show episodes
Learn HOW to learn Chinese with hosts Jared Turner and John Pasden. You will learn tips, strategies, and insights so you can supercharge your language learning. You will also be inspired by guest interviews with people from all over the world who have learned Chinese. Both Jared and John both learned Chinese, lived in China for many years, and have worked with learners all over the world and understand the unique challenges that Chinese learners face. They stay at the forefront of language l ...
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Beijing HSK 1

Travels in Chinese

Hey guys! Come and learn Chinese with us by traveling around Beijing! This album is pitched at an HSK 1 (ish) level, but we will be covering every level from 1-6 in the future as well as other cities.
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Slow Chinese Learn Chinese Chinesisch Lernen nihao, I have been teaching Chinese in China and in various institutions in Switzerland for over 20 years. My major is Chinese Language and Literature in Education and also have a Master degree in Educational Management from UK. I am from Beijing. Currently I live in Switzerland. I enjoy teaching Chinese. I do hope, my Podcast will help you improve your Chinese.
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Learn Chinese Podcast! LC Chinese School's Learn Chinese Podcast provides daily Chinese lessons. We invite a special guest to share cultural insights and stories with you, as well as teach you some useful Chinese phrases. Our guests include pop stars, artists, CEOs, founders, adventurers, scientists, and other notable individuals. While learning the fundamentals of Mandarin Chinese, you'll also gain an understanding of the vibrant culture that surrounds the world's most widely spoken languag ...
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show series
Send us a text Today's Episode: Learn Chinese | Foundations of Business Chinese: Basic Greetings and Self-Introduction in a Business Context | HSK 1 The Learn Chinese Podcast is brought to you by LC Chinese School. Listening to our podcast is an enjoyable way to learn Chinese at your own pace, whenever and wherever you are! Contact our head teacher…
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Slow Chinese Listening Practice HSK4 Standard Course Lesson 2 Listenging Q2 现在朋友之间经常发各种幽默短信,这给我们的生活带来一些快乐。但是如果同样的幽默短信你收到了三四次,相信你也笑不出来了。 ★ 发短信很麻烦。×Av Ellen Laoshi
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Slow Chinese Listening Practice HSK4 Standard Course Lesson 2 Listenging Q1 平时要主动给朋友打电话,别等到需要朋友帮助时才想到要和他们联系。要知道,能有一个真正的朋友,有一段真正的友谊,是多么不容易! ★ 平时要多跟朋友联系。√Av Ellen Laoshi
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Slow Chinese Listening Practice HSK4 Standard Course Lesson 1 Listenging Q20 - 21 第21到22题是根据下面一段话: 每个人都希望自己有幽默感,幽默的人能在很多事情中发现有意思的东西,再普通的小事经过他们的嘴都可能变得很有意思,让人笑得肚子疼。一个有幽默感的人走到哪里,都会给别人带去快乐,所以总是受到大家的欢迎。 21.幽默的人怎么样? C A很自然 B很普通 C会开玩笑 D没意思 22.人们为什么都喜欢幽默的人? A A让人快乐 B特别客气 C做事认真 D没有缺点Av Ellen Laoshi
