show episodes
This podcast teaches Biblical prophecy from a pre-tribulation, pre-millennial, and dispensational point of view. We focus on Biblical exposition of the various texts that teach about Bible prophecy, and will discuss ideas such as the coming rapture of the church, the tribulation, the rise of the Antichrist, a future apostate global religion, and the second coming of Christ, to name a few. Joel Dover is the Pastor of the Calvary Chapel church in Newnan GA, and the former Professor of Eschatol ...
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show series
Send us a text Hi Friends, I'm taking a short break here on the podcast to enjoy some much needed rest and vacation. I'll be back on the air live, loud, and proud in August 2024. In the meantime, why not take this opportunity to listen back through some of the teachings and catch up! Blessings! Thank you for listening to The Pre-Trib Prophecy Podca…
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Send us a text In this final look at the Revelation study, we'll learn more about what Heaven will be like...the eternal state. Chapter 22 ends with a warning that Jesus is coming quickly. This truth should encourage all believers to be in right standing with God, and should inform our efforts to share Jesus with others around us. Thank you for lis…
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Send us a text In this episode we'll continue our look at Revelation 21 and learn about the New Jerusalem that shall descend upon the new earth in the final recreation. In that day, the glory of God will illuminate the earth, and God will dwell with men. The curse will be no more in the new creation. Thank you for listening to The Pre-Trib Prophecy…
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Send us a text In this episode we'll begin to learn about the New Heaven and the New Earth. All of this takes place after the Millennial Kingdom of Christ has concluded, and after the judgment of the unsaved dead. God tabernacles with man, recreates the universe as we know it, and dwell with us for the eternal state. Thank you for listening to The …
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Send us a text Today, we'll look at the literal kingdom of Christ upon the earth. When He comes again, He will literally reign and rule upon the earth. Satan will be bound for 1k years. After that, Satan will be released, will gather the nations for the final battle against God, and the victory goes to Christ Jesus. During the Millennium, Satan's i…
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Send us a text In this episode, we'll learn about the marriage supper of the lamb and how the Jewish wedding covenant impacts our understanding of the final things. We'll also read about the second coming of the Lord Jesus when He returns to defeat the armies of the Antichrist and establish His kingdom rule upon the earth. Lastly, we'll see the bir…
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Send us a text Chapters 17 and 18 are best read as a unit. In chapter 17, we learn of the fall of spiritual Babylon...a false religion that helps to aid the rise of the Antichrist and his kingdom in the last days. It is a global, formal, murderous apostate religion that has a history of martyrdom, political alliance with Rome, and appears to be hea…
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Send us a text In today's teaching we'll learn more about the last days religion that leads to the global rise of Antichrist worship. The Bible indicates that there will be a global intercontinental religion in political cahoots with the kingdom of the Antichrist. She is purely Roman in makeup, and rules form the city of seven hills. This religion …
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Send us a text In this episode we'll consider the last of four judgment cycles in Revelation, the Bowl judgments. These rapid judgments come at the end of the Revelation judgments and lead us right up to the return of Christ at Armageddon. Study with us and learn as we simply take the Bible verse by verse. Thank you for listening to The Pre-Trib Pr…
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Send us a text In today's episode, we'll look at the prelude to the final cycle of God's Tribulation Judgment...the Bowl Judgments. John saw seven Angels coming from the throne room of God who received seven bowls full of the wrath of God. This final series of judgments completed the outpouring of God's judgments in the Tribulation and prepares us …
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Send us a text In this episode, we'll finish working through Revelation 14. John's vision includes a picture of two of the earth's harvest, and another reaping unto wrath. One is a reaping by the Lord Jesus, while the other is a reaping by an unnamed angel. The first reaping is the separation of the sheep and goats at the second comi…
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Send us a text Chapter 14 is an interlude between the trumpet judgments and the bowl judgments, the final set of divine judgments poured out upon the world. During the interlude, John shares four action items that the Lord will accomplish before the completion of the coming outpouring. Thank you for listening to The Pre-Trib Prophecy Podcast. For m…
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Send us a text In this episode, we'll meet the Beast from the Earth....aka, the False Prophet of the last days. During the Tribulation, the False Prophet will lead a global religion that compels the world to worship a Satanically animated image of the Antichrist. Everyone across the planet will be required to swear allegiance to him by taking the m…
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Send us a text In this episode, we'll learn about the Beast from the Sea...the Antichrist of the last days. He will be a pseudo messiah who will deceive the world, empowered by Satan to create a global system of false worship. He will require that everyone worship him and will be heralded as the messiah. Thank you for listening to The Pre-Trib Prop…
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Send us a text Revelation 12-14 introduce us to seven major players in the Revelation narrative, including Christ, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet. In chapter twelve, we'll meet the first five of them. Track with us and learn about the parties and powers of the Tribulation that is to come! Thank you for listening to The Pre-Trib Prophecy Podc…
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Send us a text This week, we'll explore the sounding of the Seventh Trumpet which begins the process of winding down the Tribulation. Like the green flag dropped at a Nascar race, the race is now on to bring us to the close of the Tribulation....Jesus is beginning to wrap things up! The checkered flag will be the second coming, the judgment, and th…
