Afrikaans and English stories about life, church, faith, beer, humans- average Christians!
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We launched my third book on 30/07 at Oosterlig Church. Friend Jacques Bornman facilitated the conversation, with a special appearance by Anneri Moolman- to whom the book is dedicated!Av Ivor Swartz
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Ek het onlangs by die jaarlikse Lentekonferensie gesels oor selfloosheid, oor die kuns van verlies, en oor die seën van laatgaan!Av Ivor Swartz
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Spiritual Maturity In Times Of Crisis by Ivor SwartzAv Ivor Swartz
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In die episode gesels ek met my vriend jacques bornman van Mosiek Gemeente. Ons chat oor gebed, meditasie, en nog 'n hele paar Lockdown-related topics.Av Ivor Swartz
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Lockdown Chronicles- Rudi Swanepoel by Ivor SwartzAv Ivor Swartz
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This is a challenging time for teachers. Dr. Francois Naude is doing a Google Classroom Webinar here: Buy your ticket here: Remember the code IVOR30 for discount!!The image for the PRAYER is on my Facebook. or email me info@youththefuture.orgAv Ivor Swartz
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COPING IN LOCKDOWN- JI DE WET by Ivor SwartzAv Ivor Swartz
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Lockdown Chronicles- Deon Meiring by Ivor SwartzAv Ivor Swartz
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How To Lead The Next Gen. in a Post-Covid-19 world
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25:17How To Lead The Next Gen. in a Post-Covid-19 world by Ivor SwartzAv Ivor Swartz
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Hierdie is 'n episode wat ek en kollega JI de Wet opgeneem het as deel van ons gemeente se manier om nogsteeds mense toe te rus om God te soek, met mekaar te connect, en Jesus as Here op te lig. Ons gesels oor GEWOONTES- goed of sleg- wat mense kan aankweek, afleer, op weer optel in die vulnerable tyd van die corona virus en die lockdown.Link na di…
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Mona Lag vi Corona by Ivor SwartzAv Ivor Swartz
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Teachers Motivation E19 by Ivor SwartzAv Ivor Swartz
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Teachers Motivation E18 by Ivor SwartzAv Ivor Swartz
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Teachers Motivation E17 by Ivor SwartzAv Ivor Swartz
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Teachers Motivation E16 by Ivor SwartzAv Ivor Swartz
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Teachers Motivation E15 by Ivor SwartzAv Ivor Swartz
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Teachers Motivation E14 by Ivor SwartzAv Ivor Swartz
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Teachers Motivation E13 by Ivor SwartzAv Ivor Swartz
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Teachers Motivation E12 by Ivor SwartzAv Ivor Swartz
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Teachers Motivation 11 by Ivor SwartzAv Ivor Swartz
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Teachers Motivation 10 by Ivor SwartzAv Ivor Swartz
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G R A T I T U D ETo be grateful is to recognize the love of God in everything; every breath we draw is a gift of His love. The grateful person knows that God is good, not by hearsay, but by personal experience. The grateful person always ask, "where would I be, if not for Your grace."The truly grateful view every event of their lives- the painful a…
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Teachers Motivation E9 by Ivor SwartzAv Ivor Swartz
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Teachers Motivation E8 by Ivor SwartzAv Ivor Swartz
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Teachers Motivation E7 by Ivor SwartzAv Ivor Swartz
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Teachers Motivation E6 by Ivor SwartzAv Ivor Swartz
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Teachers Motivation E5 by Ivor SwartzAv Ivor Swartz
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Teachers Motivation E4 by Ivor SwartzAv Ivor Swartz
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Teachers Motivation E3 by Ivor SwartzAv Ivor Swartz
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Episode 2 of my teachers appreciation podcast. It's only 6 minutes long. Please share.Av Ivor Swartz
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Teachers Motivation by Ivor SwartzAv Ivor Swartz
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My Lime Boots Founder & Owner, Ryan Enslin: Fashion, Creativity, God, Sexuality
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47:41I'm talking to my friend, Ryan Enslin, who owns Lifestyle Blog, My Lime Boots. We are talking about a part of his past, what led him to blogging, and what the church can do about creativity: Ivor Swartz
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Average Christian Podcast Episode 10. I'm talking about our trip to Israel with J-Life (, interviewing my wife, Nadine; I ask my friend SJ to share about his experience at the It's Time Prayer Event. He wrote a blog post that went viral ( I've also written about it:…
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Relationships are fragile; people say things they don't mean, or have vowed to. In a space of a week, I heard of two couples getting divorce...and they are Christian. I say this, because the church has much to say about the movie Fifty Shades fo Grey, but struggles to mentor, guide, and walk alongside young married couples, to see them loving each …
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I had a conversation with Mike Darby- a man I came to respect deeply, because of what I'm seeing in the lives of the people he mentored and discipled over many years. He founded one of the best schools in Joburg South, and has not stopped trying to see social change in South Africa.…
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I'm in conversation with Caron Roodt, founder of The Trade-off Project ( a company that seeks to develop and build responsible giving, to NGO's, with a "vice for value" initiative. Follow them on the various social media platforms.Av Ivor Swartz
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This is the second episode for 2017, recorded middle of December. I'm chatting to an old friend from Bible School who've recently founded a not-for-profit clothing company, Zuko Clothing. Listen to some of my conversation with Wimpie.Av Ivor Swartz
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Welcome to 2017. Welcome to Midnight. 365 days of you doing, being, becoming. Make this a year of movement!Av Ivor Swartz
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A shorter episode on three things close to my heart: men's health, leading young people, and a friend from prison.Av Ivor Swartz
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"GO, and MAKE", Jesus said!We've all been given somewhere to go, and something to make.I'm speaking to Lara and Dyl- a young adult couple that serve with me at church- about their heart for India. They are also taking 8 other young adults with them. This is gospel!Av Ivor Swartz
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I'm talking to my good friend, SJ Wiggett, about Intentional Living. I'm also playing you a few good tunes.#ACPodcastAv Ivor Swartz
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Episode 1: Noem My Skollie & GRWorship
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54:57It's the debut episode, yay! I'm playing a few songs, talk about a great South African movie on the circuit at the moment, and then have an awesome conversation with Guillaume and Rene, from GR WOrship- a worship-leading couple who recently brought out their first album, "This Is Our Worship". They're on iTunes and Apple Music. Go get it.…
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Let's be honest, most of us are Average Christians: we live our Christian lives between going to work, mowing the lawn, pay our bills, all the while trying to be the best representatives of Jesus we can. This podcast is for all of us. #ACPodcast.Av Ivor Swartz
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