Join Christine & Jacoby, weekly, as they discuss a wide-range of topics they find interesting. The pair will give their perspective on the topic of the week and then look at the research, facts and literature associated with the topic to see if it expands the conversation. These topics will create a dialogue that encourages our listeners to learn more about the world and ourselves. Listen weekly to find out how you can add to the conversation. Follow us at Venn.Dialogues on Instagram and at ...
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Hvorfor blir det krig i Ukraina? Hvordan skal verden løse kollektive problemer? Ska bøndene få bedre betalt, og hvorfor sliter rikspolitikere med å forstå reglene for pendlerboliger? Hvis du er interesert i slike spørsmål da er podkasten"Statsvitenskap og sånt" noe for deg! Hver uke diskuterer Harald Borgebund og Sondre Lindahl diskutere politiske spørsmål, temaer, ideer og aktuelle politiske situasjoner. Begge jobber som førsteamanuensis ved Høgskolen i Østfold. Spørsmål, tips, informasjon ...
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Skredpodden - podkasten for deg som vil til fjells og hjem igjen. I skredpodden snakker vi om snøskred og hvordan vi kan gjøre gode valg i skredterreng. Podkasten produseres av: CARE (Center for Avalanche Research and Education) and – hos UiT Norges arktiske universitet og NVE.
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I dag sitter Audun alene i studio. Denne sesongen skulle vi snakke mye om skredulykker og læring, men etter den tragiske skredulykken i Frankrike ble det vanskelig for flere av oss. Likevel tenker vi å gjøre et forsøk. For å vite hva vi kan lære av en skredulykke så har vi snakket med 28 overlevende fra alvorlige ulykker. I denne podkasten løfter v…
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Ramadan Kareem! Ramadan Mubarak! These are traditional greetings for Ramadan which translate to “generous Ramadan” & “blessed Ramadan” respectively. Today we talk Ramadan and a bit of fasting. Come for the knowledge, stay for the laughs! Join us in the “Two in The Think” Segment where we explore our thoughts on fasting, the difference between Islam…
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Et møte mellom Zelensky og Trump gikk rett i dass. Intrigemaker J.D. Vance gjorde sitt beste for å sabotere møtet, og Ukraina fikk ingen sikkerhetsgaranti. Den eneste som er garantert er at USA radikalt endrer sitt forhold til venner og allierte. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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Join Jacoby & Christine as they recap all their episodes so far! They discuss lessons learned, how they developed their topics, common themes between topics and any expansion of the topics since the initial podcast episode. Challenge: Let us know your favorite episode so far on any of our Instagram posts @Venn.Dialogues and talk about your favorite…
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Ting skjer fort for Europa og USA nå. Trumps administrasjon sparer ikke på kruttet, og for første gang på lenge reises det tvil om et felles verdigrunnlag for Europa. Det er rett og slett alvor! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Black History Month is celebrated in February because it started as just a week in February starting in 1926. It remains in February as a whole month because it includes and honors Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. So, no Dick Gregory, they didn’t just give black people the shortest month of the year! What do YOU know about Black H…
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Happy Valentine’s day, Single Awareness Day & Galentine's Day to everyone out there who celebrates! And if you're like me, well, a Happy Friday will suffice! This episode we dive into dating and the history of how it developed to what we experience in our modern time. As usual it was a journey and a lot of good nuggets of information were shared an…
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En ny verdensorden? Det skjer litt, for å si det sånn!
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51:00Trump har ikke spart på kruttet de første to ukene som president, og mange av avgjørelsene får umiddelbare konsekvenser får det internasjonale samfunnet (og Statsvitenskap og sånt). Det skjer litt nå om dagen, altså! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Picture this: America, 1582. Yeah, I know, it’s not like the America we know now – no highways, no Wi-Fi, just a bunch of guys in tights and hats with feathers. Anyway, the Pope decides to change the calendar. One day, it’s October 4th, and the next, poof, it’s October 15th. Ten days just vanish! So my cousin, Rosalie *God rest her* she’s all excit…
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Da var det slutt for det rødgrønne regjeringsprosjektet for denne gang. Hvilke konsekvenser får dette for norsk politikk? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Translation: “I hope you get your bag this year” or more literally “May good fortune fall upon you.” It’s Chinese New Year’s Eve! Celebrated during the first New Moon of the year, Chinese New Year is celebrated not only in China, but across the globe with fireworks, lantern festivals, and all the dumplings you can eat! Join us while we explore the …
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The Donald er tilbake ved maktens tinder i USA, og det varsler om vanskelige kår for det liberale demokratiet! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Follow us on social media (see bottom of notes for accounts) and share an episode with a friend or family member. Join the conversation on socials using #RecycleMe Life in plastic is actually not fantastic. Today we talk about Recycling. The big, small and in-between about how we can all try more in our recycling efforts and WHY. In the “What's Fac…
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Er vi på veg mot et lavtillitssamfunn?
