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Lehmän hyvä elämä

Feeling Good – Lehmän hyvä elämä -hanke

Podcastissa puhutaan lehmistä, maitotilojen elämästä ja eläinten hyvinvoinnista. Tervetuloa mukaan märehtimään yhdessä sitä, miten lehmien arjesta voidaan tehdä entistä parempaa. Podcast on tuotettu osana Feeling Good – Lehmän hyvä elämä -hanketta. Hanke on Euroopan unionin osarahoittama.
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Tati & Elas

TEOmídia Cast

"Tati & Elas" é um espaço dedicado às mulheres cristãs, abordando suas dores e necessidades espirituais. Inspirado em exemplos bíblicos e histórias e personagens atuais, o programa traz ensino bíblico, meditações e "insights" que fortalecem a fé e promovem a participação ativa na igreja e na comunidade para viver e compartilhar uma vida plena que só Cristo pode dar.
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GYET is focused on one subject, entrepreneurship. Running a business can get real and this show is unafraid to get into the weeds to help you find your path to align your business with your spirit. Brian has been in the entrepreneurship game since 2012, tried different businesses and has learned what works and what doesn’t. He’s also been an entrepreneurship coach since 2020. Brian is bringing all those lessons and insights to you! You can expect a variety of show types from GYET. Solo shows ...
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Um podcast feito por mulheres. A cada duas semanas, nas quartas-feiras, um novo episódio com Julia, Mari e Rafa, conversando sobre música, cultura, artes e política.
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Welkom bij de podcast van de Energiek Leven Academy voor bewuste en ondernemende vrouwen, die hun energie en gezondheid next level willen brengen. Orthomoleculair therapeut en holistisch coach Valérie Pas is gefascineerd door de kracht van voeding, leefstijl en mindset om energiek, gezond en gelukkig door het leven te gaan. Daarvoor onderzoekt ze de relatie tussen body mind & soul en gaat in gesprek met professionals die op hun unieke manier mensen bijstaan in hun persoonlijke groei. Laat je ...
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Recorded LIVE at the Hollywood Improv! Part standup comedy, part interview, hosted by Amanda Fritz. Featuring LA's best comics performing their sets, then sitting down to talk more about the stories behind the jokes! Get the behind-the-scenes scoop on all things funny. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to get updates about upcoming LIVE SHOWS!
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Los Silencios de Elan


👂🏻👍🏻 | @lossilenciosdeelan linktr.ee/lossilenciosdeelan | |\ Los Silencios de Ëlan es un programa radiofónico hecho podcast en el que intentamos ser un micro 🎤 abierto de voluntarios,asalariados, fundaciones, ong’s y asociaciones que luchan por hacer de este mundo raro y loco, un lugar más humano y personal. Programa que forma parte de la xarxa d ‘ emisores municipals valencianes. Puedes escucharnos en las principales plataformas de streaming al igual que todos los miércoles a las 12 en ...
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eLABorate Topics, aims to be the leading platform empowering medical laboratory professionals to excel in their careers through industry-specific training and leadership development. We aim to create community where professionals feel valued, supported, and inspired to reach their full potential.
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Ada berbagai macam permainan judi. Salah satunya adalah slots, Slots di situs Elangwin merupakan permainan yang hanya memerulukan feeling dan keberuntungan. Karena cara bermainnya adalah menekan tombol spin yang ada maka jika anda beruntung anda akan mendapatkan hadiah berkali-kali lipat dari taruhan anda.
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Wir und ELANE

Die Band ELANE

Der musikalische Zeitreise-Podcast mit Meerschweinchen, präsentiert von den Mitgliedern der Fantasy Folk-Band ELANE. In “Wir und ELANE” wuseln sich Nico und Markus (aka “Skaldir”) - durch ihre Rubriken, manchmal auch zusammen mit Gästen . Wissenschaft, True Crime und History können sie nicht. Statt dessen weihen sie euch in geheime Inside-Storys aus ihrem glamourösen Musiker-Dasein ein und drehen den Gitarrenamp der guten Laune dabei auf Maximum. +++ “Mein liebstes Hobby” - Woran wird gerade ...
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Elämäntyönä terveytesi

