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Zapped to the Past


The Commodore 64 had lots of games. Not all of them are good. In Zapped to the Past, we cast a retrospective eye over those games reviewed in each issue of Zzap!64 magazine. Hosted by two lifelong C64 fans, we throw off those rose tinted specs and see if those games are still worth playing today.
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Zappie's MFR!!_Podcast


DJ: Zappieこと塚村淳平が街の孤独なヒロインと打ちのめされたヒーロー達におくる束の間のボンクラ音楽コラム番組。(主にHard Rock,Heavy Metal & Rock Classic)・゚・゚*・(゚O゚(☆○=(`◇´*)o
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Zäta Doe

Welcome to ZappsQuest A Solo RPG Actual Play Podcast. My name is Zapp and I'm your host, GM and Player, join me as we explore the wonderful world of solo roleplaying. Season 1: Follow Hex and his AI friend Corry as they take on the Starforged Galaxy!
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深夜、お父さんお母さんに隠れて、布団の中でラジオをこっそり聴いていた子どもの頃…。小さな携帯ラジオのつまみを回すと聴こえてくる…番組名もわからない、誰が話してるのかも分からない、けれど楽しそうな話し声…。ZappingRadio(ザッピングラジオ)は、そんな子どもの頃にラジオの向こうから聴こえてきた、くだらない、けれどなぜかワクワクした深夜番組を集めたようなPodcast番組です。大人の世界に憧れて少し背伸びしていた頃の気持ちで、お聴きください。【毎週2回 水・土 深夜1時更新】
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Le Zappodcast


Le zappodcast c'est tous les mois, un zapping des meilleurs moments des podcasts francophones. La sélection est entièrement participative alors si vous tombez sur un passage qui mérite de se retrouver dans le zappodcast, notez le nom et le numéro du podcast en question ainsi que le minutage du passage incroyable et envoyez nous ça à :
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Straight from the comic shop to your ears. Join Corry and his ridiculous cast of characters as they discuss current hot topics in nerd culture and look back at the comics, movies, TV shows, and video games that made them the nerds they are today.
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Bands Like Zappa

Ben Sommer

Music discovery podcast and blog from composer/performer Ben Sommer. Interviews with musicians and artists who's music "sounds like" Frank Zappa - the incomparable composer and guitarist.
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Musiker og musikjournalist Per Wium holder musikforedrag om Frank Zappas musik – et foredrag, der nu kan opleves og lyttes til som podcast. I løbet af to episoder går Wium tæt på Zappas fantastiske univers - ideerne, kompositionerne, arrangementerne og de skæve taktarter i hans musik. Kom helt ind under huden på Zappa i de radiofoniske versioner af Per Wiums Musikforedrag. Podcasten er produceret af Anette Hallstrøm fra Hallkom. Tak til Amanda Wium Hallstrøm for produktion af speaks. Per Wiu ...
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show series
Verklagt für journalistische Arbeit: Das ist den Journalisten Jannis Große und Emran Feroz passiert. Wurden sie Opfer einer so genannten SLAPP-Strategie? Strategische Einschüchterungsklagen werden zunehmend genutzt, um gegen unliebsame Berichterstattung vorzugehen. Denn sie bedeuten Aufwand und hohe Kosten. Jahrelang leben betroffene Medienschaffen…
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In the month of June 1991 many games were released for the Commodore 64. In episode one-hundred-and-eighty-three of Zapped to the Past, we conclude our look at some of those games, including the super Supremacy, the vapid Viz, and the solid Spikey in Transylvania and wonder why people thought top down tennis was a good idea… Games covered in this e…
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In the month of June 1991 many games were released for the Commodore 64. In episode one-hundred-and-eighty-two of Zapped to the Past, we continue our look at some of those games, including the gregarious Gauntlet 3, the likable Lupo Alberto and the crappy Cricket Captain and wonder … Did anyone actually watch cricket highlights via Ceefax? Games co…
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In the month of June 1991 many games were released for the Commodore 64. In episode one-hundred-and-eighty-one of Zapped to the Past, we start our look at some of those games, including the the atomic Atomino, the lurching Great Gurianos and the impressive I Play: 3D Soccer and wonder what would a family of Predators do on a trip to Earth? Games co…
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In the month of May 1991 many games were released for the Commodore 64. In episode one-hundred-and-eighty of Zapped to the Past, we conclude our look at some of those games, including the Mercenary-esque Moonfall, the shaky Skull and Crossbones and the wanting Warlock: The Avenger and wonder when does a game become just a blatant rip off? Games cov…
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In the month of May 1991 many games were released for the Commodore 64. In episode one-hundred-and-seventy-nine of Zapped to the Past, we start our look at some of those games, including the sluggish Shadow Dancer, the rancid Rugby Coach, and the middling Mighty Bomb Jack and wonder who thought a slow ninja dressed in white with a dog was a good th…
