the Baptist. Last week we heard that John was a Prophet. We heard it first in the Canticle, the Song of Zechariah, that was in place of the Psalm. That was the song that John ‘s father sang right after John had been named at the Temple. People asked what was going on with him, as there seemed …
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What brings you joy? Is there a hobby you like to do, maybe baking or cooking or eating? Perhaps watching movies or TV shows, listening to music or making music? What brings you joy? Time with family and friends? Getting presents? Giving presents? Decorating the house for the holidays? What brings you joy? For many of us, joy is important. We like …
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Happy Advent! Today is the First Sunday of Advent, the first Sunday in the new church year. The word advent means coming. During the season of Advent we prepare for the coming of The One. Who is The One? Is it Santa Claus? No. That’s a different kind of advent. Santa Claus is coming to town, but that is not the advent we are talking about. The One …
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Pontius Pilate was the Roman Procurator of Palestine during the reign of Tiberius. Though he commanded a Roman legion of 4500 soldiers, his was not a plush assignment. Saddled with governing one of the frontier provinces of the Roman Empire he spent most of his time in Caesarea Maritime where the weather was reasonably decent and where he was able …
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Let us pray: Good and loving God, send your Spirit to work through these words that they may bring us peace, comfort, and hope. In the name of the Creator, the Redeemer and the Sustainer. Amen. From psalm 16, verse one: Protect me O God, I take refuge in you. You are my Lord, my God above all other. Yes, protect us God, today and tomorrow and into …
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Our psalm today, Psalm 146, is the first of a set of five psalms that finish out the psalter that we might call the Hallelujah Songs of Praise psalms. Why not just call them Songs of Praise without adding the word Hallelujah? It is because this set of psalms is unique in that each one begins and ends with the word Hallelujah. Otherwise, they are si…
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Av The Rev. Bingham Powell
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Listen to Bingham's full sermon by clicking "Read More."Av The Rev. Bingham Powell
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In this long season after Pentecost, we are 17 weeks into it, we have been hearing stories from the Gospel According to Mark. We have been working our way through Mark’s telling of the Gospel, and we have been hearing stories of Jesus’s teaching and healing, stories of calling Disciples, gathering people around him. We have heard news of him spread…
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Let us pray: Come Holy Spirit, be present in these words. Through them may we know ourselves, one another, and you, our loving God, better. In the name of the Lover, The Beloved, and Love itself. Amen. Well, no more bread today! Instead, what we have are some pretty biting words from Jesus about traditions. When the Pharisees and some scribes notic…
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A couple of weeks ago we talked about love. I’m not going to rehash that sermon about the centrality of love in Scripture and in our faith, but I do want to revisit a couple of points. I first want to remind you that God loves. God loves you. God loves me. God loves your neighbor. God loves your enemy. God loves everyone, without exceptions. God lo…
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Let us pray: Come Holy Spirit, speak through these words. Help us dare to believe you have all the food we need. In the name of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, one God. Amen. In today’s Gospel we pick up right where we left off last Sunday. It’s the next day and the crowd of thousands who had been fed with five loaves and two fish, are looking for …
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We’ve got some great stories today. All of today’s Scripture is full of such good stuff. We have two miracles, two stories of healing. We have the beginning of a healing, then it is interrupted, and then it gets picked back up again. We have two very different characters, two different people coming before Jesus, and both of them are coming to Him …
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Let us pray: Come Holy Spirit, enliven these words and help us to plant the seeds of your kingdom. Amen. In this section of Mark’s Gospel Jesus is teaching by way of parables, specifically parables about the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is as if…With what can we compare the kingdom of God, or what parable will we use for it? It is like… Parab…
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The Book of Genesis has two stories about the creation of the world. These stories are not meant to be science or history, but that doesn’t mean they don’t contain truth. They contain a lot of truth, really important truth that we need to remember: theological truths, moral truths, ontological truths, truth about who we are. Our first reading today…
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Ah, Nicodemus. Nicodemus was a leader of the Jews in Jerusalem. He was a teacher, a member of the Sanhedrin. He was also a Pharisee, so as such would have been part of the group who felt so threatened by Jesus’ increasing popularity that some of them set about plotting to have him arrested and executed, thus eliminating once and for all this troubl…
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Let us pray: Come Holy Spirit, dance in these words that we may know you better. In the name of our Mother/Father, our Brother Jesus, and the mystery of the Spirit who guides and encourages us. Amen. Happy Pentecost! Pentekoste or 50th in Greek. Fifty days after Easter when we remember, celebrate, and renew the coming of the Holy Spirit on the firs…
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This past Thursday was the Feast of the Ascension. On Ascension we commemorate that moment when Jesus took the Disciples, 40 days after his Resurrection, out to the Mount of Olives and gave them some final words, some last wisdom, and then ascended up into heaven. This moment was a second death for the Disciples. The first death was on Good Friday,…
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Av The Rev. Ryan Baker-Fones
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In the Gospel today, Jesus told the Disciples I call you not servants, but friends. Friendship is important. It is important to our well being. There have been numerous studies that show friendship affects our physical health. People with more and deeper friendships live longer, and their years are filled with more good health. Friendship is also i…
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God loves you. God loves you, without question, without reservation. God loves you. You already know that because we preach that all the time here at St. Mary’s. We tell you that God loves you a lot. It’s usually how we end sermons, but today we are starting there. God loves you. It is a consistent message in scripture. This reality of God’s love i…
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Is there anyone who has not at one time or another asked a young person what they want to be when they grow up? Zack’s responses beginning at about age three included among other things: truck driver, heavy equipment operator, professional skate boarder, crabber on the Bering Sea, professional basketball player, and by age 12, a teacher and coach. …
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In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him. And a voice came from heaven, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.”Mark 1:9-11…
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Let us pray: Come Holy Spirit, inhabit these words, may they bring comfort to your people as we await the coming of your Son our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. Comfort, O comfort my people. YES please! What a time, what a need for comfort we all have in our world today. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, the prophet Isaiah says. Speak tenderly to these Unit…
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Av The Rev. Bingham Powell
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Let us pray: May these words be your words, this message your message, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Are we there yet? How much longer? Will we EVER get there? I’m SO ready to be home already! I imagine you’ve heard these words, or uttered them in exasperation yourself, plenty of times. We want to be there, to arrive. And we especiall…
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Our first reading today comes from the Book of Genesis. It is part of the Joseph saga, which is a short novella within the Book of Genesis that takes up a little more than a quarter of the entire book. It is the longest story in Genesis. You may remember the Joseph story from the musical a few decades ago, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream C…
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In our Gospel today, Jesus is talking with the Disciples about what to do if another member of the church sins against you. The expression, sins against you, is not very clear. Jesus is not being very precise when he says that, and there are all kinds of debates about if this type of sin is relevant here or not. But Jesus is likely using it in a ge…
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May this be in the name of our loving, liberating, life-giving God. Amen. We have quite an interesting story in today’s gospel. It’s certainly NOT the typical picture of Jesus we are used to. First, context is key. Jesus has been talking to the crowds and arguing with the religious elite about ideas of purity, about what makes someone clean and wha…
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