Join Christine & Jacoby, weekly, as they discuss a wide-range of topics they find interesting. The pair will give their perspective on the topic of the week and then look at the research, facts and literature associated with the topic to see if it expands the conversation. These topics will create a dialogue that encourages our listeners to learn more about the world and ourselves. Listen weekly to find out how you can add to the conversation. Follow us at Venn.Dialogues on Instagram and at ...
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Just listen. Just reflect. Just open your heart. Just change the world.
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Velkommen til AGNO TV. Jeg får mindre og mindre impulskontroll med årene, og det er KJEMPEGØY!! Følg meg på AGNO TV på Facebook, for å se galskapen min i videoformat, og komme i kontakt: Du kan og finne mye rart på youtube her: Hilsen
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From Nicki Minaj to Kim Kardashian, society seems to hold a particular regard and acceptance of plastic surgery. So much so, that it seems the possibilities are unlimited. If you think we are exaggerating, take a listen to this week's episode where we talk about Plastic Surgery and some of the strangest forms of it. In the Two in the Think segment …
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With Black Friday WEEK upon us, we decided to talk about saving in the form of….coupons! The conversation got wild!! Come for the ride, leave with some newfound couponing hacks. In the “What's Facts Got to Do With It? Segment” we explore the history of Coupons and its origins in our society. See the resources from the conversation below. Tap into t…
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Gobble, gobble! We talk about the history of Thanksgiving today. Join us as we chat about the things we enjoy, dislike and don't understand about the tradition of Thanksgiving (& a bit of Black Friday). We dive into the history of Thanksgiving, and y’all, it's somehow even more than just Pilgrims and Native Americans/Indigenous people. In the “What…
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Twice a year our circadian rhythm is disturbed and Christine wanted to know WHY! Daylight Saving Time has been a part of our lives for as long as we’ve been alive and it never occurred to us to ask anyone why we have to do this. Who said this was ok? And why is it that not all areas follow the time change? We dig into the background of Daylight Sav…
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We recorded this Pilot episode 6 years ago!! And we liked it so much we kept it! We open our podcast by talking about…..Open Conversations. Some questions we explored in this episode’s “Two in The Think” Segment were: What does an open conversation look like for you? How do you feel about initiating a difficult conversation? Do you consider yoursel…
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The Venn Dialogues is finally here! Listen to our trailer to prepare yourself for our weekly podcast. Music Thanks To: Royalty Free Music from Track: Old Streets by Crystal Squad Join Christine & Jacoby, weekly, as they discuss a wide-range of topics they find interesting. The pair will give…
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En høyst uprofesjonell episode om mitt debutalbum: HIBERNATION (av AGNO). Albumet finner du på Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, Tidal, og mer, NÅ!
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Uke 1 av frivillig karantene-ish gikk bra. Denne uken dog, not so much. Alikevel, og tross lavere selvtillitt, holder jeg lørdag 28. mars, klokken 17.00 konsert fra min terasse, som LIVE STREAME på AGNO TV på Facebook. se den her
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Her tar vi for oss stemme-kaos i MGP, P-piller for menn, og hvor forferdelig det er å bruke kondom! Vi vurderer også ubetinget fengsel for en pengegrisk fiskeriminister, eventuelt sterilisering. Walk in Green Peace!
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Trenger ingen beskrivelse...
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Barnslig, urettferdig DRAMA. Min vinter hobby fortsetter...
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2020 er i gang, og mens jeg venter på overskudd og indre ro, er min nye hobby å sladre med dere om LOVE ISLAND NORGE og andre TV programmer... For videoer og mer, søk opp AGNO TV på facebook, og legg gjerne igjen en kommentar.
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Ep.5. GODT NYTTÅR fre AGNO TV og Jan Olaf
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Se "AGNO TV" på Facebook for å få med deg streamen, og stuntet jeg gjorde på T-Banen nyttårsaften. Og legg gjerne igjen hilsen der! #TafseYoga #Sminkemeditasjon7
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Jeg er ikke bare SJAMAN, jeg er også Yoga GURU! Sjekk AGNO TV på Facebook, eller finn videoen på Youtube på siden Agno Stiksrud, for å finne ut hvordan jeg praktiserer dette. Ellers snakker jeg litt om pengeangst og »HARM & HEGSETH» podcast.
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Første episode der hun som kommer fra samme "GENE-POOL" som meg deltar. Ho e itj no likar i høvvet ejnn søstra si... Vi diskuterer alvorlige tema som foreksempel snegler, løsbart, og gele-cabarét.
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Da er hemmeligheten ute, og jeg tror dette bare er den spede starten på spilloppene litt senere i sesongen (om jeg har rett i mine antagelser) Følg med på Danskebåten sesong 2. Første del fra min side er i episode 13, og pittelitt i episode 16, men etter mine kalkuleringer, skal ikke det være noe sammenlignet med senere som sagt... I første omgang …
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AGNO TO THE PEOPLE! Jeg har slått min egen "CRAZY-REKORD" nå i år 2018!!!! :D HVORDAN? Kan ikke røpe ennå, men det blir både Facebook side, Podcast, Blog, Vlog. Litt som forklaringsmulighet, MEST som utløp for kommende GALSKAP. KOS DERE OG DØM MEG FRITT!
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4 guys talking truth, emotions and those things. <3 Le nature :) Bacteria :) Don´t mind the talking in eachothers mouth issue :p
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We got chicks, in similar area codes. Deilig stemme = deilig dame. #Nature #Energy #Sjelimax #Bearfear #MatsiRana #Meditazione #Animalcommunicado #Flowsign #thegutway #Allisnow #Speciesism #psycadelics #Breath = #Life
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Oy Mates! Don´t forget to cheesie the cheees. You are listening. but are you understanding. I think you do. I believe in you. aaait? Mats gone #Business. No cunt though. #Passion is key #TankMe #Coach #Self
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#TankMe #ModernWikings #Pause #Mening #Change
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More honest than ca. a cow and three goats #filosofi #jeget #ærnæring #modernwikings #solstikk #Natureshow #acceptance
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Honestylicious #DRØMMA #Podcast #Sex #socialawakening #DEFOO #kjærlighet #ærlighet #sannhet
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We go deep. Agreeing on disagreeing. #keys #harmonica #casual #likeverd #womansday #modernwikings
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The honestest podcast on the webs. Young Wikings on a mission. #truth #nature #politics #selfreflection #capitalism #jennyskavlan #waronterror #mainstreammedia #jung #weareallonthesameteam
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