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Der wildeste und digitalste Wahlkampf aller Zeiten. Während die AfD ihre Dominanz auf TikTok und YouTube ausbaut, ringen die anderen Parteien um Aufmerksamkeit: Olaf Scholz trifft TikTok-Stars, Friedrich Merz setzt auf US-Style-Kampagne und Robert Habeck sucht Nähe bei Gaming-Streams. Die Linke überrascht mit viralen Bundestagsreden. Können die and…
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In the month of April 1991 many games were released for the Commodore 64. In episode one-hundred-and-seventy-eight of Zapped to the Past, we conclude our look at some of those games, including the sensational SWIV, the lacking Loopz, and the harmless Hunt for Red October and wonder how many moustaches were the stars of films in the 90s? Games cover…
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In the month of April 1991 many games were released for the Commodore 64. In episode one-hundred-and-seventy-seven of Zapped to the Past, we continue our look at some of those games, including the lively Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge, the judicial Judge Dredd and the experimental Exterminator and wonder… How bad does an impersonation of Noel Coward …
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In the month of April 1991 many games were released for the Commodore 64. In episode one-hundred-and-seventy-six of Zapped to the Past, we start our look at some of those games, including the derisory Dick Tracy, the hungry Huxley Pig and the excellent CJ’s Elephant Antics and wonder …How painful would a kick in the Kravitz actually be? Games cover…
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In the month of March 1991 many games were released for the Commodore 64. In episode one-hundred-and-seventy-five of Zapped to the Past, we conclude our look at some of those games, including the lauded Last Ninja 3, the speedy Supercars and the turgid Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles and wonder how often are ninja weapon parts hidden in the toilet? Gam…
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Bilder sagen mehr als 1000 Worte. Im Wahlkampf zählen die Bilder, die in Erinnerung bleiben. Robert Habeck mit Swiftie-Armband, Alice Weidel im Stream mit Elon Musk oder Markus Söder an der Fritteuse bei McDonalds: Politiker nutzen kurz vor der Bundestagswahl jede Möglichkeit, um sich medienwirksam in Szene zu setzen. Wem gelingt’s am besten? Mirko…
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In the month of March 1991 many games were released for the Commodore 64. In episode one-hundred-and-seventy-four of Zapped to the Past, we start our look at some of those games, including the laborious Line of Fire, the stale Super Monaco GP and the tedious Total Recall and wonder how many reiterations of Gary Numan are actually out there… Games c…
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Es ist der vielleicht größte #MeToo-Fall der Musikindustrie: Sean Combs alias P. Diddy soll jahrelang Fans, Männer und Frauen, sexuell missbraucht und seine Macht ausgenutzt haben. Die Vorwürfe sorgen aber nicht nur für Boulevard-Schlagzeilen, sie bringen auch Klicks auf Social-Media. Influencer:innen informieren auf Social-Plattformen, spekulieren…
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‘Tis once again the most merry of seasons and here at Zapped to the Past we get together to chat about all things Christmas. We are full of festive cheer to have a very special guest to add some much needed sauce to proceedings as we discuss our favourite, and not so favourite, things of 2024 and reminisce about films, tv and music we enjoyed in ou…
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Politikerinnen und Politiker versprechen die größte Reform in der Geschichte des ÖRR: Weniger Sender, gedeckelte Kosten für Sportrechte und die Intendantengehälter. So soll "die Kostenexplosion" bei den Sendern gestoppt werden. Ist das der ganz große Wurf? Lässt sich damit sogar so viel sparen, dass der Rundfunkbeitrag doch nicht steigen muss? Wir …
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In the third of a series of special episodes of Zapped to the Past, we slip on our detective hats and once again investigate the games that somehow avoided the pages and eyes of Zzap! 64. This time we explore the fiery Force Seven, the dubious Space Doubt and the knee heavy Subway Vigilante. Games covered in this episode: Force Seven Space Doubt St…
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Strafverteidiger Alexander Stevens hat viele schillernde Klienten vertreten. Wie kaum ein anderer Jurist trägt er seine Fälle in die Öffentlichkeit: ob als Experte bei Markus Lanz, im True Crime-Podcast des BR oder zusammen mit Tagesschau-Sprecher Constantin Schreiber in einer Bühnenshow. Was aber bedeutet es für die Arbeit der Justiz, wenn Anwälte…
