This is WholeLife is a weekly conversation where we dive deeper into the message and topics at WholeLife Church in Orlando, Florida. Enjoy a mix of light-hearted fun and transparency as we seek answers with Pastors Ken Wetmore, and Melanie Bockmann, with Digital Content Creator Lucas Moraes, and Communications Director and Host Randy Magray. It’s the perfect midweek commute podcast to grow personally and spiritually with your WholeLife family! We encourage your questions, comments, and feedb ...
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A 365-day film challenge by a volunteer 'Cast Crew' of never-before-filmmakers from a group of WholeLife Church members in Orlando, Florida. Led by Stanley Pomianowski they will attempt to complete a film project from concept to completion by December 31st, 2022.
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Voices of WholeLife: Don’t Forget to Remember (Jose Montenegro)
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50:40Voices of WholeLife: Don’t Forget to Remember (Jose Montenegro) Our memories shape our faith. Just like Purim reminded God’s people of His deliverance. Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God and others (Matthew 22:36-40). How do I keep that at the center of my life? What moments help me remember? Let us know your thoughts by reaching ou…
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Unreasonable Church: Enthusiastic Inspiration
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51:08Unreasonable Church: Enthusiastic Inspiration You're either growing or you are dying. Members of an unreasonable church expect to be challenged and to grow. They enthusiastically enter prayer, Bible study, and quiet time with God, knowing it is where God's inspiration is found. View spiritual discussions with others as an opportunity to grow, not a…
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Unreasonable Church: Cheerful Generosity
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1:00:58Unreasonable Church: Cheerful Generosity In business, the saying goes that you have to spend money to make money. Paul worded it a little differently but had the same idea when he said that if a farmer only plants a few seeds, they’ll only get a small crop. God’s church is called to cheerfully and generously give their time, talent, and treasure. T…
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Unreasonable Church: Irrefutable Belonging
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1:00:06Unreasonable Church: Irrefutable Belonging Sometimes, church can feel like a place where only “good” people belong. That’s not at all the way God wants people to see His church. You have irrefutable belonging in God’s family. You don’t have to wait to be good enough, and if you don’t believe it, look at the people the Bible calls saints. Let us kno…
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Unreasonable Church: Unreasonable Hospitality
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1:05:28Unreasonable Church: Unreasonable Hospitality If God showed up at church in physical form, what kind of hospitality would be shown? What if you knew you were in the presence of an angel; what kind of hospitality would you show? It would be unreasonable. We would go above and beyond reasonable expectations. The truth is, every day we have the opport…
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Unreasonable Church: The Prodigal
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1:05:32Unreasonable Church: The Prodigal The word prodigal is often misunderstood to mean a person who does bad things. The word actually means “wastefully extravagant.” That is the kind of love God has for us, and it is the kind of love Jesus commanded of his followers: to love each other as He loved us. What could make a more unreasonable church than th…
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The Good Samaritan - Anderline Bredy The Samaritan didn’t ask, “What will happen to me if I stop?” Instead, he asked, “What will happen to this man if I don’t?” That is the heart of justice. Are you carrying the bandage, pouring the wine, and overflowing the healing oil of the Holy Spirit? Let us know your thoughts by reaching out and joining the c…
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Overflow: The Ground People are more depressed than ever before. People are exhausted. People are angry and afraid. We live in a world that is dry and thirsty. A world that longs for living water. When we overflow where God has placed us we can create gardens and oases in what was desert. Let us know your thoughts by reaching out and joining the co…
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Overflow: The Container (Dr. Melanie Bockmann)
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45:50Overflow: The Container (Dr. Melanie Bockmann) We don't have to be perfect to overflow. We may be a small glass, an earthenware vase, or a cooking pot. The point is what we are; the point is what we contain and overflows from us. Let us know your thoughts by reaching out and joining the conversation with your questions and comments using the inform…
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Overflow: The Liquid The Holy Spirit living in us is the key to overflow. No Holy Spirit, no overflow. This week, we’ll study the Holy Spirit and what the Holy Spirit does in the believer’s life. Let us know your thoughts by reaching out and joining the conversation with your questions and comments using the information below: Text/Voicemail: 407-9…
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Overflow - WholeLife’s Theme for 2025 When we arise, follow Jesus, and connect with Jesus and our community, it creates overflow. The blessings that we are experiencing begin blessing all those we come in contact with, and soon, we are part of a community that overflows into the world around them. Let us know your thoughts by reaching out and joini…
