DE: Lerne mit meinem Podcast fließend und sicher Deutsch zu sprechen. EN: Become fluent and confident in speaking German with my podcast. Learn German Naturally.
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DW's individualized German language learning materials can help you to improve your skills with a host of fun and free materials for all levels. We welcome posts in English and German. However, DW will delete and/or report any content that constitutes hateful, threatening, pornographic or harrassing material. Please respect our netiquette: Legal Notice:,,15718489,00.html
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The original European current affairs podcast from Germany’s international broadcaster. Bringing you expert analysis and on-the ground reporting from the European capitals and beyond. Join host Kate Laycock and DW’s network of seasoned correspondents for your weekly dose of euro-politics and culture. Published every Thursday.
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ት እንቅስቃሴ የሚታይበት ዝግጅት ነው።
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Everything is a brand. In today’s world companies, public figures, countries, institutions, and movements are brands with their own unique values, marketing, and influence. Former CEO and Chairman of Deutsch Inc., innovative political analyst and veteran TV personality, Donny Deutsch, mastered the power of branding when he built the multibillion dollar ad agency. Now, in a hyper-saturated, over-marketed world, our media landscape too often presents one-dimensional figures who are globally se ...
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German Stories - Learn German with Stories | Deutsch lernen mit Geschichten | Easy German language Lessons
Learn German with the only German learning podcast that spoon-feeds you vocabulary and grammar, all while you enjoy an exciting story that continues across all lessons. German Stories offers easy German language lessons, helping you whether you’re an absolute beginner, already at A1 or A2, or even more advanced. It’s perfect for building vocabulary, understanding grammar, and practicing listening skills at your own pace in small steps. Find out more at!
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አፍሪቃን የሚመለከቱ ጉዳዮች ይታዩበታል።
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የወጣቶች ክፍለ ጊዜ ነው።
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DW AfricaLink is packed with news, politics, culture and more — every weekday. From combating health issues and freedom of expression to finances, tolerance and environmental protection, we have it covered.
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ሳይንሳዊ እና ስነ ቴክኒካዊ ጉዳዮችን እና ለህብረተሰቡ ያላቸቸውን ጠቀሜታ ይመለከታል።
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Looking to reconnect with nature? Want to make better decisions for the health of the planet? Every Friday, Living Planet brings you the stories, facts and debates on the key environmental issues of our time.
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Are you ready to supercharge your German listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in German, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between German and English. This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support t ...
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ይኸው ሳምንታዊ ዝግጅት አድማጮችን የሚልኩዋቸውን ጥያቄዎች፣ ግጥሞች እና አስተያየቶችን የሚያስተናግድ መድረክ ነው።
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We trace the unexpected backstories of everyday things – things that have traveled the world, by force, by chance, or by choice. How did this item or idea change as it moved through different cultures and eras on its way to you? And what surprising truths does its story reveal about our world today?
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Independent news and stories from SBS Audio, connecting you to life in Australia and German-speaking Australians. - Nachrichten und Geschichten aus unserer deutschsprachigen Community in Australien, in deutscher Sprache.
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Conflict Zone is DW’s top political interview program. Join us each week as our hosts put tough questions to top guests from around the world. Get beyond the soundbite – enter the Conflict Zone.
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The science stories that will actually change your day — and maybe make you laugh. Science unscripted is a podcast, radio show & YouTube channel driven by listeners. Hello from Germany :)
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Hyphenated: Music + Identity is an audio documentary series about immigrant and second generation immigrant musicians in Europe navigating their "hyphenated" identity through their music. It's about borders and frontiers both within themselves and their music. I hope to put some light on these artists, give them space to tell their story, and to introduce you, the listener, to new music and perhaps new perspectives on the world. Created and produced by veteran music+film journalist Ron Deuts ...
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"Let's remember that learning and teaching online is not only about creating and sharing assignments online. It's also about human interactions.” Nellie Deutsch, Ed.D Remote communication is very important in our lives. We can't always be physically available to our students, colleagues, business associates, and our loved ones. Let's focus on how to make these interactions as meaningful as we can.
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This is a podcast largely about the work of David Deutsch and his books ”The Beginning of Infinity” and ”The Fabric of Reality”.