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Greetings to you all in this festive holiday season! In this decidedly enticing episode, Bill and Scott chat with Miss ABIGAIL DEVOE, host of YouTube's wildly popular VINYL MONDAY where she dives super deep into rock's greatest albums, including lots of brilliant Frank Zappa content! Abby shares with us her journey into the Zappaverse, and gives us…
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In the month of February 1991 many games were released for the Commodore 64. In episode one-hundred-and-seventy-three of Zapped to the Past, we conclude our look at some of those games, including the eggy Edd the Duck, the sleepy Shadow of the Beast, and the confusing Cyberball and wonder since when was Egypt known for its heavy use of grey? Games …
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In the month of February 1991 many games were released for the Commodore 64. In episode one-hundred-and-seventy-two of Zapped to the Past, we continue our look at some of those games, including the vapid Vindicators, the similar Skatin’ USA, and the unimpressive UN Squadron and wonder just when have you ever known a siren to be a good thing? Games …
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Trash-TV der 2000er: Provokant und prägend! Von Bodyshaming bei "Stylomat" bis zu Schönheits-Ops bei "The Swan" – wir werfen einen Blick auf die grenzüberschreitenden Formate, die das Fernsehen revolutionierten. Mirko Drotschmann (MrWissen2Go) fragt: Was macht den Reiz von Trash-TV aus, und wie hat es unsere heutige TV-Landschaft geprägt? Gemeinsam…
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In the month of February 1991 many games were released for the Commodore 64. In episode one-hundred-and-seventy-one of Zapped to the Past, we start our look at some of those games, including the tasty Turrican 2, The silly Superkid and the stunted S.T.U.N Runner and wonder … exactly how much would a gold chainmail haircut cost? Games covered in thi…
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In the month of January 1991 many games were released for the Commodore 64. In episode one-hundred-and-seventy of Zapped to the Past, we continue our look at some of those games, including the nasty NARC, the dawdling Days of Thunder and the less than Amazing Spiderman and wonder why Mysterio was such a mastermind when all he did was trick people w…
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In the month of January 1991 many games were released for the Commodore 64. In episode one-hundred-and-sixty-nine of Zapped to the Past, we continue our look at some of those games, including the not quite Spy Who Loved Me, the rogue Robocop 2 and the cheery Chip’s Challenge and wonder just how many James Bond puns a podcast can fit into less than …
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In the month of January 1991 many games were released for the Commodore 64. In episode one-hundred-and-sixty-eight of Zapped to the Past, we start our look at some of those games, including the sneaky navy Seals, the dusty Snow Strike and the blue Strider 2 and wonder… did we have the wrong idea about ‘Dusty’ Roger Moore all along?… Games covered i…
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In episode six of Battle of the Pilots, Adrian and Graham from the Zapped to the Past podcast have chosen the pilot episodes for two somewhat obscure action hero based shows from the dark depths of 90s TV land for a head to head battle. This time the undoubtedly roid rage infused sword wielding bodybuilding muscles of Conan the Adventurer go loincl…
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We are back, kids! In this episode, Joe, Bill and Scott talk about the various new reissues of APOSTROPHE ('), a top-tier Zappa classic! We go all Deep Dish with you on the new Super Deluxe 50th Anniversary CD reissue of the album, and the two new vinyl editions that are now available! Come and get your love!!…
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As we gather ourselves together after the rollercoaster ride that was 1990, we once again take on all of the burning questions from our amazing Patrons in our Discord channel in an Ask the Podcast special. Hope you enjoy! We hope you enjoy this ‘in between’ special episode and if you’d like to join in the fun and ask us questions for the next Ask t…
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Das Vertrauen in klassische Medien schwindet, besonders in ländlichen Regionen Ostdeutschlands. ZAPP begleitet eine Journalistin, die in Sachsen scheiterte, und spricht mit Verfassungsrichterin Juli Zeh über die wachsende Kluft zwischen Stadt und Land. Außerdem: Österreichs Mediensystem am Scheideweg - wie die rechtspopulistische FPÖ den öffentlich…
