這次AMC SOUNDS將穿越時空,進入古埃及神話世界。 尤其Leo老師就是埃及人,聽到賺到! 本集也會提到《黑亞當》、《月光騎士》等對埃及神話的當代描繪,千萬別錯過! 🔍 本集生字: worship (v.) 崇拜 The ancient Egyptians worshipped many gods, each responsible for different aspects of life. 古埃及人崇拜許多神祇,每一位神負責生活的不同面向。 mysterious (adj.) 神秘的 The concept of the underworld was mysterious to the ancient Egyptians, filled with both fear and fascination. 陰間的概念對古埃及人來說很神秘,既有恐懼也有著迷。 afterlife (n.) 來世 The Egyptians believed in a complex afterlife, where the soul would undergo various trials. 埃及人相信複雜的來世,靈魂將經歷各種考驗。 快點下播放鍵,跟著Leo老師一起穿越撒哈拉沙漠, 探索被時間遺忘的神殿! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn…