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Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to us as the greatest gift to help us through life, He called Him our Comforter. We should not be unconfortable with the Comforter, He is our helper. Believers have the Holy Spirit in them, and He is the power of God to help us go to a better life. Being full is better, so be filled!…
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There are 2 guarantees in life - 1. Tough times will come. 2. God is with you. You need to know that when difficulties come, it is part of life. But God is with you to get you through to a place of blessing where things are better. We have guidance from God's Word to be a success in all that we do.Av Barry Mitchell
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Your faith will put you in position for God to be able to show up for you, break the rules for you, and use you. David was a young man who had bold courageous faith. The kind of faith that caused others around him to eventually believe for the impossible. Whatever giants you face in your life today, speak to them in faith, and go do what the Lord l…
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Never let go of the dreams God gives to you, no matter how bad things might seem to you in the moment. We see Joseph kept his relationship strong with the Lord, no matter how bad things git in the natural. And the Lord continued to make him a success. But sometimes can't fulfill God's plan for you, the way things are in your life now. We might need…
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When you stand for your God, even when tested and tempted, God will stand up for you. Sometimes the Lord will keep you from the fire, but other times the Lord will go with you into the fire and protect you. You will make it where others couldn't, and you will not even smell like smoke. When God makes exceptions for you, He will use you to share the…
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When you become a person who makes prayer, your relationship with God, a priority, God will break the rules for you. And when you daily put the Lord first, you will never have to fear when things come against you. Like Daniel, even though others wanted to kill him, the Lord stood with Daniel, and the lions never touched him. Your God can break the …
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We have a responsibility to go out and make a difference in our lives, to the people around us. Jesus encouraged us to go compel and urge people to "come", so that His house is filled. You represent Jesus, tell them your story, and invite them to church. This is to be done with love, as we show love to others and tell them about Jesus.…
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The "Go" the Lord call us to, is mostly followed by the word "Home". Yes, we are to go into all the world and tell them about Jesus -- but we start at home, the people in our influence, and then go out to the world. As Jesus said before he went back to heaven, "Go tell everyone in Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria, and the world." You have a story of what…
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An important thing to tell people, is about the fact that Jesus is coming back again. The Old Testament spoke about Jesus coming a second time, Jesus told us He will come again, the angels told people Jesus will come again, and we need to tell people Jesus will come again. Let's live in a way that we are ready to go be with Him.…
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To get to the place of victory, we need to know that God is holding us in His hands. It is more important that God is holding us, than we are holding into God. And when God is holding you, you become free, and can freely give way what you have to bless the Kingdom of God. You can be generous, because God is so generous to you. Our fight is to stay …
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We need to fight to keep the Word that we hear, when we go to church or hear an anointed message. Because Satan will try to come and steal it from your mind, before it can get planted in your heart - and become part of who you are. Don't assume because you hear it, that you will do it. Go back over the things you hear, and remind yourself of the Wo…
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Fight for spiritual growth in our lives, because the enemy of your soul doesn't want you to grow. Even in our failures, we can still learn and grow from them. Commit to be disciplined and consistent in the way you live your life. Make the effort to walk with God, and then ask God for His holy help when needed. Spiritual growth is possible for every…