Elämäntyönä terveytesi

Elämäntyönä terveytesi -podcastissa Pauli Waroma keskustelee kiinnostavien asiantuntijoiden kanssa siitä, mistä asioista hyvä ja terve elämä koostuu. Tavoitteena on löytää ajattelemisen aihetta niin fyysiseen, henkiseen, kuin yhteiskunnalliseenkin hyvinvointiin. Tervetuloa kuuntelemaan!
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show series
This text is a speech by Shirley Chisholm advocating for the Equal Rights Amendment in 1970. Chisholm argues the amendment is necessary to legally address pervasive sex discrimination, clarifying ambiguities in existing laws and promoting equal opportunity. She refutes counterarguments, emphasizing that the amendment wouldn't cause widespread legal…
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Wat is melatonine, waarom is het zo belangrijk, en hoe kun je het op een natuurlijke manier ondersteunen? In deze aflevering ontdek je alles over dit veelzijdige hormoon, van de rol in je slaap-waakritme tot de voordelen van vezelrijke voeding en het belang van op tijd naar bed gaan. Inclusief praktische tips voor voeding, leefstijl en een gezond s…
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O podcast de hoje é a grande celebração do trabalho de diferentes mulheres na indústria do cinema e da televisão desse ano: o Troféu Alice 2024, nosso prêmio de preferidos do ano. O programa é apresentado por Isabel Wittmann e Camila Henriques Votaram, em ordem alfabética: Beatriz Saldanha: Site | Letterboxd Camila Henriques: Site | Letterboxd Carl…
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There's a quote attributed to Albert Einstein, "sit with a pretty girl for an hour and it feels like a minute; sit on a hot stove for a minute and it feels like many hours. That's relativity." There's no evidence he actually said this, but that didn't stop Julian from turning up the heat on his question. Meanwhile, Trace took the DNA from all his c…
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Recorded LIVE from the Hollywood Improv Part standup comedy, part live interviews, all chaos Today's Episode Features Zach Chapaloni, the newest paid regular at the World-Famous Comedy Store. It also features Auguste Derose-Jones, a Pittsburg Native and the producer of his own show at the Pasadena Ice House. From getting diarehha on vacation, to pu…
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Esta é uma história de superação e fé para quem honra ao Senhor. Com Tati e Dilza, descubra como, em meio a inseguranças, a grandeza do Reino traz respostas para quem deseja servir. Fortaleça sua fé com esse papo edificante no Tati & Elas e inspire-se a trilhar o caminho de Deus. Dilza Saião Rufino é uma líder dedicada ao ministério feminino no Bra…
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Kuten aikaisemman faijajakson yhteydessä lupasin, myös mutsijakso tulee ja tässä se on. Vieraan kanssa pohditaan miten yhdistyy äitinä oleminen ja omasta hyvinvoinnista huolehtiminen. Jaksossa käydään läpi mm. miten taklataan yleinen ongelma kun tuntuu, että yksinkertaisesti ei ole aikaa tehdä kaikkea mitä pitäisi? Miten säveltää arjen aikataulut k…
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In order to have your business thrive you've got to stay focused. There are so many distractions out in the world and inside your own head, and shiny object syndrome encompasses both!In this episode I sit down with prolific author and coach Scott Allen. We dive into the methods and his own stories of how he overcame the 9-5 world and started his ow…
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Olga Albaladejo Juárez, psicóloga cuyo objetivo es ayudarte a ti o a tus seres queridos a estar bien. Siempre hay un camino y conmigo aprenderás las habilidades y recursos necesarios para hacer frente a lo que te sucede. . Fue directora de Recursos Humanos en multinacionales americanas durante casi quince años desempeñando roles internacionales en …
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Both sources explore Surrealism and Modernism as literary movements, detailing their key characteristics and prominent authors. The first source focuses on these movements in fiction, highlighting techniques like stream of consciousness and fragmented narratives in Modernism, and dream imagery and juxtaposition in Surrealism. The second source expa…
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This week, Trace delves into some temporal fantasies, like: why people think if they could travel into the past they’d become lords and queens, and not serfs or worse!? Meanwhile, Julian measures the terminal velocity of poo-poo and pee-pee in very tall buildings. Our show is so weird. QUESTIONS Julian: "If you use the bathroom at the top of a skys…
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O que define pessoas vulneráveis? Além do aspecto social, há diversas vulnerabilidades que atingem pessoas de todas as idades, condições financeiras, estágios emocionais e arranjos familiares. Mais grave ainda é não conhecerem a Cristo e não buscarem Nele forças para um caminho melhor. Daniel Beltrão é pastor na Yah Church atuando no macroministéri…