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Slow Chinese Listening Practice HSK4 Standard Course Lesson 1 Listenging Q19 - 20 第19到20题是根据下面一段话: 说到结婚,人们会很自然地想起爱情。爱情是结婚的最重要原因,但是只有爱情是不够的。两个人还应该互相理解、互相关心,只有这样才能很好地生活在一起。 19.说话人觉得结婚的最重要原因是什么?B A感动 B爱情 C一个人没意思 D两个人适合 20.夫妻两个人怎样才能很好地在一起生活?D A相信自己 B不要生气 C早点儿回家 D互相关心Av Ellen Laoshi
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Send us a text Today's Episode: How to Express Gratitude in Chinese The Learn Chinese Podcast is brought to you by LC Chinese School. Listening to our podcast is an enjoyable way to learn Chinese at your own pace, whenever and wherever you are! Contact us at if you want to learn Chinese or have additional questions about ou…
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Slow Chinese Listening Practice HSK4 Standard Course Lesson 1 Listenging Q18 女:我今天整理房间的时候找到个好东西。 男:找到什么了?是钱吗? 女:不是,是我们结婚时的一张照片。 男:是哪张啊?你这么高兴,快拿来我看看。 问:他们是什么关系?A A丈夫和妻子B老师和学生C司机和客人D哥哥和妹妹Av Ellen Laoshi
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During a trip to Hong Kong, Mike Kennedy haphazardly began studying Chinese characters which started him on a path he could have never imagined. His growing passion for Chinese drove him to co-found Jinbu Pal, a reading app for Chinese, and start a YouTube channel where he makes cocktails in Chinese. From visiting factories in China to karaoke bars…
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Slow Chinese Listening Practice HSK4 Standard Course Lesson 1 Listenging Q17 女:我们三年没见了吧?你过得怎么样? 男:我?还是老样子。你呢? 女:我上个月刚结婚,正准备和我先生一起出去旅游。 男:真的吗?祝你新婚快乐! 问:关于女的,下列哪个正确?D A还没结婚 B正准备结婚 C结婚三年了 D结婚没多久Av Ellen Laoshi
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Slow Chinese Listening Practice HSK4 Standard Course Lesson 1 Listenging Q16 女:您的衬衫……对不起,真对不起。 男:没关系,我去洗洗就好了。 女:真对不起,我帮您再买一杯咖啡吧。 男:不用,没事。 问:关于男的,下列哪个正确? D A很满意 B生气 C忘带钱了 D衬衫需要洗Av Ellen Laoshi
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Send us a text Today's Episode: Learn Chinese | Polite Expressions in Business Chinese and Their Impact | HSK 2-3 The Learn Chinese Podcast is brought to you by LC Chinese School. Listening to our podcast is an enjoyable way to learn Chinese at your own pace, whenever and wherever you are! Contact our head teacher Chen Huimin at info@lcchineseschoo…
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Slow Chinese Listening Practice HSK4 Standard Course Lesson 1 Listenging Q15 男:今天我去不了了,我明天晚上去吧。 女:不会又要加班吧? 男:没办法,同事们都在公司忙呢。 女:好的,那就明天晚上。 问:男的今天为什么去不了?A A要加班 B感冒了 C要去游泳 D要去银行Av Ellen Laoshi
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Slow Chinese Listening Practice HSK4 Standard Course Lesson 1 Listenging Q14 女:你最近忙吗?哪天有时间? 男:怎么了?又想让我陪你吃饭呀? 女:我的笔记本电脑太旧了,我想买个新的。 男:那十七号周六我和你去看看。 问:男的哪天有时间?C A今天 B7号 C星期六 D10号Av Ellen Laoshi
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Slow Chinese Listening Practice HSK4 Standard Course Lesson 1 Listenging Q13 女:明天的电影你想不想看? 男:我当然想看,可是票早就卖完了。 女:我朋友多给了我一张,那到时候一起去吧。 男:真的吗?你不是在开玩笑吧? 女:怎么会呢?明晚七点南门见。 问:明天晚上他们要去干什么?A A看电影 B买票 C去学校 D见朋友Av Ellen Laoshi
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Slow Chinese Listening Practice HSK4 Standard Course Lesson 1 Listenging Q12 男:你家里怎么有这么多关于法律的书?你大学学的就是法律吗? 女:哪儿啊?我大学读的是数学,只是我最近对法律特别感兴趣。 问:女的上大学时是学什么的?D A旅游 B体育 C法律 D数学Av Ellen Laoshi
