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The AHPBA Podcast

Timothy Vreeland

Hosted by Tim Vreeland and Tim Newhook (@vreelant @timnewhook19). Interviews and discussions about topics in HPB surgery. Meant to engage members, and potential members, of the AHPBA.
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This podcast is produced by NYS AHPERD and episodes will have specific information relating to our organization. However, episodes are also geared towards health and physical education teachers from all over the world. Tune in as we share best practices in health and PE. Music credit: Victim to Victor: RKVC (via YouTube)
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Sandy, Claire et Jo vous dissèquent avec humour (noir), un certain mauvais goût, qui plaira ou pas (?!) et une véritable passion, cette série anthologique qu’est devenue AHS au fil des saisons. Dans chaque épisode, ces doux dingues ont autopsié pour vous les histoires distillées au fil de chaque saison, et vous raconte des anecdotes, des infos sur les acteurs, ainsi que les spin-off. AHP, c'est aussi un retour à la réalité avec des épisodes revenants sur les true crime et les serial killer é ...
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show series
Today’s episode features a special guest, Dr. Rohan Jeyarajah. Dr. Jeyarajah is a hepatobiliary and complex GI surgeon, inaugural chair and professor of surgery at the TCU Burnett School of Medicine, and program director for the HPB and Complex GI surgical fellowships at Methodist System. He has a unique practice in the world of HPB, combining priv…
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In today’s episode we are going to discuss two very important parts of our professional journeys. Both of which are the proverbial forks in the road. The first is when we as educators/administrators/professionals make a change…perhaps are offered a new opportunity to spread our wings. The second impasse is when a professional gets close to the end …
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Today’s episode features Dr. Shishir Maithel. Dr. Maithel is a hepatobiliary surgeon, professor of surgery, and chief of the division of Surgical Oncology at a Northwestern University. He holds multiple national leadership positions, including as chair of the gastrointestinal surgery working group of ECOG and a member of the scientific and medical …
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We are excited to welcome Dr. Guido Torzilli to the podcast! Dr. Torzilli is a world-renowned hepatobiliary surgeon and Professor of Surgery at Humanitas University in Milan, Italy. In this episode, we have a fantastic conversation about his career, the concepts that have shaped his extraordinary and innovative approach to liver surgery, and much m…
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We are thrilled to have our leaders of the 100 year history project and authors of the 1971 - 2024 book/chronicle. Joining us today is Emeritus Executive Director of NYS AHPERD for over 25 years Ms. Colleen Corsi; Past President of NYS AHPERD and Emeritus Professor from Adelphi University, Dr. Mara Manson; Past President of NYS AHPERD and the one a…
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Welcome to the NYS AHPERD A-Z Health and PE Podcast and today’s is our annual teaser episode to plug the upcoming 86th Annual State Conference at the Turning Stone Casino on November 20th - 23rd. The month of November in New York State is always AHPERD Conference season. We are so excited to offer this meaningful event each and every year. We have …
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We are excited to welcome Dr. David Iannitti to the podcast! Dr. Iannitti is a hepatobiliary surgeon, professor of surgery, program director of the HPB fellowship, and the chief of the HPB Surgery Division at Atrium Health in Charlotte, North Carolina. His clinical and research interests include the pathophysiology of hepatocellular carcinoma and o…
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The early career group of IHPBA presents recording from discussions at the Early Career Retreat and ECG Lounge sessions from the 2024 IHPBA World Congress in Cape Town. In this episode, we join the ECG Lounge where past and current presidents of HPB surgery societies talk with early career IHPBA attendees about how to get involved in surgical socie…
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Join us for another episode of our series ECG Overtime, hosted by the E-AHPBA/IHPBA Early Career Group! This episode features Dr. Sanket Srinivasa, Dr. Tay Wee Ming, and Dr. Saneya Pandrowala. Enjoy an episode in which we continue the conversation started during the Asia/Pacific Webinar about life beyond surgery as a new HPB surgeon!…
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El Dr. Roberto Hernandez-Alejandro ha sido Jefe de la División de Trasplantes en la Universidad de Rochester desde agosto de 2016. Bajo su liderazgo, expandió las oportunidades de trasplante mediante el aumento del uso de órganos donados después de la muerte cardíaca. Recientemente, el Dr. Hernandez abrió un programa de trasplante hepático para met…
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The early career group of IHPBA presents recording from discussions at the Early Career Retreat and ECG Lounge sessions from the 2024 IHPBA World Congress in Cape Town. In this episode, Drs. Ewen Harrison and Deirdre Kruger review opportunities and lessons learned from international collaborations in global surgical research, using the example of t…
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The early career group of IHPBA presents recording from discussions at the Early Career Retreat and ECG Lounge sessions from the 2024 IHPBA World Congress in Cape Town. In this episode, we discuss challenges and controversies in the editorial process, with a focus on the involvement of trainees and early career surgeons, with Drs. Giovanni Marchegi…