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Tässä jaksossa paikataan aukko Väkevä elämä -podcastin sivistyksessä ja istutaan tunniksi pohtimaan treeniä ja liikettä vieraan kanssa, joka olisi pitänyt kutsua jutulle jo vuosia sitten. Jaksossa jutellaan mm. mitä on funktionaalinen kapasiteetti, mihin sitä tarvitsee, mitä siitä hyötyy ja miten sitä rakennetaan? Minkälaista on "oikeanlainen treen…
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Os cristãos sabem como fazer um uso bom e responsável da internet? Essa ferramenta essencial e amplamente utilizada, especialmente por aplicativos, também traz desafios de segurança digital. Entenda melhor, não só as boas oportunidades, mas também as práticas seguras desse meio digital. Vera Kaiser Sanches Kerr é advogada especializada em Direito D…
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If you made a video call to someone on the other end of a very, very, very long stick would it be possible to poke them with the stick before the video showed them that you’d moved? Would this impossible, absurd invention move faster than the speed of light?!? Julian pokes around to see. Then, after a Spongebob-style “Meanwhile” title card… Trace g…
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Você faz devocionais todos os dias? Já experimentou os frutos de uma vida devocional? Neste Tati & Elas, vamos ensinar como ter um momento a sós com Deus e criar o hábito de fazer devocionais. Contaremos com a participação especial de Márcia Poeta, escritora e especialista no assunto há mais de 20 anos. Márcia Poeta Graça possui quatro filhos, é fo…
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Feeling Good – Lehmän hyvä elämä -kehittämishankkeen podcast-sarjan kolmannessa jaksossa äänessä ovat maidontuotannon erityisasiantuntijat Sini Koivukoski, Paula Orava ja Tiina Karlström. He pohdiskelevat yhdessä, mitä nähtiin ja hoksattiin kahdella tilavierailulla Hollannissa ja Saksassa. Keskustelu pohjautuu Pohjolan Maidon järjestämään Eurotier-…
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Tässä jaksossa vieraana on kaksi tuoretta kirjailijaa, jotka teoksessaan käsittelevät manipulointia, niin hyvässä kuin pahassakin. Jaksossa pohditaan mm. mitä manipulointi ihan tarkalleen ottaen on? Miten se tapahtuu, onko olemassa erilaisia tekniikoita? Onko olemassa hyvää tai huonoa manipulointia? Voiko itseään manipuloida onnistumaan mm. hyvien …
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Happy Thanksgiving to the Americans! Super-belated one for those Canadians too, eh! And, for the rest-of-the-world… Happy Thursday! To give ourselves a little break to spend with our families on Trace’s favorite holiday we’re re-airing a very early episode of the show. Eat some food, tell your friends you love them, and we’ll be back with a new epi…
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Tilastot ja palaute kertovat, että moni Väkevä elämä -podcastin kuulija elää kiihkeätempoista ruuhkavuosiarkea. Tässä jaksossa pohditaan, että miten kaikista vastuista, menemisistä ja tulemisista huolimatta pystyy rakentamaan hyvän arjen, jossa elämän peruspalikat ovat kohdallaan. Käydään läpi mm. mitä ylipäätään on ruuhkavuodet? Mikä tekee ruuhkav…
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You have to forgive yourself if you're going to be a success in life including running a business. Even if you're not an entrepreneur and just want to be the best employee at your company there are things about your past you must forgive. What is the worst thing you've ever done? Not an easy question to answer, but think about it. What would feel t…
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Mi nombre es Mónica Quintero, Soy médico de familia con más de 10 años de experiencia, y coach; implicada con su familia y pacientes, que quiere brindar una visión integrativa de la medicina. Ayudo a mujeres con fibromialgia para que por medio de un sistema puedan mejorar su calidad de vida y mitigar su dolor. . No se conoce la causa exacta de la f…
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Friction! It’s what makes the world go rou— No, wait. That’s not it. Friction. It’s what keeps the world from spinning off into spaa—- That’s not it either. Friction… It’s what keeps your shoes from being too slippy, but also, like, just slippy enough? *Sigh* Also, dog bark science. Enjoy! QUESTIONS Julian: "What would a perfectly frictionless surf…
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In this insightful episode, listeners will hear Dr. Alan Wu’s innovative approach to raising public awareness about the vital role of laboratory medicine in healthcare. Through his advocacy, Dr. Wu aims to transform how lab medicine is perceived and appreciated by diverse audiences. Tune as as we unfold Dr. Alan Wu’s Visionary Three-Step Plan to Ad…