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ዶይቼ ቬለ የዕለቱን ዋና ዋና ዜናዎች ከኢትዮጵያ እና ከመላው ዓለም በየቀኑ ያቀርባል። የኢትዮጵያ እና የአፍሪካ ፖለቲካዊ እና ኤኮኖሚያዊ ጉዳዮችን ጨምሮ የመላው ዓለምን ውሎ የተመለከቱ ጠቃሚ መረጃዎች በሰባቱም የሣምንቱ ቀናት ከምሽቱ አንድ ሰዓት ከዶይቼ ቬለ ያድምጡ። የዶይቼ ቬለን ዜናዎች በአፕል ፖድካስት እና በስፖቲፋይ ማድመጥ ትችላላችሁ። የዶይቼ ቬለ ዜና በራዲዮ፣ በሳተላይት እና በፌስቡክ በየዕለቱ በቀጥታ ይደመጣል።
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AufnahmeProbando Cover art photo provided by Cobro on Unsplash:
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Do Explain is a conversational podcast centered around questions of individual and collective human progress. Originally inspired by the visionary worldview of David Deutsch, the podcast has expanded into a lighthearted exploration of growth and progress in all its forms. Common discussion topics include the nature of mind, meaning, and knowledge; technologies of personal transformation; and the future of human flourishing. Hosted by the irrevocably curious dickhead, Christofer Lövgren.
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A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. France 24, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and Japan.
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Let there be Light - The American Israelite Newspaper Podcast is a weekly podcast that’s gives an overview and personal insight into articles of the week from The American Israelite newspaper, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Though published in Cincinnati, and the oldest English Speaking Jewish newspaper in the country, The American Israelite has for nearly 200 years devoted itself to not only local news, but regional, national and global articles of interest to any Jewish community. Podcast 1.0 is hos ...
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Profis gesucht – Deutsch im Job | Videos mit Untertiteln | DW Deutsch lernen
DW.COM | Deutsche Welle
B1 | Deutsch für Fortgeschrittene: Profis gesucht stellt dir verschiedene Berufe und die dafür notwendigen Wörter und Redemittel vor. Zusätzlich erhältst du Informationen zum deutschen Arbeitsmarkt sowie zu beruflichen Schlüsselkompetenzen und Einstellungsvoraussetzungen.
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Lerne alles über Deutschland!
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A podcast that explores intelligence and the search for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) through the lens of the Popper-Deutsch Theory of Knowledge. David Deutsch has argued that Quantum Mechanics, Darwin's Theory of Evolution, Karl Popper's Theory of Knowledge, and Computational Theory (aka "The Four Strands") represent an early 'theory of everything' be it science, philosophy, computation, politics, or art. Support this podcast:
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Uplevel Your German is a weekly podcast and your go-to resource for learning and speaking German. Charlotte is a passionate German teacher and language expert with thousands of students around the world. In this podcast, she will share simplified audio lessons: Not only about German Grammar, but she'll also give you the best strategies for learning German, speaking German in everyday life with confidence, and mastering German pronunciation. Uplevel Your German will accompany you on your lang ...
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Business German for advanced learners: The "Marktplatz" language course provides an introduction to topics related to work, career and economics. [English Version]
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German for advanced learners: Join Andreas and his mysterious ex on their exciting adventures. Grammar: Passive, subordinate clauses, reflexive verbs, subjunctive. [English Version]
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Witness the come up during the come up.
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Highlights from Elliot Deutsch BIG BAND's recent gigs.
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Shirin al´adu, addinai da kuma zamantakewa tsakanin al´ummomi dabam-dabam a duniya. Taba Ka Lashe shiri ne da ke duba batutuwan da suka shafi al'adu da zamantakewa tsakanin al'ummomi da mabiya addinai dabam-dabam a duniya da zummar kyautata zamantakewarsu, zaman lafiya da kuma fahimtar juna tsakani. Muna gabatar muku da shirin ta rediyo a kowane mako, kuna kuma iya sauraronsa a shafinmu na Internet da kuma ta kafar Podcast.
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Welcome to THE GERMAN PODCAST - German Listening & Culture! Als deutschsprachiger Podcaster behandele ich in jeder Episode Themen aus Medien, Kultur, Gesellschaft und Kunst. Mein Podcast ist sowohl für deutsche Muttersprachler als auch für internationale Sprachlerner gedacht. Mit meinem Podcast bekommst du also nicht nur interessante Themen, sondern auch eine "German Listening Practice" geboten. Warum dieser Podcast ideal für Deutschlerner istMein German Podcast ist perfekt für alle, die ihr ...