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41:47SOS starter 2025 med å diskutere Haralds kronikk i DN om hvorvidt vi er på veg mot et lavtillitssamfunn i Norge. Politiske skandaler, mangelfull politikk og en slapp politisk elite bidrar til at et demokratiet råtner fra toppen. Kronikken kan du lese her:…
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How do you comfort others in a time of need? Do you ever find it difficult to know what to do or say? It’s tough for everyone! However, there are some things that would be ok to say, and other things we should keep to ourselves. Join us while we discover different comfort languages and sort through the best and worst things to do for each. Challeng…
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Follow us on socials (tags at the bottom of the show notes). Share an episode with someone. Join the conversation on all socials by using #MindOverMatter or send us a DM. Today we dive into crystals! We explore our outlook on crystals in the “Two in The Think” Segment. In the “What's Facts Got to Do With It? Segment”, we explore the history of crys…
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HAPPY NEW YEAR! This week we get into New Year resolutions and goals, how to stay on track, and things you can do to make sure you’re not having the same year you did in 2024. Two in the Think: How do you prepare for the new year? (Resolutions? Vision Board? Letters to self?) Do you tend to fail or put your goals on pause? Why? We also recap 2024 w…
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Discussing The Narrative In Creation Stories Pt. 2
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47:04Part 2/2 Baby, the mic battles may have won a bit in this episode. We apologize for the insane audio in this episode, Christine saved Jacoby's audio as much as she could - so be kind to us. Remember to give us a show rating, go follow us on socials (tags are in the show notes) and share an episode or social post with someone. And if you have anythi…
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Discussing The Narratives In Creation Stories Pt. 1
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1:02:59Part 1/2 Baby, the mic battles may have won a bit in this episode. We apologize for the insane audio in this episode, Christine saved Jacoby's audio as much as she could - so be kind to us. Remember to give us a show rating, go follow us on socials (tags are in the show notes) and share an episode or social post with someone. And if you have anythi…
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Share an episode with a friend! Go follow us on socials (all tags at the bottom of the show notes). Like, comment and share. Join the conversation this week using #OnMyPapa. Ever heard of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)? Well, neither have we! Jacoby and Christine discussed PCOS and how that affects not only women, but men too! You heard that righ…
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Skredpodden S6 EP3 Skredulykka på Vinnubreen del 2
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51:24DEL 2: Snøskredene på Vinnubreen 10 februar legger Trygve Sande, Joakim Eide og Emil Bråten ut på det som i utgangspunktet skal være en lang og flott tur over Dronningenskrona på Sunndalsøra. Planen er å rappelere ned fra Dronningskrona og kjøre en av rennene på baksiden. Det er usedvanlig kaldt og det blåser, men det er ikke det som kommer til å g…
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From Nicki Minaj to Kim Kardashian, society seems to hold a particular regard and acceptance of plastic surgery. So much so, that it seems the possibilities are unlimited. If you think we are exaggerating, take a listen to this week's episode where we talk about Plastic Surgery and some of the strangest forms of it. In the Two in the Think segment …
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Skredpodden S6 EP2 Skredulykka på Vinnubreen Del 1.
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1:03:2810 februar legger Trygve Sande, Joakim Eide og Emil Bråten ut på det som i utgangspunktet skal være en lang og flott tur over Dronningenskrona på Sunndalsøra. Planen er å rappelere ned fra Dronningskrona og kjøre en av rennene på baksiden. Det er usedvanlig kaldt og det blåser, men det er ikke det som kommer til å gjøre dagen krevende. Etter å ha v…
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With Black Friday WEEK upon us, we decided to talk about saving in the form of….coupons! The conversation got wild!! Come for the ride, leave with some newfound couponing hacks. In the “What's Facts Got to Do With It? Segment” we explore the history of Coupons and its origins in our society. See the resources from the conversation below. Tap into t…
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Det er på tide med en ny EU-avstemning!