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Nah an den Menschen berichten, Vertrauen wiederherstellen - das wollte die freie Journalistin Johanna Weinhold im sächsischen Pretzschendorf - und scheiterte. Misstrauen und ein missglückter Tweet sorgen dafür, dass Weinhold mit ihrer Familie nach nur einem halben Jahr zurück nach Leipzig zieht. Ihr Fall ist zwar individuell, macht aber dennoch ein…
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Über den Vertrauensverlust in etablierte Medien hat ZAPP-Moderatorin Kathrin Drehkopf mit der Verfassungsrichterin und Bestsellerautorin Juli Zeh gesprochen. Zeh ist selbst vor mehr als 15 Jahren ins Brandenburger Havelland gezogen und berichtet davon, wie sie eine Distanz zwischen meist städtischen Medien und ländlicher Bevölkerung erlebt. Welche …
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1990 is now but a memory of an eggy old time - but in keeping with Zapped to the Past tradition we now take a look back and cast a weepy and often twitchy eye over the all the games we have played from the issues of Zzap magazine from January to December 1990. The purpose of this crazy scheme - to award those games that have somehow managed to impr…
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Vor zwei Jahren kaufte Elon Musk Twitter (inzwischen „X“), um es in einen Ort für radikale „Free Speech“ zu verwandeln. Was ist nun daraus geworden? Die Plattform hat sich zwar radikal verändert – doch Musks Entscheidungen wirken widersprüchlich. Die Redefreiheit scheint nur bis zu seiner eigenen Schmerzgrenze zu reichen. Als Eigentümer und reichwe…
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In the month of December 1990 many games were released for the Commodore 64. In episode one-hundred-and-sixty-six of Zapped to the Past, we conclude our look at some of those games, including the mighty Midnight Resistance, the puzzling Puzznic, and the phantom Plotting and wonder why would robot boxers need shorts and gloves? Games covered in this…
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In the month of December 1990 many games were released for the Commodore 64. In episode one-hundred-and-sixty-five of Zapped to the Past, we continue our look at some of those games, including the crashy Chase HQ 2: Special Criminal Investigation, the maudlin Macadam Bumper, and the superfluous Subbuteo and wonder if anyone was ever happy to get a …
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Die rechtspopulistische FPÖ hat die Wahl in Österreich gewonnen. Doch ihr Umgang mit den Medien wirft Fragen auf: Die "Freiheitlichen" greifen unabhängige Journalisten immer wieder an und planen, den öffentlich-rechtlichen ORF über das Bundesbudget zu finanzieren. Experten befürchten eine „Orbanisierung“ der Medienlandschaft, bei der regierungskrit…
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In the month of December 1990 many games were released for the Commodore 64. In episode one-hundred-and-sixty-four of Zapped to the Past, we start our look at some of those games, including the fuzzy Creatures, the shooty Outlaw and the crappy Hard Drivin’… and wonder… exactly what would the musician Seal do for a fresh fish? Games covered in this …
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Die AfD plant einen Frontalangriff auf den öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk: Sollte Björn Höcke in Thüringen nach der Landtagswahl Ministerpräsident werden, will er den MDR-Staatsvertrag kündigen und den Rundfunkbeitrag abschaffen. Doch geht das so einfach? Und: Überall auf Social Media werden die Kommentarspalten mit Hass geflutet. Doch Hetze finde…
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Ob auf Instagram, auf X oder YouTube: überall auf Social Media werden die Kommentarspalten mit Hass geflutet. Doch Hetze findet nicht nur im Internet statt. Drohungen und Anfeindungen beeinträchtigen viele Betroffene im Offline-Leben. Auch Journalistinnen und Journalisten werden häufig zum Ziel von Hate Speech. Welche Auswirkungen hat das auf eine …
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In the month of November 1990 many games were released for the Commodore 64. In episode one-hundred-and-sixty-three of Zapped to the Past, we conclude our look at some of those games, including the orthographic Tie Break, the rowdy Rick Dangerous II and the wibbly wobbly Tilt and wonder … How many powerpoint presentations would be in an Internation…
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In the first half of the show, Diva joins us today to share some memories of Ahmet. In the back half of the show we are joined by Tom & Zeus from Shout It Out Loudcast along with Joey Cassata to talk about their new book "Raise Your Glasses", which you can order here If you are a KISS fan, you will …
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Order Moon's New Book #moonzappa #moonunit Every Friday, Live at 5PM from Los Angeles This podcast is hosted on Buzzsprout. See privacy policy here:…
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