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አዝናኚ ዝግጅት ነው።
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German for advanced intermediate learners: Join Andreas and his mysterious ex on their exciting adventures. Grammar: Past tense, subordinate clauses, declination of adjectives. [English Version]
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🎬 🅂🄲🄷🄰🅄 🄹🄴🅃🅉🅃 : ☛☛ [ ] Sprouse📥 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐧 : ☛☛ [ ]
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An Introduction to Online-Journalism and Web 2.0
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Aachen, Hotel Evropa. Tu radi Andreas i na taj način zarađuje novac za svoj studij žurnalistike. Uzbudljivo postaje onda kada iz sobe broj deset iznenada nestane poznati muzičar. Važnije lekcije iz gramatike: promjena glagola, zamjenice, jednostavna pitanja, akuzativ.
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#180 - German Slang Words you NEED to KNOW!
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Kennst du diese Wörter?Build a weekly habit with my membership. Check out my membership and become a member: interaktive Übungen, Vokabellisten und mehr zu jeder Podcast-Episode. Hier geht's zu meiner Mitgliedschaft 💪:…
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የአፍሪካ መሪዎች ተመራጩን ፕሬዝዳንት ዶናልድ ትራምፕን እንደሌሎቹ የዓለም ሀገራት መሪዎች የእንኳን ደስ አለዎት መልዕክቶቻቸውን አስተላልፈዋል። ከደስታ መግለጫው ባሻገር አብዛኞቹ በአዲሱ የአሜሪካ ፕሬዝዳንት ብሩህ ተስፋ ሰንቀዋል።Av DW
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አወቀች ስጦታው ከአንድ ወር በፊት ስለተሰናበቱት የቀድሞው የኢትዮጵያ ፕሬዝዳንት ሳህለ ወርቅ ዘውዴ አስተያየት አላቸው። በዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ምርጫ እና አዲሱ ፕሬዚዳንት ላይ አስተያየታቸውን ያካፈሉንም በርካቶች ናቸው። እናንተም በዚህ ክፍለ ጊዜ እንዲቀርቡላችሁ የምትፈልጉት መልዕክት ካላችሁ በኢ-ሜይል፣ በደብዳቤ፣ በፌስቡክ፣ በቴሌግራም ፣በድምጽ እና በጽሁፍ መላክ ትችላላችሁ።Av DW
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Deutsch lernen (B2/C1) | Langsam Gesprochene Nachrichten vom 09.11.2024
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Klickt hier, um zum Manuskript zu gelangen: Langsam gesprochenen Nachrichten der Deutschen Welle bieten von Montag bis Samstag aktuelle Tagesnachrichten aus aller Welt. Das langsam und verständlich gesprochene Audio trainiert das Hörverstehen. Zusätzlich gibt es den vollständi…
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የኤች አይ ቪ ኤድስ ስርጭትን ለመግታት የሚታገሉት የደሴ ከተማ ወጣቶች
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ገና በታዳጊ ዕድሜዋ ለዚያዉም ምክንያቱን በውል በማታውቀው ሁኔታ ለቫይረሱ የተጋለጠችው ማክዳ ቀጣዩ የህይወቷ ምዕራፍ ፈታኝ ነበር ። በቫይረሱ መያዝ የሕይወት መጨረሻ ያህል ይሰማኝ ነበር የምትለው ወጣቷ ምንም እንኳ ስለበሽታው አንብባ መረዳት የምትችል ቢሆንም ከማህበረሰቡ ከሚገጥማት የአመለካከት ችግር ራሷን እስከማግለል አድርሷት ነበር።Av DW
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Der russische Präsident Putin gratuliert nun doch Trump zur Präsidentenwahl/ erste Opfer im Kampf zwischen ukrainischen und nordkoreanischen Armeeangehörigen/ der scheidende US-Präsident Biden sichert seinem Nachfolger Donald Trump einen „friedlichen und geordneten“ Übergang zur Amtsübernahme zu / nach dem Ausscheiden der FDP wollen SPD und Grüne i…
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This week, Donny sits down with the legendary Henry Winker. Winkler, who rose to fame as Arthur "Fonzie" Fonzarelli on the hit TV show "Happy Days", sits down for an in-depth discussion about his career, life as "The Fonz", reaching a new audience as acting teacher Gene Cousineau on HBO's hit series "Barry" and his new memoir "Being Henry: The Fonz…
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ትናንት በጎርጎሪያኑ ህዳር 5 ቀን 2024 ዓ/ም የተጠናቀቀው እና ዶናልድ ትራምፕ ለሁለተኛ ጊዜ ያሸነፉበትን የአሜሪካ ፕሬዚዳንታዊ ምርጫ ለመረበሽ ሩሲያ ፣ቻይና እና ኢራን የሳይበር ጥቃት መሰንዘራቸውን የአሜሪካ የመገናኛ ብዙሃን እና የመረጃ ደህንነት ተቋማት ገልፀዋል።Av DW