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Jared and John explore how randomness and unpredictability can prepare you for adventures in your Chinese learning journey. From spontaneous conversations with native speakers to the unexpected challenges that push you out of your comfort zone, they delve into why seeking variety and embracing randomness are not only the “spice of life” but also ke…
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Slow Chinese Listening Practice HSK4 Standard Course Lesson 1 Listenging Q11 女:好几年没见,你还是这么爱开玩笑。 男:没有,我说的是真的,你真的比以前更年轻、更漂亮了。 问:男的觉得女的怎么样?D A更瘦了 B更黑了 C更热情了 D更好看了Av Ellen Laoshi
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Slow Chinese Listening Practice HSK4 Standard Course Lesson 1 Listenging Q9 女:小李,我给你介绍个女朋友吧,说说你有什么要求。 男:我啊,喜欢可爱的女孩子,漂亮不漂亮没关系。 问:男的觉得哪种女孩子比较好?C A聪明 B爱干净 C可爱 D漂亮Av Ellen Laoshi
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Send us a text Today's Episode: Learn Chinese | Chinese Grammar Patterns for Everyday Conversations: A Comprehensive Guide | HSK 2-3 The Learn Chinese Podcast is brought to you by LC Chinese School. Listening to our podcast is an enjoyable way to learn Chinese at your own pace, whenever and wherever you are! Contact our head teacher Chen Huimin at …
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Send us a text Today's Episode: Learn Chinese | From Factory to Fintech: Learning Business Chinese for the Modern Era | HSK 5-6 The Learn Chinese Podcast is brought to you by LC Chinese School. Listening to our podcast is an enjoyable way to learn Chinese at your own pace, whenever and wherever you are! Contact our head teacher Chen Huimin at info@…
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Slow Chinese Listening Practice HSK4 Standard Course Lesson 1 Listenging Q6 女:什么时候让我们见见你的女朋友? 男:没问题。姐,我们正想下个周末请家里人一起吃个饭呢。 问:说话人是什么关系?D A丈夫和妻子 B妈妈和儿子 C爸爸和女儿 D姐姐和弟弟Av Ellen Laoshi
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In this special episode, host Jared Turner takes you inside a study abroad trip to China with a group of teenagers including his two sons. These teenagers, who have been learning Chinese for years in a dual language immersion program, finally get to put their skills to the test in the wild, navigating real-world challenges, stepping out of their co…
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Slow Chinese Listening Practice HSK4 Standard Course Lesson 1 Listenging Q5 我们总是羡慕别人有个好工作、有个好妻子,但是常常忘记了自己已经有的幸福。其实,我们在很多人眼里也是幸福的,只是我们没有发现。 ★ 不要总是羡慕别人。√Av Ellen Laoshi
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Slow Chinese Listening Practice HSK4 Standard Course Lesson 1 Listenging Q4 怎么样才能找到适合自己的人?两个人共同生活,不仅需要浪漫的爱情,更需要性格上互相吸引,最重要的是,两个人都要想着好好照顾家人。 ★ 爱情不需要浪漫。×Av Ellen Laoshi
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Slow Chinese Listening Practice HSK4 Standard Course Lesson 1 Listenging Q2 妻子们大多都希望自己的丈夫能记住他们是哪天结婚的,而且能在每年的那一天看到丈夫送她的礼物。 ★ 妻子希望丈夫天天送她礼物。× 纪念日,jì niàn rì,anniversaryAv Ellen Laoshi
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Slow Chinese Listening Practice HSK4 Standard Course Lesson 1 Listenging Q1 我和他是在朋友家里认识的,虽然第一次见面的时候没怎么聊天儿,但是他给我的印象很深。后来我们进了同一家公司,每天一起工作,才慢慢熟悉起来。 ★ 他们俩是在公司认识的。错×Av Ellen Laoshi