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We need to be on guard, and prepare ourself, for the ways the enemy will attack us in life. He uses darkness and dryness to manipulate us. We need to have our hearts flooded with light, and have our souls quenched with living water. Our relationship with Jesus will do both of those powerful things.Av Barry Mitchell
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What you do not know, will hurt you. The devil works in darkness, and the power of darkness is what we do not know - ignorance. We want to get into the light, so that we know the truth, and the truth will light the way for us in life. God wants you to know the truth, and He will reveal it to you if you ask Him. The light of life is found in our rel…
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Starting next Sunday, we are moving our church to Aiandi tee 21a, in Viimsi. Pastor Barry explains where the new location is, and how to get there. We will meet at this new location every Sunday now, starting 14. April 2024, at our usual time at 11:00. Please join us on Sunday to worship the Lord together, and learn Bible principles for life, and f…
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Every day we are all in a fight, it is the battle in our minds. It is not a natural battle that we are in, but it is a spiritual battle. The enemy of your soul, the devil, wants to discourage you, deceive you, cause you to fear for your future. And the reason he does this, is to keep you away from God's will in your life. But if you will prepare yo…
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Jesus left His mark on an empty tomb - Jesus is alive! Jesus rose from the dead, on the third day, just as He said He would. And Jesus desires to leave His mark on your life, on your heart. If you will believe in Him, you will be changed, and receive eternal life. The Empty tomb says, "Jesus WAS here, but He is gone, He is alive!"…
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On your way to somewhere better in Jesus, there are things you must develop in your life. One thing that will help us stay on course is having momentum. Momentum makes the hard things easier, and helps you continue in the right direction in life. Seek God first every day, and He will give you the ability to reach your potential.…
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When you know where you are going in life, it helps to give value to everything you do. And there are things we need to reach a place that is better in our lives. We need excitement, that will give us the motivation to move forward. And we need the right direction in life. When you know the direction you need to go, it makes every decision easier. …
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God has a path for you to go on in your life, and Jesus has paid the price so you can walk it out. But to go where God has called you, you must leave your comfort zone, and step into something new. And to do that, you will have to be strong and courageous on the inside, so you can push forward to something better in Jesus.…
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Even when things are going well in our lives, there are times we get tired, and need to rest and be recharged. God's Word tells us ways we can exchange our emptiness, and receive a full supply from the Lord. You can get from the presence of God, all you need to keep going to the place God has called you to be. The Lord will be with you and take you…
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There are times on our journey that there will be sudden attacks to try to get us to quit. We need to keep our focus on Jesus and stay on the course He has called us to be on. God will strengthen you on the inside, to get through the pressures on the outside. When you are spiritually strong, there will be things in life you can just shake off, and …
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When following your path in life, there will be storms that come. Make sure you are doing all you can to keep your faith ready, and trust Jesus through every storm. The storms of your life are not from God, but God can use the storms to bring something good for you. You can make it to the other side, and life will be better.…
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Olemaks kindel, et me oleme Jumala seatud teerajal, on meil vaja endalt küsida: "Kuhu see tee mind viib?" Kui elu surve tuleb ja paneb proovile sinu usu Jumalasse, hoia oma silmad Jeesusel, siis sa kasvad ja saad tugevamaks. Luba Püha Vaimu tuulel oma ellu puhuda ja suunata sind elu teekonnal. ----- To make sure we are on the path that God has for …