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[Half Episode] #57 - Truth and Abstractions, with David Deutsch and Jake Orthwein
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Christofer speak with physicist David Deutsch and Jake Orthwein about the logical concept of truth. They discuss the reality of abstractions, how representations get their meaning, the difference between biological evolution and the evolution of ideas, how emotions aren't theories, and more. Note: This is only the first half of the conversation, th…
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Unveiling Family Secrets at Neuschwanstein's Hidden Corners
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Fluent Fiction - German: Unveiling Family Secrets at Neuschwanstein's Hidden Corners Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: De: Die Sonne schien sanft über die Hügel, und ein leichter Wind raschelte durch die bunten Blätter. En: The sun shone gently over th…
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በደቡብ አፍሪቃዊቷ ሀገር ሞዛምቢክ የመጀመሪያው የመድበለ ፓርቲ ምርጫ ከተካሄደ ከጎርጎሪያኑ 1994 ዓ/ም ጀምሮ እያንዳንዱ የምርጫ ውጤት በተቃዋሚዎች ብቻ ሳይሆን በገለልተኛ ተንታኞችም ሳይቀር በከፍተኛ ሁኔታ አወዛጋቢ ነው። ዘንድሮም በሀገሪቱ በጥቅምት ወር አዲሱ ፕሬዝዳንት ዳንኤል ቻፖ ከተመረጡ ወዲህ፤የተቀሰቀሰው አለመረጋጋት እየተባባሰ ነው።Av DW
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ኢትዮጵያ ከአፍሪካ ኅብረት የድጋፍ እና ማረጋጋት የሶማሊያ ተልዕኮ (AUSSOM) መታገዷን የሶማሊያ መከላከያ ሚኒስትር ተናገሩ። በደቡብ ሱዳን ጎርፍ 379,000 ሰዎች አፈናቀለ። በናይጄሪያ ላኩራዋስ የተባለ አዲስ የሽምቅ ተዋጊ በፈጸመው ጥቃት 15 ሰዎች ተገደሉ። በፓኪስታን የባቡር ጣቢያ በደረሰ ፍንዳታ ቢያንስ 24 ሰዎች ተገደሉ። እስራኤል እና ሐማስ ወደ ድርድር ለመመለስ ከልብ ፈቃደኝነታቸውን እስኪያሳዩ ድረስ ቃጣር በጋዛ ተኩስ እንዲቆም የምታደርገውን ጥረት ልታቆም ነው። ኢራን ፕሬዝደንት ዶናልድ ትራምፕ ለአራት ዓመታት ሥልጣን ላይ ሣሉ ያሳደሩባ…
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ትኩረት በአፍሪቃ፤በትራምፕ ማሸነፍ የአፍሪካ መሪዎች ተስፋ እና በሞዛምቢክ የተቀሰቀሰው ተቃውሞ
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In the Eye of the Storm: A Bunker's Perilous Night
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Fluent Fiction - German: In the Eye of the Storm: A Bunker's Perilous Night Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: De: Im Herzen eines stürmischen Herbstabends brauste der Wind wütend über die Landschaft, als ob er die Welt herausfordern wollte. En: In the …
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አርስተ ዜና፤ --በአማራ ክልል ሰሜን ጎጃም ዞን አቸፈር ወረዳ ባለፈው ማክሰኞ ጥቅምት 26/2017 በድሮን በተፈፀመ ጥቃት ከ40 በላይ ሰዎች መገደላቸውንና 9 መቁሰላቸውን ነዋሪዎች ተናገሩ። --የኢትዮጵያ የገንዘብ ሚኒስቴር በፍራንኮ ቫሉታ ሸቀጦችን ወደ ሃገር ውስጥ ማስገባት ከዛሬ ጀምሮ አገደ። --አቶ ዮሃንስ ቧያሌው 1ኛ ተከሳሽ በሆኑበት መዝገብ የተከሰሱና ጉዳያቸው በፌደራል ከፍተኛ ፍ/ቤት እየታየ ያለው ግለሰቦች ለሕዳር 20 ቀን 2017 ዓ.ም ተቀጠሩ።--በጋዛ ጦርነት ከተገደሉት ውስጥ 70 በመቶ ያህሉ ሴቶች እና ህጻናት መሆናቸው መለየቱን የተ…
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A controversial new tax on M-Pesa mobile money transfers is set to come into force in Kenya by December. The plan has many in the country where M-Pesa is woven into daily life wondering: Will it drive costs up? Who benefits? How fair is it? Josey Mahachi talks to Samora Kariuki, a Nairobi-based FinTech analyst, and DW correspondent Andrew Wasike in…
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Cultural fatballs - Kulturelle Fettnäpfchen
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Chris Dammann gives helpful tips and information on how to find your way down under. In conversation with Katharina Lösche, he sheds light on the cultural differences between Germans and Australians and describes the pitfalls that Germans in Australia often encounter. - Chris Dammann gibt hilfreiche Tipps und Informationen, wie man sich in Down Und…
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Donald Trump not only won the US presidential election more clearly than expected, his Republican Party can also count on a broad majority in Congress. Dieter Herrmann, editor-in-chief of the newspaper DIE WOCHE IN AUSTRALIA, says that only the dominance of the election victory surprised him. - Donald Trump hat nicht nur die US-Präsidentschaftswahl…