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双倍漂亮 Slow Chinese Stories | Chinese Listening Practice HSK 3 周末小明妈妈󠇡给小明做了他爱吃的包子󠇡,可是自己却一󠇢口也没吃。小明问妈妈󠇡: “你怎么󠇡不吃?”妈妈󠇡回答说:“你吃吧, 我不吃, 我最近又胖了,要减肥。”小明大声地󠇡说: “你为什么󠇡要减肥? 一󠇡瘦遮百丑。你丑吗?”妈妈󠇡说: “我不丑啊!”小明又问:“你不丑,那为什么󠇡要减肥?火锅使你快乐, 蛋糕使你快乐,烧鸡使你快乐,喝奶茶也使你快乐。如果这󠇡些你都不吃了,那你还󠇢能快乐吗?”妈妈󠇡苦着󠇤脸说道:“都不吃了,怎么󠇡能快乐呢?”小明又说道:“对啊,你再想想,三十年前你没钱吃,三十年后你没牙吃,如果现在不吃, 你什么󠇡时候吃?!”听󠇡了小明的话, 妈妈󠇡突󠇡然觉得󠇡…
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Do you think your Chinese skills are better than they actually are? You might not be alone. This cognitive bias can cause learners to overestimate their proficiency, leading to overconfidence and potential setbacks in their language journey. Jared and John share personal anecdotes and experiences, breaking down the stages of language learning where…
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新年联欢会 Slow Chinese Stories | Chinese Listening Practice HSK 3 每年的新年, 学校里每个󠇡班都会󠇢举行新年联欢会󠇢。在会󠇢上, 班里每个󠇡同学都会󠇢表演节目。今年的联欢会上小明唱了一󠇢首歌, 大家都在认真地󠇡听󠇡。快唱完了, 一󠇡个同学突然大声说:"再唱一󠇡遍。"小明听󠇡到后非常高兴󠇡,因为他觉得󠇡同学们都喜欢󠇢听󠇡他唱歌, 所以就又唱了一󠇡遍。但是,这󠇡次唱完了,还󠇢有同学大声说:" 再唱一󠇡遍。"小明心想, 同学们这󠇡么󠇡喜欢󠇢听󠇡我唱歌啊!他正要开󠇣始再唱, 有一󠇡个同学说道:" 再唱一󠇡遍, 这󠇡次你不能再唱错了!" Song ” 永不失联的爱 “ by 单依纯 你给我 这󠇡一󠇡辈子󠇡都不想失联的爱 相󠇡信爱的征途就是星辰大…
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我什么都不是 Slow Chinese Stories | Chinese Listening Practice HSK 3 小明学习虽然很努力,但是每次考试都考得不好, 这让妈妈很着急。上个星期又考试了,跟往常一样,小明这次又没考好。小明知道妈妈又生气了,就对妈妈说:“妈妈,别着急。这次我终于知道为什么小刚在班里总是考第一了。” 听完,妈妈看着小明,问道:“你找到提高学习成绩的办法了?”。小明低下头,小声说:“还没有。可是我知道小刚总考班里第一的原因了。他妈妈是硕士,爸爸是博士,所以当然每次都考第一。可是我呢?”妈妈听完更生气了,说道:“你的学习成绩跟爸爸妈妈有什么关系?”小明大声说道:“当然有关系啊!我爸爸是男士,妈妈是女士。 我怎么能考第一?我什么都不是!” Song ”Reverse…
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Send us a text Today's Episode: Learn Chinese | UNDERSTANDING SUPERLATIVE MEANING IN MANDARIN CHINESE | HSK 3-4 The Learn Chinese Podcast is brought to you by LC Chinese School. Listening to our podcast is an enjoyable way to learn Chinese at your own pace, whenever and wherever you are! Contact our head teacher Chen Huimin at info@lcchineseschool.…
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Send us a Text Message. Today's Episode: Learn Chinese | EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION IN BUSINESS CHINESE: EMAIL AND MEETING ETIQUETTE | HSK 3-4 The Learn Chinese Podcast is brought to you by LC Chinese School. Listening to our podcast is an enjoyable way to learn Chinese at your own pace, whenever and wherever you are! Contact our head teacher Chen Hui…
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Send us a Text Message. Today's Episode: Learn Chinese | Top 100 Most Common Chinese Characters: Your Gateway to Mandarin Fluency | HSK 1-2 The Learn Chinese Podcast is brought to you by LC Chinese School. Listening to our podcast is an enjoyable way to learn Chinese at your own pace, whenever and wherever you are! Contact our head teacher Chen Hui…