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Welcome to the NYS AHPERD A-Z Health And PE Podcast. This is one of three episodes where we have invited special guests and students from summer courses I teach at Canisius University. Students in this class entitled Authentic Assessment in Physical Education are graduate teacher professionals in the trenches or newly inducted health and physical e…
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The early career group of IHPBA presents a recording from discussions at the Early Career Retreat and ECG Lounge sessions from the 2024 IHPBA World Congress in Cape Town. In this episode, Dr. Stephen Wigmore, Editor-in-Chief of HPB, reviews tips to get a manuscript published, with moderators Drs. Timothy Newhook and Julia Menso.…
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Welcome to the NYS AHPERD A-Z Health And PE Podcast. This is one of three episodes where we have invited special guests and students from summer courses I teach at Canisius University. Students in this class entitled Capstone in Physical Education are graduate teacher candidates on the verge of student teaching either in the fall or this upcoming s…
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Welcome to the NYS AHPERD A-Z Health And PE Podcast. This is one of three episodes where we have invited special guests and students from summer courses I teach at Canisius University. Students in this class entitled Authentic Assessment in Physical Education are graduate teacher professionals in the trenches or newly inducted health and physical e…
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Today’s episode features Dr. Anushi Shah and Dr. Michele Babicky, discussing the hot topic of training paradigms in HPB. Dr. Babicky is a surgical oncologist and assistant professor of surgery at Providence Portland Medical Center. She is the program director of the HPB fellowship at her institution, with a passion for surgical education. Dr. Babic…
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In this episode, we will be discussing how interdisciplinary approaches can improve meaningful learning experiences in physical education with Dr. Kayla Zimmer. Dr. Kayla Zimmer is the Director of Graduate Literacy and teaching faculty in the School of Education at Canisius University. She teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in elementary an…
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Dans cet épisode, un gros bisou à Jacques Pradel pour sa participation involontaire. Un épisode avec encore des ciseaux mais aussi du mouton et des varices… à la chatte. Bonne écoute et des bisous. LES EXTRAITS : *Jacques Pradel chronique criminelle *Alice Cooper – Inmate *Macabre – Ballad of Lizzie Borden *Chad Mitchell Trio – Lizzie Borden *Alfre…
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Welcome to the NYS AHPERD A-Z Health and PE Podcast. In this episode, we will be discussing Culturally Responsive Pedagogy with a tremendous scholar Dr. Joannie Halas. We are very fortunate to have Dr. Halas join us from the great white North and the province of Manitoba for today’s show. Dr. Joannie Halas (PhD, University of Alberta, 1999) is a Pr…
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El Dr. Molina se graduó de la Universidad Johns Hopkins con una licenciatura en biología celular y molecular. Obtuvo su título de médico en la Facultad de Medicina de Harvard y completó una maestría en Métodos Cuantitativos en la Escuela de Salud Pública T. H. Chan de Harvard. Realizo residencia en Cirugía General en el Hospital General de Massachu…
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Today’s episode is a special in-person interview with Dr. Newhook and Dr. Bas Groot Koerkamp! Dr. Koerkamp is a hepatobiliary surgeon and researcher within the HPB and Transplantation Surgery department of Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Dr. Groot Koerkamp leads several national clinical studies with the Dutch Pancreati…
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Welcome to the NYS AHPERD A-Z Health and PE Podcast. In this episode, we will be discussing Unified Sport with one of NYS’s true physical education icons Ms. Allison Reylea. We are very fortunate to have Allison join us from the Guilderland Central School District in the Capital/Albany Region of NYS. Allison Relyea earned her BSE in Physical Educat…
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On vous raconte les deux derniers épisodes de cette saison 2 ASYLUM d'American Horror Story. Un épisode avec des ciseaux, des Creeps, de Bloods, un appartement cossu et un éclair beaucoup trop gros. Bonne écoute et des bisous. LES EXTRAITS : *The grass roots - let's live for today *Jimi Hendrix - all along the watchtower *Blue Stahli - Takedown *Sa…
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Join us for the second episode of our series ECG Overtime, hosted by the E-AHPBA/IHPBA Early Career Group! This episode features Dr. Leanne Prodehl, Dr. Sanket Srinivasa, Dr. Rachel Moore, and Dr. Niki Rashidian. Join us in continuing a conversation from the ECG Roadshow—starting a robotic HPB program and collaborating on multicenter research proje…
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Today’s episode features Dr. Ching-Wei Tzeng. Dr. Tzeng is a hepatobiliary surgeon and Associate Professor of Surgical Oncology at MD Anderson. Among many roles, he is the Department Vice Chair of Clinical Operations and Program Director for the HPB Surgery Fellowship. Dr. Tzeng is an accomplished researcher. His interests focus on multimodality th…
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Join us for the first episode of a brand new series within the AHPBA Podcast from the AHPBA/IHPBA Early Career Group, ECG Overtime! In this episode, Dr. Timothy Newhook, Dr. Kimberly Washington, Dr. Naruhiko Ikoma, and Dr. Giampaolo Perri talk through the most recent ECG webinar topic, the dynamic early-career HPB surgeon! Enjoy!…