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45:01Det er 30 år siden forrige gang det norske folk tok stilling til norsk medlemsskap i EU. Mye har skjedd siden den gang, og i denne episoden diskuterer vi hvorvidt det er på tide med en ny debatt og avtstemning. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Gobble, gobble! We talk about the history of Thanksgiving today. Join us as we chat about the things we enjoy, dislike and don't understand about the tradition of Thanksgiving (& a bit of Black Friday). We dive into the history of Thanksgiving, and y’all, it's somehow even more than just Pilgrims and Native Americans/Indigenous people. In the “What…
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Twice a year our circadian rhythm is disturbed and Christine wanted to know WHY! Daylight Saving Time has been a part of our lives for as long as we’ve been alive and it never occurred to us to ask anyone why we have to do this. Who said this was ok? And why is it that not all areas follow the time change? We dig into the background of Daylight Sav…
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Skredpodden S6 EP1 Skredseminar fra Longyearbyen til Kristiansand - Her vises Remote lines 2.0. En prat om filmen med filmskaper og skredinstruktør Markus Aase
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51:29Da er vi i gang med nok en sesong med skredpodden. Neste uke arrangeres det skredseminarer fra Longyearbyen i nord til Kristiansand i sør. Her kan du blant annet se filmen Remote lines 2.0. I denne episoden diskuterer vi filmen og beslutningstaking i skredterreng med filmskaper og skredinstruktør Markus Aase. Filmen har premiere på skredkveldene. O…
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ISSW special edition EP14 - The merge between science and practise. A talk with Grant Statham and HP Marshall
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48:32ISSW is a melting pot and a meeting place where scientist and practitioners meet. In this talk we discuss how science transform into practise. Grant Statham works for parks Canada and is in may ways the founding father of the modern avalanche warning service. In the studio we also have HP Marshall from Boisie state university. He is an associate pr…
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ISSW special edition EP13 - Avalanche dynamics, Remote sensing, snow science
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47:02In this episode we discuss what we have learned on the second day at the ISSW. We discuss avalanche dynamics, remote sensing and snow science. Participating: Jan-Thomas Fischer, Ingrid Reiweger and Yves Buhler www.carepanel.noAv CARE & VARSOM
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ISSW special edition EP15 - Risk communication - what is it and how can we make it more effective. A talk with Scott Savage, Andrea Mannberg and Eva Latosuo
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1:07:00Communicating avalanche risk is sentral to keep people well informed and out of harms way. But it is by no means easy. How can we do that effectively and where does the future lead with all the new technology which is developed. In this final episode on the ISSW special edition podcast we discuss this with Scott Savage director for the Sawtooth Ava…
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We recorded this Pilot episode 6 years ago!! And we liked it so much we kept it! We open our podcast by talking about…..Open Conversations. Some questions we explored in this episode’s “Two in The Think” Segment were: What does an open conversation look like for you? How do you feel about initiating a difficult conversation? Do you consider yoursel…
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Trump er tilbake! Hvordan skjedde det?
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50:10Trump er tilbake som USAs president, om noen måneder, og selv om det ikke var et veldig stort sjokk at han vant så var det likevel et stort sjokk for det demokratiske partiet. Fra økonomi, innvandring og elitisme, det var mye som gikk feil for demokratene. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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The Venn Dialogues is finally here! Listen to our trailer to prepare yourself for our weekly podcast. Music Thanks To: Royalty Free Music from Track: Old Streets by Crystal Squad Join Christine & Jacoby, weekly, as they discuss a wide-range of topics they find interesting. The pair will give…
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Inside the US election: Conversation with average voter
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47:56Before last election we spoke to Jens Gylland who lives in Minnesota about the atmosphere in the US, the state of US politics and life. In this episode, Jens, who describes himself as an average voter, returns to give us some insight into what it's like in Minnesota and the country before this years momentous election. Hosted on Acast. See…
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War and Peace in the Middle East: a lebanese perspective
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1:08:33The current situation in the Middle East is tense, and in this episode we are joined by Dr. Eduardo Aboultaif to discuss the situation, Aboultaif is an assistant professor of politics in the Department of Political and Administrative Sciences at the School of Law and Political Sciences (SLPS) at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik. Listen closely …
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Det er litt over ett år siden Hamas' terrorangrep den 7.oktober. Angrepet førte til en massiv respons fra Israel, og nå er vi på kanten av en stor regional konflikt. Her hjemme har regjeringen lagt fram statsbudsjettet, og ingen overraskelse her: Norge suser fortsatt mot konkurs på første klasse! Hosted on Acast. See for more info…
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ISSW special edition EP12 - Live from ISSW in Tromsø. What have we learned? A conversation with Jürg schweizer, Doug Chabot and Christoph Mitterer.