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Was ist ein Liebestöter? Kann man Kabelsalat essen? Und warum gibt es keine Hexen, aber einen Hexenschuss? Oft bedeuten diese Wörter etwas anderes, als man denkt. Viele von ihnen stehen nicht im Wörterbuch. Jede Woche erklären wir hier ein kurioses deutsches Wort zum Beispiel aus der Umgangssprache oder aus Redewendungen – lustig, ernst oder einfac…
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Deutsch lernen (B2/C1) | Langsam Gesprochene Nachrichten vom 08.11.2024
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Klickt hier, um zum Manuskript zu gelangen: Langsam gesprochenen Nachrichten der Deutschen Welle bieten von Montag bis Samstag aktuelle Tagesnachrichten aus aller Welt. Das langsam und verständlich gesprochene Audio trainiert das Hörverstehen. Zusätzlich gibt es den vollständi…
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Deutsch lernen (B1) | Bundesregierung am Ende: Neuwahlen in Deutschland
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Testet euer Wissen mit interaktiven Übungen: dem Top-Thema könnt ihr euch gleichzeitig über Neues aus aller Welt informieren und euren Wortschatz erweitern. Wir bieten euch zwei leicht verständliche Berichte mit Vokabelangaben und Fragen zum Text pro Woche. Hier geht's zur…
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Lost in Laughter: A Night to Remember at Oktoberfest
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Fluent Fiction - German: Lost in Laughter: A Night to Remember at Oktoberfest Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: De: Die Sonne stand tief am Himmel, hinterlässt ein goldenes Licht über den belebten Straßen von München. En: The sun was low in the sky, ca…
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This week's show features stories from Radio Deutsche-Welle, France 24, Radio Havana Cuba, and NHK Japan. (29:00) From GERMANY- Clearly the US Presidential election was the primary topic in the international media this week. Here is a review of how various European leaders responded to the Trump victory. They …
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Germany’s coalition government collapses, Europe reacts to Trump’s re-election, and in Serbia, a fatal railway accident feeds unrest over corruption allegations. Also: Spanish floods fallout, Battle of the Scheldt and farewell, Helen Seeney!Av DW
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11/7 Conversations with Co-host Lainey Richler
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This week, Ted welcomes co-host Lainey Richler back onto the podcast to read and discuss the latest edition of the American Israelite.Av Ted Deutsch
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ኦሮሚያ ክልል ውስጥ የወረዳ ባለሥልጣናትን ጨምሮ 48 ሰዎች የተገደሉበትን ጥቃት እየመረመረ መሆኑን የኢትዮጵያ የሰብአዊ መብቶች ኮሚሽን (ኢሰመኮ) ዛሬ አስታወቀ። የባሕርዳር ከተማ አስተዳደር በእገታና በዘረፋ ተሰማርተው ነበር ያላቸውን ክ129 በላይ ተጠርጣሪዎች በቁጥጥር ስር ማዋሉን ገለጠ። የጀርመን የፋይናንስ ሚኒስትር ከሥልጣናቸው መነሳታቸውን ተከትሎ የሀገሪቱ ጥምር መንግሥት ቀውስ ውስጥ ገብቷል። ተቃዋሚዎች አስቸኳይ ምርጫ እንዲካሄድ ግፊት እያደረጉ ነው። ፕሬዝደንት ፍራንክ ቫልተር ሽታይን ማየር የጥምር መንግሥቱ ለገባበት ቀውስ መፍትሄ ለማምጣት…
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A gossiper's friend & how to think about drinking
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Women drink less... if you ask them to visualize alcohol? Also, the yucky trick gossipers use to make you think they're kind — and why iron in red meat may be causing cancer (in your bottom).Av DW
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How can Malawi restore public faith in its judiciary?
