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Podcast Profesora Leniucha

Piotr Wiejaczka

„Podcast Profesora Leniucha” jest to kolekcja audycji z dwóch serii podcastów: „Androny Profesora Leniucha” oraz „Na kozetce u Profesora Leniucha”. Kontaktowy adres e-mail do „Podcastu Profesora Leniucha” to: podcastprofesoraleniucha@gmail.com Masz ochotę postawić Profesorowi Leniuchowi kubek pysznej gorącej kawy? Zapraszam: paypal.me/profesorleniuch lub przez PayPal: profesorleniuch@gmail.com
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Lasse & Lenin

Hotell Gästis

Lasse Diding läser Per Nygrens bok ”Lasse & Lenin : en bok om Lasse Didings liv som hotellägare, kommunist, alkoholist, samlare, miljonär, provokatör, boknörd, varbergsbo, frankofil, kubafrälst, retsticka och klosterägare”.
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Join Lenise Ligon, FOX10's trusted news anchor, as she goes beyond the negative headlines with her award-winning podcast, "Living It Up with Lenise." Lenise has heard from many viewers who avoid the news because they find it "too negative." That's why she created this show, which aims to highlight the incredible stories of ordinary people making a positive impact that often go unnoticed. From tales of life-changing transformations to discovering hidden gems in various communities, this uplif ...
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Mein Name ist Leni Rieke und ich betreibe die Galerie Cavissamba in Haselau in der schönen Haseldorfer Marsch, die Galerie versteht sich als Raum der Möglichkeiten. Im Fokus der Galerie stehen Ideen, Konzepte und Chancen interessanter Künstler und deren Kunst. Kunst fördert unsere Wahrnehmung, schafft Werte und fördert den Dialog, in diesem Podcast treffe ich mich mit Künstler/innen, Autoren/innen und Musiker/innen unterschiedlichster Colour zum gemeinsamen Dialog.
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Eddie Lenihan is Ireland’s most well known storyteller. He has been telling tales for over 35 years. Each month, Eddie will share Irish wisdom and stories from the past on the Tell Me A Story with Eddie Lenihan podcast. As a cultural preservationist, Eddie has amassed the largest collection of folk stories and tales in Ireland. His dedication to the tradition has seen him collect and compile stories from all across the country, particularly those that deal with the themes of the supernatural ...
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Gospel Light is a weekly radio broadcast of anointed Bible teaching, powerful prayer and proclamation of the gospel. Under the leadership and vision of founder, Pastor Lenita Reeves, the broadcast exists to make Jesus known, provoke believers into deeper relationship with the Lord and encourage everyone to pursue divine purpose for heavenly rewards. We seek to reach the globe, engaging audiences from all walks of life with an anointed message in alignment with the original gospel. You can su ...
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Wealth Matters for Financial Dominion Podcast delivers personal finance strategies and entrepreneurship insight to educate a new generation of wealth builders, help listeners save and invest wisely, and empower generous, compassionate giving. We offer inspiration and interviews focused on paying off, making, and saving money becuase it’s time to move forward, financial dominion forward. Don't be dominated by debt or lack: Take financial dominion. You can subscribe & support the podcast at ht ...
