Official Podcast in residence for the Winter Spine Race 2025
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An Australian based podcast dedicated to the Backyard Ultra. Race recaps, race reviews, interviews and more.
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Tips on how to be a better endurance athlete, every day, directly from the world's best runners! Whether you participate in endurance races as a hobby, or you're a competitive ultra-endurance athlete, this podcast will help you achieve your goals when it comes to racing, training, and recovery. The show is hosted by Ultra-Endurance athlete, Joe Corcione, who has competed in Ultramarathons, Ultratriathlons, and Ironman races.
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UltraForm hlaðvarpið snýr að heilsu og heilsutengdum málefnum. Okkar markmið er að hjálpa þér að hámarka þína heilsu og vera besta útgáfan af sjálfum þér á sama tíma. Við rekum tvær hóptimastöðvar, erum með hlaupaþjálfun og einnig lífstílsþjálfun Nánar:
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Ce qu'on a vu passer d'insolite, de novateur, d'intéressant, de créatif cette semaine sur les Internets... Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Review and discussion of recent literature in point of care ultrasound.
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De senaste nyheterna och rönen inom ultralöpning! Daniel Westergren och Johnny Hällneby pratar om det senaste från tävlingar och andra utmaningar, samt enkel och överskådlig information om ultralöpning.
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If you'd like cutting edge beside ultrasound information (and reimaginings of foundational content), look no further than the original Ultrasound podcast! Check out our longitudinal, year-long and virtual ultrasound fellowship here: Check out our FREE content on our website: Check out our courses here: Check out our question bank here: ...
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Becoming Ultra is all about that first Ultra. We follow other runners training for their first Ultra, interview race directors of Ultra's, talk training tips, and just about anything for that next, very long, step.
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Renowned writer and literary critic Violet Grigoryan openly discusses essential topics in art and literature on her podcast—always sincere, bold, and straightforward. Հայտնի գրող և գրաքննադատ Վիոլետ Գրիգորյանն իր հեղինակային փոդքասթում բացահայտ ու անկաշկանդ խոսում է արվեստի և գրականության կարևորագույն հարցերի շուրջ։ Ինչպես միշտ՝ անմիջական, համարձակ ու առանց ավելորդ ձևականությունների։
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Chaque mois, plongez dans l'univers captivant du trail et des courses d'endurance avec Ultra Run. David Michel vous emmène à la rencontre des acteurs emblématiques du trail et des courses comme Kilian Jornet ou Stéphanie Gicquel. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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As a new authoritarian movement rises in American politics, stoked by one of the country’s most outrageous demagogues, there is an all-out international manhunt for an American traitor. The U.S. Army’s Nazi war crimes trials in Germany have been infiltrated by a spy -- a mole for the other side. A gruesome foreign influence operation unfolds in Washington. A blackmail plot turns deadly in the U.S. Senate. A Hail Mary scheme to stop the counting of the Electoral College votes rattles democrac ...
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We're a podcast going through the Ultra Series (ft. Ultraman and friends). Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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The UltraRunning Magazine Podcast brings listeners in-depth conversations with elite ultrarunners, coaches, medical professionals, race directors and more who cover any and all topics in the world of ultrarunning.
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Středeční podcastové desetiminutovky a inspirativní rozhovory. Od mámy, která ví, jak krásné i náročné mateřství umí být a ráda s vámi sdílí motivaci, tipy i podněty k zamyšlení.
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Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts stellt das Haus Habsburg seit Generationen den Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reichs. Doch der amtierende Herrscher Rudolf II. hat keinen legitimen Thronfolger vorzuweisen. Der junge Erzherzog Ferdinand von Innerösterreich macht sich insgeheim Hoffnungen eines Tages zu seinem Nachfolger gekrönt zu werden. Er träumt von der Rekatholisierung des gesamten Reichs. Denn der sich rasch ausbreitende Protestantismus ist dem tiefgläubigen Katholiken ein Dorn im Auge. Und eine ...
