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Yannis Pappas Hour

Yannis Pappas

As the world burns, a noble Greek rises from the ashes to defend what's left. Join us every Saturday for your weekly news served hot and fresh off a paper plate— a foreshadowing about the state of things. Yanni leaves no sacred cows untouched.
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Alex Pappas

Alex Pappas

We are called to keep the fire of God burning in our hearts, so we can teach and demonstrate His love and power. Oceans Unite Christian Centre is a place for the presence of God.
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Att vara pappa

Rasmus Skytt Bergström Pappa till 2 små!

Att vara Pappa är en podcast om att vara pappa och allt som kan hända och vilka problem man kan möta i pappa rollen. en rolig podd men med vissa seriösa kommer möta allt från de som ska bli pappa till de som är både pappa och farfar/morfar. jag hoppas på många roliga och givande möten med alla sorters pappor.
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Pappapodcast med småbarnsfedrene Øystein og Superpapsen. Med utgangspunkt i vårt liv som pappaer til to barn hver gir vi et skråblikk på tilværelsen som pappa. Dens gleder, sorger og absurditeter. Den perfekte podcasten for deg som triller tur, forsøker bysse et barn i søvn eller rett og slett trenger et avbrekk og mental støtte i hverdagen.
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Jørn Berntzen forsvant blodig ut i natten. Siden har ingen sett ham på 14 år. Han var en pappa, en kjæreste og en bror. Ingen spor, ingen vitneobservasjoner, ingen etterforskning. Hva kan ha skjedd? En podkast fra VG i tre deler. Av Martin Holvik.
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Jannes pappapodd


HBL gör podd om papparollen tillsammans med den nyblivna pappan Janne Grönroos. Från och med starten den 3 november kommer Janne utforska hur det känns att vara pappa i ett avsnitt per vecka, åtta veckor framöver. I varje avsnitt bjuder Janne in en ny gäst. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Pappa Peters Perspektiv

Pappa Peters Perspektiv

Välkommen! Här delar jag med mig av saker och upplevelser från pappalivet. Men även tankar och funderingar från ett annat perspektiv... alltså de "vanliga livet", helt utan koppling till barn. När det finns möjlighet lämnar jag över perspektivet till någon annan. Det finns inga fasta dagar för poddsläpp - återkom, lägg en prenumeration eller följ. :) För kontakt besök
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Pappa lyssna inte

