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Call of the Father is intended to encourage men to open their heart space in order to heal and grow into full acceptance of themselves. As we learn accountability for our belief systems we also become more loving, accepting, compassionate and desirable as fathers, friends, leaders and lovers. This podcast features raw, authentic conversations and stories about a journey of Personal Growth.
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Open Doors is a conversation about inviting God’s love, presence, and power into our hearts. We are friends and teammates from Heart of the Father Ministries who share in the mission of setting captive hearts free through Unbound ministry. We’ll be touching on the impact of Neal Lozano’s book, Unbound, and hearing stories of lives changed through Unbound ministry. At times we’ll dig deep into the Five Keys of Unbound, simple responses to the gospel with profound impact on hearts and lives. J ...
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Feast with the Father

Narrow Way Ministries

Welcome to Feast with the Father. This podcast is designed to be a tool to help you get to know our heavenly Dad better and provide a way for you to spend time with Him and hear His voice in your life.
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How does Father Christmas prepare? Does he get to read every letter sent to him? What do the reindeer get up to before Christmas Eve? Are the elves busy every day? The answer to these questions and more with the man himself! Father Christmas talks to Kim every week in the run up to December 25th.Please like, share and subscribe to this podcast. If you want to leave a message for Kim or Father Christmas you can find us here...Twitter: @kimrobsonuk Instagram: @kimrobsonuk Website: ...
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An episode by episode breakdown of every Father Ted episode, with new guests each episode from Belfast's bustling arts and comedy circles (and beyond!). Recorded in 2016, with appropriately Craggy Island production values, this funny and engaging podcast series has features such as running count of Mrs Doyle's 'Ah Go On', and a Spotify playlist of all Dougal's records! Subscribe!
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The Father Pursuit

The Father Pursuit

The Father Pursuit is an M46 Ministries podcast about fathers who want to pursue their children. As God, our Father, pursues us, we want to encourage fathers as they pursue their kids. And for those of you trying to figure it all out, we walk this road together. No shame, no judgment, no condemnation. Just a real look at what it means to be an intentional father, and how we can learn from our mistakes and grow forward in love and grace. Together, we are learning to be the father - our Father ...
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Join Rabbi Avi Horowitz, a Rabbi in Chile for over two decades and now a school principal in Israel, and his daughter and life coach Ayelet Horowitz, each week as they search for values and lessons to anchor us in a confusing world. The goal of this podcast is to widen your horizon with bible inspired conversations and to give you something to think about over the weekend!
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在《早晨傾聽父的話》中,分享聖靈引導下來自天父的啟示。 蒙我們父神的憐憫,賜給我直接開口說祂話語的恩賜。《早晨傾聽父的話》是我在天父指引下,自2021年7月起每天錄製的Podcast,旨在分享祂每日對我們兒女的心意。 這個節目的內容沒有預先準備的講稿,每當我按下錄音按鈕,我並不知道要說什麼。然而,當我開始說話時,聖靈會引導我,讓我清楚知道每一句話的意思。我在心中組合出字句表明父神的意思,並將它們說出來。每一句話都有父神的啟示和我的參與。 這個過程就像父神牽著我的手一步一步前行,直到完成當天的內容。 我祈求這個節目能夠幫助弟兄姊妹們更加親近天父,並激勵大家去尋求祂的話語,與父神有更深的主觀經歷。願我們都能直接從父神那裡得到指引和啟示,不需再藉由任何人的話語,而是與祂建立深厚的個人關係。 In "Whisper from the Father," I share the insights and revelations from our Heavenly Father, guided by the Holy Spirit. By the grace of our Heavenly ...
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The Father Daughter Dance hosted by Tim Taylor is devoted to creating conversations to help Dads keep up with the velocity of how things are changing for our Daughters. We will share our experiences raising daughters with some laughs and maybe some tears as we have honest conversations about this unique and crucial relationships. Guests will mostly be Fathers from all backgrounds and ages. We will also have Daughters on to provide perspective on subjects (losing their father, what worked for ...
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"Steven T.,” Ask the Father, He Knows." Steven T. Smith goes behind closed doors and deep inside the most private parts of people's lives to uncover what is making them sad, angry, depressed, or feeling unfulfilled. Through emotional heart-to-heart conversations and often a dose of tough-love, Steven helps individuals confront what is not working in their lives, on a Biblical Perspective and takes the necessary steps to fix what is broken. " From Damaged to Delivered."
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The Rich Pod: Father and Son