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Discussions on past, present, and future happenings throughout the world of trail and ultrarunning.
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The Heart of Running. Home of the Bad Runners Take, Wolfie's World by Brian Peterson, and more. ---- Hosted by Josh Rosenthal, founder of Borderlands Trail Running.
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All about British Ultra running
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Področje medicine je obširno, razvoj pa izredno hiter. Težko je slediti vsem novostim, ki so zaradi zapletenih postopkov uvajanja včasih že rahlo zastarele. Pa naj bodo to nove diagnostične metode ali pa tiste, ki so zaradi izpopolnjenih naprav bolnikom prijaznejše. V oddaji govorimo tudi o postopkih zdravljenja in rehabilitacije in novih zdravilih. V oddajo Ultrazvok vabimo najvidnejše domače strokovnjake z različnih področij, kjer poskušamo našim poslušalcem strokovno, obenem pa razumljivo ...
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An ultra running podcast bringing you news, reviews and interviews from around the ultra world
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Vert is the home for every trail & ultra runner. On this podcast we host conversations with key members of our Trail & Ultra running community from all over the world. From professional world class athletes to our members and community. Narrating captivating stories and learning from and about this amazing sport.
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Living An Ultra Life: How running can help you overcome obstacles. Ten years ago, chaos erupted in multiple areas of my life, creating a “perfect storm” strong enough to kill most of my hopes and dreams. Running helped me begin to dream again.
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Klassik Ultras sind besonders leidenschaftliche Fans der klassischen Musik. Leider sind sie im Vergleich zur gesamten Ultra-Bewegung bisher nur eine kleinere Randgruppe. Dieser Podcast wird das ändern. Ihre Gastgeberinnen sind Catharina Waschke (Marketing und Development) und Judith Schor (Kommunikation und Dramaturgie). In nicht immer zielorientierten, dafür von Faszination und Begeisterung getriebenen Dialogen berichten sie über Begebenheiten, die mit klassischer Musik und dem wahren Leben ...
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One feed containing ALL the latest episodes of ALL the FrogPants Studios podcasts! Enjoy! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Conversations on living the ultra life. Inspired by ultra running we discuss the people, the places, the culture and the training behind our everyday running lives. Hosted by Paul Giblin and / or James Stewart.
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Buckle Up: Exploring the World of Ultrarunning Strap on your virtual shoes and join us on a journey beyond the trail. This is Buckle Up, your one-stop shop for everything ultrarunning. Whether you're a seasoned veteran crushing 100-milers or a curious beginner eyeing your first 50k, we've got something for you.
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Whether you are dabbling with the idea of running your first ultra or wanting to figure out how you can push farther than you ever have before, we are here to help you put that plan together. Join ultra runners, Steve and Jeff, as we interview people that are just like you, all with the goal of helping you answer the question, "what does it take?"
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Podcast about the history of ultrarunning. An ultramarathon is a running race of 50K (31 miles) or more, up to 3,100 miles. This extreme running sport came into existence during the late 1800s.
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This is the Coach Parry podcast for the Two Oceans Ultra Marathon hosted by Devlin Eyden and featuring Coach Shona Hendricks.
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Ultrascape podcast is a brand new podcast with Josh Ibbett taking a look into the world of Bikepacking and Ultracycling. Along with co-host Beccy Waters the podcast takes a look at the news storys and rumours about bikepacking and ultra cycling races as well as in depth discussion and rumours about key topics.
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A deep dive into the world of violent movies, action, horror, and more.
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Ultra Hope Girls is a bi-weekly podcast for those wanting to dive deep into video games. Along with their usual silliness, commentary, and in-depth research, they’ll bring in an “expert” at the beginning and end to brief the Ultra Hope Girls on what to expect. Join Meryn Holtslander and Caroline Orejuela in obsessing over these deep characters, gripping murders, and amazing games. cover art: Shane Baker
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Apasionado de la Tecnología y Apple, conductor del exitoso podcast Argentino #LaManzanaRodeada.