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show series
The US bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th and August 8th 1945 were the first and only time nuclear weapons were used in on a civilian population. The nuclear bombings have long been pushed as “necessary evils” by the US bourgeois state. Tonight the Peoples School along with the Asian-American Friendship Congress (aafc.us.org) seek to …
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Former Chairman of the Communist Party USA and Civil Rights Activist, Henry ‘Winny’ Winston, forged much of the Communist political thought on the Black American struggles in the United States. Winston’s incredible wisdom of his day still rings true today!Visit us at:Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies: peoplesschool.usParty of Communists U…
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In this class, we read excerpts from the book Fascism and Social Revolution by R. Palme Dutt provided to us by New Outlook Publishers. We will discuss the Communist definition of fascism and what its defining features are. We will also discuss Communist strategies for combating fascism via an organized working class and democratic elements of other…
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Bourgeois educational and cultural institutions generally claim that the Molotov-Ribbentrop Non-Aggression Pact was an alliance between Nazi Germany and Soviet Union in their “shared conquest of Europe”. This is categorically false. The Soviet Union understood the threat of Nazism and Fascism early on and spared no effort in building an anti-fascis…
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The Comintern of 1935 tasked all Communists to become the patriots of their countries against fascism. We will focus on the campaign led by the Daily Worker journalist Lester Rodney, under the leadership of the Party to make “Communism 20th century Americanism,” by writing in the press, creating YCL-led picketing, and collecting petitions to integr…
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Harry Bridges was an Australian who moved to the US and became one of the most prolific trade unionists in US history. He along with the Communist Party led the Great San Francisco General Strike. In this class, the PSMLS joins with the Harry Bridges School of Labor to explore more of his life in labor. Visit us at: Peoples School for Marxist-Lenin…
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This class will discuss the American Revolution and Declaration of Independence from a Historical Materialist point of view. Visit us at: Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies: peoplesschool.us Party of Communists USA: partyofcommunistsusa.net New Outlook Publishers: newoutlookpublishers.store Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 14:30 After the Sev…
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In the 19th Century, Marx and Engels laid down the theory of Scientific Socialism. In the early 20th century, Lenin updated Marxism to the age of Imperialism and led the 1917 revolution that gave birth to the first large scale Scientific Socialist state. Stalin then picked up the Marxist-Leninist tool kit and led the building of the USSR. Communist…
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Before the abolition of slavery in the United States, a complex network of heroic black and white abolitionists was developed to liberate the slave plantations of the South and set the wheel in motion for the dismantling of the chattel slave economy altogether. This network was called the Underground Railroad.Some sections of this class had to be c…
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On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a black woman, was arrested for refusing to give up her bus seat to a white man. Following the arrest, boycotts lasted over a year in what would be known as the Montgomery Bus Boycott. This movement would be a major step in the dismantling of the Jim Crow South and bringing about political equality between white and…
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On January 27, 1945, the Soviet Red Army 322nd Rifle Division saved the lives of 7,000 Jews from the horrors of Auschwitz-Birkenau Labor and Death Camps where over a million Jews, Romani, and Communists were systematically exterminated or worked to death. Join us as we team up with the Jewish Peoples Schule and US Friends of the Soviet People to di…
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In January 1937, the Flint Sit-Down Strike, the “strike heard around the world,” challenged General Motors in what would transform the UAW forever. Join us as the Harry Bridges School of Labor again leads our class for Part 2 of a two-week presentation on the Flint Sit-Down Strike.Visit us at:Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies: peoplesscho…
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As part of our series honoring and commemorating the 80th anniversary of different battles of the Great Patriotic War, the Second World War, we will be looking at the 80th Anniversary of the Allied Operation Overlord (better known as D-Day) and Soviet Operation Bagration. This class is special as it allows us as Americans to honor our brave anti-fa…
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In January 1936, the Flint Sit-Down Strike, the “strike heard around the world,” challenged General Motors in what would transform the UAW forever. In this class, the Harry Bridges School of Labor again leads Part 1 of a two-week presentation on the Flint Sit-Down Strike.Visit us at:Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies: peoplesschool.usParty…
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Join us this week as we study the irregular trial and unjust execution of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg. We will have a viewing from the 1983 documentary "The Unquiet Death of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg." Visit us at: Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies: peoplesschool.us Party of Communists USA: partyofcommunistsusa.net New Outlook Publishers:…