Alijah and Allen Richardson

This podcast is run by Allen and Alijah Richardson. We were born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and just enjoy debating sports with each other. This is where a father and son talk everything, this includes sports, life, and wisdom from the father. We are dedicated Bucks and Packers fans, but we are also knowledgeable of all other teams within the sports. Listening to this podcast you are guaranteed to laugh and it a guaranteed good time.
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This podcast is simply a collection of conversations between myself and my dad. I’m Mary, and I’m 33 years old, My dad’s name is Richard, and he is 74. We both share a passion for deep thinking and spiritual seeking. As I get older, I have really begun to cherish the talks I have with my dad. We are very different in some beliefs, and the generational differences are definitely a factor in that. We don’t really view the world in the same way, but we are very similar in our discoveries about ...
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The Father Difference

Ed Tandy McGlasson

This podcast is about helping dads become better fathers. It’s for dads who want to make a big difference in their kids’ lives (and be the best dads they can be) and want their children to have a loving and present father to help them. It’s the reason we call it The Father Difference. When God the Father makes a difference in us, we can make the same difference in our children's lives. Imagine being the father God desires you to be, actively contributing to your children's dreams and future. ...
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Jacob: the Father of Israel (Part 2)

Household of Israel Temple of Jesus Christ

Greetings brothers and sisters. For the month of March, we continue our lesson on Jacob, the father of Israel, who escapes the wrath of his brother, Esau, only to face the deceit and greed of his soon to be father and law, Laban. Despite his trials and tribulations, Jacob never loses his spiritual integrity and remains obedient, patient and long-suffering.
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The Fathers Speak

Fr. John Fenton

Each day Fr. John Fenton reads a selection, fitted to the Western liturgical calendar, from one of the Fathers of the Church. 'The Fathers Speak' is a production of The Orthodox West.
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Way of the Fathers

A podcast about the Fathers of the Church—the foundational figures of Christian history. A production of Currently covering all the Doctors of the Church! Seasons 1-3 were hosted by Mike Aquilina. Seasons 4-5 are hosted by Dr. Jim Papandrea. 1: The Church Fathers 2: The Early Ecumenical Councils 3: Cities of God 4: Heresies 5: Doctors of the Churcch Episodes marked as bonus are on miscellaneous topics.
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The Father's Business Podcast

Elizabeth Gunter Powell and Kimberly Roddy

The Father's Business is the ministry of Sylvia Gunter. This podcast will introduce you to the resources of Sylvia Gunter, as well as discuss various topics that help you deepen your relationship with God.
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The Father's House Calgary

TFH Calgary Audio Podcast

The Father’s House Calgary is a campus of The Father's House based in Vacaville, California. The Father’s House is all about people encountering the reality of God. This shapes all of our core values, which in turn determine everything we do.
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The Fathering Project Podcast

The Fathering Project

The Fathering Project podcast is hosted by CEO Káti Gapaillard who is joined by experts in their field and Australia's favourite personalities, influencers and authors to tackle parenting challenges, discuss the journey of fatherhood and everything in between.
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The Father's Heart

Tyler and Anna Jo Medina

Join Tyler and Anna Jo Medina as they journey into the depths of God’s heart for this generation. If you desire to be equipped and empowered to fulfill the call of God on your life, this is the podcast for you. Consuming Love Ministries is a Bible-based ministry with a heart to see a generation consumed by the love of God and set ablaze for His glory. Jesus is real, He is alive, and He burns with love and passion for you. If you have a desire to know Jesus please email us at consuminglovemin ...
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The Summit with Father Kyle Ingels


Welcome to The Summit. Your host is Father Kyle Ingels, Vicar General and Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Colorado Springs. Each week he will talk with people from all walks of life who are making important contributions to our diocese, the Catholic Church and society as whole.
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The myth of the “Absent Black Father” harms American culture and the mental health of Black men and their families. The Black Fathers’ Pulse Podcast, hosted by Dr. Alvin Thomas, a clinical psychologist and Director of the TRYLab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, aims to dismantle this myth. Through engaging conversations with Black authors, artists, and academics, the show explores issues affecting Black fathers, both past and present, and celebrates and strengthens Black Fatherhood. T ...
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Who's your Daddy? Does it matter? I lost my father when I was only 23, but his impact on me and my faith has never stopped. Now that I have become a father, I see how rich an inheritance my father left me. But I am an anomaly in today's Western World. Many men have little to no example of what it means to be a man of God. Where can the fatherless be fathered? The Faith Of The Fathers brings you honest discussions about what it means for a man to follow Jesus. Heroes of the faith, ancient, mo ...
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How can people enjoy life? How can parents become better parents? How can you help someone else you love enjoy their life? These questions are the foundational questions to exploring how we can be better connected to one another and to God our Father Himself. Disconnection is caused by some form of worry, anxiety or fear. Perfect love casts out all fear. The Fathers Heart Talk Show explores the role that fathers play in helping people overcome their fears and consequently being able to conne ...
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The Fathership Project