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Et täita seda, milleks Jumal on meid kutsunud, on meil vaja visiooni. Pastor Barry räägib koguduse eesmärgist ja fookusest, millest nähtub EVK koguduse visioon aastaks 2024. ----- We need to have vision to accomplish what it is that God has called us to do. Pastor Barry tells us what our purpose and our focus is as a church, and that reveals our ch…
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Jumala õnnistustes käimiseks pead sa kasvama oma usus andmisesse ja vastuvõtmisesse. Kui sa sisened uude aega, põhineb sinu lõikus seemnel, mida sa külvasid eelmisel hooajal. Sa saad anda ainult seda, mis sul on. Me usaldame, et Jumal viib meid külluse paika, et me võiksime anda veelgi rohkem. ----- To walk in the blessings of God, you need to grow…
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Jõulude vägi ei seisne üksnes Jeesuse sündimises. Jõulude vägi on see, et Jumal oli rääkinud oma sünnist tuhandeid aastaid varem ja Isand inspireeris prohveteid Tema sünnist kirjutama aastasadu enne Tema sündi. Tema sündimise teeb väeliseks viis, kuidas Ta suri ja üles tõusis — see kõik toimus täpselt nii nagu Isand oli öelnud. ----- The power of C…
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Kotka tiibadel liuglemiseks on meil vaja igal nädalal eraldada üks päev ja pidada seda pühaks. Pühenda aega Jumalale, õpi Piiblit, ülista, teeni ja puhka. Meil on vaja mõista ka allumist ja meelevalda. Allu neile, kelle Jumal on pannud sinu üle loomulikult ja vaimselt. Allu valitsuse seatud reeglitele nii hästi kui suudad, ja oma pastorile, kes õpe…
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Et liuelda kotka tiibadel, tuleb meil rakendada põhimõtteid, mis Jumal meile andnud on. Puhka, et sa võiksid kasvada ja füüsiliselt uueneda. Heida endalt maha iga raskus, mis sind aeglustab, parandades meelt oma pattudest. Ja hoia oma ühendus Jeesusega värske, et Jumala elu ja vägi võiksid sinu ellu voolata. ----- To soar on wings of eagles, we nee…
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Selleks, et me vaimselt võiksime kotkatiibadel liuelda, peame pingutama, et elada nii, nagu Jumal on ette näinud. Me peame pidevalt palvetama Püha Vaimu abiga. Me peame toituma Jumala Sõnast ja laskma sellel saada osaks meie elust. Ja me peame teistele rääkima tõtt, et lisada nende eludesse head asju ja neid paljundada. ----- For us to soar on the …
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Et elus tõusta ja liuelda, ei saa sa endale lubada nõrgaks jäämist, tüdimust ja kurtmist, sest see mõjutab sinu nägemist. Kui sa oma nägemise - visiooni kaotad, ei suuda sa näha Jumala plaani oma elu jaoks. Sul on vaja joosta Jeesuse juurde, et leida uut tugevust ja väge, et su nägemus oleks selge ja sa võiksid näha, kuhu sa teel oled. Seetõttu on …
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Jumal tugevdab sind, et sa võiksid tõusta üle iga takistuse oma elus. Me oleme suutelised jõudma paika, kus vabalt liuelda, kui me hoiame oma pilgu Jeesusel. Peame jääma tänulikuks Jumalale, teades, et meie vaevanägemisel Isanda jaoks on tähendus, ja seisma tugevalt usus. ----- God will strengthen you to rise above any obstacle in your life. We are…
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Me peame austama Jumala ligiolu ja looma keskkonna, milles Jumal saab liikuda. Jumal saab teha imesid meie elus, kui me ootame, et ta tuleks, ja meie südamed on täis usku. Samuti nagu Jeesus eraldus uskmatust täis rahvahulkadest, ümbritsedes ennast usuinimestega, peame ka meie koguma enda ümber usuinimesi ja ootama, et Jumal muudab meid oma ligiolu…
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Me peame austama Jumala ligiolu. Kui Jumal ilmub võidmise ja väega, kui sa tead, et ta on kohal, pead sa seda hetke iga kord väärtustama. Jumala ligiolu saabub, kui Jumala Sõna õpetatakse ja kui inimesed tulevad kokku ühtsuses Teda ülistama. Jõua paika, kus sa himustad Jumala ligiolu oma elus iga päev ja oled sõltuv Tema ligiolust. ----- We need to…
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Me peame austama Jumalat oma pingutusega ning tegema kõike usus. Mida äärmuslikum on meie pingutus, seda ekstreemsemad on tulemused, kui Jumal meie vajadusi täidab. Koos Jumalaga on alati tee sinu imeni ja läbi usu sa leiad selle tee. Seejärel anna oma parim, et austada Jumalat. ----- We need to honor God with our effort, and do all that we do by f…
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Me peame austama Jumalat kui oma abi elus, sest me oleme piiratud. Et kogeda, mida Jumal sinu jaoks igatseb, on sul vaja heita oma koormad Isanda peale. Ja mõista, et sa vajad oma ellu teisi inimesi, sa ei ole mõeldud elama seda elu üksinda. Seejärel alanda ennast, et võtta vastu Jumala arm - mis on Jumala üleloomulik abi. ----- We need to honor Go…
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