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45:08ISSW - the worlds larges conference on snow and avalanche was hosted in Tromsø 23-27th of September. Every afternoon we sat down with senior figures to discuss what we have learned and what that means for us. Monday the 23rd Jürg schweizer, Doug Chabot and Christoph Mitterer. We discussed how the avalanche field has changed, what has had the larges…
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En liten recap: Konflikt, valgkamp og boktrøbbel
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1:05:14Denne uka er det et kinderegg av en episode. SOSpodden er innom tre temaer: eskalering i Midtøsten, valgkamp i USA og boktrøbbel i Norge. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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ISSW special edition EP11 - Education and its impact on behaviour. What do we know?
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27:499 out of 10 fatal avalanche accidents are triggered by the victim or someone in their party. This means, like Roger Atkins pointed out more than 20 years ago, that avalanche is a human problem, not a snow problem. One of the ways to remedy this is by education. But does it work? Kelly McNeal is a professor in community health and also an avalanche …
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ISSW special edition EP10 - How does climate impact avalanche hazard and risk. A review of the literature
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21:22Our climate is changing, that we know. What we do not fully know is how that will impact avalanche hazards around the world - and how the hazard may increase the avalanche risk. Guest: Nicolas Eckert Host: Audun Hetland www.carepanel.noAv CARE & VARSOM
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ISSW special edition EP9 ISSW2024 – all you need to know
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52:29We are delighted to welcome everyone to Tromsø. In this podcast we go through the program of the conference, what you can expect and what we recommend while you are here. You find weather forecast at Guest: Chair of the conference Rune Engeset Host: Audun Hetland www.carepanel.noAv CARE & VARSOM
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Den første debatten mellom Kamala og Trump ble arrangert i natt, en debatt det har vært knyttet stor spenning til. Vi oppsummerer debatten, og hvorfor amerikanere blir utsatt for en debatt og mediedekning uten substans. Og vent! Immigranter spiser kjæledyr?! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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ISSW special edition EP8 - How has technology changed avalanche mitigation and prevention - a conversation with Wyssen and Cautusgeo
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43:20How has technology changed the way we mitigate avalanche risk? A talk with Wyssen avalanche control and Cautus geo, the two main sponsors for the ISSW2024. 27% of Norwegian roads go through avalanche terrain. Previously the norwegian solution was to build tunnels. But you can only build so many. The past decade a leap in technology and also prevent…
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ISSW special edition EP7 - How does a changing climate impact avalanche hazard?
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32:09Our climate is changing and this means that the avalanches will change. Many of our models are built around cold snow avalanches, but in a warming climate we need to update our understanding of how warmer and wetter avalanches will change the avalanche risk. Michael Kohler is a PhD Student at SLF Davos/EPFL studying avalanche-obstacle interaction. …
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ISSW special edition EP6 - What is the sound of an avalanche? How infrasound can be used to detect and monitor avalanche activity.
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30:45Being able to detect if an avalanche has released and its path is obviously important for avalanche warning and mitigation efforts. But how do you detect an avalanche? They often happen at night, in poor visibility hopefully far enough away from people. One way to do that is by using infrasound, the low frequency sound that our human ear can not he…
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Lumske Putin invaderte Ukraina for et par år siden, men det er fortsatt usikkert hvorfor, og hva det er han vil oppnå. I denne episoden forsøker SOSpodden seg på noen svar, blant annet hvorfor Putin har gjort mer for å samle Europa enn knapt noen andre. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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ISSW special edition EP5 - How to protect infrastructure from avalanches - the case Mosjøen
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26:52Avalanches is a danger to people and infrastructure. But unlike people, houses can't move when the avalanche danger is high. So how to you protect a settlement against avalanches? In this podcast we talk with Priska Hiller and the case Mosjøen - a small town in Nortern-Norway. Guest: Priska Hiller (NVE) Host: Audun Hetland…
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ISSW special edition EP4 - How can weather snow pack models improve the avalanche forecast?
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35:28Creating an accurate avalanche forecast is by no means an easy task. Snow conditions change from hour to hour and meter to meter. Forecasters often har few observations and weather stations, and large regions to forecast. One approach to improve to help the forecasters is to create a weather and snow pack models - and not only one, but a chain of m…
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SOS er tilbake, og det er også Demokratenes sjanser for å vinne valget
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50:51SOS er tilbake for sesong 6, og vi starter med å se nærmere på det kommende valget i USA. Sleepy Joe er ikke lenger kandidat, men Trump sliter med å finne formen. Det er duket for en spennende valgkamp! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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