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Seja bem-vindo ao Ultra Lado, onde a gente vai explorando as trilhas vastas da sua mente com duas pernas e uma grande vontade de correr. Fitness, comida, psicologia e mais, a gente vai em busca de uma vida mais saudável e completa.
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Procurando um Podcast sobre Nintendo? Achou! Aqui falamos sobre os consoles (Switch, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, Wii, Nintendo DS, Game Boy Advance, GameCube, Nintendo 64, Virtual Boy, Super Nintendo, Game Boy, NES), jogos lançamentos, jogos antigos e nostálgicos, além de tentar explicar a longa história da Nintendo, tanto no Brasil como no mundo. Nossos episódios são lançados quinzenalmente aos domingos as 11 da manhã. Você também pode acompanhar nossos casts em formato de vídeo no Youtube (www.yo ...
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Die letzte Bastion der Vernunft.
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Welcome to the ultrasemangat postcast, where magic things happen
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Welcome to ’The Ultra Happy Podcast,’ where joy, ultrarunning, and insightful conversations converge. Join me, along with invited guests, athletes, and experts, as we explore the happiness found in both ultrarunning and everyday life. Delve into inspiring stories, practical tips, and the transformative power of adopting the ultrarunning mindset. As I document my journey crossing the 5 deserts, we invite you to share in the joy, resilience, and lessons learned on the trail and in our pursuit ...
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The Live Ultralight Podcast is all about inspiring you to get outdoors and teaching you how to lighten your pack so you can go on more adventures. We largely focus on backpacking and things that are interesting to backpackers, but occasionally we delve into other adventure and travel topics as well. In addition, we aim to feature interesting and inspiring guests all around the backpacking, travel, and adventure space.
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El podcast que te cuenta lo que esconde la derecha radical. Conduce Franco Delle Donne.
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A group of friends take turns discussing the ins and outs of the gaming world and their personal lives.
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Welcome to Run Far Podcast - Your Running Companion! Join me, a passionate runner, as I share inspiring stories, expert insights, and actionable tips to fuel your running journey. From training advice to race recaps, we'll cover it all! Explore more at: Connect with me on: - Facebook: @MarathonRuns - Twitter: @MarathonRuns - Instagram: @MarathonRuns - YouTube: @MarathonRuns and @TheSilwal Let's run together and crush our goals!
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Bookings - Caribbean Hit DJ, Hypeman, Radio Personality, Producer/Remixer & Entrepreneur HOTT 93.5FM & RED 96.7FM Soca, Hip Hop, EDM, Top 40, Dancehall, Reggae & More!!! Old Account Was Deleted So I've Re-Uploaded Some Popular Old Content!
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An early 3D platformer from Argonaut Games where players control Croc, a courageous baby crocodile with a backpack raised by the Gobbos—a tribe of fuzzy creatures. When the evil Baron Dante kidnaps the Gobbos, Croc sets off on a crystal-collecting quest across floating islands, icy peaks, lava-filled caves, and more, using his tail whip, ground pou…
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#99 Nintendo Direct e a turnê de despedida do Switch 1 | Podcast Nintendo
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58:10Momentos antes de mostrar todos os detalhes do Switch 2 a Nintendo resolveu mostrar que o Switch 1 continuará a ter suporte e receber jogos. Nesse podcast comentamos das novidades apresentadas no último Nintendo Direct focado no aparelho atual. Faça parte do Ofertas Nintendo e receba promoções no seu WhatsApp ou Telegram Participantes - Daniel R…
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What happens after the race is done, the film is released, or the effort is over? In this solo reflection, Paul explores the quiet space between doing the work and discovering what it meant. Drawing from his own experience at the Yukon Arctic Ultra — and a story from Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert — this episode is about stillness, identity, and tr…
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How to Prevent Running Injuries, Progress Volume Safely, and Improve Your Running with Dani Dlouhy
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1:02:24Are you looking to enhance your performance and prevent injury? Our guest today, Dani Dlouhy chats all about the importance of proper nutrition, progressive overload, and the balance between training and recovery. Dani explains the significance of strength training for runners and offers insights on managing injuries and understanding pain. You’ll …
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Is Jurek or Walmsley the Male GOAT of WSER? AJW + Wolfie: STATES DEBATES 2.0.
