How many podcasts exist by and/or for Palauans? Like... Three? Well here's one of them! This is the personal podcast of Sha Merirei. She's a QTPI millennial in Honolulu ranting in front of her mic to the smooth sounds of royalty-free reggae. This podcast probably contains mild to moderate swearing. #SorryNotSorry
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Ets un malalt dels podcast de ’true crime’? Ets fan d’assassins en sèrie? Tens set de casos que no s’hagin explicat mai? Estàs en el lloc correcte. Presentat pel becari en criminologia i criador de cargols de mar Tomàs Fuentes i produït per El Terrat.
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Capítol 12: El que ningú s'atreveix a dir
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22:12Tomàs Fuentes, el Julian Assange del podcasting. L'últim capítol de la primera temporada de s'Ha Escrit un Podcast, Tomàs Fuentes revela alguns dels secrets que podrien demolir els fonaments del món tal com el coneixem.Av El Terrat / Podium Podcast
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No apte per a estómacs sensibles ni fans de Toy Story. Un terrible assot criminal assola el material lúdic dels més petits. L'ombra de l’esquarterador de joguines és allargada, i ens enfrontarem a ella en S'Ha Escrit Un Podcast.Av El Terrat / Podium Podcast
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Matar és l'acte més vil i antic que existeix. De fet, no hi ha hagut ni una sola civilització que no hagi comptat amb assassins il·lustres. Viatgem sense logopeda al costat de l'actor Mario Casas fins a l'Antiga Roma. Qui va matar a l'emperador Claudi Kevin II?Av El Terrat / Podium Podcast
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Capítol 9: S'Ha Escrit un Podcast Morning Show
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20:06La renovació del gènere del True Crime ha arribat i parla amb la veu del DJ Tomàs Fuentes. Després de conèixer els delictes més depravats, reinventem l'escena de podcasting fusionant assassinats amb ràdio fórmula matinera. Are you ready?Av El Terrat / Podium Podcast
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Un dels casos més coneguts mundialment: la desaparició d’en Wally. Hi ha molts llibres que han tractat el tema però mai ningú ha indagat en el drama familiar darrere d'aquest personatge que fa anys que no passa per casa.Av El Terrat / Podium Podcast
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Una dona es fa passar per Hillary Clinton per deixar sense un cèntim al convidat d'aquest capítol. Un cas que té més delicte l'estafat que l'estafador.Av El Terrat / Podium Podcast
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Un crim terrible succeeix en les oficines de ‘S'Ha Escrit Un Podcast’. Algú ha escrit un insult dirigit a en Tomàs a la porta del lavabo. El presentador intentarà descobrir al traïdor en directe.Av El Terrat / Podium Podcast
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La versió encara més maligna dels Iluminatti fa temps que capta a gent a Espanya. L'equip de ‘S'Ha Escrit Un Podcast’ s'endinsa en les entranyes d'aquesta societat oculta.Av El Terrat / Podium Podcast
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Un depravat està sembrant el pànic entre la ciutadania, assaltant a les seves víctimes i despullant-se... emocionalment.Av El Terrat / Podium Podcast
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Un cas terrible, una acusació falsa i una pena de presó immerescuda. La protagonista d'aquesta història acudeix a l'estudi per a explicar el seu cas. Però un problema amb un membre de l'equip no deixa que el programa flueixi amb normalitat.Av El Terrat / Podium Podcast
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Tomàs tracta el cas de Josefa Camuñas, una candidata a assassina en sèrie que mai aconsegueix transcendir per culpa de la seva falta de carisma. Malgrat que s'esforça, els mitjans no es fan ressò de les seves malifetes.Av El Terrat / Podium Podcast
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Fa anys algú va segrestar l'estrella d'un equip de futbol, l'argentí Pipo Rossi. No obstant això, la captivitat de l'esportista acaba girant-se en contra dels segrestadors.Av El Terrat / Podium Podcast
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Els podcast de 'true crime' estan vivint una època daurada. De vegades fins i tot dóna la sensació que qualsevol que tingui accés a bones històries podria fer un bon producte. Però, què passaria si aquest qualsevol és la persona menys adequada i preparada, ja no per a parlar de crims, sinó per a parlar de qualsevol cosa? Això és el que passa a "S'H…
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If you’re tuning in to this particular episode, It's likely because sometime since Friday, September 4, 2020 you saw a headline and/or read an article, post, or tweet that said something along the lines of “Pacific nation of Palau invites US to build a military base to counter China.” This is the episode about that letter. [Note: This episode conta…
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Yes, it’s more than half-way through the year and yes 2020 has been utter rubbish— so clearly, there are A LOT of things to discuss. This is a checking-in trailer to let you know about some of the upcoming topics currently in production: Anti-Blackness and colorism in the Palauan community Sexual harassment, abuse, assault, and intimate partner abu…
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Just recently, Senator Uduch Sengebau Senior of the 10th Olbiil er a Kelulau passed through Honolulu on her way back to Palau and she made time on a Saturday morning to give us an update on where she’d been and discuss some pretty difficult issues that we’re both very passionate about— from the importance of voting and electing women into political…
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As images of kūpuna being arrested for protecting Mauna Kea have been displayed all over the world, I’ve watched how those images have affected people differently and spent a good bit of time reflecting. I wanted to share some of my own thoughts and feelings because what I saw and how I feel about the Protectors of Mauna Kea are very much shaped by…
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Halfway Through 2019 and I Finally Podcast...