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Join us this week as the LGBT+ commission of the PCUSA does a class on the book we published through New Outlook Publishers “Communist and the LGBT+ Struggle: An Anthology, Volume 1.” Subjects from the book we will cover is the LGBT+ in socialist countries, and the LGBT+ movement in America. Visit us at: Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies:…
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From 1936 to 1939, brave patriots from all over the world joined in the struggle to safeguard the Spanish Republic and democracy against the Hitler-Mussolini backed General Francisco Franco. In the United States, the volunteers, which were sourced and led greatly by the CPUSA but also included anti-fascist fellow travelers, made up the Abraham Linc…
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Ultra-Leftism and Petty Bourgeois Radicalism, phenomena which have existed since the time of Marx and Lenin, have caused disruption and disunity throughout the history of the Communist movement. This class provides an introduction to Ultra-Leftism in general, and it also covers the recent Beijing Declaration on Ending Division and Strengthening Pal…
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Unlike in the US where Christmas is spotlighted, the Soviet Union emphasized the New Year as the big winter holiday. Christmas, Hanukkah, and other religion-based holidays were celebrated but the socialist state focused on New Year’s as it signified the coming of the new. In many Soviet holiday cards, we observe Ded Moroz, or Father Frost as he is …
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Visit us at: Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies: peoplesschool.us Party of Communists USA: partyofcommunistsusa.net New Outlook Publishers: newoutlookpublishers.store 0:00 Introduction 1:00 Background 7:15 Emergence of the New Left 9:00 Q&A 1 22:30 Protests begin: 1964-1967 32:00 Video - MLK Speech "Beyond Vietnam" 32:30 Video - Newsreel c…
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On December 17, 1951, black communist heroes William L. Patterson and Paul Robeson submitted a petition to the United Nations. This petition put out by the Civil Rights Congress called attention to the over 10,000 lynchings of black Americans (likely much more that went unreported) committed since the abolition of slavery in 1865. Further, "We Char…
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As we work to build a Labor-Led Anti-Monopoly coalition, we decided to put the spotlight on a progressive hero during the Popular Front Period and subsequent Post-War Period. This man, Vito Marcantonio, bravely fought against attacks on labor, civil liberties, communists, and socialists during the outbreak of McCarthyism. He was the only Congresspe…
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Join the Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies, in collaboration with the Irish Commission of the Party of Communists USA, as we look at the Easter Rebellion of 1916. This event was pivotal in the struggle for Irish independence and has important parallels to current events in the world. Visit us at: Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studie…
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Communists have long understood that art is an expression of the mode of production of a society. As such, art in the Soviet Union represented its socialist mode of production. Rather than looking from the lens of the individual, Soviet art represented the perspective of the collective. Soviet art presents itself as society with the proletariat and…
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The purpose of mass organizations is to be a unifying force for all progressive forces against monopolies and reaction. Join us to learn more about mass organizations in American history and today.Visit us at:Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies: peoplesschool.usParty of Communists USA: partyofcommunistsusa.netNew Outlook Publishers: newoutl…
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In this class, the People’s School for Marxist-Leninist Studies provides a post-election analysis of the US Presidential Election. We will discuss reasons why Trump won, what can we expect from a Trump Presidency, and what we can do about it.Visit us at:Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies: peoplesschool.usParty of Communists USA: partyofcom…
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In the middle of the 18th Century, the British Empire colonized the land that contains India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Towards the late 19th Century and early 20th Century, independence movements sprang up. The British, savvy as they were in dividing and pitting the subject populations against one another had in its arsenal various ethnicities, la…
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Films and other media may appear to some simply as forms of entertainment. The reality is, however, that film can shape how the public thinks. Films can be used to advance society by pushing pro-peace ideals or it can galvanize the public for the next imperialist war. For this reason, the film industry serves as an important battleground for Social…
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Visit us at:Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies: peoplesschool.usParty of Communists USA: partyofcommunistsusa.netNew Outlook Publishers: newoutlookpublishers.storeTimestamps:0:00 Introduction1:00 Section 1 - What is Industrial Concentration? The Bolshevization of the Communist Parties18:40 Q&A 127:30 Section 2 - The Communist Party USA on …
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Join the People’s School for Marxist-Leninist Studies for a reading and examination of The October Revolution by Joseph Stalin. "The October Revolution" is a collection of articles and speeches by General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, JV Stalin. We have republished this work due to the distorted view in the United States of …
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In this class, the Peoples School discusses the history of Belarus after the treacherous counter-revolution of 1991 which illegally broke up the USSR. We will discuss the politics, government, Party, and the situation in Belarus during the 1990s.Visit us at:Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies: peoplesschool.usParty of Communists USA: partyo…