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气死的 Slow Chinese Stories | Chinese Listening Practice HSK 3 周末又到了,今天小明休息。但是妻子要加班, 所以他特意去买菜,准备给妻子做晚饭。他看到有卖鱼的,想到妻子最近很想吃鱼,就走了过󠇡去。买鱼的人不多,老板正在看手机,看到小明走过来就笑着对小明点了点头,说道:“买鱼啊!今天的鱼新鲜,买一条回去做汤,一定特别好喝。怎么󠇡样?来一条?”小明看了看, 问道:“老板,多少钱一󠇢斤啊?”老板回答说:“不贵,周末特价,六十九块一󠇢斤!”小明说:“啊?!怎么󠇡这󠇡么󠇡贵啊?太贵了吧,算了,不󠇡要了。”听到这话,老板说道:“那您看那边, 那边󠇡的便󠇡宜,是刚死的,才十八块一󠇢斤。”小明问道:“怎么󠇡死的?”老板说:“气死的,太贵了没人要,自己气…
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Cleopatra Wise initially had no desire to learn a foreign language but after being convinced to go to China for a class trip, her visit to Shanghai became a transformative experience that sparked her interest in learning the language. She embarked on a quest to learn Chinese which ended up with her working in Taiwan, Beijing, and later working for …
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误会 Slow Chinese Stories | Chinese Listening Practice HSK 3 周末小方带小丽一󠇢起去参󠇡加了她男朋友󠇡公司的舞会󠇢。他们到了那里,小丽对小方说:“你们两󠇡个󠇡去跳舞吧。我一󠇡个󠇡人先在这󠇡里坐坐。”小方的男朋友󠇡怕小丽一󠇡个󠇡人坐着󠇤没意思󠇢,就说:“那我先跟小方跳,一󠇡会󠇢儿󠇡我过󠇡来󠇢请你跳。”小丽笑着󠇤说:“你们两󠇡个󠇡人去跳吧。别担󠇡心我。”小方在旁边说道:“小丽这󠇡么󠇡漂亮󠇢,一󠇡定很快会󠇢有人请她跳舞的。小丽,这󠇡里的男士几乎都是我男朋友󠇡公司的同事。你看看󠇢,有没有你的“白马王子”。如果你想和谁聊聊, 一󠇡会󠇢儿󠇡给你介绍介绍。”小方男朋友󠇡笑着󠇤点了点头󠇡,说道:“对了,我点了饮料,马上就送过󠇡来󠇢,你先慢慢喝着󠇤。我们…
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剩女 Slow Chinese Stories | Chinese Listening Practice HSK 3 小丽晚上下班回到家,看见妈妈󠇡正在准备晚饭,就过󠇡去帮忙。 “妈,晚上做什么󠇡好吃的?” “有你最爱吃的鱼,马上就好了。哎,小丽啊,你还󠇢记得󠇡李阿姨吗?今天你李阿姨来󠇡家里看我, 跟我说,她儿󠇡子󠇡从󠇡国外󠇡留学回来󠇡了。你认识󠇣小刚的,你们以前还󠇢是󠇡小学同学呢。从󠇡小,李阿姨就喜欢󠇢你,所以她想…” “妈,我和小刚都好久没见面了,也不󠇡太了󠇡解他,能行吗?再说,他现在是海归󠇡了,能看上我吗?” “我也是这󠇡样󠇡跟李阿姨说的,但是李阿姨特别喜欢󠇢你。她说,你们这󠇡个周末找个时间先见一󠇡面,见过󠇡再说。” “这󠇡个周末不行,我和小方说好了,一󠇢起去逛街。” “那就下个周末。…
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爱情与金钱第十三章 突然天开始下雨了。大家都看着窗外的雨。方方从包里拿出了烟,抽了起来。李警官接着说, “有人希望阿华那天晚上在厨房。这个人希望大家都看见阿华,听到他说话。这个人就是你, 方方小姐,是你那天晚上让阿华来家里的。因为他说:'要杀了你妈妈。'所以你希望大家都听到这话。为什么?”方方的脸白了。“这不是真的!你们不是在丽丽的包里发现了空瓶子吗?”丽丽站了起来, “在我包里?方方!你在说什么?”“都安静点儿,坐下,”李警官说,看着方方。“没错,我们在丽丽的包里发现了瓶子。可是, 你是怎么知道的?我们没有告诉你这件事。”“你们……你们告诉我的!”“我们说的是在丽丽的房间里发现了空瓶子, 但是你说的是, 在丽丽的包里。”李警官接着说, “很久以前,你认识了阿健, 阿健是你们家的园丁. 你爱…
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Send us a text Today's Episode: Learn Chinese | CHINESE NOUNS AND ASSOCIATED CLASSIFIERS: A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE | HSK 2-3 The Learn Chinese Podcast is brought to you by LC Chinese School. Listening to our podcast is an enjoyable way to learn Chinese at your own pace, whenever and wherever you are! Contact our head teacher Chen Huimin at info@lcchin…
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爱情与金钱第十二章 星期一下午,李警官和他的助手又来到了周太太家. 他告诉小杰, “我想见见每个人. ”大家都走进客厅坐了下来。李警官看了看每个人, 说道, “有人把安眠药放在周太太的牛奶里杀了她。可是你们都不想告诉我实情,现在我知道了,我来告诉你们。”两条狗慢慢走进房间, 坐在丽丽脚旁。房间里非常安静。李警官说, “柏叔,你妻子病得很重。你们需要很多钱,如果没有钱, 你们下个月就要卖了你们的房子。”柏叔说, “去年我向珍珍的丈夫要钱,他说, 可以。可是他出了事故, 死了。”“事故!”丽丽叫道。“那不是事故!妈妈想要爸爸的钱,所以杀了爸爸!”“现在来说说你,丽丽小姐,”李警官说。“你每个月都来见你妈妈要钱。上个月她给你钱买电视,这个月她又给你钱买衣服。每次你都告诉你妈妈, '那不是一场事故;…
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Discover why reading in Chinese is a game-changer for fluency and learn the best time to start using graded readers. Jared and John break down the benefits of extensive reading and offer tips on how to integrate graded readers into your study routine for maximum impact. Whether you're a beginner or intermediate learner, find out how reading can acc…
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