Ivory & Ivory with Nick Miller and Mike Regan
1 Like A Boy In A China Shop ~or~ The Finale 1:28:49
Spill senere
Spill senere
1:28:49This is it, friends. The final episode of Ivory & Ivory. It's been a long, mostly uneventful, journey to which nobody paid attention. But it was fun! This episode is a little "Best Of" compilation that you, the fans, picked. It's a retrospective on what you all thought were the best five moments in the show's history! We call up friend of the show, Twitter user @vrunt to give us an update on how he's helping expand the Ivory & Ivory brand! (SPOILER: a film series! Nine films to be exact!) If you listen to any episode of Ivory & Ivory, listen to another one first, then this one! This episode is brought to you by Mortdecai and FOX's Backstrom! I'd also like to take the time to remind you that all past episodes of the show can be found on archive.org if you search "nmiller2192@gmail.com" as the uploader! Thank you for putting up with us! Goodbyevory and Goodbyevory!…