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46:14This year has been a wild ride and we’re only a little more than halfway through it, but I finally podcasted! Tune in as I cover a fairly wide range, not necessarily in-depth, because I just haven’t been on top of my podcasting game this year. Updates on #BeingMicronesian, touching on #ProtectMaunaKea, discussing some social media things, and (of c…
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Coffee Time Convo with Our Senators
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1:16:46I sat down outside a coffee shop in Honolulu on March 23, 2019 for a casual conversation with Senators Uduch Senior and Rukebai Inabo. We discussed the work they’re doing inside and outside OEK, the rights and resources available for abuse and assault victims in Palau, the housing market, and got updates on their airport lawsuit.…
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[2019] Mini-Episode on Yoga & Blechidelry™
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5:04I had an entirely different episode to publish as my introductory 2019 episode. Really, I did. But every time I think I’m done recording, I open the Facebook app and there’s a whole new instance of Blechidelry™ that completely throws me… So consider this a mini episode because I’m literally just addressing yoga. Well yoga and the collective Blechid…
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In getting so much positive feedback about the issues I’ve been discussing this year, I need to give credit where it’s due: to my Papa. This bonus mini episode was inspired by the “For the Qultures” podcast episode on toxic relationships and is based on advice from my Papa about healthy relationships versus unhealthy relationships.…
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The Official #BeingMicronesian Episode
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43:07In a long-overdue (and unscripted) episode, I talk frankly about #BeingMicronesian, how it came about and what it’s become. I also talk about how it’s affected me in the Mental Health Check-In. You even get a bonus bit about my Palauan-American upbringing and how things from my SmolSha days shaped my perspective and activism today.…
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Sha Nanigans News Overview: Wyndham Palau, Palau China Resort, and Human Trafficking
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1:00:19The Special Weekend News Overview is an attempt to separate the news section from the rest of the podcast, per listener feedback, because the hearing the news is a whole standalone traumatic experience on it’s own. This episode is a recap of Wyndham Palau, Senate President Hokkons Baules and House Speaker Sabino Anastacio's letter to Minister Faust…
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Cutting Off Your PVA to Spite Your ROC..?
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48:45Discussing OUKERDEU Dr. Patrick Tellei's brilliant Palauan mic drop moment; following up on our Legislative Leadership and their never-ending jaw-dropping moves; learning about the "Palau China Resort" that's being planned in Elechui; introduction to the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands; and the amazing Crisis Text Line!…
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OUKERDEU Dr. Patrick Tellei's Speech at the 7th Opening Session of the 10th OEK
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49:06This special episode features OUKERDEU Dr. Patrick Tellei's Speech at the 7th Opening Session of the 10th OEK from July 10, 2018.
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Special bonus episode follows up on the Palau Wyndham development project and sends Sha on quite the investigative mission!
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OEK Leaders vs Ambassador to Taiwan - And a whole lot more!
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32:33Join me as I try to reconcile statements from the Senate President and House Speaker about the Wyndham Palau resort that's to be built in Aimeliik with statements made by Palau's Ambassador to Taiwan. I then provide what is possibly the world's fastest lesson on WWII and the United Nations. I'll close out the episode with more facts and figures abo…
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That Time Germany Lost at Risk, but Japan Swooped In
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35:54News update about Palau Pacific Airways, an overview of the South Seas Mandate and what it did to Micronesia after WWI but before WWII, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison's study about childhood trauma modifying DNA.
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Episode 11 kicks off by discussing leadership and accountability. Feature segment "Gloves TF Off" addresses predatory behavior in the Palauan community. Mental Health Check-In looks at victim-blaming and how to talk to sexual assault survivors.
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After a long sabbatical, Sha Merirei is back to podcasting! This episode she briefly touches on the suspension of the MAVNI program, tells a story about an ax-wielding lunatic, and talks about mental health and self-care.
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Bringing back this episode, originally recorded for “Islanesian Experience” about the term API and how I’m salty AF about being an Asian afterthought.
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Clip from my last podcast episode addressing revenge porn. Summary: If you are party to revenge porn, you are trash. That is all.
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Going over the results of a Palauan sexual harassment survey, discussing a reputation versus safety, and a few notes about revenge porn.
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My first guest on the “Sha Nanigans” podcast is the ever-awesome Chéy Isao and we talked about the culture of harassment and assault in the Palauan community.
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Someone come get your missionary! • Did you LISTEN to that pickup line though?? • We were like “WTH is this?!”
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I’ve been livid.. But let me reiterate. • To all the sumaol-ass rubak on social media... • I say “rubak,” but it could be anyone...
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Guess every podcast needs an introduction of sorts...
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