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The Judicial Service Commission in Malawi has launched an investigation into the country’s judiciary over allegations of corruption. Judges and court officials, among others, are accused of wrongdoing. Josey Mahachi talks to Patrick Mpaka, President of the Malawi Law Society, DW correspondent Chimwemwe Padatha in Blantyre, and Wilberforce Asare, a …
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This week we are sharing an episode from Up From Dust – a podcast from the NPR stations of Kansas. "Healing the ground we broke" takes us to the majestic prairies of Kansas to the get the dirt on why soil health is so important to maintaining our food systems and protecting the land from climate disaster.…
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'Failure of elites' led to Sudan's tragedy, ex-PM tells DW
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Sudan is the scene of one of the world's worst humanitarian crises, and millions have fled the civil war. The former PM tells DW that the displacement and famine are "much, much greater than Gaza and Ukraine combined."Av DW
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Deutsch lernen (B2/C1) | Langsam Gesprochene Nachrichten vom 07.11.2024
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Klickt hier, um zum Manuskript zu gelangen: Langsam gesprochenen Nachrichten der Deutschen Welle bieten von Montag bis Samstag aktuelle Tagesnachrichten aus aller Welt. Das langsam und verständlich gesprochene Audio trainiert das Hörverstehen. Zusätzlich gibt es den vollständi…
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Political earthquake in Berlin the night after the US election - Politisches Beben in Berlin nach der US-Wahl
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The results of the US election continues to occupy people all over the world. In the shadow of this major event, the coalition in Berlin fell apart — new elections have now been announced for the coming year. Prof. Markus Wagner is an expert in constitutional law and explains what to expect in Germany's politics over the coming weeks and months. Th…
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Leipzig 1989: The Protest That Changed History - Leipzig 1989: Der Protest, der Geschichte schrieb
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In October 1989, 70,000 East Germans took to Leipzig’s streets, demanding freedom. Amid mounting tension, the "Leipzig Six" issued a call for calm, setting the stage for the fall of the Berlin Wall. Revisit that pivotal moment, and hear from those whose voices, courage, and sacrifice were behind a peaceful revolution that transformed a nation. - Im…
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Send us a text In dieser Folge spreche ich über alles, was du beim Friseur auf Deutsch sagen und verstehen musst. Vom ersten Gespräch bis hin zu Wörtern für verschiedene Haarschnitte, Farben und Styles – hier bekommst du hilfreiche Vokabeln und Redewendungen, damit dein nächster Friseurbesuch in Deutschland ohne Probleme abläuft. Erfahre, wie du er…
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Migrants aren't being hired in the jobs they're qualified for. It's costing Australia billions - SBS Examines: Migranten werden nicht für die Jobs eingestellt, für die sie qualifiziert sind.
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Australia is facing a skills shortage. So why are migrants struggling to find work in line with their education and experience? - Australien sieht sich mit einem Fachkräftemangel konfrontiert. Warum haben Migranten also Schwierigkeiten, Arbeit zu finden, die ihrer Ausbildung und Erfahrung entspricht?…
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Die Ampel-Koalition ist zerbrochen/ Der republikanische Präsidentschaftskandidat Donald Trump erringt einen klaren Sieg bei der US-Präsidentschaftswahl/ Die australische Regierung plant ein Verbot für Kinder unter 16 Jahren, soziale Medien zu nutzen/ Verbraucherschutzbehörde beginnt öffentliche Anhörungen zu den Preisen in australischen Supermärkte…
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