Sophie Thörnqvist and Natalie Hellsten

Dem flög över alanten och bosatte sig i Los Angeles, Hollywood. Där fann dom höga palmer, fina sandstränder och stora snoppar. Om inte namnet är tillräckligt tydligt så vill vi varna känsliga lyssnare att här finns inga filter, här pratas det på för fullt om sex, könssjukdommar och fylla. Välkommen till världens bästa podcast! Tryck bara på play för fan/Natta
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show series
Comedian Paul Virzi stops by to talk about being the godfather to Yanni’s daughter, how he crushes speeches and more! Being a Godfather (Νονός / Nonós) in the Greek Orthodox Church is a big deal and carries significant religious, social, and lifelong responsibilities. It’s not just an honorary title—it’s a sacred role. The godfather plays a central…
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Description: Pastor Alex is sharing a powerful sermon on how God sees us. No matter where you are or what you’re facing, He knows your struggles, your pain, and your deepest desires. Just like He saw Hagar (Genesis 16:13), Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10), and the woman bent over for 18 years (Luke 13:10-17), He sees you with love, compassion, and mercy—re…
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Will robots be white or diverse? Do lies travel faster than the truth on the internet? Yanni delves into Jay-Z’s civil suit being dismissed, the accusations against Tom Hanks, and Kendrick’s allegations that Drake likes them young. Are we living in a commentary dystopia? And finally, a vegan trans cult commits terrorism and it’s not in a Coen Broth…
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Pastor Mike explores the tension between biblical truth and lived experience, focusing on why believers sometimes struggle to live out what the Bible says. Drawing from the story of Jacob and Esau, Pastor Mike highlights Jacob's persistence in wrestling with God, not because he deserved a blessing, but because he boldly believed that God can bless.…
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Should we desire more of God? Yes! He is calling you into deeper intimacy, daily encounters, and supernatural transformation! Don’t settle for just waiting for something to happen—pursue Him, wrestle for His presence, and seek Him with all your heart. “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce muc…
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The Path to Discipleship is in Serving! True greatness in God’s Kingdom isn’t about status—it’s about servanthood. Jesus set the example, and we are called to follow! Are you willing to step out, serve, and grow into your God-given purpose? Welcome to Oceans Unite - a place for God's presence. Get Connected: Visit our Linktree 👉🏼…
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In Session Three of the Holy Spirit Fire Conference, Pastor Alex reminded us of the power of hearing from heaven and speaking on earth what the Lord reveals. Just as the prophet in Ezekiel 37 prophesied to the dry bones, we are called to declare God’s promises and bring life to what seems impossible. When you hear His voice, respond in faith and sp…
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This morning for session two of the Holy Spirit Fire Conference, Pastor Alex reminded us that God is always speaking, but we must have ears to hear. The Holy Spirit reveals Jesus, guides us into truth, and empowers us to grow spiritually. Don’t miss what God is doing—He is moving powerfully! Welcome to Oceans Unite - a place for God's presence. Get…
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On the first night of the Holy Spirit Fire Conference, Pastor Alex emphasized the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, who opens spiritual eyes, reveals God’s mysteries, and empowers believers to fulfill their purpose. Citing Acts 2:17-18 and Ephesians 1:15-23, he reminded the church that religion alone cannot bring life—it is through the Spiri…
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Posture matters. When we humble ourselves before God, we open the door for His breakthrough and blessings in our lives. Just as the people of Nineveh turned from their ways with fasting, repentance, and humility—even their king laid aside his titles to honor God—we too must take a posture that can receive. Let’s humble ourselves, lead our homes in …
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So much to worry about and so much to be optimistic about—but not yet! Yanni talks TikTok, the ceasefire in the Middle East, Puerto Rico 🇵🇷 getting ‘invaded’ by Venezuela, Biden’s last speech to the American people and Hegseth’s wild confirmation. Support Our Sponsors: The first 500 traders who place a trade will get a fre…
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When faced with life’s challenges, where do you turn for answers? Pastor Alex reminded us this Sunday of the importance of seeking God’s wisdom above all else. Avoid relying on: - Human wisdom that distorts truth - Bitterness, envy, or self-seeking advice - Supernatural sources outside of God Instead, trust in: - God’s Word as your ultimate guide (…
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Join us as we close the Year of the Refiner's Fire and embrace the joy and anticipation of all God has in store for the year to come! Fresh start, a renewed hope and a chance to reflect on God's incredible faithfulness. Welcome to Oceans Unite - a place for God's presence. Get Connected: Visit our Linktree 👉🏼…
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This week, Pastor Alex dives deep into one of the ways of what makes us unique as a church: We are presence-driven. God’s manifest presence changes everything—bringing supernatural power, provision, and transformation. Through powerful examples from David, Moses, and the New Testament, discover why pursuing His presence is the key to a life filled …
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Fasting quiets the flesh and sharpens the spirit, opening the way for deeper fellowship with God, spiritual breakthroughs, and greater clarity to hear His voice. By abstaining from food or certain comforts, we humble ourselves, seek repentance, and create space to listen and hear what is on the heart of God. Whether for deliverance, intercession, o…
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This Christmas, let’s remember the true reason for the season—God’s incredible love for us! The birth of Jesus isn’t just a story; it’s the ultimate expression of God’s love and the beginning of our salvation.You are His treasure, the one He paid the ultimate price for through His Son, Jesus. God’s love is His nature, we are His creation, and He de…
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Luigi is either a deep state agent or the John brown of health care. Come hang with Yanni & Jesse for their weekly, more timeless, bonus episodes here and support the production of this show: Support our sponsors: Mint Mobile Cut your wireless bill to 15 bucks a month at htt…
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Our new property is going to be much more than just a building – it’s going to be a place where God’s supernatural presence dwells! As a church, one of our core values is Commitment, which means we’re all in – giving our time, energy, and resources to bring the vision of this house to life. We invite you to tune in and discover the powerful vision …
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As Christians, we are called to deny ourselves—specifically, our soul. There is a clear distinction between the spirit, soul, and body. The soul encompasses our emotions, feelings, and intellect. To truly live for Christ, we cannot be driven by the desires of our soul. If we seek to experience the fullness of God, we must not only hear His Word but…