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Send us a text John learns that two witnesses are sent by God, empowered with supernatural abilities, to witness to the gospel for the last 3.5 years of the Tribulation. Not only can they slay any enemy with fire from their mouths, but they have the ability to stop the rain and to bring plagues upon the earth. Every eye across the globe hears their…
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Send us a text John saw a vision of a mighty Angel with a little book coming to the earth with a book of judgments...the thunder judgments. Although John heard the thunders, he was instructed to seal these judgments until the time of the end. What follows these judgments is the completion of the mystery of the gospel and the kingdom age. Thank you …
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Send us a text In this episode, we'll continue our look at the trumpet judgments of Revelation and unpack the first two "Woe" judgments. Thank you for listening to The Pre-Trib Prophecy Podcast. For more information about Joel Dover, check out the web site! Joel Dover is the Senior Pastor of the Calvary Chapel Church in Newnan GA, a church that he …
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Send us a text In this episode we'll see that the breaking of the seventh seal unveils seven new judgments from God...the Trumpet Judgments. Seven Angels are given seven trumpets and their judgments impact the creation in unusual ways that will certainly make life difficult int he Tribulation. Remember, Jesus said that nothing like The Tribulation …
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Send us a text In this episode we'll see the Lamb of God break the first six seals of the tribulation scroll. These seal judgments are the outpouring of the wrath of the Lamb upon the world. One of the reasons that I hold to a pre-tribulation rapture is because it is the view most consistent with the Gospel. The wrath of the church has been paid at…
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Send us a text John continues his throne room vision of God, the 24 Elders, the Angles, and the living creatures. When none of the created beings were worthy to open the scroll in the hand of the Father, John wept. Nonetheless, his weeping turned to worship when the Lamb of God, the Messiah, was presented and was worthy to take the scroll from the …
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Send us a text As John continues to receive the revelation from Jesus on the lord's day, he sees a door opening to heaven and hears a voice inviting him to come inside. As he walks through the door, he encounters a vision of God's throne and describes it beautifully. He also notes that there are unique creatures who worship the Lord, and Elders who…
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Send us a text In this episode we'll finish our look at the seven churches who were original recipients of the Revelation letter. Each church reveals principles to us that not only give insight to what the church was like in John's day, but that likewise challenge us as churchgoers in this present day. Thank you for listening to The Pre-Trib Prophe…
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Send us a text In this episode we'll continue our discovery of the seven churches who were the original recipients of John's letter. in each church, we'll see commendations and corrections that are sure to speak to the church in any age. Thank you for listening to The Pre-Trib Prophecy Podcast. For more information about Joel Dover, check out the w…
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Send us a text In this episode, we begin exploring the seven original recipients of the Revelation letter. This time, we'll be introduced to the churches at Ephesus and Smyrna. In each letter, there's a repeated structure that helps us as Bible students. Jesus reveals Himself to the churches in unique ways that are relevant to His message to them. …
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Send us a text John was on the island of Patmos on the the Lord's day when he received the vision of Revelation with specific instructions from Christ to write what he has seen and distribute it to seven churches in Asia. In chapter one we read a description of the glorified Christ, and also instructions to John to write the things that he has seen…
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Send us a text In this last chapter of Daniel, we'll see that Daniel receives a vision of the Great Tribulation. He notes the coming salvation of a remnant from Israel in the Tribulation, the Abomination of Desolation, the final battle, and the resurrections into blessing and judgment. Thank you for listening to The Pre-Trib Prophecy Podcast. For m…
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Send us a text In this episode, we'll look at the second part of chapter eleven and begin with the historical personage of Antiochus Epiphanes, who is a typological figure of the coming Antichrist of the last days. The absolute purpose of the record of this Greek ruler in Daniel is to picture, in part, the qualities of the future last days Antichri…
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Send us a text Friends, We'll take chapter 11 in two parts. Part one is history written in advance. Daniel is given history future in striking detail. The Glorious Man revealed to Daniel the rise of Alexander the Great and his fall, plus the breaking of Greece into four kingdoms after Alexander. Great attention is given to the kings of the South an…
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Send us a text Daniel chapters 10-12 are intended to be taken as a unit. Daniel ten is the prologue, Daniel 11 is the main body of prophetic content, and Daniel 12 is the epilogue. In chapter 10, we're introduced to an elderly Daniel who is nearing the conclusion of his life. He receives a vision from the Glorious Man, most likely the pre-incarnate…
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Send us a text Daniel nine is perhaps the most important chapter in the entire Bible regarding God's timing for all eschatological events. Because of this, it's also one of the most contested passages by those whose view of last things is challenged by its teachings. In this episode we'll look briefly at Daniel's prayer of repentance and set the st…
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Send us a text Daniel reveals a second vision pertaining to the rise of the Medo/Persian and Greek kingdoms that would reign and rule upon the earth. Antiochus Epiphanes, who ruled as a part of the Greek empire when it was divided into four kingdoms following Alexander's death, is presented to Daniel as a typology of the future Roman Antichrist who…