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40:57Who is the male GOAT of WSER? Today, we're joined by ultratrail running legend Andy Jones Wilkins (Crack a Brew with AJW) to debate Wolfie. Wolfie defends that Jim Walmsley is the GOAT while AJW takes the Scott Jurek position. ---- Partners ---- Wylder - Host and find Run Clubs, schedule public and private group runs Naked Sports Innovations - the …
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Napster ou le (faux) retour d'une marque emblématique des débuts du web
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3:20durée : 00:03:20 - Net Plus Ultra - par : Julien Baldacchino - Cette semaine, le service Napster a été racheté pour près de 200 millions d'euros. Car oui, le célèbre logiciel qui a représenté l'apogée du piratage musical au début des années 2000 existe encore... même s'il n'a plus grand chose à voir avec le Napster des origines.…
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Ep 97 - Break Glass For Vampire Plot (Ultraman Leo 16-18)
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2:24:58Covering: Ultraman Leo episodes 16 to 18 CW: discussion of sexual violence and the deployment of rape imagery from 1h22m00 to 1h29m00 This week, Brad's away on short notice, so it's up to Red and Mel to handle discussing these strangely similar in premise trio of Ultraman episodes on this podcast about Ultraman by talking about literally everything…
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José Virginio | O Chamado do Rei da Montanha e Dicas para Indomit
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1:22:02Neste episódio, conversamos com José Virginio, um dos grandes nomes da corrida de montanha no Brasil, sobre sua trajetória no esporte e o lançamento do seu novo livro: O Chamado da Montanha. Assuntos discutidos: Como o trail mudou sua vida Histórias de superação, montanhas e comunidade Processo criativo por trás do livro A escrita como forma de ins…
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166. Florian Reiter | Running is for everyone. Reasons why we run, vulnerability and comparison, growth and success
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1:16:17Florian Reiter is a runner, coach, podcaster and physiotherapist from Austria. I was a guest in Florian’s podcast Running Free and it was a great chance to touch on many relevant topics related to running, so we thought it would be fun to do a follow-up episode, and here we are. We talked about the reasons why we run, how these reasons change over …
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5 kol pohovorů a protrapasení až do Belgie
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21:50Pět kol pohovorů, málo znalostí a rozhodně víc trapasů, než bych si přála. V této odlehčené epizodě vyprávím svůj příběh o tom, jak jsem se (dávno před mateřstvím) snažila dostat na vysněné místo v mezinárodní firmě – a nakonec se to povedlo. Přestože jsem si připadala dost mimo. Možná se v tom poznáte. Možná se u toho zasmějete. A možná vám to dod…
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Interview with Ace Attorney Translator Alex O. Smith
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1:04:31We were honored and SO stoked to get to interview Ace Attorney translator Alex O. Smith! Check out Alex on Instagram here: Become a patron at to get access to extra content for as little as $2/month!Learn more about the Ultra Hope Girls: http://ultrahopegirls.comTwitter: …
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John Willard: Answering the Bell to Any Challenge
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29:49John shares how walking helped him lose 200 lbs and start on a healthier path.Av Mike Horner
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Mitch ran 32 yards in his first Backyard Ultra last year at I'm Still Standing BYU and then 21 yards at Clint Eastwood. After some fine tuning of his race plan Mitch showcased what he is capable of with an outstanding 40 yard Last One Standing performance at 2025's I'm Still Standing BYU.Av Patto
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How to Nail the Last 2 Weeks Before Two Oceans Ultra
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27:34Pre-order your pacing chart before the expo – they’re waterproof, race-proof, and game-changers! Grab yours here: Two weeks to go! In this episode of the Constantia Neck Podcast, Coach Shona Hendriks and Devlin Eden dive deep into the final stages of your Two Oceans Ultramarathon prep. We’re talking ta…
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Season 16:23 Denise's dental drama and upcoming L.A. Marathon!