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Reflections 2024 On this last Sabbath of 2024, we'll look back on the spiritual journey we have been on this year. We'll reflect on the sermon series and the theme of Connected. At the end of the sermon, there will be an opportunity for you to share how God has helped you connect with Him and others in 2024. Let us know your thoughts by reaching ou…
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Origins: The Origin Story We conclude our Origin Series this Sabbath with "The Origin Story." Ken will make a case for which Gospel (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John) has the best Jesus' origin story and why it's the best. Be at WholeLife this Sabbath to be reminded of how much God loves us and how Christmas is just one of the reminders of that love. L…
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Origins: Peace The Cambridge Dictionary defines Peace as "freedom from war and violence, especially when people live and work together happily without disagreements...." If this is the definition, is it possible to have peace in this world? The Christmas story suggests the answer is yes. This week at WholeLife's annual Christmas Celebration that in…
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Origins: Parents You don't get to pick your parents...unless you are Jesus. As we continue our Christmas series, Origins, we'll be looking at Jesus' parents, Mary and Joseph. Were they perfect? What can we learn from them? Discover the answers for yourself this week right here on This Is WholeLife. Let us know your thoughts by reaching out and join…
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Origins: Bad Apples on the Family Tree
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1:10:46Origins: Bad Apples on the Family Tree Our origin stories don't really start with us. They begin with the people who came before us. In some cases, they gave us their DNA. In other cases, they provided the nurture that would influence us eventually. Jesus' genealogy in Matthew 1 and Luke 3 is often brushed over quickly or completely ignored, but it…
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Dominion: The Den As we conclude our series on the first six chapters of Daniel we will reflect on the purpose of these stories. Daniel 6 is a beautiful conclusion to the story of Daniel. It allows us to think about what this story and the preceding five stories are really trying to tell us. Let us know your thoughts by reaching out and joining the…
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Dominion: The Hand In Daniel 5, we are introduced to a new ruler of Babylon who literally sees the writing on the wall. Just because he sees the writing on the wall doesn't mean he understands it. As we dig into this chapter of Daniel, we'll consider what a party in 539 BC can teach us about following and trusting God in the 21st century. Let us kn…
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Dominion: The Tree In Daniel 4, Nebuchadnezzar has another dream that bothers him. Daniel again reveals the meaning of the dream. Nebuchadnezzar again is impressed but later goes in a different direction. Is Nebuchadnezzar ever going to learn? Find out as we unpack not just the lesson Nebuchadnezzar needed to learn but some important things we can …
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Dominion: The Fire The Book of Daniel is about dominion and chapter 3 is about what dominion you worship. Nebuchadnezzar rejects Daniel's interpretation of his dream in the 2nd chapter of Daniel. Instead of a statue made of many metals, he creates a vision of his own and compels others to worship it. Today, we may not be asked to physically bow to …
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Dominion: The Dream In the book of Daniel, chapter 2, King Nebuchadnezzar has a dream. Is it possible that we miss the main point of this dream, like Nebuchadnezzar? This week, we'll see what God really wants us to take away from this story and this dream. Let us know your thoughts by reaching out and joining the conversation with your questions an…
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Dominion: The Plan If we were going to condense the Book of Daniel down to one word, the word would be dominion. It is about who controls the events of this world and who is sovereign in your life. Within Christianity many would claim that God has dominion in their life, but what is the purpose of that dominion? How do we react when events in our l…
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Small Communities - Panel Discussion Join our small communities for a place where you belong, connect, and grow. Our goal is to create engaging spaces where lifelong friendships and personal transformation thrive. Discover a vibrant community where you can explore, share, and love people into a lifelong friendship with God. Let us know your thought…
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Great Question!: Why Do Adventists Teach Observance of the Seventh-day Sabbath But Not of the Feasts and Festivals of the Old Testament?
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51:38Great Question!: Why Do Adventists Teach Observance of the Seventh-day Sabbath But Not of the Feasts and Festivals of the Old Testament? - Ken Wetmore We continue our Great Question series, in which you tell Ken what you want the sermon to be about. This week's question is: Why do Adventists teach observance of the seventh-day Sabbath but not of th…
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Great Question!: Does God Intentionally Lead People in Different Directions?
