64. The Consensus Reality | The Malleability of Our Experiences
Manage episode 388192123 series 3450016
2:48 Feeling of being outnumbered; awakening process has its own pace; reference to a posts’ question; reality not what we think it is
9:35 Christina’s account of relying on instincts and overcoming fear; dream of the mother- pachamama (mother’s realm); when we step out of who we think we are, we get out of concrete experience of our separation; experience of loss and love- the frequency is the same, the difference is our vantage point; the idea of stepping outside of separation is something we already know- what role that plays in our authenticity
17:27 reference to nesting dolls; human realm and overlay (separation from self)
18:50 non physical parasites feeds off energy we’re leaking; what makes it leak; reclaiming our body, mental, energy field
25:15 the state of our nervous system has a lot to do with reclaiming or not claiming our life, malleability of ourselves, our reality; experiencing hopelessness; being in right relationship with your ancestors
30:12 healing your lineage & generational trauma; we experience life/reality based on our ancestral patterning and other nesting dolls; many narratives that we think are true are not the grand truth
34:44 reference to a beach workshop; pivotal year of the collective; reference to ant people; reference to the beach workshop and unwinding memories; merging of lower, middle and upper worlds
46:23 as realities merge, we face an acceleration the merging realities inside ourselves (letting go of aspects of ourselves that are not true); Christina’s account on the inner planes & pachamama; telling the difference between frequencies, it’s a knowing
50:52 transition & merging is upon us; connecting with other interdimensional beings; it’s up to us to heal pieces of ourselves so we can resonate with frequencies needed for interdimensional frequencies; your spirits intent in unfolding yourself in this reality; when you merge in resonance with something, it’s about unity so you can be both at the same time
53:47 frequencies of oneness can be uncomfortable for the ego river; reference to consensus reality & nesting dolls
55:33 example of a conversation that discussed about flat Earth, and heliocentric model- what if its both AND neither; perception of indigenous masters that the malleability of reality; measure to use is what sets you free
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