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En aina haastattele urheilijoita mutta kun haastattelen, haastattelen olympiavoittajia! Jakson vieraan kanssa puidaan mm. minkälaisia uhrauksia on pitänyt tehdä huippu-urheilussa menestymisen vuoksi? Miten kansainvälisen tason huippu-urheilijan suorituskyky saavutetaan? Onko maailman huipulla kaikki vain itsestä kiinni vai tarvitaanko tiimityötä? M…
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Feeling Good – Lehmän hyvä elämä -kehittämishankkeen podcast-sarjan toisessa jaksossa äänessä ovat maidontuotannon erityisasiantuntijat Sini Koivukoski, Paula Orava ja Tiina Karlström. He keskustelevat siitä, mitä nähtiin ja koettiin joka toinen vuosi järjestettävillä, maailman suurimmilla kotieläintuotannon ammattilaisten Eurotier-messuilla Hannov…
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Leadership and team building are not separate concepts for a business that is interested in growth. As you might imagine there are lots of human dynamics that go into creating a company that thrives and everyone working there feels like an important part of the mission. I had the pleasure of talking with Aswand Cruickshank and diving into these dyn…
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This episode Julian attempts to make jokes but only hears crickets, Trace turns LA into a flaming dumpster fire and nobody notices, and special guest Dr. Joe Hanson of Be Smart explains how being "just a lil guy" is a superpower. QUESTIONS Julian: "How do crickets hear if they don't have ears?" from Joe Hanson Joe: "What if it was survival of the "…
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Welcome to another episode of eLABorate Topics! Today, co-host and leadership mentor Tywauna Wilson discusses the power of strategic assessments in building future-ready laboratory teams. As laboratories face increasing challenges in talent development and team dynamics, Tywauna shares valuable insights on using professional assessments to strength…
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Descubra a inspiradora história de Natividade Valim Carvalho, a Dona Nati, que, após perder a mãe aos 4 anos, encontrou força e fé para atravessar aqueles momentos difíceis. Hoje, aos 92 anos, ela é um testemunho vivo do cuidado e da fidelidade de Deus ao longo de toda a sua vida. Qual é o seu segredo? Uma vida dedicada ao estudo da Bíblia e à comu…
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Taannoisen isänpäivän jälkimainingeissa pohditaan miten meidät isät saadaan pidettyä hyvässä kunnossa. Jakson vieraiden kanssa puidaan mm. miten isäarjessa kannattaa treenata, syödä ja palautua, jotta pysyy iskussa ympäri vuoden? Minkälaisten aikataulu- ja annostelukysymysten edessä kiireisessä arjessa usein ollaan ja miten valita oikein? Miten väl…
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Have you thought about what it takes to write a blog or email that engages your ideal client and encourages them to take the next step? In this episode I had the pleasure of talking with Jon Clemence the owner of Cedar Press Proofreading. Jon has been helping business owners put together engaging content since shifting away from the corporate world…
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Hace un año, mi hijo Daniel murió con 14 años. En nuestra familia llevábamos 10 años enfrentándonos a la leucemia infantil, el tipo de cáncer más frecuente entre los niños como Daniel. Los médicos probaron de todo, alargaron su vida el máximo posible, pero una noche de abril entró en la UCI y ya no pudo salir. . ¿Los médicos hicieron todo lo que es…
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Angeblich ist der Podcast weg vom Fenster … aber was wissen wir schon? Wir sind zurück! Bei "Wir und ELANE" gibt’s eben immer eine Überraschung mehr als erwartet. Dieses Mal nehmen euch Markus, Hannah und Nico mit auf eine Jubiläumsreise zur brandneuen ELANE 3 CD Box „The Fire of Glenvore - 20th Anniversary Ultimate Edition“. Unsere ehemalige Wegge…
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Feeling Good -kehittämishankkeen podcast-sarjan ensimmäisessä jaksossa maidontuotannon erityisasiantuntijat Sini Koivukoski ja Paula Orava keskustelevat lypsylehmien utareterveyden tärkeydestä. Keskustelu pohjautuu Lehmätiimin järjestämään Maidot meijeriin -luentopäivään ja käsittelee tilatiimien roolia yrittäjän päätöksenteon tukena sekä utareterv…
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Fun fact: the dinosaur in Jurassic Park that spit acid on Nedry doesn’t exist! I mean, Dilophosaurus does, but it was probably a scavenger, not an evil piñata dinosaur. As long as we’re on the subject though, what if humans could shoot acid? What would that look like? And, as long as we’re talking about disemboweling humans … how many of their own …
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