The podcast of the Canterbury Episcopal Student Center at Texas A&M and Blinn College. Live from College Station, Texas. Gig ‘em! Hosted by Rev. Rich Nelson, Campus Missioner.
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Announcements and our Daily Bread
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Announcements for the coming week and a replay of our bible study on The Universal Christ
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Weekly announcements, bonfire compline, announcing our junior and senior warden for 2020, and a special prayer
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Our weekly calendar update and Daily Bread: a poem titled The Field of Belonging
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Our calendar this week and a sermon from Rev. Rich Nelson on the difference between humility and humiliation
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Weekly news and a class on Enneagram types 5, 6, and 7 (the Thinking Triad)
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Weekly news and a class on Enneagram types 2, 3, and 4 (the Feeling Triad)
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Weekly news and a class on Enneagram types 8, 9, and 1 (the Instinctive Triad)
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Calendar, our big pilgrimage reveal, weekly devotion and favorite Canterbury memories from three students!
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our weekly reflection, calendar, and Daily Bread
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A reflection on Luke 15:1-10, our new bible study launching this week where Jesus gives us the key to everything, and other news from Canterbury Episcopal Student Center at Texas A&M/Blinn in College Station, TX. Whoop!
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