This is my journey from chaos toward completeness. I quit drinking December 26, 2018 after a few hard years of allowing it to get the best of me. This is my process of how I've been able to navigate the journey of quitting booze and dealing with the underlying mental health issues that were the root of the problem.
I think that judgement is one of the most destructive forces we face in general and on the road to healing trauma, depression, anxiety and addiction in particular. In this episode, I try to share some stories and strategies that have helped me profoundly and I hope that they will help you as well! The video version of this is on YouTube if you pref…
This Is What Happens When We Suppress Our Suffering - Jay Woodford I shared this clip on TikTok recently and it spread like wildfire with hundreds and hundreds of comments from people saying that it was one of the biggest eye opening revelations they've ever had around suffering and trauma and how, if we try to suppress the pain, we open the door t…
Can We Make Ourselves Happier? | By Jay Woodford I know for me the times I’ve set out to help others when I’m feeling out of sorts has, without exception, always made things brighter. Yet it’s fascinating to me how easily I forget that lesson and how, almost by default, I revert to individualistic and self centered methods of trying to feel better.…
27 Months Booze Free | Give Yourself Permission To Heal - Jay Woodford It's been 27 months since I quit drinking and it's been one hell of a rollercoaster ride I never expected. I took the last year off of doing any content on YouTube or TikTok to focus on healing. I didn't plan that but that was exactly what I needed. It was the hardest year of my…
If I had relied on sheer will power to quit drinking, I wouldn't have lasted 3 weeks nevermind 300+ days. Will power is finite and when I hear people say they're just going to gut it out, I rarely feel confident that they will make it. I'm no expert on this subject and never want to pretend to be or try to project that. All I can do is share my own…
This period of time has been richly enlightening and simulanteously painful. It is through the pain that I am finding my greatest treasures and will to help impart a sense of helpfulness in you about the process of confronting deep rooted pain and trauma head on. Lets' Connect! Instagram/thejaywoodford https://www.tiktok…
Are you on TikTok? Let's connect: One of the hardest things over the last eight months of really diving in and dealing with mental health, addiction, trying to figure out why things became the way that they became was understanding that, in spite of the fact that I had a capacity to see life as an absolutely incredibly …
Hey guys, this one went deep and was very emotional and personal. I don't have my stuff together. I'm struggling in the same ways you are. Would love to hear your feedback and thoughts. We need make it safe for people to deal with their process of discovering who they are. You find yourself through this process of laying aside the addictive shackle…
I quit drinking on December 25, 2018 and as of filming this video, it's been 180 days booze free. [Connect on Instagram:] I’m booze free but I’m not sober. I’m still doing things to run from the past and stuff down the pain. It seems to me that until the things that are unresolved remain that way, addiction…
First, I really, really, really appreciate all the love, feedback, comments, and private messages I've received from many of you about how much my first video has helped or impacted you or others. There is nothing that could come close in terms of a reward than that so I am so appreciative and thankful for people taking the time to say so. Please l… Since my New Year’s Day video about quitting drinking, people have been asking me how I’m doing so here's an update and some thoughts. But, first, a warning... I have bad news. Most of you are probably not going to like some of what I have to say. That's okay. I need to and I'm going to say it anyways. As of…
At the end of December 2018, I decided to quit drinking indefinitely (meaning no set amount of time) I thought it would be much harder than it has been and in just over a week as of this post, I am shocked and amazing and excited about the incredible changes I am already seeing in my life.