It is important to read and absorb a book. I will choose to absorb top 100 books rather than just reading thousands of books.In this podcast we will learn and improve through top 100 books of all the time.
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From years of practising meditation a monk explains what meditation is through his experiences. He also talked about Sound Meditation. He also clarify some doubts and misunderstanding.
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Naval talks about what actually meditations is. Meditation is not competition and judgement based on howmuch time you do. Meditation is observing thoughts without judgements.
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Money, work, business everything is important but a pause is need of an hour. A pause with yourself. Enjoying the best creation of god. Sit with yourself and talk.
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How wealthy men use this most powerful tool to convert sexual energy into creative energy. A man can transmute his sexual energy into something creative and he can change his life forever by practicing sex transmutation.
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