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1:04:49Great Question!: Does God Intentionally Lead People in Different Directions? - Ken Wetmore This month, we are answering your questions. This week's question is: Why are there so many Christian denominations if we’re reading the same Bible and sincerely asking God for truth? Does God intentionally lead people in different directions? Go deeper with …
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Connected 2024 - Ken Wetmore This year our annual Connected event had us partnering with The Desire Foundation Inc., Interstruct Inc., Second Harvest Food Bank, Feed the Need, and Foodie Catering for impactful and exciting gatherings all around the city of Orlando. Relive the blessings and consider the 'margins' God has directed us to. Let us know …
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Great Question! How does AI Fit Into Our Worldview as Christians?
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56:58Great Question! How does AI Fit Into Our Worldview as Christians? - Ken Wetmore Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being used in over 77% (Source: Authority Hacker) of devices. While it has been used since the 1980s, most Americans are only now beginning to understand how much of their life is impacted by AI. Many people have very real concerns about …
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Rest - Ken Wetmore Rest is not easy to come by in today's world. Many are running on empty. What we need is rest(oration). Jesus' life, death, and resurrection is an invitation to enter the promised land of rest(oration). The writer of Hebrews invites us TODAY to enter that rest. Let us know your thoughts by reaching out and joining the conversatio…
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Get to Work: Serving - Ken Wetmore Our vision at WholeLife is to be a church without walls, fully engaged in serving the people of our community. As we close our series on Work as Worship, it is fitting that we discuss how we can use our work to serve others. Let us know your thoughts by reaching out and joining the conversation with your questions…
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Get to Work: Leading or Following - Ken Wetmore Not many parents say to their child, "I hope you grow up to be a follower." Generally, we aspire for our children to be a leader. So, is it better to be a leader? What are the differences and what should we think about as Christians in the workplace when it comes to being a follower and being a leader…
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Get to Work: Finding Motivation - Ken Wetmore Working isn't always fun. What happens when we lose (or never had) the motivation to do a job? Even Bible characters found this a challenge. In this week's message, we will look at how to find motivation to work when you don't have it naturally. Let us know your thoughts by reaching out and joining the …
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Get to Work: Work As Worship - Ken Wetmore Now that we've talked about play, it's time to get to work. Is work supposed to be a drudgery, or is it supposed to be fun? Is work separate from my spiritual life? These are some of the questions will answer as we begin our series "Get to Work" and talk about how work is an act of worship for followers of…
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The Family That Travels Together - Ken Wetmore Travel has many benefits. It can expand our knowledge, force us to be creative and problem-solve, and help us appreciate home. Christians have known that travel as spreading the Gospel was Jesus' last command. Could it be that travel as play is also Jesus' wish for us? Let us know your thoughts by reac…
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The Family That Spends Time In Nature Playing in nature can build a deeper relationship with God and each other. Nature speaks to God's character and was designed to be an opportunity for wonder and play. Let us know your thoughts by reaching out and joining the conversation with your questions and comments using the information below: Text/Voicema…
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The Family That Embraces Hobbies
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1:05:03The Family That Embraces Hobbies - Ken Wetmore Hobbies and play are good for you...until they are not. This week we look at the benefits of having hobbies and what can happen when hobbies (and really anything) become our identity and main focus. Let us know your thoughts by reaching out and joining the conversation with your questions and comments …
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The Family That Laughs Together - Ken Wetmore Abraham laughed. Sarah laughed. God laughs. Should you laugh? Get the answers in this look at laughter in the Bible. Let us know your thoughts by reaching out and joining the conversation with your questions and comments using the information below: Text/Voicemail: 407-965-1607 Email: podcast@wholelife.…
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The Family That Plays Together - Ken Wetmore Go deeper with Ken’s message on why laughter is a gift from God and essential for our spiritual journey. Let us know your thoughts by reaching out and joining the conversation with your questions and comments using the information below: Text/Voicemail: 407-965-1607 Email: #ThisI…
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Voices of WholeLife: Embracing Your Story - Christina Anderson
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57:44Voices of WholeLife: Embracing Your Story - Christina Anderson Finding strength and purpose in your unique life experiences and realizing your journey contribute to a greater narrative of faith and resilience and a stronger relationship with God. Let us know your thoughts by reaching out and joining the conversation with your questions and comments…