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Send us a text Beginning in chapter seven, Daniel shares visions that he has received directly from God pertaining to the last days scenario. Daniels vision in chapter seven of four beasts that arise from the sea has a similar interpretation to the vision that God gave to Nebuchadnezzar in chapter 2. The primary difference is that Daniel's vision h…
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Send us a text In today's podcast, we'll see that Daniel has remained in a position of political leadership under the administration of Darius the Mede. After a conspiracy plot was hatched by other leaders who resented Daniel's rise to power, Darius was manipulated to pass a decree that endangered the life of Daniel. Daniel was cast alive into a de…
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Send us a text God has promised the rise and fall of a specific sequence of nations in the prophecy to Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 2. First, the nation of Babylon would rule, but after them would come the Medes and Persians...two arms and a chest of silver. In Daniel 5, Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom has passed through a somewhat crooked family tree to his …
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Send us a text Daniel 4 records the second vision that the Lord God gave to Nebuchadnezzar. In this passage, we'll learn that no matter how great a person becomes, the Lord is mighty and Lord over all. It is important for leaders to remain humble even when God uses them to accomplish great things. Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom was the head of gold, but …
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Send us a text Daniel three is one of two parenthetical chapters in the book of Daniel. While there are no new revelations or visions that speak specifically to the latter days, chapter three teaches us several important lessons... God is faithful to His children in trials. God's children should be faithful to God under fire. Nebuchadnezzar's worsh…
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Send us a text In chapter two, we'll learn about the first vision that Daniel interpreted for the Babylonian king, which details the rise of four historical kingdoms upon the earth. This vision reveals God's future plans for the rise of four earthy kingdoms. The last kingdom, the king of iron mixed with clay is of the utmost prophetic importance. I…
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Send us a text In this episode of season two, we'll see how Daniel came to Babylon and how God began to bless him there with tremendous favor. We'll see that God laid the groundwork for using Daniel in powerful ways as the divine interpreter of the dreams of kings, and then as one who received prophetic visions himself. Of note is Daniel's heart fo…
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Send us a text In season two we'll take an in depth look at the book of Daniel, which shows us an overview of prophetic last days history from the rise of Babylon to the final kingdom of the Antichrist. Join us on this exciting journey through Daniel as we learn about what God has done, and see what the Lord will do in days to come. Thank you for l…
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Send us a text Zechariah is one of the books of minor prophecy that speaks specifically to events to come at the close of the tribulation. Zechariah speaks to the second coming of the Lord at the close of the Tribulation, to a national conversion to Christianity at the last day in Israel, and to the establishing of the Lord's literal kingdom in Jer…
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Send us a text This week we'll continue our look at the Ezekiel prophecies. The Lord showed Ezekiel that in the latter days, after the regathering of Israel into the land (1948), that the Lord would gather armies from the north to invade Israel for plunder. Among these nations are Russia, Turkey, Afghanistan, Iran, and several others who will form …
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Send us a text Today we'll look at two powerful chapters in Ezekiel, chapters 36-37. God spoke through the prophet about a future day when He would gather Israel from all of the nations, establish them again in their own land, and unify them as one people. In those days, the Lord would take a dead nation that had lost all hope and restore her mirac…
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Send us a text In this episode we'll look at an often overlooked and misunderstood concept in the New Testament that relates to the coming of Christ in a spiritual mystery, the Jewish Wedding Custom. This is one of those cultural teachings that helps us to unlock the New Testament, and even the teachings in the New Testament about the return of Chr…
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Send us a text Just a brief interlude friends to say thank you and to share some great study resources with you. We'll be back in two weeks with a new podcast episode. Thank you for listening to The Pre-Trib Prophecy Podcast. For more information about Joel Dover, check out the web site! Joel Dover is the Senior Pastor of the Calvary Chapel Church …
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Send us a text This week we'll continue our look at Matthew 24 and discuss the rapture of the church. Did you know that when discussing His coming with the disciples, that Jesus actually answers one question with two answers? One coming of Christ, the rapture, is a sudden coming to rescue believers from the judgment of the Tribulation. This coming …
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Send us a text Hi Friends, In this episode I'll continue an exposition through Matthew 24. Last time we learned about the signs of the times...the general climate of the season preceding the end that are the beginning of sorrows/birth pangs. Let's continue to see Jesus' answers to the Disciple's questions in Matthew 24:3. In this episode, we'll add…
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Send us a text In this episode I'll take us through the first 14 verses of Matthew 24 as we learn about the general signs of the times that Jesus predicted as indicators of a last days climate. We'll also learn about the structure of Matthew 24, which is vital to a proper interpretation of the chapter. What kinds of things should we be watching for…
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Send us a text In this episode I'll begin a discussion of the doctrine of imminence...meaning that Jesus may return at any time. What's interesting is that some of the texts that speak of Christ's return teach the doctrine of imminence, while others detail numerous signs that must occur before the Lord's return. In this we learn that God speaks of …
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