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Join the People’s School of Marxist-Leninist Studies for a presentation on John Reed’s work concerning the Russian Revolution, Ten Days That Shook the World. John Reed wrote about the revolution as it unfolded in front of him. This work is the inspiration for the movie Reds!Visit us at:Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies: peoplesschool.usPa…
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Visit us at:Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies: peoplesschool.usParty of Communists USA: partyofcommunistsusa.netNew Outlook Publishers: newoutlookpublishers.storeTimestamps:0:00 Introduction0:50 Short Biography of Wilfred Burchett3:00 Q&A 17:30 Founding of the DPRK14:05 Q&A 220:30 Call for Signing of a Peace Treaty / Division of Korea37:1…
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Visit us at:Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies: peoplesschool.usParty of Communists USA: partyofcommunistsusa.netNew Outlook Publishers: newoutlookpublishers.storeTimestamps:0:00 Introduction0:30 Origins of the International Workers Order10:15 Q&A 114:35 How the International Workers Order Worked29:10 Q&A 236:50 The Popular Front and the I…
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Join the PSMLS as we look at the history of Communism and Zionism. While we do not support Zionism, as it is a reactionary bourgeois ideology, it is important to look at the history of when Communists worked in coalition with more left-leaning Zionist elements and what tactical and strategic goals were served. Visit us at:Peoples School for Marxist…
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Join the PSMLS as we read passages from "Communism vs Fascism" by former CPUSA General Secretary William Z. Foster. Cold War Propaganda, which began with monopoly media moguls like William Randolph Hearst who knew the American working class hated fascist barbarism, tried to obfuscate the working class and pro-democracy movements by equating Sociali…
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Tonight, we will be working together with the Cervantes Fraternal Society to discuss a brief history of the Panama Canal. We will discuss how and why Panama broke off from Greater Colombia in the late 1800s. We will also discuss how the US used the Panama Canal for its imperialist gains. Visit us at:Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies: peop…
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The US bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th and August 8th 1945 were the first and only time nuclear weapons were used in on a civilian population. The nuclear bombings have long been pushed as “necessary evils” by the US bourgeois state. Tonight the Peoples School along with the Asian-American Friendship Congress (aafc.us.org) seek to …
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In this class, we read excerpts from the book Fascism and Social Revolution by R. Palme Dutt provided to us by New Outlook Publishers. We will discuss the Communist definition of fascism and what its defining features are. We will also discuss Communist strategies for combating fascism via an organized working class and democratic elements of other…
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Bourgeois educational and cultural institutions generally claim that the Molotov-Ribbentrop Non-Aggression Pact was an alliance between Nazi Germany and Soviet Union in their “shared conquest of Europe”. This is categorically false. The Soviet Union understood the threat of Nazism and Fascism early on and spared no effort in building an anti-fascis…
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Harry Bridges was an Australian who moved to the US and became one of the most prolific trade unionists in US history. He along with the Communist Party led the Great San Francisco General Strike. In this class, the PSMLS joins with the Harry Bridges School of Labor to explore more of his life in labor.Visit us at:Peoples School for Marxist-Leninis…
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The Comintern of 1935 tasked all Communists to become the patriots of their countries against fascism. We will focus on the campaign led by the Daily Worker journalist Lester Rodney, under the leadership of the Party to make “Communism 20th century Americanism,” by writing in the press, creating YCL-led picketing, and collecting petitions to integr…
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This class will discuss the American Revolution and Declaration of Independence from a Historical Materialist point of view.Visit us at:Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies: peoplesschool.usParty of Communists USA: partyofcommunistsusa.netNew Outlook Publishers: newoutlookpublishers.storeTimestamps:0:00 Introduction14:30 After the Seven Year…
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As part of our series honoring and commemorating the 80th anniversary of different battles of the Great Patriotic War, the Second World War, we will be looking at the 80th Anniversary of the Allied Operation Overlord (better known as D-Day) and Soviet Operation Bagration. This class is special as it allows us as Americans to honor our brave anti-fa…
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Join us this week as we study the irregular trial and unjust execution of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg. We will have a viewing from the 1983 documentary "The Unquiet Death of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg."Visit us at:Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies: peoplesschool.usParty of Communists USA: partyofcommunistsusa.netNew Outlook Publishers: new…
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Join us this week as the LGBT+ commission of the PCUSA does a class on the book we published through New Outlook Publishers “Communist and the LGBT+ Struggle: An Anthology, Volume 1.” Subjects from the book we will cover is the LGBT+ in socialist countries, and the LGBT+ movement in America.Visit us at:Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies: p…
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