Free Buddhist Audio has been serving free recordings of high quality, full-length Dharma talks since 2006. Over 3 million downloads and counting... Get our free weekly Dharma talk podcast with inspiring speakers on Buddhism, meditation and mindfulness. Tune in, be inspired!
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Dharmabytes features bite-sized dharma, three times a week, from the Free Buddhist Audio archives. Themed in conjunction with our weekly full length talk podcast, these are inspiring short extracts from over 5,000 talks on Buddhism, meditation and mindfulness! Tune in, be inspired!
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"As many garlands are made from a heap of flowers, so one who is a mortal born should perform many ethically skilful deeds" - Dhammapada. Jvalamalini shares the effects of the story of Vasakha from the Dhammapada and draws out the significance for our sangha today. Excerpted from the talk As Garlands From a Heap of Flowers given at the Bristol Budd…
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In this talk Padmavajra explores the first two verses of the Dhammapada and their far reaching implications. He explores how we create not only our own happiness or suffering through our actions but also how we create worlds, worlds of suffering or worlds conducive to human growth and even freedom. He then describes how the Bodhisattva works tirele…
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Kusalasara explores the opening verses of the Dhammapada, or ‘Way of Truth’ showing a path of discovery of the pure mind and the impure mind. Excerpted from the talk entitled The Essential Revolution given at London Buddhist Centre as part of the series The Dhammapada, 2022. *** Subscribe to our Dharmabytes podcast: On Apple Podcasts | On Spotify |…
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This is an appropriately pithy talk by Surata on one of the most popular and regarded of the early Buddhist suttas, The 'Dhammapada'. The images of the verses and their direct relevance to our lives makes this sutta an indispensable aide memoire to practice – and Surata's consideration of it is a handy primer for newcomers to the text, as well as a…
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The Buddha's wisdom can be summarised by the three lakshanas, this is not nihilistic, but an honest recognition of the way things are. Change is inherent in life, the only choice we have is whether we change for the better! To open to this change we need confidence, which we can find in the dharma and the sangha. Jnanadhara gave this talk at a Youn…
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Bodhinaga picks up the theme 'Tantra for Today' by pulling out his guts and setting them alight (not literally). Exploring what it means to practice the Dharma with the whole of yourself, come and hear about transforming messy bits like secret fear and hot emotions like burning rage! Excerpted from the talk Blood, Bones, and Halos of Fire given at …
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Moksatara introduces the dakini, the tantric embodiment of what's possible when all of our energy is completely engaged, alive and flowing. In order to meet the dakinis we must travel to where they dwell: the cremation grounds, where bodies are taken to be burnt. The deepest, darkest energies to be transformed are associated with fear. By deliberat…
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Subhadramati starts with the story of the Snow Queen and takes us on an exploration of imagination and Dharmic responsiveness, faith and wisdom. She shows how it is imagination that removes the twin thorns of ignorance and craving, that allows us to ascend towards the beauty of the Three Jewels. This talk was given on a Mythic Context Retreat at Ti…
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In a famous passage in the Itivutakka The Buddha compares Metta to the radiance of the sun and moon. He says that metta ‘shines and burns and blazes forth in surpassing all other acts of good’ and that ‘Whoever sets their mind to make goodwill grow Boundless’ ...will become Enlightened! Excerpted from the talk All Beings Without Exception given at …
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Aryadasa discusses his experience of moving through fear in order to live a life more dedicated to love and friendship. He talks about the difficulties involved in this transition and the fruits that come from working through such difficulties. Excerpted from the talk Fearless Love - A Personal Talk by Aryadasa given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, 20…
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Touching the void, a catastrophic fall into heart
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42:59In early 2020, only weeks preceding the full onslaught of the pandemic, Vajrin survived a catastrophic fall from a bike deep within New Zealand bush. Paralysed from the chest down and stranded in Auckland for months of lockdown, he called upon the Dharma. Despite four decades of practice, it didn’t seem to help. Or did it? …in ways he hadn’t predic…
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Fresh off a three-week solitary retreat, Vajragupta (m) shares, in a very personal and heart-felt way, what it was like, and what happened during that time. Coming to terms with his mother's slide into dementia, evoking the strangeness of dreams and memories, describing the sheer vividness of experience on retreat, and reflecting on both the joy an…
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Sangharakshita describes how when faced with a tremendous fear, one with no apparent cause or object, how the Buddha’s example of sitting with it until it subsides leads to determination, an essential heroic quality in the spiritual aspirant's quest for Enlightenment. Excerpted from the talk The Heroic Ideal in Buddhism given in 1969. *** Subscribe…
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Suryagupta shares personal reflections on death and dying, discovering patterns in the human condition, and relates this to the life of the Buddha. This talk was given as a part of the London Buddhist Centre’s Winter Retreat 2023, part of the series The Noble Quest, 2023. *** Subscribe to our Free Buddhist Audio podcast: On Apple Podcasts | On Spot…
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Fearlessness is courage in the face of fear, not the absence of fear. When we are with someone who is dying, we are confronted by our own death. Our sense of self is fundamentally brought into question as we face our core spiritual problem: the truth of insubstantiality and impermanence. Vidyamala gives a strong account of working with suffering an…