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Voices of WholeLife: The Power of Letting Go - Sanjay & Kerri Brown
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1:11:42Voices of WholeLife: The Power of Letting Go - Sanjay & Kerri Brown People often talk about the strength of holding on. But is there strength in letting go? Let us know your thoughts by reaching out and joining the conversation with your questions and comments using the information below: Text/Voicemail: 407-965-1607 Email:…
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Voices of WholeLife: How Do We Represent God? - Omari Gregory
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58:55Voices of WholeLife: How Do We Represent God? - Omari Gregory Representing God involves the challenge of portraying the infinite through finite means and examining the ultimate representation found in Jesus Christ. Let us know your thoughts by reaching out and joining the conversation with your questions and comments using the information below: Te…
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Voices of WholeLife: Styles of Connection - Nate Elias
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56:37Voices of WholeLife: Styles of Connection - Nate Elias How does being created in the image of God affect the way we connect with God? Let us know your thoughts by reaching out and joining the conversation with your questions and comments using the information below: Text/Voicemail: 407-965-1607 Email: #ThisIsWholeLife The 3…
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Voices of WholeLife: When It’s Not Your Season - Alisha Clements
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56:09Voices of WholeLife: When It’s Not Your Season - Alisha Clements When it’s not your season, life feels challenging and often disheartening; progress feels slow, and achievements seem distant. These off-seasons are not devoid of purpose but serve as crucial times for growth, reflection, and preparation. Every season has its role in the larger divine…
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The Art of Worship: Architecture - Ken Wetmore Sculpture teaches us how it is possible to see something but imagine it into something else. Let us know your thoughts by reaching out and joining the conversation with your questions and comments using the information below: Text/Voicemail: 407-965-1607 Email: #ThisIsWholeLife…
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The Art of Worship: Visual Arts - Stanley Pomianowski
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1:06:35The Art of Worship: Visual Arts - Stanley Pomianowski Longtime WholeLife Church member and former staff member Stanley Pomianowski embarks on a journey of discovery, celebrating the transformative power of visual arts in enriching our faith and drawing us closer to the heart of worship. Let us know your thoughts by reaching out and joining the conv…
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The Art of Worship: Drama - Ken Wetmore For centuries painting was the way the human form and the natural world could be replicated. Today, we have video and photography that capture images for posterity. In a changing world, visual images still have the power to to influence our understanding of the Divine and to move us closer or farther away fro…
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The Art of Worship: Drama - Ken Wetmore For centuries painting was the way the human form and the natural world could be replicated. Today, we have video and photography that capture images for posterity. In a changing world, visual images still have the power to influence our understanding of the Divine and to move us closer or farther away from G…
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Small Communities - Ken Wetmore From movies to skits, drama has the power to influence not only our worship experience but who and/or what we worship. Let us know your thoughts by reaching out and joining the conversation with your questions and comments using the information below: Text/Voicemail: 407-965-1607 Email: #This…
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God’s Use of Power - Ron C. Smith, Ph.D., D.Min.
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47:40God’s Use of Power: Ron C. Smith, Ph.D., D.Min. - President, Southern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists God at His weakest is stronger than man at his strongest. God, in His most vulnerable moment, is wiser than all the wise men put together in their wisest moment. God’s use of His power is illustrated through the power of the cross. Let u…
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Vertical Connections: John Rivers (2024 Church Retreat FRIDAY NIGHT)
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12:29Taped live at the 2024 WholeLife Church Retreat at Camp Kulaqua with special guest speaker John Rivers on Friday evening, April 13th. To find out more about John Rivers, the 4Rivers Smokehouse, and the 4Roots Farm, use their websites; and A special thank you to John Rivers for being a fantastic s…
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Horizontal Connections: John Rivers (2024 Church Retreat - SATURDAY MORNING)
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32:43Taped live at the 2024 WholeLife Church Retreat at Camp Kulaqua with special guest speaker John Rivers on Saturday morning, April 14th. To find out more about John Rivers, the 4Rivers Smokehouse, and the 4Roots Farm, use their websites; and A special thank you to John Rivers for being a fantastic…
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