Clean Air Media

Father: “A man who GIVES CARE and PROTECTION to someone!” LivewithMeechreal Presents The FatherShip Project™️ where our host Demetrious “MeechReal” Early exposes MEN to the behaviors that is preventing them (US) from engaging in healthy relationships with other Men and Women in our communities, workplaces, etc through Father-Son Reconciliation. This show is to encourage Fathers to be Active in their children’s lives as well as recognizing dysfunctional practices that may be perpetuating self ...
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show series
Broadcasted live from The Father's House, Vacaville, CA. Did you make a decision to follow Jesus through this message? We would love to connect with you and provide resources for your next steps. Follow us on instagram! Get plugged into community:…
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Welcome to "The Father's Heart Talk Show", hosted by Papa Tom We promise you that you will hear different ideas and true definitions of words you thought you knew the meaning of but were mistaken. Take a fresh perspective of life from a father’s perspective of what is true from a Biblical perspective. After all, if you know the truth it will set yo…
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This week listen in as Fr. Kyle discusses the new Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe that will be established at Divine Redeemer Church on July 1st with Deacon Rob Rysavy and Javier Cervantes. Additionally, they will discuss how the parish of Divine Redeemer and the parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe will be combining into one entity. Read Bishop Golka's…
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Send us a text A few years ago, someone prophesied a warning to me about "the spirit of Schism." Schism is a funny little word rarely used in English anymore except when we think of Church history and "the great 'schism,'" or division between the Eastern Church and the Western Church. A schism is a division. Despite the warnings and our best effort…
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What does it truly mean to be "blessed and highly favored"? The angel's greeting to Mary has become a popular phrase, but Mary's subsequent journey challenges our modern interpretation of divine blessing. When we examine Mary's life after this pronouncement, we discover a path marked by difficulty rather than ease. The transformative truth revealed…
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Welcome to the third episode of the Open Doors Lenten podcast series covering various Stories of Conversion. This week, Neal, Lisa, and Jacqueline gather for a poignant dialogue surrounding the story of a woman healed from twelve years of hemorrhaging. The profound poverty of this woman is discussed and why the constraints of the Levitical Law woul…
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In this episode of Reflections of the Father's Heart, Sandi Derby discusses the complex topic of idolatry and its impact on our relationship with God. She emphasizes the importance of understanding the journey of sanctification, distinguishing it from justification, and encourages listeners to approach their spiritual growth with curiosity rather t…
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Kenny reflects on financial stability and shares his journey with home renovations and the challenges faced by contractors. He introduces Robert Kiyosaki's book, 'Cashflow Quadrant,' which he credits for transforming his mindset about money and time. Kenny aims to offer practical advice to help listeners break out of the grind of trading time for m…
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Send us a text A legendary actor and his wife die alone in their mansion with no one to help them. The heartbreaking final days of Gene Hackman and Betsy Arakawa reveal a tragedy that unfolded in slow motion behind the gates of their Santa Fe estate. When authorities discovered their bodies on February 26th, they pieced together a timeline that wou…
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Join Dr. Alvin Thomas on The Black Father's Pulse as he dives into the world of black fatherhood with special guest, Congressman Jimmy Gomez from California. In this episode, Congressman Gomez shares his unique journey as a first-generation Mexican American and a dedicated father, balancing his legislative responsibilities with the joys and challen…
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St. Peter Damian (1007 - 1072 AD) is another one of our lesser-known Doctors of the Church, and yet he was, in his time, a man who could give advice to the Popes, and call for reform in the clergy and in the monasteries. Known as a Catholic reformer (long before the Protestant Reformation), he confronted clergy immorality, simony and lay investitur…
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Send us a text We’re talking eye surgeries, birthdays, and Sea Monkey (singular) -Exec Producer Burk Shares the Ratt Love -Rock Operas. What even are they? What are the qualifications? -Britannica Fact! What did Mozart’s partner do after moving to Pennsylvania? -What the hell’s going on over at MTV? -Neighborhood App Returns! Weirdness & Mayhem -Ou…
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On this episode of Fathers Playbook, we’re introducing an exciting new segment – The Dad Meter Challenge! How do you measure up as dads? What defines great fatherhood? We put the boys to the test. We also dive deep into common parental myths, separating fact from fiction. Tune in for real talk, laughs, and insights on modern parenting. How do you s…
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