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Heureusement que j'existe Episode 1 Karine de Lyon Chien triso et cheveux bleus Parce qu'il a le cœur sur la main, Joannic va vous aider a résoudre vos problèmes du quotidien. Spécialiste dans tout les domaines il est la pour toi.... oui pour toi. Des bisous RECOMMANDATION : *les.mignonstres INSTA : @les.mignonstres SITE : https://boutique.rat-ours…
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Today’s episode features Dr. Majella Doyle. Dr. Doyle is a transplant surgeon, professor of surgery, and the Mid-America Transplant/Department of Surgery Distinguished Endowed Chair in Abdominal Transplantation at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. She served as AHPBA president from 2022-2023. In this episode, we discuss Dr. Doy…
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Épisode tardif c'est vrai ! Mais il faut le savourer car le prochain n'arrivera pas tout de suite. Cependant, quantité ne rimant pas forcément avec qualité ; et bien cet épisode sera comme les autres donc…. d'un goût plutôt douteux. Donc bonne écoute, à bientôt et surtout bonnes fêtes de fin d'année à tous et des bisous. LES EXTRAITS : * HeHe & Str…
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In this episode, we discuss the Meaningful Physical Education Framework with one of its main contributors–Dr. Douglas Gleddie who joins us from the great white North and the province of Alberta for today’s show. Dr. Doug Gleddie is a Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta. He teaches physical education curriculum and ped…
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As a special treat for our listeners, we have two fabulous guests today to help prime our listeners for the upcoming conference. The first is our current President of the Association, the one and only, Ms. Shelly Connors. Our second guest is our honorable executive director of NYS AHPERD—Ms. Colleen Corsi. It’s not too late to join us at the NYS AH…
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Épisode résumé avec de gros changements à Briarcliff. Et comme l’épisode sort pour Halloween, on traite de l’épisode de …...noël. Et surtout, on vous parle de notre film coup de cœur de 2023, le génial Gliitch. Encore un un énorme merci à : Hugo König Mariel-Louise Compain Ania Klobukowska frederic Villabruna Clarence Cassard Lila Messiliti et le g…
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dans cet épisode, nous allons relier entre eux un tanneur, une nazie nymphomane et un tueur en série adepte du spéculum et de la bombe a laque. Le tout avec des jeux de mots d'une qualité plus que discutable. Bonne écoute et des bisous. LES EXTRAITS : *Ed Gein - le boucher de Plainfield *L'histoire de l'horrible "sorcière nazie" du camp de Buchenwa…
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vous n'imaginez pas toutes les choses que l'ont peut faire avec un bonnet de bain en bulgomme. Alors petit tuto dans cet épisode. Bonne écoute et des bisous. EXTRAIT AUDIO : *Serge gainsbourg - Lunatic Asylum LES RECOMMANDATIONS : *Le film "Night Shot" 2018 de Hugo König Page Insta : https://www.instagram.com/nightshot_actu/?hl=fr *Le film "Gliitch…
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This is the final of our summer series where we have invited special guests and students from summer courses I teach at Canisius. Students in these classes are graduate teacher candidates on the verge of student-teaching, newly inducted teachers, and some experienced health and physical education practitioners. We have asked special guests and stud…
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El Dr. Palavecino es cirujano Hepato-Pancreato-Biliar, miembro adjunto de la facultad y coordinador del centro de simulación quirúrgica de la Facultad de Medicina del Hospital Italiano en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Hablaremos de su experiencia en el extranjero, las etapas de adaptación cultural y su participación en el campo de la cirugía y educación…
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Un épisode avec un sujet sensible et nous avons pesé nos mots pour ne pas risquer la démonétisation. Ha bas non ! Comme on ne sera jamais monétisé, on ne change rien alors ce sera Erasmus dans un placard, camp de la mort et médecin FDP . Bonne écoute et des bisous LES EXTRAITS : *Le journal d'Anne Frank de Lydia Curie *Josef Mengele, l'ange de la m…
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¡Bienvenidos a un emocionante episodio de AHPBA Podcast LATAM! En esta entrega, nos sumergimos en el fascinante mundo de la formación en cirugía Hepatobilopancreática en Latinoamérica. En esta ocasión, tenemos el honor de conversar con los fellows destacados del prestigioso programa de formación HPB de Latinoamérica. Desde Chile, nos acompaña Gabri…
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This is the third of four episodes where we have invited special guests and students from summer courses I teach at Canisius University. Students in these classes are graduate teacher candidates on the verge of student-teaching, newly inducted teachers, and some experienced health and physical education practitioners. We have asked special guests a…
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La Dra. Susanne Warner se especializa en cirugía de hígado, páncreas, vesícula biliar y vías biliares. La Dra. Warner completó su residencia en cirugía general en el campus de Mayo Clinic Arizona. Durante la residencia, también completó una beca de investigación en el Memorial Sloan Kettering en la ciudad de Nueva York. Después de la residencia, co…
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Cher journal, je crois qu'on m'a enfermé chez les dingos. Et personne ne veux croire que j'ai survécu à auzvi.... ochvi.... aoschtvi.....…. Au camp de la mort. Donc aujourd'hui c'est cul de jatte, nazi et reconversion sexuelle. Bonne écoute et des bisous… LES EXTRAITS : *Pete Seeger - It could be a wonderful world *XXXtentacion - Schizophrenia LES …
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