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Yanni goes in on what’s going on in South Korea, America first vs cash offers coming in over asking, Dinesh D'Souza finally apologizes for his debunked documentary 2000 Mules about election fraud. Support our Sponsor Hims Guys, ever feel like you need a little boost in the bedroom? Start your free online visit today at…
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We all desire to be on fire for God, but there are key elements we must incorporate into our daily walk, guided by the Holy Spirit. Join Pastor Davidson as he explores the Word of God, reminding us of the God who answers by fire, igniting purpose in our hearts as we live in obedience. Welcome to Oceans Unite - a place for God's presence. Get Connec…
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The podcast guest crew is heading into DC to assume power and other things happening in the Red White & Blue. Come hang with Yanni & Jesse for their weekly, more timeless, bonus episodes here and support the production of this show: Support our sponsors: Mint Mobile Cut your…
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Scripture teaches that thanksgiving opens the door to God's presence, and as we focus on Him, we see His goodness and enduring mercy! In this season, let’s extend mercy to those around us, as we all need it. Remember, when you show mercy to others, you will receive mercy in return—what you sow, you will reap! Welcome to Oceans Unite - a place for G…
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You and I have to make a choice. God says in Deuteronomy to choose life or death, blessing or curses. How do we do this? Tune in and find out the three things we MUST do to be able to continue on to our destiny! Welcome to Oceans Unite - a place for God's presence. Get Connected: Visit our Linktree 👉🏼…
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Yanni’s good friend Dan Soder returns to the podcast and they have a good old time as per usual. Come hang with Yanni & Jesse for their weekly, more timeless, bonus episodes here and support the production of this show: Support our Sponsors: Mint Mobile To get this new custo…
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We are all in different places in our journey with God and we all seem to have a preconceived perception and opinion of how our destiny should unfold in our own lives. In reality, it rarely goes the way we plan it ourselves. However, we do have a MAJOR roll to play in getting to that destiny destination. Tune in with Pastor Alex Pappas as we learn …
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Should a Christian vote? You may have asked yourself recently if its right that the church get involved in politics. The truth is, God has dealt with leaders and Nations through His people all throughout scripture. The church absolutely needs to be involved by making their voice heard. Don't vote on feelings, vote on policy. Vote closest to what th…
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Yanni goes wild, the Hyenas are back and it’s Halloween! Come hang with Yanni & Jesse for their weekly, more timeless, bonus episodes here and support the production of this show: Support our Sponsors: Kalshi You can sign up using my link - and the …
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In this sermon, Pastor Alex explores spiritual empowerment through the laying on of hands, as seen when Barnabas and Saul are appointed for ministry. We’re reminded to activate and use our spiritual gifts, highlighting the importance of sharing them within the body of Christ. This message encourages us to recognize and embrace the gifts God has pla…
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The Feasts of the Lord will be celebrated all the way to the end. God wants to meet with His people and bless them during these set times. However, being blessed, we must never find our peace and satisfaction in the things of this world. Those things will never satisfy, we MUST go to the source! Jesus is the only One that can satisfy you - and He i…
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Is the mafia running abortions like they did alcohol during Prohibition? Were the Smurfs secretly a cult, or were they Muslim or Catholic? Yanni throws some credit to NYC Mayor Eric Adams for doing something good because, hey, the guy needs it! Target is slashing prices for the holidays, so stock up now before the election night riots hit! Plus, a …
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God is doing a new thing for you today! We have seen the miracles and moves of God in the past, and we remember them with gratefulness, but don't let that stop you from looking forward and seeing what God has in store for you today and in the future!! Welcome to Oceans Unite - a place for God's presence. Get Connected: Visit our Linktree 👉🏼 https:/…
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Bitcoin is soaring, the South Pacific remains calm, and good times seem to be on the horizon. In a surprising move, Xi Jinping reaches out to the U.S., suggesting, “Let’s make money together and cool tensions. It’s better for the world.” Come hang with Yanni & Jesse for their weekly, more timeless, bonus episodes here and support the production of …
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We find throughout the Bible that there were many people faced with absolutely impossible and desperate circumstances. When these could have easily given up and surrendered to the voice of the enemy, they decided, instead, to give faith a chance - the results of that kind of faith is the birthing place of miracles! Welcome to Oceans Unite - a place…
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God will strengthen you even when GIANTS come against you. When you strengthen yourself in the Lord, you'll be able to overcome anything the devil tries to throw at you! Draw all your strength from HIM, for only the one true God will get you out of that trial. Welcome to Oceans Unite - a place for God's presence. Get Connected: Visit our Linktree 👉…
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We're all living in a Royal Rumble in Vince McMahon's America. Everyone's cutting promos, but where’s the heat? Who’s the heel, and what’s the storyline? Yanni breaks down how the rise of leisure culture has turned our world into WWE culture. Come hang with Yanni & Jesse for their weekly, more timeless, bonus episodes here and support the productio…
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Why do we worship God? In this sermon, Pastor Alex explores seven transformative reasons for worship and why God is deserving of our devotion. We serve Him because of His goodness, love, grace, wisdom, holiness, compassion, might, and so much more. As we empty ourselves and fill our lives with His presence, we experience profound change. Welcome to…
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Who comments on a porn site and then gets into politics? Gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson loves Nude Africa and is a wild boy. Dare we say he’s the most fun figure in politics since the great Senator from NJ, Bob Menendez? Senator Menendez, thank you for your self-service all those years. Pharma is unloading SSRIs—it’s a going-out-of-business …
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Have you ever wondered what true spiritual maturity looks like? Someone may carry anointing and powerful gifts, but does that equal "maturity"? Join in on this timely message, with Pastor Alex Pappas, that addresses the church on a global level and find out, who really is "spiritually mature." Welcome to Oceans Unite - a place for God's presence. G…
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