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26:57In this episode of Becoming Ultra, host Scott Jones, along with coach Addie and her client Denise, discuss Denise's journey as she prepares for her first ultra marathon. They talk about various aspects of training, including the impact of a recent dental surgery on her running schedule, strategies for the upcoming LA Marathon, nutrition and gear co…
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Episode 12: Matt Munro - Crushing limits. Matt's path to the Bigfoot 200.
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1:16:05In this episode, we dive into the inspirational journey of Matt Monroe, the youngest finisher of the Sulphur Springs 100 mile race at 19, and a Bigfoot 200 finisher at 20. From discovering running during the pandemic to taking on ultra races, Matt shares the highs, lows, and invaluable lessons he learned along the way. We talk about his training, t…
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ULTRA NEWS | Barkley Marathons 2025 & Chianti by UTMB Preview
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32:12Get in touch with Ultrarunning Sam here ⬅️ Instagram Live with Robin the Running Accountant! We dive into all the action from Barkley Marathons and we chat about what might go down at Chianti by UTMB this coming weekend!Av Samuel Hill
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The day has finally come! After a year of sharing this journey with you, we’re heading out to race the final desert of the 4 Deserts Series – Atacama 🌵🏃♀️. This race will mark history as I become the first Mexican to complete this challenge! But the adventure doesn’t stop there—after Atacama, I’ll be facing the ultimate test: Cocodona250, the race…
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2025 Disney Marathon by MarathonRuns - MRunsAv MarathonRuns - MRuns
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Episode 51: Race Director Conversations: Arc of Attrition / Mudcrew
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1:20:24Dan and James are joined by Ferg and Jane, the Founders and co-RDs at Mudcrew, perhaps best known for the Arc of Attrition – recently of course bought out by UTMB. The four discuss the history of Mudcrew, the purchase of the Arc by UTMB, how it happened and why they chose that path for the race. The changes UTMB have implemented, what is coming in …
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In January 2025, Lucy Gossage made headlines as the overall female winner of the Montane Winter Spine Race in Britain, a grueling 268-mile ultramarathon that pushes athletes to their absolute limits. Not only did she win, but she smashed her time from the previous year by nearly 19 hours—a staggering improvement that speaks volumes about her determ…
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Aurélien Sanchez : «Sur la Barkley, il ne faut pas être le meilleur»
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38:25Finisher de la Barkley en 2023 pour sa première tentative, Aurélien Sanchez revient sur son expérience de la course mythique du Tennessee. Après avoir échoué en 2024, le Toulousain évoque ses différentes préparations, le mental nécessaire pour aller jusqu’au bout ainsi que sa relation avec l’énigmatique organisateur Lazarus Lake. Ultra Run est disp…
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Klassik Ultras sind besonders leidenschaftliche Fans der klassischen Musik. Leider sind sie im Vergleich zur gesamten Ultra-Bewegung bisher nur eine kleinere Randgruppe. Dieser Podcast wird das ändern.Ihre Gastgeberinnen sind Catharina Waschke (Marketing und Development) und Judith Oppitz (Kommunikation und Dramaturgie). In nicht immer zielorientie…
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Episode 250 of Talk Ultra is a discussion with Cyril Gauthier abou the MDS brand in 2025. We discuss many things: Handi, Trek, Namibia, the weather, planning, strategy and the future of MDS. Importantly, we also discuss Legendary.Av Ian Corless
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