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Lokeshvara shares how the impact of fear and anxiety led him to learn to meditate. Fear is a universal emotion that can be quite debilitating, but seen in another way, it’s like a little mini-death and an opportunity for Dharma practice. Excerpted from the talk Gesture of Fearlessness given at Buddhafield East, 2010. *** Subscribe to our Dharmabyte…
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The Burning Ground - From Fear to Freedom
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35:44In this talk, Sanghagita takes us on a journey into the cremation ground. A fearful place filled with demons and powerful natural forces, and also the place where we can discover true freedom. Talk given at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 2023. *** Subscribe to our Free Buddhist Audio podcast: On Apple Podcasts | On Spotify | On Google Podcasts A full, …
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Vajragupta shares how her creativity and devotion flow to (and from) her collection of Barbies. Drawing on the imagery, chakras and mantras of the Five Wisdom Queens, she leads a meditation evoking each of their qualities in turn. Excerpted from the talk Barbies As the Five Wisdom Queens given at Norwich Buddhist Centre, 2024. *** Subscribe to our …
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Ratnaprabha tells the story of Queen Vaidehi languishing in prison and longing for a better world. The Buddha teaches her to meditate on the land of Bliss, Amitabha's Pureland. What is the significance of Pureland Buddhism? Excerpted from the talk Birdsong Dharma given at West London Buddhist Centre, 2018. *** Subscribe to our Dharmabytes podcast: …
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Maitrisiddhi explores Shinjin as faith, bodhicitta and wisdom. What happens when the conditioned mind lets up for a bit? Experiences of beauty, openness, love, desire to go for refuge and devotion naturally arise; we experience contact with ‘amida’, the quality of limitlessness. Are those experiences ‘ours’ – or something else? This talk was given …
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In answering the question 'What is Buddhism?', Sangharakshita identifies higher evolution - the development of higher states of consciousness - with the twelve links in the progressive trend of the Buddha's teaching of conditioned co-production. Here he defines the second link, that of faith, translated from the sanskrit shraddha. Excerpted from th…
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Here Paramartha shares a story illustrating Milarepa as teacher, master, vertical kalyana mitra, in relation to Rechungpa, known as his ‘moonlight disciple’. A young but seasoned practitioner, a cotton-clad yogi, devoted to his teacher, but who was a bit head-strong and stuck in his practice. Excerpted from the talk Rechungpa's Unusual Faith given …
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Mahamani provides an overview of the Three Myths of the spiritual life: self-development, self-surrender, and self-discovery. These offer us three paradigm-shifts – three world-views - that can open us into radical freedom. What, for us, allows the open dimension of being to arise? The Three Myths invite us to trust and have deeper confidence in di…
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Faith is the sort of emotional response that you have when you are confronted by the embodiment of Enlightenment. Vajragupta shares a story from the life of Milarepa. Excerpted from the talk Faith: the Emotional Response That You Have When You Are Confronted by the Embodiment of Enlightenment given at Mid Essex Buddhist Centre, 2021. *** Subscribe …
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A lover of chocolate, trees and poetry, Jayaraja explores how to make the Buddha’s teaching real in our lives by looking at the connection between courage and shraddha, commonly translated as 'faith'. Excerpted from the talk Courage, Vulnerability and Healing Our Tempestuous World given as part of the series Seeds of the Heart given in the Dharma P…
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A delightful, uplifting and heartfelt talk from Saraha offering three pieces of sage advice for the spiritual life. Not to be missed. This talk was given at Birmingham Buddhist Centre, 2018. *** Subscribe to our Free Buddhist Audio podcast: On Apple Podcasts | On Spotify | On Google Podcasts A full, curated, quality Dharma talk, every week. 3,000,0…
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Suryadarshini retells the story from Sangharakshita's Know Your Mind about staying in contact with faith in the midst of a desert of suffering. She exhorts us to continue to turn towards our experience, even in the absence of pleasure or inspiration. Excerpted from the talk Faith and Doubt In Ten Minutes given at Norwich Buddhist Centre, 2018. *** …
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Here Akashamitra takes us through the first of the five spiritual faculties, shraddha, often translated as faith or confidence. Excerpted from the talk entitled Confidence, part of the series The Five Powers of the Mind given at London Buddhist Centre, 2024. *** Subscribe to our Dharmabytes podcast: On Apple Podcasts | On Spotify | On Google Podcas…
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Saccanama explores the pre-Buddhist responses to goodness, truth and beauty that are the roots of faith; Jung’s 4 factors of consciousness; 'faith is innate, doubt acquired’. Recorded at the Swedish Summer Retreat at Dharmagiri as part of the series ‘To Place the Heart Upon’ - Exploring Faith in Buddhism, 2019. *** Subscribe to our Free Buddhist Au…
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Vajradevi explores aspects of faith, including faith and receptivity, the relationship of confidence and doubt in our own practice. She goes on to look at how 'faith is wisdom, but not fully realised.' Excerpted from the talk entitled Exploring the Faculty of Faith, part of the series Pathways to the Beautiful Mind given at Bristol Buddhist Centre,…
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The jewel in Buddhism represents the deepest nature of our being. Punyamala explores the symbol of the jewel in the lotus as evoked in the White Lotus Sutra. Excerpted from the talk entitled Jewel In the Lotus given at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 2007. *** Subscribe to our Dharmabytes podcast: On Apple Podcasts | On Spotify | On Google Podcasts Bite…
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